My Little Thought Tree
My Little Thought Tree
My Little Thought Tree
Professional therapist analyzing the meaning and psychology behind characters, movies, TV, and books. I explore a wide variety from Game of Thrones and ASOIAF, to Good Will Hunting, Studio Ghibli, Avatar TLA, The Breakfast Club, The Last of Us, and anything else I feel passionate to talk about
14 дней назад
the ethics of Baby Reindeer
21 день назад
Therapist breaks down the FIGHT CLUB narrator
2 месяца назад
alright let's FIX live action Avatar
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here's how to FIX the live action Avatar
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the moment AVATAR came into its own
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live-action Avatar is OBSESSED with backstory
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why this Avatar TLA episode hits so well
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this was when Avatar TLA hooked me
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Netflix's AVATAR is on a knife edge...
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Ramsay is a MESS in Game of Thrones
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I RANKED every song from the WONKA movies
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there's only one thing WONKA is missing (review)
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Mary Bell | a child at breaking point
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the moment that RUINED Arya in Game of Thrones
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Wes Anderson's weird short films
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so, the TED LASSO therapy scenes?
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when Therapists diagnose fictional characters...
9 месяцев назад
@goodguykonrad3701 6 часов назад
I feel like Arya should have killed Sandor. There should have been a moment with the Red Keep burning where Sandor was trapped beneath rubble, terrified of approaching flames, and Arya should have killed him with Needle. Another name off her list in an act of mercy that would encapsulate her abandoning revenge. Even better would be if she hadn't killed Walder Frey and Meryn Trant, and Sandor was the only person on her list she ended up killing. Obviously you'd need to do a bit more with their relationship than the show bothered with, but I feel like this would have been a great resolution to their dynamic. Also, you give D&D too much credit. There's a reason the show began really going downhill once they ran out of book material. They started writing scenes that were just there to be funny, cool or dramatic, and they didn't really care about making things character motivated. Nothing affects the characters, they don't change. They abandon so much it's unbelievable. Jon's resurrection, the Lord of Light, Azor Ahai, the three-eyed Raven, children of the forest, warging, Jon having anything to do with the White Walkers, Sam being a maester, Yara Greyjoy: all of this, and more I can't think of right now, meant nothing at all by the end of the show. They stopped bothering to have a political aspect to the show: leaders like Jon, Euron, and Cersei just have strength and armies and don't need to do anything to keep loyalties. Early on in the show the events that happen feel like they affect things. When Ned is taken prisoner, not executed just taken prisoner, Robb rallies all the bannerman of the North and declares war to get his father back. In the show, the Freys all die and nothing changes. Speaking of, how are Dany and Cersei able to meet for negotiations when the Lannisters were party to breaking the tradition of amnesty with the Red Wedding? In the books, this guest right is a vital tradition to enable negotiations, and the fact the Frey's conspired with the Lannisters to violate it is meant to be shocking beyond the fact that Robb dies. However, people will just meet for negotiations as though that violation didn't matter. Dany and co. meet with Cersei without any real reason to assume safety, and what really gets me is the Blackfish speaks with Jamie outside the walls of Riverrun even though the fucker was at the Red Wedding himself, and the only reason the Freys can hold his nephew hostage is because of it. Nothing matters. They just do stuff because D&D thought it would be dramatic and cool. They may have had ideas of where they wanted things to go, but they didn't care about writing things in an intelligent way so they are character motivated. By the final season of the show, they didn't care, they just wanted it to be over and didn't even try.
@missemilita7 9 часов назад
My read of Petyr's mistreatment of Jeyne was that he wanted to break her down enough to make her entirely compliant with his plans. He needed a girl from Winterfell so that she would know the place and the scheme would work, but Jeyne was the daughter of the steward and apparently perfectly well-adjusted and confident. I believe Petyr wanted to cow her enough that she wouldn't reach out to someone at Winterfell for help. (Rather like Ramsay did to Theon/Reek in fact).
@sd5371 10 часов назад
Last time a Bran(don) went to kings landing he was killed by the king....
@buddhidev7877 11 часов назад
A person who has an idea that having sex with her twin brother is definitely psychopath. And it's Cersei. I think she has the inferiority complex because even her dwarf brother is more important than her in her father's eyes.
@mariaobrien8228 11 часов назад
This is definitely the best analysis of the show. Really enjoyed hearing a view that I agree with.
@ImNotOffended 12 часов назад
We need Winds of Winter. I need to know the rest of her story
@ImNotOffended 14 часов назад
The way people hate on Sansa is misogyny and victim blaming, it mirrors how society in real life treats little girls and expects them to act in all these contradictory ways
@sleepysadpoet 14 часов назад
I have borderline personality disorder and a lot of sansas actions and beliefs and trauma resonates with me.
@buddhidev7877 14 часов назад
Sansa loved Kon without knowing
@PistachioDean 16 часов назад
Interesting because none of the stuff with the direwolves, culminating in Lady’s death would have happened. I suppose we’re swapping Sansa and Arya, and Sansa is very by the books, who would have stayed with the Queen at that time. But then, what would Joff and Arya gotten up to.
@Aerie925 16 часов назад
Baelish was one the best characters in GoT. I wish we’d gotten more backstory for Baelish in the show. His grandfather was a Braavosi sellsword. His house sigil has the Titan of Braavos on it. Would’ve been interesting to learn more about his family. But I would say that Petyr is a psychopath. He claimed to love both Catelyn and Sansa and yet has absolutely no qualms about betraying both of them to get what he truly wanted-power. If not psychopath or sociopath…he was def amoral.
@AC-th4ci 18 часов назад
As a woman, I've always related most to Sansa. It's that journey of being a little girl with a head full of fairytales, and then having all your fantasies about the world shattered. It's heartbreaking. I definitely haven't been through what Sansa has, but the essence of it is very relatable. GRRM did an excellent job with her story, and I believe he has sisters, which makes a lot of sense. It's disheartening that so many people just see her as annoying, because it seems to me like a reflection of how the world sees little girls like Sansa in general, and it's sad. Thank you for putting so much thought and empathy into this video.
@ziggystardust457 19 часов назад
I never considered the S.A. thing. Bravo on this on 👏
@marcelac13 19 часов назад
Oh! And would love your view on the character Ripley from the Netflix series. Is his world really black and white? Again loved the channel!
@marcelac13 19 часов назад
Loving your channel! Subscribed. Game of Thrones has such rich characters, great to see people still talking about despite the show. Would love your view on the keepers of the faith such as Melissandre and High Sparrow. Thanks!
@SloopyDog 19 часов назад
In the 1960s, I worked as a porter/driver at Prudhoe Mental Hospital. I was told to go to Newcastle and pick up two young girls. I picked them up with the hospital mini-bus from a facility in Newcastle. The girls were both very pretty and for the whole journey, they never said a word. I was to drop them off at a home/ward at the Children's Village in the hospital. I believe it was called the Flemming ward. I was never told on that day who these children were, all I knew was they were there to be assessed. When I did find out who they were I was shocked as they appeared to be quiet and well-mannered. I wouldn't have thought they were capable of doing what they did.
@saraa.4295 20 часов назад
I wonder if Lyssa ever realized how much she screwed littlefinger by screwing him... It was his belief that cat seduced him that made him challenge brandon, that got him expelled from riverrun and motivated much of his later actions... I do believe he didn't realize it. Staying to first light means till 5 or 6 in the morning...way to early for a drunk boy to be awake. Bragging about about taking Cat's virginity could have another advantage: it would make her a less desirable marriage option once she's widowed, increasing his chance with her...
@TaeSunWoo 23 часа назад
7:07 They are the good guys tho 🙆🏻‍♀️🤣
@Best_Stressed 23 часа назад
Sansa = Catelyn So, does Jeyne Poole = Lysa? She’s Sansa’s best friend and Petyr then casts her as Arya.
@summerraylene День назад
lol I liked this before I even watched it
@NotEvenSure41 День назад
Slay media analysis daddy 🤣 dissect Petyr like a frog 🐸 ribbit
@LuzMaria95 День назад
he is the definition of a sociopath and a psychopath. he is evil incarnate. I feel so bad for theon.
@sleepysadpoet День назад
Sansa really goes through everything imaginable
@dragonhawkeclouse2264 День назад
If the show runners meant for, her closing a bunch of eyes forever, as an allusion to her killing the night king....they fail, BECAUSE, it was said she would close brown eyes, blue eyes and green eyes. All the whites had BLUE EYES ONLY!!!
@Actaeon2nd День назад
Let's get real. Let's break it down. First of all Actaeon was a very young boy when he 'intruded'. Secondly, the 'Goddess' is his mother. Props if you got that right. This myth describes a dire childhood psychological injury, as many myths do, particularly Ovid's Metamorphoses of which this myth is perhaps the most dramatic. Here's another clue. This being Pride month, everyone respecting this month should be aware of and appreciate this myth. I know I do. I am Actaeon. I suffered this injury at age 4 or 5.
@kerrychristensen7204 День назад
@davidcopperfield-notthemag397 День назад
How many guests has he hurt who walked out of his show and killed themselves? This is what happens when a mentally vulnerable person is embarrassed, shamed and bullied. This is what I think of his mean mouth and threatening body language.
@BellsofNevermore День назад
My brain went 'Flay to the extreme!' And just like that, Ramsay is now a weird, gory mutation of Chris-chan and I feel gross.
@Winter-Alpha-Omega День назад
I wish I could know Petyr's reaction upon Catelyn's death.
@Knabbinho День назад
Not having internal monologues is a huge blow for his character tbh, idk how dumb and dumber could've handled it.
@booknerdlover3675 День назад
I feel like the only reason D&D wrote great Arya scenes is because they still had book material. As soon as they ran out of book material, they just had absolutely no clue what to do with her. They liked the books, but didn’t fully understand at least some (probably all) of the characters. Arya killing the NK makes no sense, plot-wise. None. I know the NK isn’t in the books. The fact that Jon had all of these scenes with the NK, staring him down and besting one of his generals, etc - and then they gave his destruction to a completely different character who had absolutely no interaction with him was Ludacris. There was no payoff at all. They only did it to shock people. And it didn’t work. Well sort of. It worked, but instead of being shocked in a good way, I was shocked, thinking, “what the hell did they just do?” Nearly every character they ended up fumbling. Even characters that didn’t have much time page-wise in the books, like Bronn & Talisa (Jane Westerling in the books & totally 180° difference), they ended up not knowing what to do with.
@jamespfp День назад
52:00 -- RE: Petyr and Sex; One thing the books and the show did establish well is that Petyr speaks with more than an adolescent libido because he's not only Master of Coin but a de-facto Master of Brothels too. It is as if the actual source of Golden Dragon power is Prostitution and that's how I'd define his involvement with Sansa. He compels her to be a Player not a Piece but I have little doubt that he's the Pimp in that relationship.
@jamespfp День назад
^^ I'd also add as frankly as possible that in the last 10-15 years I've found it useful to define 2 broad categories for "political animals": there are Prostiticians, and there are Politutes. The Prostiticians *always* have a Pimp, but the Politutes have the Invisible Hand of the Market to proverbially slap them down. And yes, I'm not talking about Sex there at all, but Politics. This has 2 derivative ideas as well. First, Prostiticians will sometimes pretend that they do not have a Pimp so that they can deceive their constituents. Second, isn't it interesting that "Congress" is how we describe political discussions at a Parliamentary level, as well as Sex?
@wjzav1971 День назад
The antagonism between Arya and Sansa does not make a lot of sense. I know they were not on best terms before but you'd think having witnessed their father's death together and having been through different kinds of trauma would have made them appreciative of each other more. Sansa at one point tells Tyrion a story of how Arya would prank her by hiding something stinky in her bed sheets whenever she was upset at her and she was *smiling* when she talked about it, because as unpleasent as this might have been at the time, it still reminded her of better times and of her family. Both Arya and Sansa had to endure long stretched terrors alone. Being among family again should make them overjoyed and happy. Not ice cold and bitter. Fuck it: The Starks should have been a freaking team of Avengers at the end. Each having acquired different skills during their seperate journey, coming together and rejoice and eager to learn how the others have endured.
@Diddy_Kongs_Left_Foot День назад
shes an icon
@Silberwolf01 День назад
Is it just me or does the narrator sound very much like Ed Hope (Ed Hope's sick notes)? Great video as always!
@dragonmas444 День назад
I never watched HBO’s Game of Thrones because of how they treated Littlefinger. Littlefinger is one of my favorite characters in the books because of his subtlety and cleverness, and the way the shows turned him into a Snidely Whiplash-esque character convinced me right away that, whatever the other merits of the show in drama or spectacle, I would not be interested. The way the show went on to butcher my other favorite characters, especially Stannis, ensured that I have never regretted my decision.
@daytonamike242 День назад
Thank you for this clarity
@karenmccabe2167 День назад
The thing is, even if the wording had been changed to "based on a true story" - the internet would still have found her just as easily. I'm not sure how Netflix is supposed to have a duty of care in the age of the internet. They can't make sure there is no trace of her online. Even if they had hired a thin, blonde actress to play her....people would have still found her tweets, etc. Fiona definitely outted herself.
@mrwrong1348 День назад
this was a film that only very damaged men can truly relate to i suppose watching videos like yours truly makes me believe the normal folks simply look down on the film and judge it from a normal pov for instance there was a line in this film that goes The worst part about mental illness is that people expect you to act normal may not be the exact words as i haven't watched the film in a while but thats the concept basically this is a story about a man who has had a shit life sandwich and is just done with trying to stay on societys hinge he isnt trying to fit your ideology of right or wrong bro is just doing as he pleases
@christinacatalano День назад
Been re-binging on GOT and HOTD before the s2 premier, so I love that you’re still uploading character breakdowns!
@gaesimp__ 2 дня назад
I'm loving the hour long videos to be honest, I feel like you're able to go into the character's more thoroughly compared to the 20 to 30 minute ones :))
@elizabethedwards4686 2 дня назад
Saw the video and thought how did i miss the video on petyr then i saw it was only updated yesterday! Love your videos man! I was just telling my boyfriend about one of them and said i was shocked you didnt have way more subscribers cause your videos are so well done and youre so thoughtful and you have a nice lil intro lol glad im so early keep it up love this stuff
@seamushallam5199 2 дня назад
Please do a video on a man called otto, irs a great flick
@user-hm3yg4qc3l 2 дня назад
I've only watched for first 7 min, and decided to not to watch anymore. Not that this or what you do is bad, you always do amazing job and I really enjoy them. I am Japanese and I always watch this movie in the original Japanese and never dubbed version. I never knew how English version changed so much of the line. Mother never said "hold tight to that card" in Japanese, but only "you dropped the card". Mother also never says "it is an adventure" but "please hold yourself (or behave yourself already), today is a busy day." This is only what the mother says when picking up the card and opening the window. I also never knew that the flower she got for her birthday was from her father. It was only said "well you've received for your birthday." English version put too much information in dialogue in my opinion, and is very different from the original line. Therefore the analysis you do based on the dialogue is not exactly the characters they originally were.
@LuzMaria95 2 дня назад
Ned is the most moral and honorable man in the books and I love him. 🗡️🐺🤍
@wjzav1971 2 дня назад
I always found Jon to be the most boring character in the show. Kit Harrington seems to have had only one expression of Bored-Marginally annoyed throughout. And he talked in the same tone of voice too. Not sure if that was bad direction, bad writing or bad acting.
@b33fbaby 2 дня назад
Longer vids r better
@aud2d2 2 дня назад
Just a little side note too, in the books the letter she receives from Lysa is hidden in a box AND written in a secret language they created. So even if Ned actually looked at the letter, he wouldn’t be able to read it. However, I still don’t think it’s an issue that it’s not presented to Ned because everyone generally respects and upholds Catelyn as the matriarch of winterfell, in a way we don’t really get to see with other women in the show
@kanothe187 2 дня назад
I think the thing about Nate's awakening is he felt alone. He had got the fancy title and benefits that bestowed but he couldn't connect to anyone like at Richmond. We see this from the fist scene he has this season where he goes through this large sprawling stadium alone and it feels very isolated. We also see that in spite of trying his best to inflict pain on those who injured his ego he still held them in his esteem as with the subbuteo game. This is reflected in Ted with the lego only the mirror positive. I think the most catharsis he has during the last season is resolving the twin dilemma of the girl he wants to be with and gaining positive affirmation from his father. Neither came from his role at West Ham but in spite of that. Ultimately who he is and what made him fit at Richmond are.