Gavin Palmer
Gavin Palmer
Gavin Palmer
I decided to practice making Jesus my king on October 12, 2023. Before that date, I was trying really hard to be king.
Calling the Father
14 часов назад
Response to God Voice
16 часов назад
Any Body Out There?
19 часов назад
Good News for Narcissists
14 дней назад
Some Hope for Climate Problems
14 дней назад
Jesus and Gay Pride
14 дней назад
AI Insights
14 дней назад
Preparing the Soil
14 дней назад
Principles and Practices
14 дней назад
Knowing God
14 дней назад
The You My I Am Self
21 день назад
Jesus Approves This Political Message
21 день назад
Mark Chapter 1 verse 14 and 15
21 день назад
Aliens in the Bible
21 день назад
Eyes in the Skies of Alabama
21 день назад
Morning Stroll
28 дней назад
Healthcare Smoothie
28 дней назад
TLC - The Losers Club
Месяц назад
Sharing the Gospel
Месяц назад
Where are you Aaron?
Месяц назад
Ekklēsia Club
Месяц назад
My Affordable Hearing Aids
Месяц назад
First Saturday Serve Day
Месяц назад
Rich Young Ruler Archon
Месяц назад
God Calling Seekers
Месяц назад
Withholding the Good
Месяц назад
God, Economics, and Abortion
2 месяца назад
@UpCycleClub 5 дней назад
@ChadTheGirlDad 5 дней назад
Love you man
@LemonGreen-i7m 7 дней назад
Praying for guidance in your journey. I kinda know how you feel, I tried twice to help in groups that helped people and both times got rejected lol "too many people helping" was one answer, later in time understood it was bc I was in a place I shouldn´t and that wasn´t called to do that either at least at the time. So, just trut that things will fall into place by following God. Blessings.
@RightInChrist 7 дней назад
@@LemonGreen-i7m thank you for sharing!
@joshjparks 7 дней назад
Thanks for the deeper thinking, you've randomly popped up in my feed and I'm glad I stayed and listened.
@yosefrazin6455 7 дней назад
2:49 I missed the discussion with God voice but I might see one possible difference I could see that Church-planting implies institution building, it requires navigating and shaping social dynamics of a group. Discipleship seems like it can be more individual. You help people one on one- but getting them to work together? To pull in the same direction, that seems to require further skills
@yosefrazin6455 7 дней назад
"who is wise? He who learns from every man" - Ben azzai "Who is wise? He who learns from the newborn" "Do not any despise any man, for every man has his hour"- Ben azzai Every person, even babies, have at least one thing to teach us about the world, ourselves, humanity, God... One one who is wise can learn to discern what each person can reveal Per Ecclesiastes (chapters 2-3) God has created a time and a place for all people and things in Creation - He would not create them if He did not believe they had a role in His plan. At the same time that the wise man and the fool both will ultimately die, the wise man has eyes, while the fool walks in darkness. (2:14) Wisdom does lead to much vexation, and even the wise leave a fleeting life. But this teaches us don't translate the key word of Ecclesiastes as vanity every time. For the wise man learns how to find eternity in every moment, finding a foundation doesnt mean one needs to become G-d like, transcending their finitude. There is no solid land in the seas of chaos as you call them- but there are Leviathans and Arms and small islands of dry land floating on the surface of the deep. We can cling to them, learn to swim from them, to balance on the waves... Ok ive left my wisdom for the day - none of which is mine, but my teachers, to whom I must give credit And yes I think we are trained to see many many perspectives from our tradition - because we are taught to be read many commentaries, appreciate the seventy faces of the gem-like Torah
@arthurxws 8 дней назад
Solarpunk opinion ?
@RightInChrist 8 дней назад
@@arthurxws not sure what you mean. Just went and searched solarpunk as I'd never heard of that before.
@MRKetter81 8 дней назад
Well Reformed use the term Catholic, but not Roman Catholic. Christ is Head and we are the body through love, spirit, word and sacrament.
@SuperSaiyanScandinavian 5 дней назад
the Catholic Church isn't just the Roman rite. while the Roman rite is the largest rite by far, there are 24 rites in the Catholic Church, and suggesting that Eastern Catholics are Roman just makes you look uneducated. Catholic is the umbrella term, because Catholic literally means "universal".
@matthewparlato5626 8 дней назад
Is there a certain time period in which you are perceiving the "inability to receive feedback?" as goes the corrupted body? a single lifetime?
@RightInChrist 8 дней назад
@@matthewparlato5626 the amount of time it takes is related to the amount of corruption in the body.
@lafamigliabazzani499 8 дней назад
@GrimGriz 11 дней назад
Can you not tag me in videos where you say the word orgasm, please 😂
@jasond3885 15 дней назад
Well done Gavin 🙂
@GrimGriz 15 дней назад
what happens when he tries to patent it?
@RightInChrist 15 дней назад
@@GrimGriz that's a good first question in a fringe encounter
@jasond3885 15 дней назад
I lodged a provisional patent in late 2019 with IP Australia. This gives one a year to lodge a full patent application nationally and an additional year to lodge internationally. I never intended to lodge a patent - the point of the provisional application was to prevent anyone else from patenting it since the concept was published. Patents are only granted to new/novel ideas/concepts and IP Australia is open to the public. Anyone attempting to patent a previously published ideas would fail at this hurdle. That means that the CHE is now open source, although its birthplace is in TLC. Three of the 5 team members that participated in the Elon Musk funded X-Prize competition have appeared on Karen Wong's channel. Ira (appeared on Karen's channel multiple times), recently retired from a career in Fluid Mechanics and a former Professor in same was the initial expert who listened to my garbled talk on The Meaning Code and validated the concept. He later agreed to join the team as someone prepared to validate the concept. He has many papers published in the field of Fluid Mechanics and his endorsement of the concept speaks volumes.
@mostlynotworking4112 17 дней назад
AI provides combinatorial explosion latent space of possibilities Maybe stir something in us that is latent inside us Library of Babel
@RightInChrist 17 дней назад
@@mostlynotworking4112 that last line is a strange one ;)
@mostlynotworking4112 17 дней назад
@@RightInChrist Borgesian conundrum
@yosefrazin6455 18 дней назад
Right time of year on our calendar for this... We pray for this ability daily, that to me is the best way. A daily practice of trying to let go both of what was done to us and recognizing we need the same forgiveness from others
@AdamDylanMajor 18 дней назад
When you realize the interceding entity for prayers to be accepted is the body, who was called Mary, because without the body praying, prayer is not performed, when you realize that, you get to learn that Jesus is not some external entity, Jesus then is an acquired son that can be within you, for you are the expected virgin.
@RightInChrist 18 дней назад
@@AdamDylanMajor the risk is that I get in the way and fail to be like a prescription lens through which people might see God more clearly.
@AdamDylanMajor 18 дней назад
@RightInChrist It's not about you trying to show God. That's not our goal. Just try to see glimpses of God in others, and be appreciative of how they display God, especially when they least expect it. You will start learning what it takes without even being aware either. There's no knowledge to be acquired in good behavior, just good perception and willingness to acknowledge the positive things outside of ourselves. the inner is beyond our control, so how we get the fruit of the mouth to come out is through giving good grades where due, among the living individuals, and most importantly among the people close to us. You need not tell people how good they are, but just pay attention when they display graceful behavior.
@jamesRHenry523 19 дней назад
For the love of the game, with exception of players who can juke, soccer is a wonderful team sport. Kick and run strategy is not primary to team formation. Knocking the ball in player triangles is fundamental. I remember having a coach from Scotland who would break us up in practice into groups of 4. In a static equilateral triangle 3 passing the ball around + 1 monkey defender in the middle. Once the 3 get the ‘keep away’ together the triangle moves up the field. Was nothing like extending futball possession in games to bring the team together
@RightInChrist 19 дней назад
@@jamesRHenry523 I like that. I've worked something similar (called rondos) with the team. But the group of 4 and eventual moving makes perfect sense. Thanks!
@elektrotehnik94 19 дней назад
I will die. Feels like the ultimate loss, as long as only this World is concerned... ❤
@elektrotehnik94 19 дней назад
Thank Lord you put that heart in Dumeer's comment section, otherwise I wouldn't even know where PVK's The Losers Club came from ❤
@desolasolalexluna5114 20 дней назад
Hi Gavin, Constructive feedback is always helpful sometimes though, some people take it the wrong way but that has nothing to do with the usefulness of constructive feedback. I agree with you in that, people without Christ are missing something very special, yet everyone has to make that decision for themselves.
@RightInChrist 20 дней назад
If we know Jesus we can't help but think it would be good for others to know Jesus too. At the same time, I like to think a person who is born deaf and blind and without the ability to communicate with other people may be able to know Jesus too.
@desolasolalexluna5114 19 дней назад
@@RightInChrist well said, and I agree
@yosefrazin6455 20 дней назад
I wonder though if you aren't assuming there is only one way to know G-d Jeremiah tells us knowing God is judging the cause of the needy and the widow, of rejecting oppression and violence (22:16-17). In Hosea knowing God is said to be being bound to righteousness, justice, love, compassion, and trust (2:21-22). In Isaiah it is doing what God has commanded you righteously, feeding the hungry and clothing the naked (58:2-7). BUT we are also told that the Egyptians know God through the plagues - through that form of His Justice. But That the Jews knew God, not through these miracles but through His hearing their cry and alleviating their oppression, and freeing them from bondage. Knowing God through His signs IS NOT knowing Him through His love which IS NOt knowing Him through His just punishments which are not knowing Him by embodying Him or what He acts of us. And yet these are all ways to know Him- and are any of these as Adam knew His wife?
@RightInChrist 20 дней назад
Imagine God as a person. I think about people I know and people who know them. To a point I think you are making, a person can be known by different people in different ways and with different intimacy. I can't even know all the ways to know a person. But I can go meet the person and come to know them: especially if God is a person and isn't constrained by things that constrain humans. Sometimes we encounter a person and immediately forget them. In that case, I could argue that we don't know that person. That person is a stranger. For many people, God is a stranger. When we are born, God is a stranger. Please correct me if I'm wrong or mistaken or missing something. We go throughout our day and forget about a person and remember a person for periods of time. During those periods of time when we forget that person, do we know them? I'd say no. But there is a potential to remember the person and the act of remembering is the knowing I'm thinking about. We know them when we remember them and we don't know them when we forget them. And sometimes we meet a person and learn their name and nothing else. You might claim to know the person because you recall their name and a few identifying features. How well do you really know the person? Are you at all interested in knowing them better? So I'm trying to point at a kind of knowing which is very much like the kind of "knowing and remembering" any person. I'm aiming at the kind of knowing and remembering in which my heart is God's heart always. Not there yet. ;)
@yosefrazin6455 20 дней назад
@@RightInChrist Im not sure I buy your premise. We say all of Creation knows God- birds and waves and lightning. I think when we are born we do know Him in much the same way. Because He is more than a person- He is also of course personal. But again one way we can know Him is through His Will as realized in His Creation, instinctual participation with His Personal Will. It's like walking through a building or looking at a piece of art or using a machine. I have shared something with the designer, participated in their intent and will, I may also step back and think about what I learned about them. But even without that meta-step, I have known them (which I do think is precisely the type of knowledge we mean when Adam knows Eve- I don't think it's at a deep profound level of learned everything about her. It's he participated in her will. I mean he literally just blamed her for causing him to eat the fruit. And she names Cain, not Adam which is customary (and Adam will name Seth). But he begins to finally treat her as a person, not an object. A thou and not an it when he acquices to have relations to give her the child she wishes to acquire (and note she speaks of the man-child as an object herself, an acquisition). It will take time for this family (ie us) to learn how to take personal responsibility, not blame each other but be accountable, and treat each other as actual persons- and this starts with a certain ack-knowlegement
@yosefrazin6455 20 дней назад
@@RightInChrist I would say a creature that is doing exactly what God wills of it always knows and remembers Him. Humans once they get to the age of 'knowledge of good and evil' have to learn how to return to Him
@RightInChrist 20 дней назад
@@yosefrazin6455 - Yosef and I are moving our chat to Jacob's discord server in the #links channel.
@yosefrazin6455 20 дней назад
5:24 there has never been a human who is perfect "The righteous man has fallen seven times"
@RightInChrist 20 дней назад
@SofaWrld2 23 дня назад
Thanks for sharing! I commend you, confrontation is not easy.. balancing values and diff ppls interests is not easy. It's fascinating how standing your ground when you're in a leadership role enables others to confront their own values (e.g. enabling a parent or kid to think abt their priority of winning). It's also interesting the difference btwn recreational sport and competitive sport. I'm just wondering, if your 3 values are winning, fairness (equal time playing), and fun, whether those values are equally important or if winning is still slightly more important
@RightInChrist 23 дня назад
@@SofaWrld2 I try to balance all 3, but it's hard.
@SofaWrld2 23 дня назад
@@RightInChrist Yeah I'm just thinking if winning is 2/4 of the pie and fairness and fun are each 1/4 of the pie, it doesn't mean it's not balanced. Just like when you bake a cake, just bc there's more flour than sugar doesn't mean it's not balanced
@RightInChrist 22 дня назад
@@SofaWrld2 I can say that some players and parents do not agree with my decisions. I personally have been someone totally focused on winning for most of my life and so I suspect that one weighs more subconsciously. I have a friend who told me about their rule that everyone plays half the game and so I stole that rule for our team. I can say that I can't make all my kids have fun all the time no matter how hard I try even if that was my only goal. One thing I should also communicate in the future as a coach, is my goal to encourage the kids to learn how to be a good team member for our small team and for the league as well.
@SofaWrld2 22 дня назад
@@RightInChrist Gotcha yeah it does sound really hard, not just hard to put into action but hard how it can weigh on a person. Everything you're saying makes sense tho and your thoughts and ideas and actions sound like the thing to do. I suspect the rest is time! Consulting other coaches sounds like a good idea too - that reminds me of what was Paul saying the other day, don't try to be too original lol Encouraging other kids to be good team members is a great opportunity for the kids too 👍 But yeah, don't be too hard on yourself, it sounds like you're a great coach
@strangetheology 23 дня назад
Another goal: to win even when you lose. As with wresting and dialogue, if your goal is development and strengths, losses can be the seeds of future growth.
@RightInChrist 23 дня назад
@@strangetheology Amen!
@strangetheology 23 дня назад
Biblical cosmology is way cooler and stranger than the post enlightenment materialist want to believe. Aliens seem to be a naturalistic explanation for a supernatural world.
@RightInChrist 22 дня назад
I'm thinking naturalistic explanations and models can help up to the point where a person ultimately decides to commit our life to Jesus as our master. At that point we ultimately need to work on knowing Jesus better.
@ChadTheGirlDad 23 дня назад
@ChadTheGirlDad 23 дня назад
Why is RU-vid blocking? Strange
@RightInChrist 23 дня назад
@@ChadTheGirlDad they have a list of words we shouldn't use ;)
@chuckmoore9835 23 дня назад
Good one! & I liked your “Maybe…” story - some time back🙋‍♂️
@RonCopperman 24 дня назад
Spock! Help me Spock ! : )
@daycart7 27 дней назад
They know their audience
@DonaldNesbit 28 дней назад
Just eat a piece of chicken and a carrot, glass of water. You be good for most for the day or night.
@RightInChrist 28 дней назад
@@DonaldNesbit I hear plant based diets are best for fighting cancer.
@mostlynotworking4112 28 дней назад
Now that got my attention in the feed
@SofaWrld2 28 дней назад
One thing I will say abt Jordan Peterson - my understanding is he likes to talk to losers or common ppl at least to the extent of getting their feedback (Paul mentions this, how Jordan likes getting signals and likes social studies). Talking to losers or common folk every once and a while gives a much more representative signal
@SofaWrld2 28 дней назад
well said! yeah i think you (TLC, peterson academy) complement each other bottom-up vs top-down, like you say. wisdom, love vs knowledge, power. you need losers for resilient love and wisdom :)) I am also very much a loser ✋
@AphraelPilotson 28 дней назад
Good form 👍
@PaulVanderKlay 29 дней назад
I am a loser, in many ways. this is beautiful. thank you so much Gavin.
@PaulVanderKlay 29 дней назад
How to scale... losing, or how to scale loving. It's both. :)
@RightInChrist 29 дней назад
@@PaulVanderKlay I was blind.
@teestrypzSOG Месяц назад
@RightInChrist Месяц назад
@@teestrypzSOG tbh, I love you and don't know what this means 😅
@teestrypzSOG Месяц назад
@@RightInChrist haha I love you too Gavin and I will steal “The losers club” for the Christian faction of TLC. Although the “Dawn” comment appearing on this video is a glitch. I left it on the Dawn randos convo with Luke that I’m currently watching
@mostlynotworking4112 Месяц назад
“The loser” by switchfoot
@RightInChrist Месяц назад
@@mostlynotworking4112 ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Z2yZvdLg37g.htmlsi=d9NIt90y3eX6g2lk
@desolasolalexluna5114 Месяц назад
Hi Gavin, Just saw you on Luke's live stream, it's not an empty room
@GrimGriz Месяц назад
That flooding getting you?
@RightInChrist Месяц назад
@@GrimGriz my wife and kids are safe for now. Thank you for your care sir ❤️