Some random weirdo who likes plant people a little too much. Occasional artist and writer. He/him. Bi/pan. BLM, ACAB, trans rights, anti-crypto, and all that jazz. Totally didn't copy half of this from my Twitter to fill this space. (and it'll forever be Twitter, not X.)

UPLOAD SCHEDULE: what schedule? Videos are done when they're done, lol.
The Ramshackle Ramble and the Stone Simping
3 месяца назад
Gushing about ENA for roughly 10 minutes
6 месяцев назад
This Universe Needs More Internecion Cube
11 месяцев назад
Gwain Saga is Criminally Underrated
11 месяцев назад
Starbound - Betabound Mod
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Starbound - Neki Mod Revisited
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Starbound - Murder Drones Mod
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Starbound - Spardan Items Mod
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Starbound - CityScaper Mod
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Starbound - Maple32 Mod
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@unclaimedusername6608 23 часа назад
Considering the "Uzi might be a hologram and more of a Solver Monster" part implied by the after-credits, it really makes you wonder about that part where she's in class, breaks the door, and then says "I can do THIS!" with the class screaming as the scene cuts away. What if that wasn't just a gag? What if, you know, she ate everyone?
@tacticalrejection День назад
that was cool
@nightblade8546 День назад
the only reason i hated her not gonna suger coat it was cause she felt assassinated throughout the series i liked her character if not would of loved it if they gave her more time hell i would of loved if she helped destroyed cyn and said something to show she would of changed sides she had alot of potential and i still want to hope we get more murder drones to redeem her but only time will tell on that situation expecally with the glitch x thing coming up cause if j had more time on screen and more character development there could of bin a really great character even though she is one but could of bin alot better i really do want j to get redeemed and i do hope murder drones does continue through a season 2 or spinoff but i can't say it will other then that j was a really really good character from ep 1 it was such wasted potential to kill her off the way they did just to show her fixing the ship at the end credits really she needed so much more but overall im glad she got at least some screen time and im greatful for that even though i wanted to see more of her but yeah i hope murder drones continues and gives her more time
@user-hc9vh8ub8c 2 дня назад
can i just say Uzi and N at 2:07 is adorable
@Çyñ4førèvér 2 дня назад
Khan doing the Naruto run was so funny lol
@TV_MURDER2 2 дня назад
Nori + N = Thad p:?
@vanbaylenreed8500 2 дня назад
15:30 caught me off guard ☠☠
@TotallyNot0020 3 дня назад
J may not be the best character, but she'll be my favorite forever RIP JusticeForJ
@Leeegggs 3 дня назад
Just throwing this out there because I’ve seen NO ONE talk about it but Lizzy has gone through so much over the course of the series. First, in trying to do one thing right like ever, she lost Doll. Then Rebecca dies like a week later and she almost dies too. That leaves Lizzy with really only one close friend left and some small bit of hope that Doll will come back. A few days later that hope is shattered when she learns that she died. Lizzy is so messed up by this that she drags Doll’s dead body from the cathedral to sit next to her in class. She’s too busy being sad to keep up her popular persona so her social status is gone, she threw a funeral that nobody cared about, and now all she has left is Thad and V who’s too preoccupied rebuilding her relationship with N to pay attention to her. I could write essays on this.
@Broken_beam 3 дня назад
I honestly think that J, like N couldn't really remember much about life back at the Elliot mansion and when she died in the pilot and was brought back by Cyn obviously all her memories were restored because she's a back up without the memory erasing program that Cyn installed when she sent them to Copper 9 So when Cyn brought her back she instantly remembered every detail and was completely shattered about what they'd done and what she'd let happen to Tessa, her best friend She becomes filled with fear, guilt, and possibly self loathing but mostly fear *If I promised you anything IT tricked me too* Cyn offers her a deal: help Cyn take Copper 9 and she leaves her alone... J is terrified of course and even tho she's probably angry at the solver and herself, what choice does she have? This thing destroyed Earth in minutes and used them to help her, what can J do other than comply and be free she has no one anymore theres no reason to fight... *There's no escape even in death* I don't forgive J for some of the stuff she's done but I feel bad for her and her internal struggles, hopefully N or someone else will come along and convince her that she doesn't have to keep hating herself or being a lapdog she's free to just live ❤️‍🩹
@NanakPrasad-be4yi 3 дня назад
My opinion season finally is not very good my opinion
@Broken_beam 3 дня назад
2:53 y'all see that Nori pulled her headphones out of space 😭😭
@Broken_beam 3 дня назад
I love this show so much, I never thought horror could be adorable and funny THANK YOU LIAM VICKERS 💛‼️
@SPG69 3 дня назад
I honestly think that if J were to continue the solver’s goal solo, she would probably become some kind of dark parallel to Uzi. Uzi was a loner that eventually found those who made her feel welcomed (N & V), while J burned every the bridge of every positive relationship she had and now has no one to lean on for support… Damn do I like J as a character now? 😳
@Leafy17 3 дня назад
If they wanted to, they definitely have enough unanswered questions to make a season 2. It probably won't happen but we can hope.
@zrebbesh 4 дня назад
V isn't so much loyal, as filled with absolute despair. She believes that she can never win against Cyn's godlike solver powers, nor even get out of service to Cyn by dying. Whatever she does it will just kill her and make a new version of her that's loyal again. "Restored from backup" as she says when she first reappears. Cyn's habit of doing this is revealed when they get their memories restored including the memories of Cyn's basement workshop/torture chamber.
@DillonSherlock 4 дня назад
"aww man a bunch of glowing lava-like tendrils, not again!"
@dkskcjfjswwwwwws413 4 дня назад
I kneel I squeal My headcanon isn't real I cope I mope Someone hand me a rope I sin I never win I belong in a trash bin I job I'm a slob I'm too short To reach the doorknob I smell like a trashbag My boss's an old hag I am... a J fan
@Rogue-Mike 4 дня назад
J being the only one equipped with an EMP device helps with her job of hunting WDs and probably to keep N & V/Unmentioned MDs in line should they go rogue. At least, that's how I see it. Asshole she was, but she was an asshole dealt the worst hand out of all the MDs with no option to even rebel against Cyn/Solver.
@almonding 4 дня назад
Before I watch this video I just want to share my current thoughts on J. When I'm done watching the video I'll (probably) come back and edit this comment to share my possibly changed opinion. I think she's an asshole. A lot of people were saying that she was ruined in episode 8 because she was a dick, as if she wasn't always abusive towards N and never (as far as I remember) showed much care towards V either. Whenever fans try to say that she's "nice, actually" they always point to her friendship with Tessa. I find this dumb because, if I remember correctly, J knew that Cyn was dangerous and yet still had absolutely 0 issues with sending Tessa out to fight Cyn. J should've known that this was a terrible idea and that Tessa, who probably wasn't anything older than 13, was risking her life. It was completely irresponsible and unjustifiable. J has always seemed like a narcissist who only really cares about her own safety and personal image. All that said, I think that J is a really fun character and I'm always happy to see her on screen. I just don't think she's a good person. (Also sorry if this is poorly written, I'm super tired rn lol) Edit: Alright, so after watching I'll say this: I still think she's an asshole, but I find the theory about how she feels like she can't die quite interesting. It's sad, though. She might feel like she's forced into doing whatever Cyn wants, but would much rather be fighting against Cyn. I actually feel more sympathy towards her now.
@bunkishaha 4 дня назад
ngl, I wanted J to straight up LOSE IT in episode 8. I wanted 3a flashback of the events of the Gala, what happened to Tessa and her folks, and an emotional J joining Uzi, N, and V in the final battle against Cyn, but torn between her loyalty to the company and her morals. Loved episode 8, loved J, still love both, but MY GOD, I needed a flashback of Solver-possessed J killing Tessa, I'm sorry, but I needed it.
@chernagast6754 4 дня назад
J is my favorite because I empathize with her situation. There's much more to tell about her, which is part of the fun.
@mysticxjuice 4 дня назад
I just think the show could have used way more character focused episodes, especially J
@Kramalei 5 дней назад
i found this from a try not to laugh video. they used a clip from it and i searched hard for the series. it’s great,
@Split_tails 5 дней назад
In the end, Liam probably never wanted to give her a major character arc and thats ok. I headcanon she only went along with cyns plan because she missed tessa (probably traumatised by seeing dead tessa). Shes traumatised and a lot is left out, but thats for us to interperate
@lisboah 5 дней назад
My theory is that, until her revival, J had no idea that Tessa was dead all along. Her dialogue regarding the company in the Pilot felt too genuine for her to be pretending to be loyal to a company and instead was obeying an abomination. And once N and V join the Worker Drones' side, Cyn decides to ensure that J stays loyal no matter what. She most likely kept torturing and reprogamming her until she gave up, realized that she was bound to serve Cyn no matter what, and became obedient. J reminds me of Kil'jaeden from Warcraft. He kept serving Sargeras, a being responsible for the deaths of millions and he sold out his own brethren because he deemed it impossible to defeat Sargeras.
@meznight 5 дней назад
13:50 To your point on the solver/Cyn, yes they are separate from everything the show has shown us. However based on how the solver left Uzi in control, would it be hard to connect that the solver is like the core from amphibia? In amphibia the core is a hivemind of thousands of amphibia's greatest minds, therefor they have *some* amount of control over the body. Like the core, the solver is a hivemind, and thus would have all of the minds that it took over the bodies of. Cyn (like Uzi) May have had more control than the rest, we see that the solver uses we/us pronouns in episode 2, and I pronouns when Cyn is in control. Cyn also seems to have control when the solver is in Uzi's body, wanting Uzi to wear Tessa's bow. Cyn always looked up to Tessa so it isn't that far of a stretch. Edit: did I just write an essay on accident
@Exlill_cantsleeplolz 5 дней назад
CALLBACK PING 🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥‼️‼️‼️🥶🥶🥶
@nova_3000_ 5 дней назад
7:28 i just realized that she looks soulless/sad in this part
@anastasia_852 5 дней назад
My issue with J isn't that she was working with Cyn (although I admit I was really mad about that when I first watched the episode), it's that her whole arc happened off screen. It's literally heavily implied that she fought back only to be brought back again and again before she gave up, but we never see her express her feelings about the fcked up situation she's in. I've been thinking of many ways they could've done this reveal better and I think this one could've worked: After V yells at J for working with Cyn, she goes on to mention how J has betrayed Tessa by doing so. The fight carries on and V, understandably upset, accuses J of never caring about Tessa in the first place and that she's nothing but a boot-licking coward. Before J could react, the whole "we were supposed to get away" thing happens and J eventually manages to chop off V's leg like she did in the episode. However INSTEAD of immediately trying to get V to team up with her, she instead has some kind of a meltdown and talks about all the things the AS did to her as punishment for fighting back after what it did to Tessa, and how they can just be brought back as nothing happened. V notices that she's visibly upset, and J tries to talk her into joining forces with Cyn. V however refuses and the episode carries on. (I'm pretty sure there are some issues with this, but it's at least better than what we were given imo.)
@kabutopusu 5 дней назад
If Internecion Cube is a beta for Murder Drones, Liam's even older stuff (Design, Yellow Halogen etc. etc.) on SSTWL are betas for Internecion Cube. I'd really recommend watching them (Design especially) if you want more stuff like this to obsess over lol
@Vang2009 5 дней назад
The fandom will fix her! Just write a couple of fan-fics and our feelings will feel better surely! Who care's about the canon, I want to cope and hug my pillow.
@boxmantherandom 5 дней назад
"possibly killed tessa" "used tessa's skin" I don't know man I think she's alive
@DrAOblivian 5 дней назад
When I look at J, I see someone with an inferiority complex. Choosing duty over others most of the time. She is someone who seeks favor in the eyes of those you are above her. That's why she works so hard and is a workaholic. It's to prove herself not just to the company, but to also prove that to herself. This is because I have an inferiority complex, and it makes me want to work hard to the point of over exhaustion to prove to myself and others around me that I am capable. And I see that in J which is why I sympathize with her character.
@lawgx9819 5 дней назад
this didnt age well
@CMDR_Ignitus 5 дней назад
Lord Frumptebucket needed more screen time >:(
@EditsofLasangamaneditor 5 дней назад
Honestly, I don't think she's a tragic character. She isn't a nice drone or person. She deserved everything that happened to her. First off; Tessa. She already knew and had experiences with her. Tessa immediately liked J, and she is practically her BFF. J already knew what Cyn did, and there was no confirmation if J tried to fight Cyn for what she did to Tessa. J could've atleast tried and say something to V while fighting. There was already a moment for J to realize that she could at least TRY and fight along with J. Obviously, J is still alive in the credits. I feel like if J atleast tried and realized her mistake would've been awesome, but already random.
@EditsofLasangamaneditor 5 дней назад
But something is true is that she can't die. She's practically living with guilt 24/7, but she atleast could've tried.
@locosword3985 5 дней назад
I don't care me no like J I don't understand why people like her she's literally the worst Murder Drone everybody is above her.
@dereklee6136 5 дней назад
I like how like they purposely probably left some pop points off so just in case if they do make a season two they will have plot points to go by
@jimbatter5246 5 дней назад
(a comment i originally posted somewhere else ). Jay spent her entire life having to appease whoever has the most power . Even after finding out Tessa was really gone ,assuming her confusion wasn't flat out a plot hole . She didn't help Tessa until her parents were in danger because "corporate" had spoken. Honestly I'd rather her know because it gives context to everything about her. Uzi rebels and she doesn't. Had Jay defended Tessa she would have been decommissioned and killed and she would have ended up a zombie like Cyn . Solver killed her best friend (probably had her do it personally) cloned and rebuilt her who knows how many times , possessed another drone , killed all the drone , destroyed several planets , and there was nothing left for her to do in her eyes beside delay the inevitable and pray that when the slover was done that she'd actually just let her die and not something else . This is why she hated N . She knows (at least on some level) that all of this is happening because the solver is obsessed with being with him and that's what ultimately got Tessa not only killed but desecrated. It's why she couldn't turn sides . She was never a good person . She was a lap dog, then a war dog and now she is just a stray who burned every potential bridge and now her only option in her eyes is to travel a galaxy where there's likely no one left waiting for her until the end of time since oil starvation is probably manufactured. J is the story of a robot who compartmentalized her action by telling herself she was above other drones but the truth is she was the one with the least free will of all and it cost her everything.
@justsomejerseydevilwithint4606 5 дней назад
Nice motive, still genocide
@HIMEL.303 5 дней назад
*"The tragedy of J the unwise"* Ahhhhh moment. Star wars Easter egg
@min_e_official 5 дней назад
Given the fact that J is so attached to Tessa out of the three of them, we could see it when Tessa was locked up in the mansion with J. It seems like she got her hopes up, and Cyn who used Tessa's corpse, dilute her delusions that Tessa is alive and things will be okay at the end even though J knew it wouldn't be okay. She knows that V and N are mass produced as well like her so she don't fear killing them at all. But she has a seemingly another hope for V and N to be... To break out the cycle they are in (mass produced with no memory getting destroyed and why J seems have her memory??? Unlike the two? Uzi hack N and V that's why they got some memories and such... So why J have memories?) Oh well... J knew something. And about the winning team she said? I agree with her since Cyn is not solved yet. The question is... How many more of the mass produced Disassembly Drones are out there? And where we're those spaceship came from if all the planets colonies have been destroyed by Cyn?! Bye... Need some existential crisis time of MD. I realized a lot of stuffs.
@samiracle13 5 дней назад
i am this close 🤏 to writing my own J spin-off
@vanitymoth 5 дней назад
J really didn't need much. Just a 10 second scene in the finale where she tries to rebel against the solver and then gets overridden by cyn to be forced to fight for her. Or at least one line asking for V, N, or Uzi to fight back against Cyn. Or a flashback scene where she's reminiscing about her times with Tessa feeling guilty to have failed her. Or a confrontation with N concluding their character dynamic of an abusee vs abuser. I can't comprehend what liam was thinking when bringing back this character and developing her in episode 5 just to do nothing with her and have all her setups in episode 5 and 7 have no payoff. I get she's not a main character but it seems like the only reason she was brought back was for cheap shock value at the end of episode 3 and then discarded afterwards.
@cringeopedia 5 дней назад
@groudongamer3178 5 дней назад
I think the point of her character was to show the dangers of committing to a job until it's all you know. She was beyond broken....
@EclipseVenexus 5 дней назад
Star/random dude couldn’t have said it better. While how J was handled wasn’t the way I preferred…the things he said concerning J’s overall character made things interesting. Gave me much more to think about.
@jupitergaming5146 5 дней назад
I keep saying this but a great way to continue murder drones would be a spin-off series following J
@Uzidoorman4 5 дней назад
Thank you all i hear is people call her mommy and don't care about her story
@SD-VThe_LovablePsycho0100 5 дней назад
Okay, now feel bad for J. Also, in a way, J kind of has Thanatophobia, a fear of death, she's scared of betraying Cyn because she knows the Solver will just bring her back if she dies.. Memories and all, it's sad.... really sad....