Midnight Chimes
Midnight Chimes
Midnight Chimes
Subscribe for video essays and reviews of Doctor Who and other TV shows and media, as well as original fan-created music.
Becoming a Better LGBTQ+ Ally
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RTD2 is a Pandering Legacy Sequel (Doctor Who)
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The Church on Ruby Road Doctor Who Reaction
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Discussing Platonic Loneliness
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The Strange State of Doctor Who
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@Uvouvo05 17 дней назад
which season do you mean by season 1
@MidnightChimey 16 дней назад
Ncuti Gatwa's first series
@Casterborous 18 дней назад
i mean, i'm a fan of pyramids of mars and I liked that line cause _pyramids_ does fall into the trap that a lot of science fiction does, of framing egyptians as not smart enough to come up with their own culture and pyramids and it was all aliens. So the line in Empire of Death helps to rectify that, even if only slightly
@MidnightChimey 18 дней назад
Again, maybe it has a point, it just comes across as very dismissive with how it is framed in the episode, as if waving away Pyramids of Mars as something to be ashamed of
@The_AuraMaster 21 день назад
I mean, what exactly makes writing a fanfic so different from having your ponysona, though? By having a ponysona, you've essentially created a character to place into the MLP universe, just like fanfic writers do.
@autistic_lilix 24 дня назад
Personally, Ryan dyspraxia didn't feel like dyspraxia. I've read that Chibnall had a dyspraxic nephew, and frankly? It shows. The whole representation feels like they looked at said nephew, without ever asking him questions about how dyspraxia affected his life, and decided they understand enough about it to get writing. It was (to me) especially clear in Kerblam! where Ryan says that "it takes him longer to learn things" but does them just fine in the end when the Doctor remarks on how fast he's wrapping the packages, but later in the episode randomly mentions his dyspraxia, explaining it makes life "frustrating and difficult, especially in moments like this"... Before essentially going down a slide, because apparently, going down a slide requires more coordination than wrapping packages? I genuinelly cried in frustration during this episode, because it felt like the show was telling me "people with dyspraxia can do anything just as well as others, if they try hard enough!" and it's just wrong. It doesn't matter how hard I try, I'll always struggle with certain tasks, just like someone with dyslexia will always struggle more with reading than someone abled for instance. As for the "curing disability" part, they aren't even hiding it: in PROSE: Artificial Intelligence, there's a cure to dyspraxia by 2025!
@MidnightChimey 22 дня назад
You're always on shaky ground with the idea of "curing" disabilities
@Eltonlaleham 26 дней назад
the Cybermen are very much Patrick Troughtons arch-enemies and as the returning villains in the second Doctor,s era they were very much, the most used returning enemies in the 60s when terry Nation refused permission for the Daleks to be used as he wanted to market them in their own series in the U,S.
@MidnightChimey 26 дней назад
They did effectively replace the Daleks as the main recurring villains during that era
@MidnightChimey Месяц назад
What do you think of The Ark in Space? Are the effects convincing?
@StarTrekDoor Месяц назад
'Art from adversity'
@MatthewCaunsfield Месяц назад
I need to add this to my watch list! I think I was put off by the similarly set Cyberman story
@MidnightChimey Месяц назад
This one is the superior I would say
@SpacedOutStranger Месяц назад
Honestly I have no advice, you're always so thoughtful and it's clear you have done your research!
@MidnightChimey Месяц назад
@bigd5090 Месяц назад
Since marriage has been devalued in our culture to such an extent now, the harassment you've outlined is just going to get worse. Stable married (between one man (XY) and one woman (XX)) is basically a societal throwback to the BBC and liberal elites at this point! Protection for women is at an all time low as demonstrated by the police turning a blind eye to grooming gangs because it would mean standing up to muslim men and the fact women's private space isn't being protected because a fears over angering the transexual brigade! A sick degrading of society and morals to protect the fighting age minorities never mind the vulnerable within the majority non-DEI population!
@MidnightChimey Месяц назад
"Marriage has been devalued in our culture." How, and in what way? "Police turning a blind eye to grooming gangs because it would mean standing up to Muslim men" Again, citation? "Women's private space isn't being protected" In what way? Also "transexual" is an outdated word not many people really use, the preferred term is transgender.
@bigd5090 Месяц назад
@@MidnightChimey Since trans isn't a third gender/sex (same thing) I'll be sticking to transexual since it again is an identity the individual is choosing rather than a scientific gender/sex! Grooming gangs in Bradford, Rotherham etc and the poor response from the police has been covered by enough news outlets to know it's been an issue, ditto two-tier policing recently. The redefinition of marriage happened in 2013, attempted to change it's definition away from one man and one woman for life (devaluing its importance within our legal system)! I half expect the Labour government to do away with the Marriage Tax Allowance and reward all cohabiting couples in our system despite there being no commitment or permanence/stability inherent in those 'arrangements'. Ditto the no fault divorce law = devaluing marriage. This is an ailing country and protection for women will not come from the comfy desks of the liberal elites but from a society-wide return to common sense and Biblical values!
@dblev2019 Месяц назад
6:40 What are you talking about they center their whole identity around their sexual orientation. If you disagree they have zero tolerance towards you. If you truly want to be left alone, then stop trying to force those who disagree with you to embrace your lifestyle!
@MidnightChimey Месяц назад
"Trying to force those who disagree to embrace their lifestyle." Who is doing that and in what way?
@dblev2019 Месяц назад
@@MidnightChimey Are you not familiar with the criticism Florida face after removing highly inappropriate books like “Gender Queer” and “It’s Perfectly Normal” from elementary school libraries. These “children books” go as far as to illustrate gay sex acts. To make matters worse they want to expose children to trans men Whether I support gay marriage or not these books are highly inappropriate and could be considered as pornography. But the LGBTQ community demonizes any school district that opts to remove such books. Furthermore, gay pride parades often mock Christianity due to their opposition to homosexuality, yet unlike Muslim countries, countries which are predominantly Christian allow them openly practice their lifestyle. The way I see it it’s the LGBTQ community who’s intolerant and insensitive to other people’s convictions.
@dblev2019 Месяц назад
@@MidnightChimey my first comment was deleted, so I’ll try again. People who are LGBTQ criticize anyone who disagrees with them. They try to force libraries to carry children’s LGBTQ books against parent’s wishes. They try to influence kids with trans story hour. They condemn any value set which doesn’t agree with theirs. They take advantage of vulnerable kids convincing them they are trans when their going through the normal discomforts of life.
@BrightIdeaPony Месяц назад
Great topic, and one that needs to be discussed more. I seriously recommend checking out Contrapoints' videos, her video essays are of next-level quality in terms of research AND entertainment value. If you want other LGBTQ channels, Abigail Thorn's channel "PhilosophyTube" is great as well (I've been watching her since she was still Male-presenting), and recently she's gotten work as an actor on shows like "The Acolyte" and "House of the Dragon" which pleased me greatly (wait, is that...yeah it is! I know her from her RU-vid channel, good for her!)
@MidnightChimey Месяц назад
Thanks for the recommendations, I did start watching Contrapoints's video about Twilight recently and found it very well researched
@AJponyAPschannel Месяц назад
Yeah, have a trans friend who dosnt like to be refred to as trans, just as the gender she is
@MatthewCaunsfield Месяц назад
Good thoughts, worth putting them out there
@MidnightChimey Месяц назад
@soddof7972 Месяц назад
Rob Grant leaving. That was the end of the great Red Dwarf.
@Krueger_ai Месяц назад
What if Lauren Faust based Starlight Glimmer off of Umbridge, and Trixie Lulamoon off of Bellatrix Lestrange? Oh, and if the writers didn’t have either of them reform.
@zephyr8072 Месяц назад
Personally I was really excited for the idea of the crew being back and to this day I still think that a series about a fully operational Red Dwarf stuck 3 million years into deep space could’ve worked. The execution however was a crushing disappointment. The whole prison thing was a stupid idea because it was a shakeup within a shakeup and made the entire thing seem completely foreign to what the series was meant to be. The utterly juvenile cringe humour then just made it so much worse. I also really, really hates them doubling down on the jerkass Kryten characterisation from series 7 which was to me the worst part of that. I’ll always see series 8 as one hell of a missed opportunity.
@MidnightChimey Месяц назад
The premise for series 8 is so strange, it really feels like Naylor just wanted to write a different show entirely
@adamhickey396 Месяц назад
For me Red Dwarf ended with Out of Time. It is the perfect ending to the show. Everything afterwards is an "alternate timeline" or a "reboot" essentially
@MidnightChimey Месяц назад
I've heard a similar sentiment from a few people
@DevSodDribble Месяц назад
The twerps who do these overlong and bitchy 'reviews' never understood what the show was to begin with.
@ProffyChaos Месяц назад
I watched series 7 but was generally disappointed that I didn't bother with series 8. Glad I didn't.
@MidnightChimey Месяц назад
There are parts of it I think I would like to unsee
@nevillebartos3197 Месяц назад
Doug Naylor actually says that Rob Grant would reject idea, after idea, after idea, in pursuit of perfection. And boy does that show in those first six series. After the end of the partnership the dip in quality and humour was more than noticeable. It's interesting to draw a parallel between Grant Naylor and Legion. Both much greater than the sum of their parts.
@ConkerTS 11 дней назад
"It's interesting to draw a parallel between Grant Naylor and Legion. Both much greater than the sum of their parts." Lennon and Mccartney, Meat Loaf and Jim Steinman, etc. It does happen. Even Richard Curtis and Ben Elton, who together wrote the super Blackadder seasons 2, 3, and 4. I'm not aware of either of them individually writing anything even remote as good as the Blackadders seasons that I mention. Elton had nothing to do with season one, and it was monumentally inferior to the later seasons.
@DaleRibbons Месяц назад
My first Doctor Who story, so it holds a special sentimental place for me.
@MidnightChimey Месяц назад
Good story to start with
@boydegg Месяц назад
The main problem with series 8 ... it just wasn't funny. Plus - the CGI looked dated on arrival. Haven't seen it in years but I bet it looks awful.
@MidnightChimey Месяц назад
It's not great. Also the set design looks like some Star Trek style glamorous space liner, and I know there's an in universe explanation for that, but it goes against the more grounded sci-fi aesthetic of the show for me
@alanbeaumont4848 Месяц назад
Kryten's point about humans being oddly averse to cannibalism is precisely on point. There is no logical reason not to eat people, but most societies have an ethical bias against it, with most of the exceptions throughout history being based on spiritual beliefs or grim necessity. Without his ethical (human written) programming to guide him Kryten concludes humanity is indeed simply picking on the chickens and other animals. Surely this is also the basis for most vegetarian ethics? It isn't fair (moral) to predate other animal species once you realise we have so much in common, especially if they are sentient.
@MidnightChimey Месяц назад
My point is eating animals is not logically equivalent to eating your own species, sure you can argue why it shouldn't make a difference but the two things are not the same. The joke would have been far more on point if it were drawing attention to the fact there are certain species we are often far more adverse to eating, like our cuddly pet animals for instance. It's just not the triumphant satirical remark that Rimmer?? of all people seems to think it is
@MidnightChimey Месяц назад
Honestly it strikes me as the kind of caricature argument people THINK vegetarians use when making fun of us
@alanbeaumont4848 Месяц назад
@@MidnightChimey Where is the logical fallacy, given they are both meat? We don't tend to eat mammal carnivores not because they are cuddly (rabbits are cuddly, as are lambs) but because they tend to taste worse, compared to herbivores and omnivores. It was said that human flesh is very similar to pork.
@alanbeaumont4848 Месяц назад
@@MidnightChimey The justifications for vegetarianism seems to me to fall into three main camps. The traditional two are that vegetarianism is more healthy and morally correct and the latest is that it is ecologically/economically necessary. If I'm wrong about the moral argument aspect (Usually stated as farming animals for food is cruel) then it could be I haven't really been paying attention for the last 40 years (I'm 66 and met the issue in my mid 20s through a girlfriend), but I'm not trying to belittle or caricature the argument. I speak as an omnivore who likes eating chicken.
@MidnightChimey Месяц назад
@@alanbeaumont4848 "where is the logical fallacy if they are both meat?" Well for one, you can't have a philosophical conversation with a chicken, teach a chicken to drive a car, or legally employ one in the workplace. They are not sentient in the same way that we are, we don't think of them as equivalent to humans in any other context. One is cannibalism and one is not. Again, yes you can argue (and I would agree) that shouldn't make a difference, but it's not the same.
@boydegg Месяц назад
As a major Red Dwarf fan, I was so excited for a new series and finally an answer to that series 6 cliffhanger! Tikka to Ride crushed my soul.
@MidnightChimey Месяц назад
If you're expecting satisfactory resolutions to Red Dwarf cliffhangers you're going to be disappointed
@boydegg Месяц назад
@@MidnightChimey but this was an end of season cliffhanger that possibly saw the crew destroyed and then a 3 or 4 year wait to find out what happened.
@MidnightChimey Месяц назад
@@boydegg With series 8 it ended up being a 10 year wait ...with no resolution whatsoever
@boydegg Месяц назад
@@MidnightChimey I have erased series 8 from my memory banks. Although I seem to remember one quite good episode ... Cassandra?
@MidnightChimey Месяц назад
@@boydegg Cassandra is decent, the rest is... well I'd quite like to erase some of it from my memory banks let's say
@steveroberts9453 Месяц назад
Still better than the crap served up today..
@MidnightChimey Месяц назад
Eh, The Promised Land was a pretty good laugh
@Sephirothwolf Месяц назад
I did enjoy Beyond A Joke for the Pride and Prejudice World sequence and how it was Bobby Llewellyn self-sabotaging an attempt to write himself out of an episode for the makeup only to end up pulling double duty .
@MidnightChimey Месяц назад
Yeah that fact did end up being quite ironic
@johnsmith2076 Месяц назад
Waving a cliff-hanger away with technobabble is tight!
@jdugdale Месяц назад
So dead, they are making a new series
@Ego_Sum_Nemo Месяц назад
@danielwilliamson6180 Месяц назад
Red Dwarf is not as good as it use to be and has gone on for too long.
@MidnightChimey Месяц назад
It's been going a very long time now
@danielwilliamson6180 Месяц назад
@@MidnightChimey Very? Almost 40 years.
@jezcartner4104 Месяц назад
My favourite of series 8 as well
@OnafetsEnovap Месяц назад
I utterly despise S8 with a vengeance, even though I liked it when it first aired (I was 10 when it premiered in the spring of 1999).
@MidnightChimey Месяц назад
I've also found I like it less and less over time
@TNJX Месяц назад
Tikka to Ride was the episode where the show became way more profound and meaningful imo
@ConkerTS Месяц назад
How has the world come to this? J.K. Rowling is not a bigot, she doesn't hate trans people, and she's actually a very moral person (she lost her place on the Forbes billionaire list because she gives so much money to charity, how many other people would do that?). But because she doesn't lie about science, or hypocritically support any drivel from the few but very loud hate-filled trans-sexual bigots, then she's demonised by a large percentage of the stupid and obnoxious. She cares about women's rights, and for that she is slandered, libelled, and likened to Hitler. She even gets sent death threats, rape threats, etc, but no one dares criticise those who make those appalling threats, oh no. Because nowadays people are too afraid of not being seen as PC because in this insane world it's fine to threaten a woman, as long as someone transgender is doing the threatening. Everyone is equal, One of the sad things about human beings is that often it takes personal suffering to make someone a really good person. So most transexuals, who almost by definition often have miserable childhoods and adult lives, would tend to be moral humans, if only because they know what real pain is like and so wouldn't wish this pain on anyone. But of course some people (transexual or otherwise) who have miserable childhoods themselves become monsters as a result. These are the sort of people who think it's acceptable to send death or rape threats to someone merely because that person says things, however true and correct, that the person sending the threats doesn't like. Basically, humans are insane.
@DavidRayner-qd3dk Месяц назад
You could have mentioned the longer running time; a 25 minute sitcom stretched to 40 minutes didn't have the material. I always skip this season in rewatches, but very few episodes post 1-6 are worth it, Trojan perhaps...
@cbcdesign001 Месяц назад
Season 7 was different but there are some great episodes in it. Stoker me a Clipper and Epideme are just as funny as anything seen in previous seasons in my opinion. And for me, this in one of the most moving moments in the whole history of red dwarf: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-5qUmB0sUUSk.html
@fastfacts727 Месяц назад
I always loved this episode! The ending is fucking hilarious
@MidnightChimey Месяц назад
It is pretty good
@confusedbutok Месяц назад
It started going wrong in the first scene of the first episode of series 7 when Lister says he matured. Matured!? Who asked for or wanted to see that, the entire show had been based around him being an uncouth oaf and Rimmer his absolute antithesis.
@MidnightChimey Месяц назад
To be fair Lister is implied to be a heavily unreliable narrator during that speech, and well, the rest of the episode demonstrates that
@SamLowryDZ-015 2 месяца назад
The show is a prime example of flogging a dead horse.
@MidnightChimey Месяц назад
To be fair the show is still pretty funny
@jimmy21584 2 месяца назад
I was a huge fan in my teenage years, but I saw the special after series 6, and didn’t bother checking in after that. I guess it had a very specific style of comedy tied to the cast, and they didn’t manage to keep everything in balance when things changed.
@MidnightChimey 2 месяца назад
Some of the later series are good, but something from those earlier series when Rob Grant was still around is never quite recaptured
@KlingonCaptain 2 месяца назад
Nah, I like ALL Red Dwarf.
@MidnightChimey 2 месяца назад
I mean I do too, really, although maybe with the exception of series 8 at times. Can still acknowledge its flaws though
@tomhewitt9187 2 месяца назад
No Rob Grant = bad Red Dwarf. Doug Nalyor doesn't know what he's doing AT ALL.
@noneofyoubusiness4895 2 месяца назад
Jumped the Shark, or Fed the Dinosaur Curry, as it were ...
@steve16384 2 месяца назад
Me (a nobody) actually had a meeting in London with Ed Bye and one of the Grant/Naylors about a Red Dwarf script I'd sent them, prior to series 7. They never used it. Or even got back to me.
@boydegg Месяц назад
Wow!!! That's amazing! I also had a concept for an episode, but never thought to actually write it up and send it. Can you tell me a little about your episode idea?
@steve16384 Месяц назад
@@boydegg It was almost 30 years ago so I can't remember much, but it involved a machine that could make things 1000x bigger, and Kryten got caught in it and they mistook him for a planet. I'll have to dig it out of my attic sometime, if I can even find it. I did quite a long post about it bitd on alt.tv.reddwarf (or whatever it was called) on Usenet. I sometimes try and google it to see if I can find it again, but no success so far.
@mvl71 2 месяца назад
Red Dwarf is dead, Dave. Red Dwarf is _dead,_ Dave. Red Dwarf is _dead, Dave!_ Are you trying to tell me Red Dwarf is dead?
@King_Ears 2 месяца назад
Watched as a kid and found it hilarious. Now 40 and it's still hilarious. I guess i don't take it too seriously.
@cormacmacsuibhne2867 2 месяца назад
That's fine. It is better if you don't take sitcoms too seriously otherwise you start disliking the characters. That's what happened with me and The Big Bang Theory.
@King_Ears 2 месяца назад
I bet you're fun at parties. Just take it for what it is. A funny, silly show.
@MidnightChimey 2 месяца назад
Don't really get what your point is. I am reviewing it as a funny, silly show.
@King_Ears 2 месяца назад
Its a great episode. Kryten with no morals or ethics feeding the crew human was the best scene 😂
@MidnightChimey 2 месяца назад
If you enjoyed it great, but that joke doesn't make sense for me
@TheBroz 2 месяца назад
I genuinely despised series 8 at the time. It was all so excruciatingly awful. After adoring the show in the past it totally put me off. I gave it another chance when it returned wiht Back To Earth, which was fucking dreadful. I quit watching the show from then on.
@MidnightChimey 2 месяца назад
That is fair, I would say if those two series put you off though, you would probably find 10 and onwards a return to form, but then not everyone agrees on that
@TheBroz 2 месяца назад
@@MidnightChimey I’ve heard that a few times, but I’m kinda fine keeping it as a package from the past. I enjoy series 1-7 still and a lot of that is nostalgia driven. The notion of seeing them all old and stuff as they are now just doesn’t appeal.