Following Truth Wherever It Leads!
@TheOriginalJZTV 6 часов назад
Great conversation. You both bring such great insight and perspectives in your own, unique ways. Keep up the good work ✌️😎
@studiosandi 6 часов назад
Both of you are out there changing the world for the better.❤❤❤
@stevenhogenson4880 6 часов назад
Sanctification issue -- Jesus vs Paul > Jesus told his disciples "the gates of heaven are narrow. Work hard to get in" while Paul can't seem to make up his mind.
@totonow6955 6 часов назад
1:01:51 questioning my political beliefs lead eventually into questioning Christianity. Some people are literally trying to.eradicate others. Politics...just don't equate "centerist" with correct and fair. The middle is not just...correct. There is no middle between fascists and yourself that is good for society.
@MrFireman164 7 часов назад
How awesome was this ?!
@LadyhawksLairDotCom 7 часов назад
14:42 Echo chambers can be _nearly_ perfect under the right circumstances. Growing up, we had no Internet. My family lived in the middle of nowhere where we got ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, KTVU and channel 40 (which often echoed KTVU). TV was restricted and there were no children who lived close enough to play. The only times I left the house / woods were to go to church, Christian school or to socialize with other Christians. Secular music was forbidden, as were most movies. No, it wasn't a perfect echo chamber, but it was pretty darn thorough. It would be hard to replicate such an echo chamber today without going full Amish. :)
@jollyjerr 7 часов назад
You both are amazing and have helped so many of us who are still processing an exit from child indoctrination. Thank you for sharing your stories!
@pdcdesign9632 7 часов назад
It will take some time to DETOX from religious indoctrination. Go at your own pace folks. 👍
@tcuisix 7 часов назад
I remember the first atheist content i saw on youtube and how uncomfortable and defensive it made me feel. So glad I got over those beliefs.
@garyhuff2175 7 часов назад
I found that when I prayed to God, about 50% of my prayers were answered and 50% failed, so I started praying to Brandon and Kristi instead of God. The results are about the same. 😂
@bigdomkook 7 часов назад
Christians always state the only true purpose they have is to glorify god. Thats sounds pretty robotic.
@stevenhogenson4880 7 часов назад
"Live quietly and mind your own affairs" -- Hey! Christian Nationalists!! You aren't following instructions!!!!
@aservantofJEHOVAH7849 7 часов назад
JEHOVAH is the source of ALL The information and energy in his creation he literally cannot profit from creatures, we owe JEHOVAH a debt that we can never repay,it is only just that we recognize his due sovereignty over his creation.
@brucee6524 7 часов назад
A _lack of belief_ is a much greater threat to those who predicate their eternal salvation on their belief in something that might or might not have happened 2,000 years ago. I mean, it's apparently not enough that Jesus died on a cross to save all of us from hell. Nooooo -- your "choice" to disbelieve that it happened somehow un-crucifies him and un-saves you. Your belief, in fact, is _more important_ than Jesus' sacrifice. So, simply not playing this game of belief vs disbelief and saying something like, "meh, I don't care enough to investigate that claim, and I'm not sure why anyone would trouble themselves over something like this, as it seems pretty ridiculous to me," hits them in a critical spot where their praise of their own "choices" to believe starts to sound like they are not the center of the universe and they are not special in the sense that God Himself [TM] has emotional concerns about them and the choices they make consciously via some medium of "belief."
@stevenhogenson4880 7 часов назад
Why is it that the martyr complex is only true in the case of Christianity, but never in the case of Islam? Christians will use the argument about martyrs "well they were willing to die for their faith" and make that as a case for the truth of Christianity, but if a Muslim acting as a suicide bomber blows themselves up along with others as a part of their jihad practices, that's just craziness and wicked. Same difference...both the Christian and the Muslim believed they would receive an eternal reward for their actions. But somehow this only legitimizes Christianity and not Islam. Double standard much?
@jmangames5562 7 часов назад
Im an atheist and had a long deconversion after 32 years in Christianity. I will warn that I believe that project 2025 is another fear tactic just like Hell. Both sides use these tactics and religion to control people. I vote economically not on fear from either side. Don’t buy into either side thats the problem, the trap. Luv ya both great conversation and hope yall do so many more!!
@stephenpowstinger733 8 часов назад
There are two approaches to atheism. One is shredding the Bible and the church legacy for what it is and (2), simply logically showing that theism (or polytheism) cannot logically or scientifically prove the existence of god. It would be interesting to hear both of their takes on The Four Horsemen. Hopefully someone reads this.
@50-50_Grind 8 часов назад
Proudly subscribed to both of you.
@stephenpowstinger733 8 часов назад
30:30 “you don’t have reinforcement from a higher power” he said, I think implies that there is a higher power. That’s what this is all about. There is no higher power aka god no more than your worshipping a film star makes them give one iota about your existence.
@montymartell2081 8 часов назад
I'm an angry atheist I knew God wasn't real when I was seven but through life I've had good paying jobs where if I admit it I don't believe in God I'd get fired or if you said you didn't believe in God you'd be shunned and that's what makes me an angry atheist I'm 65 now and didn't even know people like you existed until RU-vid came out and I love listening to your shows cuz it validates how I felt my whole life so thank you and please don't quit
@stevenhogenson4880 8 часов назад
Thought proving episode. Never heard ANYONE ever look into this aspect of belief and theology.
@stevenhogenson4880 8 часов назад
For those that use the argument that "god created them (angels or humans). he can do whatever he wants." Scary rationalization. Does that me we as human parents can do WHATEVER WE WANT to our children? We made them. They are our creation, even metaphorically speaking. Nobody would agree with that argument. We even have laws and regulations in place for the protection of children because there are those who do abuse them and "do whatever they want."
@terrorsaurus8683 8 часов назад
8:23 I love how he is so close to quoting Marx. "The history of society is the history of class struggle."
@newme1589 8 часов назад
Not in Europe. Christians are, i wont say persecuted, thats a strong word, but less favoured than Muslims/Jews/Secular people, without a doubt. There are Christians going to prison for praying in public, where Muslims are allowed, this happened in Scotland for example.
@terrorsaurus8683 8 часов назад
6:53 Is sinning wrong if it's what we were programmed to do?
@amyrenee1361 8 часов назад
John 6:44 states nobody can come to Jesus unless God the Father initiates it. So I don't know for certain, but that sounds like it means you should not actively seek out God.
@das-fre_1219 8 часов назад
(any "you" or other not personal pronouns are in general) An argument I make often is the fact of many forgetting or dismissing ALL KNOWING. God would have made everyone KNOWING what afterlife they would end up in, whether its heaven or hell, so it would be fair to say God made you knowing you would go to hell. An example I would give would be would you have a child knowing that they will be purely evil (no saving or redeeming them)?
@areuaware6842 8 часов назад
Jesus was executed for sedition, not sacrificed.
@onestrangeanimal3212 8 часов назад
I love this! I just sat here with a big smile on my face. But now I'm almost a bit sad that Guanyin isn't a real godess, because I don't think I'd have any trouble serving such a deity.
@areuaware6842 8 часов назад
All evil and suffering comes from Abraham's evil false god.
@jAkiosn 8 часов назад
As someone again, grew up in European Pentacost and an aspie, was so bevlidered by anything and everything. We should not love conflict, but they relised the most compeitive party games ever, we should not be greedy, but not fall into idealism and become "useless" to Capitalist society, We should be unique, but also conform to the denomination, we should not judge, but also, we are divinely taks to judge all other cultures, creeds and faiths, and to convert them to our way of thinking, all while talking about persectuion of us and the value of respecting other peoples cultures. So basically, only read the Bible and act like a bussinessman, we boys even had to wear suits while girls could wear anything, i fought my conformist mom more or less at the point of autistic meltdown to not wear an ugly and souless suit to a children's birthday party, because nothing says playfulness and personality like a bussiness suit.
@jAkiosn 8 часов назад
When i entered public school i was also several times almost thrown into psyciatric care for being too morally strict with myself, and also distrustful of other people, not because of their faiths, but of because their tendencies to make massive and inconsistent demands of me while telling me what a spoiled little boy i am regardless of how hard i worked to meet their insane demands.
@jAkiosn 8 часов назад
And also, i was disliked for being a Feminine boy in both societies for liking poetry and literature, you know, the thing you need to understand the bible and Capitalist society. I hate Masculinity.
@aservantofJEHOVAH7849 9 часов назад
James teaching on faith and works in no way contradicts Paul's teaching on the same subjects. Faith is our motivation if we have true faith it will be evident by the way we live ,so whereas their can be works apart from faith there can be no faith apart from works.
@aservantofJEHOVAH7849 9 часов назад
There are no contradictions in James just your bad faith propaganda.
@wardraven8755 9 часов назад
God didn’t give us free will the serpent did.
@allengallegos7238 9 часов назад
Thank you both for sharing your thought provoking content! It is very important that you had the experience from the cult which you can reference and contrast the other side.
@JGreez 9 часов назад
Can men get pregnant?
@DebbieCarter-pw7rf 9 часов назад
I subscribe to both of you and I think the reason I do is bc you two are just giving out information and letting me decide for myself what I believe. Both are teaching us how to think, not what to think. That is so very important to me. Thanks to you both.
@aservantofJEHOVAH7849 9 часов назад
JEHOVAH Has total logistical supremacy his cause is never at risk no matter what decision his creatures make, he can undo anything his creatures do only the one taking up arms against JEHOVAH is at risk.
9 часов назад
I see my book behind you! Do you find my philosophy moral??
@stevenhogenson4880 9 часов назад
Kristi's observation that Christianity is fading in the U.S. is telling. I would suggest it is one of the driving factors of the Christian Nationalist movement. When most of the country was majority Christian, nobody saw anything like this. Pretty much everyone believed the same way. Fast forward. Population growth now including significant numbers of immigrant people groups that were NOT raised Christian. Believers deconverting and leaving the church in ever increasing numbers. Conservative Christians are seeing their power and influence eroding and are acting out in ever increasing desperation to hang on to it. When you lose power, what else do you lose? Money and control. I would posit that NONE of the Christian Nationalist movement is really about faith ala Jesus' teachings. It's about power and control. The "do as I say and don't question" mentality Brandon mentions discussing the slave mentality of believers in some of his episodes.
@767driver4 9 часов назад
Two of my most 3 favorite atheist podcasters, the other being Tom Westbrook of Holy Koolaid. THANK YOU for your work and efforts that has benefited so many on so many levels.
@ReligieVrij 9 часов назад
Great interview. Nice to have you both on. I started my new channel about six weeks ago, where I shared my reconversion testimony. I did it with care, not to criticize anyone else's faith, but nonetheless I received 85% negative and judgmental comments from Christians. Fortunately, there was also some support, and a handful of people contacted me to say they were encouraged by my testimony and that it helped them come out or actively work through their religious trauma. Most of the time, it's the topic of hell that has caused damage. Despite the many disrespectful comments, I’m very grateful that I was able to help at least a few people. It was worth it.
@aservantofJEHOVAH7849 9 часов назад
Christendumb's three headed demon God has failed but the Gods of atheism have failed at least as spectacularly so the evangelists of those Gods have no standing to talk down to anyone about the failure of their Gods . The Lord JEHOVAH is the only God who has delivered on his pledge to bring peace and brotherhood to his people. This peace is a sign from him to all sincere truthseekers.
@Mr11ESSE111 9 часов назад
Jesus was not teligious too or infact he was killed by religious peoples just like religions kills everyone after him which didnt want to be under religion boots
@ElenaAideen 10 часов назад
I still love how thoroughly both of you communicate. I/We grew up going to a private Christian School, but we had polytheistic influences from our Mamu, and in spite of the constant Christian indoctrination, polytheism felt much more in line with our experience. Yet that indoctrination still constantly reinforced that there must be something more, deities must exist. So we turned towards polytheism and held very tightly to that for decades. We eventually even went to Seminary to become a Priestess and wanted to create an interfaith ministry that would operate nationwide. Being in Seminary though we needed to know more and understand how deity affects folks of every faith. That's where we started being forced to question everything. From when we left Seminary until we reached the conclusion that we couldn't justify any position except Agnostic Atheism it took us 8 years. For us it's even more confusing because we are learning now that many of the voices we believed were our pagan deities are actually different parts of ourselves. That we have a fractured personality and are being currently evaluated and diagnosed for Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). We know that a significant part of the trauma that caused this is related to religious trauma, particularly from the purity culture preached so hard at school.
@stevenhogenson4880 10 часов назад
My two favorite atheist podcasters on one show...awesome! Think the world of both of you. Both of you in your own unique way have aided confirming my own deconstruction and deconversion.
@aservantofJEHOVAH7849 10 часов назад
@MotownModels 1 hour ago @aservantofJEHOVAH7849 bruh oh my god it's not that deep, you made a claim, now prove it. You're being a bad servant of Jehovah Reply @aservantofJEHOVAH7849 1 second ago @MotownModels all of the communists regimes of twentieth century were founded by atheists and without exceptions were thugocracies,now let's see your list of libertarian republics founded by atheists.
@stevenhogenson4880 10 часов назад
"I don't know" is how the gods (all of them) came to be in the first place. "I don't know, therefore god." Humankind was not comfortable with ending the sentence "I don't know." at the period. Had to have an explanation, even if they had to fabricate it.
@davidbolding8598 10 часов назад
59:00, no truer statement has ever been made.
@stevenhogenson4880 10 часов назад
The whole Christian Nationalism movement is just as scary as the Salem witch trials or the Spanish Inquisition. THE CHURCH totally taking over and dominating society and horribly treating those who do not act or believe the same way THE CHURCH does.