Beroean Voices
Beroean Voices
Beroean Voices
This channel belongs to the Beroean family of RU-vid Channels in various languages started by Eric Wilson aka Meleti Vivlon. The purpose of this channel is give a platform for people who have found Christ by freeing themselves from organized religion.
@shawnmcanthony5724 5 часов назад
Paps at your age you might be going SENILE. So you telling me you will start calling God jesus. Worship idols believing it is god you worshipping. Blaming God when a baby dies he wanted an angel. Believing in hell. Think paps think😂😂 If jehovah witness does not have the truth . TRUTH DOES NOT EXIST
@shawnmcanthony5724 День назад
Ok just say you leave the JW organisation which religion do you go to 1. You join an become Catholic. They use images in worship which is clearly condemned in the bible.2. Become a seven day adventist. They don't wear jewelry but they will be walking on streets of gold drinking milk and honey according to a member it was made up. All other religions teach when you die you go to heaven boom 😂😂😂 the earth was made for mankind. Most other religions teach jesus is God.Jehovahs witness bear the ALMIGHTY'S name found in psalms 83:18. If jehovah witness does not have the truth THERE IS NO TRUTH❤❤❤
@antonijofadljevic6120 День назад
What happened with part two and where is part three
@BeroeanPickets День назад
We had to perform some edits. They will be back up this coming week.
@jonathanmelanson3257 2 дня назад
Gotta love the kjv bible
@jonathanmelanson3257 2 дня назад
William tate Russell was a freemason member 33 degree Mason. Practicing Witchcraft And also a cult with spells and things as such
@psalmsreader7997 3 дня назад
I would like to know who the people are who are getting rich off of the JW organisation. People are being fleeced and disenfranchised. They will have to face and give account to Almighty God on judgement day.
@RealJoelCorbin 4 дня назад
What happened to the 2 parts of his recording of the meeting with the elders?
@olivesheridan1175 4 дня назад
Wonderful listening to you both 👋
@carnivorelife152 4 дня назад
I'm going through this same thing to.
@Dottiesmith1958 День назад
Stay strong and keep your faith. ❤
@kariberger4978 5 дней назад
I cannot imagine what it's like to be an active witness today, living in a perpetual fear, not being able to have an honest relationship with God and His son, and on top of it, those who know better and still are too frightened to help themselves and all for what? To look good in front of their peers? I would hope for them that their love of what is right should take over their consciences and quit living in the dark
@juanitazubizareta4475 6 дней назад
I want to challenge JW’s to get a King James Bible and start reading in Mathew. Ask for wisdom and understanding to be opened to you in Jesus’s name . I knew Jesus would tell me the truth because He gave His life for us! I found the truth in Gods word and I am confident you too will be lead to all truth that is only found by The Holy Spirit leading you . Pray, ask, read, thank Him.🙏❤️✝️🙏❤️✝️🙏❤️✝️
@juanitazubizareta4475 6 дней назад
You have no other friends because your told that we are no part of the world and have no association with worldly people.
@trudythomas2859 6 дней назад
You are beautiful soul. Thank you so much .I realy enjoyed listening to you. God bless. Xxxx
@uzoamakasamuel4066 6 дней назад
If he's really a Jehovah's witness, he wouldn't be wearing a tattoo except he got it after resignation
@michelem2430 8 дней назад
Praying for you. I was an atheist, then JW, then Mormon, now I’m born again( unless a man be born again he cannot enter the kingdom of God) what matters is the relationship between yourself and Jesus- no one comes to the Father but by Me( Jesus)- not through any organisation. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. 🙏❤️🤗
@ifarotht5149 10 дней назад
26:20 did you guys take the shot?
@nonagvamberia6039 11 дней назад
He believes that Jesus should be an angel and the earth is a Globe . Poor teachings in this canal
@unclebuck594 11 дней назад
Can we see his question that he wanted answered
@Weissguys6 11 дней назад
I like your comment to us to check our bibles to find the Truth. Welcome to freedom in Christ to you and your wife. They may shun you, but followers of all over the world love you. God bless you for your courage in finding your way out of this cult! ❤️🙏❤️
@jvill5mil 13 дней назад
Guys I'm not a JW but very familiar, know some of them and know what they believe and why. This is what I know separates false religion from true religion. True religion is like looking at the world from the eyes of God, after all anything or anyone you like in on the earth was made by God so you should like God a gazillion times more as thanks to him. False religion is more about loyalty to people in comparison, there's many accounts in the Bible of people who confirmed to mans judgement of them than gods. The bible says you must love good and Jesus to the point everything you do is as there watching us. That's a lot of responsibility some can't handle, people are easier to please because they don't stand behind a perfect system of justice to hold you accountable. All the butt hurt crabby nonsense is smoke and mirrors. Every Apostate has a cry baby story about how there feelings are more important that loyalty to God. It's that simple, keep trying to justify a religion that works for you because of the open and spacious road for these reasons. God clearly told you that road leads to destruction. Keep pretending the ring of truth doesn't exist so you can customize religion to your selfish crybaby feelings. God makes clear that he expects us to be brave and not cowards, he is there to help with this for those who simply ask in Jesus name. Jehovah let your name be strength and let usnbring glory to it and not hide from it.
@ChasExplorz 13 дней назад
OMG..i just realized why my turning in a predator to the elders never went anywhere?
@nonagvamberia6039 15 дней назад
That moderator was elder to.... he did disfellowship many others to ruin families. Today he brings another 'truth' which again is similar to the previous 'truth'
@BeroeanPickets 14 дней назад
I was an elder for 40 years. “. . .I am grateful to Christ Jesus our Lord, who imparted power to me, because he considered me faithful by assigning me to a ministry, although formerly I was a blasphemer and a persecutor and an insolent man. Nevertheless, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and with a lack of faith.” (1 Timothy 1:12, 13) However, to accuse me of bringing "another 'truth' which is similar to the previous 'truth'." Sounds like an ad hominem attack which indicates you are being deceptive, because otherwise you would be specific and expose your "truth".
@theresefournier3269 15 дней назад
"This is just the way it is"! But, just as the heavens are higher than the eart-h, so are His ways higher and superior, to those of any man-made cult on earth. Long live the living Truth ❤
@theresefournier3269 15 дней назад
What a veritable blessing❤ just to wake up and let the living Truth, set us free. HalaluYAH
@theresefournier3269 15 дней назад
Joel!! ❤. What a perfect letter, and in the name of all truth seekers on eart-h, i would like, from my h-eart, and soul, to thank you❤
@theresefournier3269 15 дней назад
My comment on how the Most High sees their truth, as nothing more than dirty menstrual rags, disappeared. ❤
@theresefournier3269 15 дней назад
Even have investments in cigarette companies but their happy little slaves had to quit jobs that included selling any of it. Such Pharisees with their disgusting and man-made doctrines and myriad of false be-LIE-fs and systemically and well-designed brain washing of all they manage to con-vince to be-lie-ve in their very conditional facade of what they call love and truth.
@jeffnoble9757 16 дней назад
Watch the movie SPOTLIGHT with Michael Keaton it shows the clergy class of Christendom and what they do behind closed doors it's shocking.. also the movie Hawaii were missionaries went to the Hawaiian Islands in 1820 stole all the land from the Hawaiians and becoming fabulously wealthy
@AbelCosentino 18 дней назад
I do think it’s interesting that he mentioned how loving the congregation was when he first visited. He said they were different from people that he knew. There is something about an organized, synchronous community, that worships the God of the Bible. If people are honest about it, it can be a very loving group… I wonder if other religions feel the same when they follow the Bible. Do Baptists all feel love amongst each other? Do Catholics all feel love amongst each other? Do Mormons all feel love amongst each other?… Of course there’s gonna be those who are problematic with any organization. I’m just making the observation that this gentleman and many others have made regarding the love, or someone would say “love bombing”… I miss the community aspect of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
@vintage6346 10 дней назад
I was the small chick that got picked on. Elders and missionaries had nothing better to do. It didn't feel like love.
@HaveFun3210 18 дней назад
I am very grateful for you brother and sister. What you do is incredible and so important for us. Please never stop. Lots of love from UK🙏🏼♥️
@mirando100 19 дней назад
JW is an EVIL cult.
@lamardavidson6747 19 дней назад
Welcome to freedom
@esterawoz9 19 дней назад
You are such a nice people 💕
@aposthole5226 20 дней назад
You learn about worse things the longer you are out of the organization. They lied to the Royal Australian commission regarding disfellowshipping. Pedophilia is rampant in their congregations, but it is kept under wrap. Police authorities are not called. Some of the victims share the same congregation as their offender because there wasn’t another witness to incriminate them. They have a two witness rule. The Watchtower invests in military manufacturing companies, tobacco companies, and Hollywood. They claim and preach to remain neutral in the world meanwhile they are NGO members of the UN. They continuously flip flop on doctrines. End of system prophecies are never fulfilled.
@GS-mh6ub 21 день назад
Salvation is attained through faith in Christ, not by our own works. Our love for Christ motivates us to perform good deeds as a way of expressing our gratitude for his sacrifice.
@Lisapinson 24 дня назад
Thank you Joss you remind me of my father who passed in 2022, he was born in 1940. He was born in FIJI and you sound so much like him and you tell your stories just like my dad used to tell. I have really enjoyed listening to you and your story. Sending you much love from New Zealand.
@mamajan99 24 дня назад
If you notice, Jeff did not really answer the question put before him. He likely used prepared "Lawyer Speak" to hide behind. Look very carefully at his wording (likely rehearsed): "That, I think, would seem quite presumptuous to say that we are the only spokesperson that God is using." He never denied anything! If you parse his words, he did not deny that he believes that the GB is the only spokesperson that God is using." He just says, TRUTHFULLY that it would be PRESUMPTOUS. And truthfully, it is PRESUMPTOUS! Similar to: "Did you kill that man?" Truthful Non-answer: "It would be horrible to kill someone."
@vintage6346 24 дня назад
It was the same rigamarole when I asked elders what they were doing about a serious matter that concerned me. They hedged. They hem-hawed. They tried to entrap me in my words. Satan has taught them well.
@MrZeuqsav 25 дней назад
Until 50% remained in this organization, it still proves what Jesus said that The Kingdom of God which taken from physical Israelites had been given to WT, @Mat,21:43 / 23:37-39 ,,, Jesus compared his Kingdom on earth to 10 virgin women, which 5 of them are foolish , while the other 5 are wise, so, it does not matter, as it is written it will fulfilled, the saddest part of all Jw's critics is @Isaiah, 54:17, no tongues formed against my servants will prosper, their righteousness is of Jehovah, not of. their critics, this is the amazing heritage of Jw's,
@thirdeyejack 26 дней назад
Loved that interview. And, fortunately, you know what it takes to have a good interview - listen more than you speak. Good job
@BeroeanVoices 25 дней назад
I appreciate that!
@thirdeyejack 26 дней назад
I had an idiot brother-in-law like that who I now thankfully don't have to see now that I'm divorced and have nothing to do with my brainwashed sister. He is a good ministerial servant working his way towards being an elder. Precisely the kind of mushbrained human they are after.
@Overstand100 26 дней назад
Jason Zelda dropped facts about the money stuff years ago. That helped me REALLY wake-up.
@carnivorelife152 26 дней назад
@billjones261 26 дней назад
So true Christians should point out these men's faults of apostasy to prove their loyalty to Jehovah and his son. and many did but got DFed by the power of what these men created within themselves, Jehovah will treat these men as false prophet apostates and toss them with Satan in the lake of fire for eternity as Revelation 20:10 says ..... 10 And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
@johncolage1651 27 дней назад
The outcome of the Flood proved that Noah and his family were the only ones who had the right religion. History shows that Jesus and his disciples were the ones in their day practicing right religion. And a study of the Bible will prove the same about Jehovah's witnesses today.
@Dottiesmith1958 27 дней назад
I wanted to give an update because so many have reached out and have been nothing but kind and supportive. I was hesitant because I do not want any of my former Jehovah’s Witness “friends” knowing my business and you never know who looks at things on these kinds of public platforms. My surgery went great and I am cancer free! Thank you for all of your prayers. After my surgery, it was found that I only had pre-cancer in my uterus. I had a complete hysterectomy and I do not need any follow-up care. While my family and I are over the moon, I am struggling with the fact that a gynecologist and oncologist told me that I had cancer, before waiting for final pathology results. My family and I were a mess. But I am so happy for my future and my relationship with Christ is what really got me through it. Also, I found out who my true friends are ❤️🙏
@linzbn4179 18 дней назад
Wishing you all the best
@stephaniebeecham-smythe5912 28 дней назад
Brilliant and detailed. Amazing how so many elders worldwide have experienced similar issues on the elder body.Essentially the organisation will not take any action against the elders who are bullies.I served in an elder body in London Ontario full of headstrong men who were quick to argue and counsel. The CO. John Kobiluk refused my request to investigate several elders behaviour regarding money donations and adultery citing lack of proof.Keep up the good work.
@jeffnoble9757 28 дней назад
Watch the movie SPOTLIGHT with Michael Keaton you'll be shocked.... guaranteed
@johncolage1651 29 дней назад
Even a Christian cannot brush aside the worship of Jehovah as God. In Revelation 1:5 the Son of God called himself "Jesus Christ, 'The Faithful Witness.'" When on earth as a man he was a Jew, an Israelite, to whose nation the words of Isaiah 43:10 were written: "' You are my witnesses, 'is the utterance of Jehovah, 'even my servant whom I have chosen.'" Jesus demonstrated that he was a faithful and true witness of Jehovah God. His genuine disciples today must be the same kind of witnesses Jehovah's.
@BeroeanPickets 28 дней назад
What about being Witnesses of Jesus in line with the command, “. . .But you will receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you, and you will be witnesses of me in Jerusalem, in all Ju·deʹa and Sa·marʹi·a, and to the most distant part of the earth.”” (Acts 1:8)?
@MR-gx3gc 28 дней назад
You blatantly contradict the explicit statements and commandments in Revelation according to which all true worshipers of the New Covenant are referred to as "witnesses of Jesus." Even the group that will attain salvation at the end of this epoch is called „witnesses of Jesus“. Revelation 1,5 ( N W T Study Edition) I John, your brother and a sharer with you in the tribulations and kingdomt and enduranceu in association with Jesus, was on the island called Patʹmos for speaking about God and b e a r i n g w i t n e s s c o n c e r n i n g J e s u s . Revelation 12,17 ( N W T Study Edtiion) 17 So the dragon became enraged at the woman and went off to wage war with the remaining ones of her offspring,*d who observe the commandments of God and have the work of b e a r i n g w i t n e s s c o n c e r n i n g J e s u s . Revelation 20,4 ( N WT Study Edition) 4 And I saw thrones, and those who sat on them were given authority to judge. Yes, I saw the souls* of those executed* f o r t h e w i t n e s s t h e y g a v e a b o u t J e s u s and for speaking about God, and those who had not ================================================== worshipped the wild beast or its image and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand.h And they came to life and ruled as kings with the Christi for 1,000 years.
@billjones261 29 дней назад
The WTS/JWS have proven over and over again that you can attract attention and sell literature with twisted up bullshit theology self described as being preaching the "Good News" Still to this day after 140 years of the WTS. people don't think making money $$$ from false prophesying apostasy to which the WTS/JWS as been actively involved in is not an egregious sin ????? MIND BLOWING Religious delusions are made up by mixing human emotions with human ignorance creating what we call today expressions of fictional ancient mythology.
@johncolage1651 29 дней назад
The outcome of the Flood proved that Noah and his family were the only ones who had the right religion. History shows that Jesus and his disciples were the only ones in their day practicing right religion. And a study of the Bible will prove the same about Jehovah's witnesses today.
@MR-gx3gc 28 дней назад
to your comment: the outcome of the Flood proved that Noah and his family were the only ones who had the right religion. History shows that Jesus and his disciples were the only ones in their day practicing right religion. And a study of the Bible will prove the same about Jehovah's witnesses today. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your reasoning refutes the core doctrine of the Watchtower Society. How many groups of true worshipers survived the Flood, a single group or two different groups? What group do Noah and his family members symbolize? The group of anointed Christians or the group of the "not" anointed Christians?
@johncolage1651 28 дней назад
@@MR-gx3gc 1 Peter 3:20---that is eight souls were carried safely through the water. They were Jehovah's witnesses.
@MR-gx3gc 27 дней назад
@@johncolage1651 You should conscientiously take note of Jesus' statements in his end-time discourse. Jesus foretold that He would unite His elect with Himself after the tribulation. A second group did not mention Jesus in this context. Above all, you continue to deny that until the end of this epoch, only the true witnesses of Jesus will attain salvation; Jehovah's Witnesses are not even mentioned in the last Bible book. Revelation 20,4 ( N WT Study Edition) 4 And I saw thrones, and those who sat on them were given authority to judge. Yes, I saw the souls* of those executed* f o r t h e w i t n e s s t h e y g a v e a b o u t J e s u s and for speaking about God, and those who had not ================================================== worshipped the wild beast or its image and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand.h And they came to life and ruled as kings with the Christi for 1,000 years. Matthew 24,30-31 ( N W T Study Edition) 30 Then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And he will send out his angels with a great trumpet sound, and t h e y w i l l g a t h e r h i s c h o s e n ========================================== o n e s t o g e t h e r from the four winds, from one extremity of the heavens to their other extremity. ==================== Matthew 24,38-42 ( N W T Study Edition) 38 For as they were in t h o s e d a y s b e f o r e t h e F l o o d , e a t i n g and d r i n k i n g , men m a r r y i n g and women being given in marriage, u n t i l t h e d a y t h a t N o a h entered into the ark, =============================== 39 and they took no note u n t i l t h e F l o o d c a m e and swept them all away, ============================ s o t h e p r e s e n c e o f t h e S o n o f m a n w i l l b e . ========================================================== 40 T h e n t w o m e n will be in the field; one w i l l b e t a k e n a l o n g and the other abandoned. ==================================================================== 41 T w o w o m e n will be grinding at the hand mill; o n e w i l l b e t a k e n a l o n g a nd the other abandoned. 42 Keep on the watch, therefore, because y o u d o n o t k n o w =========================== o n w h a t d a y y o u r L o r d i s c o m i n g. ===============================================