I talk about why the bad game is bad again

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10 years of Destiny
14 дней назад
We Need to Talk About Episode Echoes
21 день назад
Activision Hates You - H2M Shut Down
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The WORST G2A games EVER
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Final Shape First Impressions
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End of Evangelion Trailer (Thanks for 3k!)
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Halo 4 Shouldn't Exist
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Overcooked: A Culinary Masterpiece
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Forsaken - Destiny 2 Campaign Analysis
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The WORST remaster EVER
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Battlepasses SUCK
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Halo Mobile 2 still sucks
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How Battlefield Failed a Nation
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Halo mobile SUCKS
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Operation Failed State
3 года назад
@titaiao 7 дней назад
I aint buying a new console, i will stick with my xbox one until the end and later buy a pc gamer, lol
@iisaltyi3078 7 дней назад
The hardware barely exceeds the 4 years old Xbox series x but costs far more £480 ($640) vs £700 ($932). Literally no point getting the pro just buy a better PC for slightly more or an Xbox for far less
@eddie2000ad 7 дней назад
You sound like owen wilson
@Nanokk_ 7 дней назад
I'll never escape the Owen Wilson accusations
@brunovazquez1 7 дней назад
I’m glad mine didn’t light up, or else I would’ve tapped. 💀
@brunovazquez1 7 дней назад
Get a PC
@DFW_Gold 8 дней назад
damn i expected you to have more subs great video man you're gonna blow up if you keep it up
@bigboytroopers3071 8 дней назад
What about gta5 being shutdown for gta6
@Nanokk_ 7 дней назад
@amazingjackJF 8 дней назад
It will improve over time , no one uses disks anymore , get over it
@Nanokk_ 8 дней назад
@amazingjackJF guys I found a wild bot
@mazahaka3691 7 дней назад
My dead space 3 copy for xbox 360 running on xbox x begs to differ
@cl8804 8 дней назад
jew love to see it
@Naut1co 8 дней назад
Exactly. Its obvious they are competing for a PC crowd, or at least the entry level PC gamers. Instead of an expensive PC they offer a 'pc-like' experience for cheaper. You even said how much more awesome PC gaming is and that's what these companies fear. Their selling pitch is that the consoles are still cheaper than a gaming pc
@darthwoody9917 8 дней назад
Sony just needs to bite the bullet and release a fully backwards compatible playstation 5 that can play ps1,2,3 games as well. That would probably be the only reason i would buy another console now that i have a gaming pc.
@PurushNahiMahaPurush 17 часов назад
Why would they do that when they are happy to resell you the same games again and again
@doltBmB 9 дней назад
Exclusives are retarded. An exclusive is never, ever going to make a PC gamer buy a console, it's just going to make them resent consoles for keeping content away from them, and Sony has finally understood that. If you feel like Playstation doesn't "have" a game just because it's multiplatform, and still perfectly playable on playstation, then you have some serious mental problems.
@Nanokk_ 9 дней назад
@nasser8659 9 дней назад
I bought every playstation since ps1 up to ps4 skiped ps5 and bought a gaming pc best choice I made in my gaming life
@Nanokk_ 9 дней назад
Praise Skibidi or perish
@sparnglbarngl7244 9 дней назад
Destiny really destroyed this man's mental health
@Uno337 8 дней назад
Allahu akbar
@jeixs 9 дней назад
Not only Sony, but their fans as well they are defending the damn thing like they are getting paid!
@explosive_memes7716 9 дней назад
Most to the savings you get from buying a console instead of a PC is lost on the $60 a year online fee. Spending 500-600 bucks just to play online games is absurd
@rdowg 8 дней назад
Between the subscription, full-priced games, and controller replacements, youre only saving a few hundred on a console you'll have to replace in 5-6 years, while that extra hundred or so can build you a PC that will at least run games at console-quality for 3 generations lol I spent maybe $800 on my old 1070/4790k build, then sold it and paid an additional $300 for a 4070/12600k build. That's $1100 over 8 years of gaming, and I probably wont have to upgrade until the ps7 😂 Granted, I've also got a $450 monitor, but nobody includes the price of TV's with consoles so idgaf
@poolboijohan705 9 дней назад
In Australia the ps5 pro with disc drive is $1,400
@DotNetWizard 8 дней назад
@titaiao 7 дней назад
American dollars?????
@Halfrican-Jones 9 дней назад
Apple users have a new company to suck off.
@hydrated8585 9 дней назад
"how hard is it to reinvent the wheel"
@SNIPEDBYAMI 13 дней назад
Destiny died with d2, i still have ptsd from the d2 beta
@yol_n 15 дней назад
How dare you criticize the indie company! You should give them all your money without asking questions!!
@plaztik767 16 дней назад
It was the 10th anniversary You are 100% correct
@domvasta 17 дней назад
They really seemed to push hard about how evil Maya is, morally, for deleting simulated copies of her wife and not, she literally has the power to control people, even light bearers. Like it would be all hunky dory, if she were just wanting to control all life to bring us back to the golden age if she did what Osiris did and pulled the first copy of his boyfriend that he found, out of the simulation, and was content with that, despite them giving good reasons for the simulated copies of the ishtar researchers being different, since they all knew they were simulations and voluntarily went back into the vex network at the start of the Collapse to hinder the Vex's attempt to take over Sol, even this episode, theres audio dialogue from simulated Mayas and Chiomas, they have given themselves numbers, it would just be so easy for Maya to just ask "hey, you know you're a simulation, right?" And instead of deleting them, just releasing them back to the vex network, there's literally zero reason for her to delete them, she could even command them to help her find her Chioma.
@slackstarfish8133 19 дней назад
2:22 in retrospect, Activision only helped Bungie. The second Bungie went independent, the quality and size of expansions drastically decreased, the monetization gradually got worse and worse, and the core game modes got abandoned. Everything anybody has ever complained about with Destiny has been because of Bungie. That’s more painfully obvious than it’s ever been.
@Nanokk_ 18 дней назад
Activision had other studios like highmoon help them which was a benefit, but they also forced Bungie to abandon Destiny to make a Destiny 2. Even after bungie worked their asses off on making Forsaken, Activision still shit on them which was probably the final straw for them. From everything I've read Activision did deal a lot of damage. But I won't disagree that things in terms of quality went down, since they didn't have the backing of so many studios. It's more complicated than "one good one bad" you know?
@Blue-qt8ms 16 дней назад
@@Nanokk_ the problem with forsaken was that they werent only able to make an expansion that good with the help of Activision , the amount of resources it took is also why in Activision eyes it was a huge flop
@slackstarfish8133 19 дней назад
Destiny 2 has existed for more than double that of Destiny 1. That’s depressing to me😂 the peak of Destiny really ended 7 years ago
@Blue-qt8ms 16 дней назад
D1 is way worse than D2, D2 in every way is better
@fistthesis2593 19 дней назад
Well I’m commenting on here after all the frontiers news we have had and well I must say they did it again
@DanYami 19 дней назад
"if I miss this Cayde's Retribution I'll finnish hospital" moment in that Savathûn fight right there
@pc-dc4gm 19 дней назад
Destiny has a lower player count right now than Cats
@ExpertRam 19 дней назад
Not really understanding your second and especially your third point. The second point is already true for the most part, but what’s the issue with having an occasional BiS from the opposite sandbox. It’s almost like that’s the point of a PvEvP looter shooter. And remove crafting? You like making the game worse?
@Nanokk_ 19 дней назад
The majority of endgame loot gets overshadowed by seasonal loot. Case in point with the new rocket sidearma from echoes and TFS. It is objectively better than the one in the dungeon and both the TFS and echoes one can be crafted. Besides a couple endgame weapons, by far the best loot in the game comes from seasonal content and activities that require a room temperature iq to finish. Crafting I think removed the drive to grind for a God roll weapon when all you need is 5 red boarders and you're given a God roll. I care so much more about my God roll Chroma Rush over my crafted enhanced perk gun number 5. You can keep enhanced perks, just removed the ability to craft weapons and encourage people to actually have to grind for their 10/10 roll guns. I don't think that's making the game worse
@ExpertRam 19 дней назад
@@Nanokk_ majority is hyperbole, sure there are occasional weapons that are stronger then their endgame counterparts. But if you look at things like trials report or Aegis’s spreadsheet you can see that PvP legendaries trend towards the top in trials and Raid loot trends towards the top in PvE. I don’t see any issue with an occasional outlier that let’s less experienced players get a hand on good gear. I’m not exactly sure what your idea of fun is, but mine sure isn’t monotonously grinding a boring activity for 30 hours to try to get a 1/12,000 drop. I find fun in actually using the weapons I want to use instead of being stuck behind a slot machine. There are weapons to this day that I still haven’t gotten the rolls for years later. If you wanna grind for stuff that bad ask for bungie to add more sub 1% drop chance cosmetics into more activities.
@Nanokk_ 19 дней назад
@ExpertRam I mean my version of fun with Destiny is getting weapons from harder content that are superior to normal content guns. But also there's getting the gun which should be good by default, but then there's a separate grind to get the *best* version of that gun. There's a story for getting the best version on your first go and a story for getting it on your 30th try. Now I'm not someone who plays content "only for the loot" I never understood that, but it gave me a further incentive to play some of the content. Not only is there literally zero point to grind once you get the pattern, before at least there was grinding for the best PvP and PvE version of a gun, but the crafted weapon ends up being far better than anything else you get normally. That's just how I see it. I also wanna say I understand why people like crafted weapons, I just don't particularly like them
@ExpertRam 19 дней назад
@@Nanokk_ So let me break this down. Harder content DOES give better loot, there are occasional outliers but that’s perfectly fine and expected for this genre. Yeah getting the pattern does stop you from grinding, you know what else did that? Getting the godroll you wanted. It’s the same endpoint, just one has determinism and you can actually see the light at the end of the tunnel. I can see complaints about thinking crafting is too easy but removing it isn’t good for the health of the game.
@landonceloria9758 19 дней назад
This is way simpler than everyone thinks. Destiny 2 is the culmination of every good and bad decision bungie has made over a period of ten years. They've crushed it out of the park at time and drop the ball in others and it shows. D3 and all of the bad can get cut and all of the good can stay. It's time to move on.
@xtcsy.m 19 дней назад
great video, i feel very bad for not playing destiny before, i never played seriously bc the difficulty, the last 2 months i started playing and simply can't stop. I hope bungie do well with D2 in the future.
@trypticon8619 19 дней назад
Always nice to welcome blueberries People are gonna be really negative, and there are some good reasons why, but always remember to just have fun, it is just a game
@xtcsy.m 18 дней назад
@@trypticon8619 yeah, honestly the main goal in destiny is have fun, i usually don't care if everyone hates something, if it's good and enjoyable to me, it's ok
@Nanokk_ 18 дней назад
Imma be honest, even though I shit on Destiny *a lot* I still love the game. People who complain the most about something like this are usually the fans. But there's still plenty of fun to be had. Don't let my jaded ass ruin that
@xtcsy.m 18 дней назад
@@Nanokk_ nah, ur opinion is pretty lucid tbh
@varisrevolver4061 17 дней назад
@@Nanokk_ There's a very famous quote about Destiny "I hate Destiny, it's my favourite game", so don't worry about it
@vernonhowell4070 19 дней назад
Dreaming city is highly overrated.
@FrostyDaName 19 дней назад
Maybe with a lot of the forsaken content being made irrelevant or gutted, sure. At time of relevance, I would say it could be argued as the best.
@jadeunderline 19 дней назад
i really like your content, keep it going bud!
@jackattack3246 19 дней назад
You gonna do a vid on the blog post
@Nanokk_ 19 дней назад
@@jackattack3246 probably gonna do a stream on it
@Nightwing-4224 19 дней назад
GOATed video
@Terra_Tempurra 19 дней назад
@hydrated8585 19 дней назад
@lordolinguine7235 19 дней назад
Man I’m gonna miss destiny
@camelat7228 20 дней назад
no we actually don't hope this helped
@brauliovargas4426 22 дня назад
Thanks man, what a sound analysis!
@kellofkells6002 22 дня назад
Hangman is reused as a boss at the end of the presage exotic mission and in the witch queen campaign
@Nanokk_ 22 дня назад
I've literally addressed this several times already in the comments
@kellofkells6002 22 дня назад
@@Nanokk_ 👍🏼
@kellofkells6002 22 дня назад
You cool but you got some L opinions.
@dabtasticcharizard9817 23 дня назад
Remeber a time when everyone ever wasnt gay? Pembridge farms remebers
@domvasta 17 дней назад
This season-sorry, episode, it's Gays vs Lesbians, and the Lesbians are the bad guys because of a controlling relationship and domestic violence, while the gay characters are only violent towards people it's socially acceptable to be violent towards, like all the vex that Maya gave free will to, yeah, all the vex we kill aren't just part of a hive mind anymore, they're individuals, so it's like killing eliksni.
@jacobsonic0349 23 дня назад
Came for destiny 2, stayed for the smt 3 soundtrack.
@Nanokk_ 23 дня назад
You should check out my SMT 3 remastered video
@SilverRath21 23 дня назад
This episode combined with Bungie falling apart at the seams was what finally convinced my friend who's played for over 10000 hours since D1 to finally put it down
@Nanokk_ 23 дня назад
@@SilverRath21 I'm in the same boat as your friend, it's rough man
@SilverRath21 23 дня назад
@Nanokk_ I'm kinda glad it was never my main game, so it was easier for me to let go, but I'm praying they get their act together (no pun intended)