History Reclaimed
History Reclaimed
History Reclaimed
We are an independent group of scholars with a wide range of opinions on many subjects, but with the shared conviction that history requires careful interpretation of complex evidence, and should not be a vehicle for facile propaganda. We have established the History Reclaimed group as a non-profit making company limited by guarantee; the directors and co-editors are unpaid.
The National Trust and our History - GB News
8 месяцев назад
Why Pulling Down Statues is Almost Always Wrong
9 месяцев назад
Chamberlain in Rehab - Simon Heffer
10 месяцев назад
The Origins of the British Empire
11 месяцев назад
Andrew Roberts - Churchill Revisionism
11 месяцев назад
Tudor Children - Nicholas Orme
Год назад
The Wife of Bath - Marion Turner
Год назад
@crayonplane 4 дня назад
So basically the post national canadians are using the term 'cultural genocide' and genocide as defined by Lemkin, interchangeably? CBC has apostrophe's in 'cultural genocide' report item, not used the term in 9 years (based on YT search only), and that is probably for the best, since there was apparently no vote on it, among other reasons. IMO differentialtion would have been helpfull, or maybe that is in the report but niot considered a transferable terrn, from residential school system in Canada and that is why the term was dropped? The speculation I ran across was to the effect that it might have been intentionally dropped, because multiculturalism, and immigration (vs. mass immigration) are the preferred terms for what followed.
@Jeremy-y1t 9 дней назад
Churchill was a traitor. Roberts is a debunked racist revisionist liar.
@carnivaltym 22 дня назад
I'm not pursauded blame for Galippoli campaign lies with Churchill at all, Fisher and Halifax forced delays that totally undermined the brilliance of Churchill's orginal plan.
@Jeremy-y1t 9 дней назад
The plan was a mistake to begin with.
@polylyth Месяц назад
"There is no culture war" - That woman is either deluded, a liar, or insane.
@markmcflounder15 Месяц назад
100 MILLION! Good flippin' grief! The same has been said about the Medieval Catholic Church authority. The world's population before the Black Death (Plague) was like 500 million. I'm just gonna write a book how the New World Colonizers were worse than gen-o-siders. They were all humanity-a-ciders. They killed the entire planet's population including themselves &..... all the gentle slowly moving docile moon bears.
@markmcflounder15 Месяц назад
Genocide & Logical Consistency Some 8 million natives died from disease & therefore this was gen-o-side. Where did the Bubonic Plague come from? Is this likewise a gen-oh-side??? Or are those making the compliant against the Europeans also in denial???
@harryburrows2112 Месяц назад
Did he have an alcohol problem then?
@markmcflounder15 Месяц назад
I see why, just from a strategic viewpoint, the L/Dem/YT have to block, silence & insult/vilify: they have no other option. They can't go toe to toe & allow open debate against facts & reason/logic? Their whole basis is so weak, distorted & predicted on hostile emotion & falsely base animosity. That's why Ben states, 'facts don't care about......' I hope your feelings care about facts
@angiebaby9981 Месяц назад
Britain, has only just last year, paid the final payment of a loan, the government took out for millions of pounds, to pay reparations to the plantation and slave owners. Why ? It's taken almost 200 years, to pay it back. But not a word is said about that. Why should the British working class people, have to pay for their evil, demonic cruelty ? No amount of money, can ever repay what they did. By the way, at the end of slavery, Britain paid compensation to just five African chiefs. Fact. So, stop trying to make it sound like it wasn't the white man's doing, as if the Chiefs were forcing the slaves onto them. When they turned up with especially kitted out slave ships !!! Those slaves, had been dropped off, on the Ivory Coast, at a place the Spanish Queen Isobella, her husband, King Ferdinand and the Pope, sarcastically named Judea, in the late 15th century. Where a Hebrew community, had grown, from the time Spain took 2000 Hebrew children, aged two, to fifteen years old, off their crying parents and dumped them on that Africa beach.. Only 400 survived, and their parents and those escaping Inquisition persecution, followed them. Yet we were lied too, because they said all the victims were white in history books. There's actually a medieval painting of the terrible event. The Church and Monarchy, had started torturing and massacring these people, in the Spanish Inquisition,. Many, more had made their way to the Ivory Coast and it became a safe haven, for those who managed to get there. The African Chiefs, who caught them and sold them, we're not Hebrews. The Hebrews didn't integrate with anyone outside their religion. Spain itself, was actually part of Africa. Until one of the Popes, divided them. Basically, your just an apologist, for crimes you didn't commit. Which says everything about your stance on slavery and lack of empathy. What they really did to them, is emerging and shocking and disgusting, both blacks and whites. But not you. That says it all, about what kind of person you are. No wonder they hid what they did to those slaves, especially the fact they were black Hebrews. And no wonder they wiped European black monarchy and their people from history and African history too. They we're monsters, who did what they did, to God's chosen ones, of all people and with the full blessing of the Catholic church, who made plenty of money in the slave trade and also stole a lot of Hebrew And African artifacts and sacred scrolls, all locked up in the Vatican right miles of cellars, full of African treasures. So sorry, but they were all evil and barbaric, to those poor people and they just repeatedly, deflected their barbarism, onto their victims. When it was them who were the savages. Not the Africans !!!
@johnmoulton9728 2 месяца назад
I always believed Chamberlain was a very good man, who achieved many great improvements for British society
@larsthorwald3338 2 месяца назад
The best case against reparations for slavery can be reduced to four words: "I didn't do it."
@slamwall9057 2 месяца назад
After watching this video, I’ve began to realise why the term “genocide” is becoming so aggressively overused, especially in the context of the current war in Gaza
@coagulatedguy1421 29 дней назад
Over 100,000 people is genocide
@Judeschwein88 15 дней назад
How about Europe during WW2? Same thing right? Overused!
@njgrandma3519 2 месяца назад
What a wonderful presentation! Glad to know about History Reclaimed.
@gustavomartin2 2 месяца назад
Missing piece here is Chamberlain's views on Soviet communism and the Comintern, which was a critical element in 1938. Stephen Kotkin is very good on this.
@lucianopavarotti2843 3 месяца назад
If Roberts thinks that taking Napoleon down a few pegs is projecting 'smallness' , does he also think that for him to write a bio titled "Napoleon the Great" is projecting a sense of his own grandiosity? What makes the one suspect but not the other?
@alkasehgal-cuthbert3196 2 месяца назад
The dominant intellectual trend within academia is towards deflationary, critical paradigms of knowledge. These have a place but without due consideration of different, opposing non-critical, integrative knowledge frameworks, the result tends towards presenting one political stance as if it were the only, and uncontested, version. The inflated Napoleon version of history is readily spotted and lacks cultural status where the deflated take him down a peg version is often unquestioningly accepted as good coin.
@lucianopavarotti2843 2 месяца назад
@@alkasehgal-cuthbert3196 What does this convoluted babble mean?
@alkasehgal-cuthbert3196 2 месяца назад
@@lucianopavarotti2843 have a cup of tea and think a bit harder.
@alkasehgal-cuthbert3196 2 месяца назад
Or if you want the easy read: it means that it's a norm among cultural elites and leftists, to see everything British as negative, so a bit of straightforward balance is long overdue - public can decide for themselves who provides the more compelling account.
@lucianopavarotti2843 2 месяца назад
@@alkasehgal-cuthbert3196 Still just pseudo-intellectual babble, I'm afraid.
@reparationnation 3 месяца назад
Interesting. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for sharing. #NigelBiggar #Colonialism #JohnCanoe #Oxford #Enfield #EnfieldTown #GBNews #FreeSpeech #FreedonOfSpeech #ReformUK #British #RoyalNavy #Abolishion #Slavery #SlaveTrade #ReparationsNow #ReparationCorner #ReparationRoad
@alcapone6796 3 месяца назад
41:55 Just FYI, most Hindu Nationalists hate Gandhi as they consider him to be a hippie who delayed Indian independence by 20 years and went too soft on Muslims.
@bomberharris1943 3 месяца назад
In retrospect, I think it's safe to say that it was our worst idea by far. The results are plainly visible in our streets.
@KadduCheikhAnta 3 месяца назад
19 mns in and i am amazed,mr black sounds like thomas sowell just mind blowing,wow
@nigelralphmurphy2852 3 месяца назад
What a moaning Minnie. Stop yer mithering man!
@JesusBichito99 4 месяца назад
You are wrong that every distinct patriarchal empire has its own set of principles. They are all patriarchal, gynocentric in nature and It's all saturn worship anyway. Just men not wanting to be governed by nature or their real self, but yess to daddy satan, slavery and hierarchy! Yes on stepping on oneself cuz somebody did it to you at 6!
@JesusBichito99 4 месяца назад
world of men..
@bshunter9290 4 месяца назад
Put a sock in it and go flip some burgers Mrs Widdowson
@nunufyerbizness4867 Месяц назад
Could you link to any hard data that counters anything she has said?
@bshunter9290 Месяц назад
@@nunufyerbizness4867 information is all over the place, particularly on the Canadian government website, take your finger's off your nose and look it out, I'm not your secretary
@UserBDXYZ 4 месяца назад
Nigel Biggar, sadly, you are a pathetic apologist for imperial thievery, genocide, and all-out criminality. One wrong doesn't justify another.
@user-cc5od3zk4p 4 месяца назад
The voice of reason. Sadly, she is punished for it.
@lord1557 4 месяца назад
I would like to hear Prof. Flynn-Paul address the Marxist dialectics of the genocide rhetoric. (Ah, so he does briefly later on.)
@landsea7332 5 месяцев назад
For some reason , historians skip over the British War Cabinet crisis - May 26th - 28th 1940 . ... and its never clear why . May 25th , 1940 - French General Blanchard promises Lord Gort 3 French Divisions and 100 tanks to help implement the Weygand Plan . But in the early evening Lord Gort is informed the French can only provide 1 division - This is the moment Lord when Gort made the decision to evacuate the BEF . The original estimate given to the British war cabinet ( Churchill , Lord Halifax , Chamberlain , Attlee and Greenwood ) is that only 45,000 solders of the BEF could be evacuated . Lord Halifax was baited into a meeting by the Italian ambassador , who offers to mediate a peace agreement with Hitler . Facing the lost of much of the BEF , over the next few days , the British War Cabinet have series of heated meetings . Lord Halifax attempted to get the British to enter into negotiations to explore what was on offer . Churchill disagreed and said Hitler hasn't honoured any terms he has agreed to , and will turn Britain into a slave state. Halifax says they could loose 200,000 men and the Luftwaffe would bomb Britain into submission . Some historians think Churchill was buying time too see how the evacuation was going . Churchill then does an end round on Halifax , meets with the 25 member outer cabinet , and persuades them that Britain should continue fighting . Had Churchill not been able to convince the cabinet to keep fighting , Hitler would have been able to unleash the entire Wehrmacht on the Soviets . The world would have become a different place . For this reason , the British War cabinet crisis is one of the defining moments of the 20th Century . .
@landsea7332 5 месяцев назад
The revisionist attack on Churchill is not actually about what he did . But rather , its part of the attack Britain's National Identity , and Churchill is a major symbol of Britain's identity . .
@landsea7332 5 месяцев назад
Woke have nothing to offer - nothing . All they do is bully , taunt , play mind games , vandalize , virtue signal ...... yet they create absolutely nothing . .
@landsea7332 5 месяцев назад
Ever notice that nearly every statue being vandalized or taken down is a Protestant ? When there are attempts to decolonize Shakespeare , Thanksgiving or KEW Gardens , remove Ryerson , Henry Dundas , Lord Baden Powell , discredit Alexander Graham Bell , St. George Flag , the children's book The Hungry Caterpillar and even Dr. Suess , remove Terry Fox off the Canadian Passport , that makes it clear this has nothing to do with social justice . This is about destroying the National and Cultural Identity of a Anglophone Countries . Oh and let's not forget all the fools who want to remove the Monarchy - who never discuss any Constitutional Issues . Listen to these idiots - not once do they ever mention Constitutional Issues . They will ask what Constitutional Issues ? .
@rachelsanger8629 5 месяцев назад
Great stuff, thanks.
@bearowen5480 5 месяцев назад
In my high school history courses, and through my own freely acknowledged amateurish scholarship, I had been taught that much if not all of Hitler's early political popularity was due to his persuasive exploitation of the deep German resentment over the raw deal they had gotten from the Allies at Versailles. In answering Peter's question about how Hitler had received an overwhelming 90% approval at the polls for his assuming total personal control over the German government, Professor Roberts does not directly mention popular resentment over Versailles and the widespread financial hardships of the imposed reparations as significant factors in Hitler's rise to absolute power. Did I misread history?
@Ever_Her 5 месяцев назад
"I want to get rid of the Indian problem... Our objective is to continue until there is not an Indian that has not been absorbed into the body politic, and there is no Indian question, and no Indian Department..." 1920 "…the system was open to criticism. Insufficient care was exercised in the admission of children to the schools. The well-known predisposition of Indians to tuberculosis resulted in a very large percentage of deaths among the pupils. They were housed in buildings not carefully designed for school purposes, and these buildings became infected and dangerous to the inmates. It is quite within the mark to say that fifty per cent of the children who passed through these schools did not live to benefit from the education which they had received therein." 1914 -Duncan Campbell Scott, as Deputy Superintendent General of Indian Affairs from 1913 until 1932, took the groundwork of first prime minister Sir John A Macdonald’s legacy of repressive policies towards Indigenous Peoples further down the continuum of assimilation.
@Ever_Her 3 месяца назад
@@TanyaJoyce that's one way of reframing it, but then how does that frame non- consensual sterilization? Or access to basic necessities ie: clean drinking water or the laws against openly speaking their ancestral language or practice of their cultural and spiritual beliefs? When you remove the knowledge of an ancestry by removing the children from their culture or their ability to communicate with their elders then you effectively have 'killed' that culture. This is aside from the LARGE amount of deaths that did occur because they were considered less than their colonizer counterparts. This is not new in history, it happened many times in many locations. The difference is that now there is open and 'loud' communication about it. Pretending it happened differently than it did or only understanding one point of view about it, does not change the truth of what occurred and to some degree is still occurring today.
@spearfisherman308 2 месяца назад
@@Ever_Hermost of them died from disease you left out that part.
@ronmac9066 5 месяцев назад
Often overlooked is the establishment of these residential schools were part of the original treaty obligations between the First Nations and the government of Canada. At the time the First Nations leaders recognized that their way of life was gone forever and that next generation needed an education and trade skills in order to fit in the new economy.
@newjerseyselfdefense6199 5 месяцев назад
To compare Barbados to Nigeria is dumb because what would Nigeria have been had it NOT been colonized or if the economic trade between Europe and the continent been mutually beneficial. I might as well stop the video right now - because this is just going to go down the rabbit hole of intellectual dishonesty and false equivalences.
@newjerseyselfdefense6199 5 месяцев назад
Smdh - he makes it about choices in a system designed to maintain WS tell me about choices when it comes to the Homestead act Redlining Denial of FHA loans Racial housing covenants Imminent domain Convict leasing Cointelpro 1955 highway commission act Job discrimination The purging of communities like Tulsa, Elaine, Wilmington, Rosewood, Slocum etc CIA Iran contras Jim Crow And the biggest thing he ignores the ability to accumulate wealth and pass it on to future generations.
@viralarray 5 месяцев назад
Damn. I just purchased his book "The Great Sea" on ebay ten minutes ago without knowing about this controversy. What do I do now? Should I still read it?
@pringlel 5 месяцев назад
For a rational, intelligent person, it must be hell to argue with people who are either stupid or politically driven. Why should this woman's valuable time be taken up fighting such nonsense?
@BludShotiiiiis 5 месяцев назад
glad to hear the elders drum her out of Quesnel and cheers to MT Royal. Good heavens lol
@joanr3189 24 дня назад
A blank mind and an empty mouth response to an important nvestigation. And this is the real problem.
@ianwalter62 6 месяцев назад
I found the comments about the Bengal famine most intriguing. I do not doubt that WSC sent some cables to Canberra and Ottawa seeking the release of wheat stockpiles to alleviate the famine, although the precise timing of that wasn't mentioned. The intriguing part is that Lord Roberts failed to mention the subsequent communications back to London, seeking the allocation of shipping tonnage to carry it there, were, initially at least, rejected. Eventually Australian wheat, at least, was shipped, but I would be appreciative if Lord Roberts could examine ALL the relevant primary documents relating to this issue, and specify the timing of Churchill's cables.. It may be that it wasn't specifically WSC's fault that the relief supplies arrived too late to prevent a disaster, but the buck stops somewhere.
@Expatred66 4 месяца назад
Read Churchills instructions to Wavell, Governor General of India: ‘The hard pressures of world-war have for the first time for many years brought conditions of scarcity, verging in some localities into actual famine, upon India. Every effort must be made, even by the diversion of shipping urgently needed for war purposes, to deal with local shortages….’ Churchill shipped grain from Australia, but UK lacked ships in the theatre as D-Day was looming.. Churchill requested ships from FDR USA who refused. There is your buck.
@ianwalter62 4 месяца назад
@@Expatred66 On what date (or month/year) did the famine start? On what date was the British War Cabinet aware of the famine? On what date did Churchill send that cable to which you refer? On what date was any Australian grain (wheat) shipped? How long after wheat was offered (by Australia and Canada) was it shipped? You can't just cherry pick one cable, and sweep culpability under the rug.
@Expatred66 4 месяца назад
@@ianwalter62 er yes i can; this is a youtube thread not a university lecture; all the information you ask is available, much of it in Churchills papers, with the exception of the start date as these things tend not to be clear. one thing i also didnt mention was the famine was exacerbated by indian grain merchants hoarding and profiting. whilst you do your research i'd suggest you also look into the natural cycle of famine in india which EIC reports go back to 1770, and and the BIS work done 1838-42, leading to the 1880 Famine Commission, which measures included grain storage for such eventualities; note the date as now Crown responsibility not the EIC, and the significant role this played in reducing cyclical famine hardship
@ianwalter62 4 месяца назад
@@Expatred66 I already know the answers to the question I posed for you to consider. They were both Socratic, and rhetorical. The fact you glibly state that " this is a youtube thread not a university lecture" tells us everything we need to know about your opinion.
@Expatred66 4 месяца назад
@@ianwalter62 ah so still no facts, just more deflection.. have a nice day
@wehonews 6 месяцев назад
If you didn't feel you HAD to show us your face while you read this you would not have stumbled so much reading it.
@jaimepatena7372 6 месяцев назад
I am a very liberal and progressive old man. But I find it amusing and troubling that people want to judge historical figures. People act as they do because of who they are. Churchill was Churchill.
@anthonyjames2378 6 месяцев назад
"Colonialism" is an enormous subject and huge in its continuing impact in all kinds of ways. Colonialism in "settler colonies" like Canada and Australia, two of the so-called "White Dominions," was very different in it nature that what transpired in, say, India or Nigeria. In Western Canada much of the brunt of colonialism impacted Indigenous societies mostly in the twentieth century. The resource takeover is an ongoing process, not some relic from history. The host is far too glib in his explanation of colonialism as some universal pattern that is over and done with. And then there are the questions that arise in "de-colonization," a big topic for, for instance, some of the BRICS countries, the so-called Global South and the so-called Non-Aligned countries during the Cold War and after. George Manuel's book The Fourth World, does a good job of applying the principles of the Non-Aligned movement to Indian Country.
@mrepix8287 4 месяца назад
The conquerers have a right to all the land and all the resources they conquered
@user-cc5od3zk4p 7 месяцев назад
Not Stolen. An excellent read that I highly recommend.
@jaimepatena7372 7 месяцев назад
I really enjoyed Mr. Black's knowledge. People are basically the same. No matter what culture people are from, their greed will lead them to build empires. It is not a "racial" trait, but a human trait.
@ericsierra-franco7802 Месяц назад
Times change, people don't.
@rhumandlove393 7 месяцев назад
If these ideas are not curtailed with reason there will be bloodshed in Canada. Its CLEARLY written on the walls of every Canadian institution.
@IanRuxton 7 месяцев назад
Delighted to discover this today. Thomas Otte has been very kind in writing introductions to two or three of my books based on the papers of the great Victorian.diplomat Sir Ernest Satow. (1843-1929).
@pseudonamed 8 месяцев назад
I think it can be recognised that there was undoubtedly a cultural genocide, it was made clear that residential schools had an aim of getting rid of their culture and spiritual beliefs, and replacing it with colonial culture and spiritual beliefs. It is not proven that there was a physical genocide though. The majority of the reduction of indigenous population was due to disease. However I don't doubt that conditions at some schools may have lead to a higher rate of death than the average for white children of that time (due to crowding and lack of quarantine when kids got sick) but NOT due to actual murder.
@adagietto2523 8 месяцев назад
A tremendous talk; I had long appreciated how hypocritical much of the attack on Chamberlain's policy toward Germany had been, and had suspected that he was probably doing his best in very difficult circumstances, but this made a lot of things much clearer, I was especially struck by the miltary advice that he had received before the Munich meeting.
@Cybonator 8 месяцев назад
Point 1: Jeremy totally ignores the History and study of collaboration between local elites and European invaders. To argue that decolonial scholars paint a black-and-white divide is a strawman argument that doesn't exist in reality. Point 2: The importance of the Atlantic Slave Trade vs other slave trades lies in the industrial scope and vastness of the scale. It is comparable to how the Holocaust was different to other pogroms against Jewish people in Europe: while Jewish people had been persecuted for centuries and subject to periodic massacres, the Holocaust is a separate category because of the industrial scale of the killing. Point 2a On Thornton and gunpowder : the major technical breakthrough was the Maxim gun that gave Europeans a dramatic leap. European military campaigns took centuries to conquer some territories but with a Maxim gun entire armies could be slaughtered in minutes. Point 2b on undoing the past: While the past can't be fixed, the benefits the slave trade brought to the British and European economies can be morally distributed through reparations. Point 3: Mao's On Guerrilla Warfare is very much about anti-imperial warfare. It is a highly political text as much as it is about tactics and strategy. At 23:20 I give up. This man clearly does not know a damned thing about Decolonialism. But that is to be expected from the polemic institution that is History Reclaimed