HealthNut Nutrition
HealthNut Nutrition
HealthNut Nutrition
Nikole is a passionate "health nut" who inspires her viewers to live an active, healthy and balanced lifestyle by showing how easy and delicious it can be. Her "healthified" versions of fresh and tasty dishes are guaranteed to make your taste buds dance and prove that healthy eating doesn’t have to be tasteless or boring! Tune in weekly for delicious mouth watering recipes every week!

For business inquires, please email me at media(at)healthnutnutrition(dot)ca
Meet our new baby (name and gender reveal)
6 месяцев назад
@annimishel4350 22 минуты назад
Just here to say that little egg lamp was the absolute best purchase I made with my first baby. I used it so much for a few years til it finally gave out. It was especially useful for night time breastfeeding.
@stephjose9401 Час назад
Yes we LOVE ours
@margaretschaffner9133 Час назад
I walked my son by the ocean he'd fall asleep, and I def changed his diaper before I walked.
@StephanieJones-nn7yt 2 часа назад
I agree with this as long as baby is healthy weight and getting enough calories they should be able to sleep longer duration. Always ask your doctor first but unfortunately I have to do a diaper change in the middle of the night. Super sensitive skin!!!! Love ur videos
@gabihuggins5042 3 часа назад
Cosleeping! We both sleep so well. Love these tips.
@Elena-nc4gu 4 часа назад
I am also currently on dairy free diet because my 4 month old baby has some tummy issues. She has been pooping up to 7 times a day and it’s always runny and with some mucus but never blood. Her pediatrician says it is normal for a breastfed baby but I’m tired of waiting for her digestion to improve so I cut out dairy and also try to avoid soy. It’s been only a week of no dairy and I already see a difference, she poops less (only 3 times a day which is a big improvement for us) and she is calmer overall. I hope she will grow out of it so I didn’t get rid of my pumped milk.
@nanasiwq9832 6 часов назад
That is not a newborn. Newborns are ages less than a month and they do not sleep for 8 hours straight. Nothing wrong with these tips but they are not for newborns. So let's not create false expectations for new moms because this is just not true.
@wilkeeggink1869 7 часов назад
Or don't have babies laying on your back and decrease the risk of tearing majorly, when are people going to realize IT'S NOT NATURAL
@ileanaosorio1323 8 часов назад
Que no se puede todo! Silueta y bebe!!!!! Darle el pecho, comer sano y en 6 meses todo vuelve a su lugar!!!! Disfruta el bebé
@Megan6772 8 часов назад
Great but celery is like 70% water 😅
@DanaJohnson-lh7gb 9 часов назад
To help strengthen your bladder etc... Drink cranberry juice and take Nature's bounty cranberry capsules I take 4 or 5 daily they even help with cramps during your period
@norahchehab370 10 часов назад
It's very interesting when other women say they couldnt eat much while preg but had a super appetite breastfeeding. It is the opposite for me, I eat for 5 while pregnant, I'm sooo hungry. Last time I gave birth the appetite suddenly went away and I finally had energy.
@mimilee2333 11 часов назад
And my hair was just getting better before pregnancy and looking full during..now 4 months postpartum and hair is back to square one😢 im still taking prenatal and folic acid and biotin....i am crossing my fingers.
@lily6413 14 часов назад
Yep yep yep
@MohidilKarimova-yz5uy 16 часов назад
Menda ham huddi shunday bulgan
@Buttercuprincesa 22 часа назад
baby's so thin :(
@orenncharles758 День назад
I’m gonna be crying from 8 months 😭😭 women are powerful
@adararelgnel2695 День назад
Theres an amazing book called "babywise: giving your baby the gift of nightime sleep" my mom used it on us kids and now i reference it for my own babies. Its full of great tips and habits. Very useful.
@nicolevanherwynen4798 День назад
Pregnant people look so amazing 😍
@Giddieup48 День назад
This title is super annoying tbh.
@kkeemm101 День назад
Babies are so different but I can tell you they all appreciate that contact nap! I do the same things you do and my babies have all been successful at sleeping (5hours or so). I also don’t swaddle I just put a sleeper on them and make sure they have footies or socks on. Also, if your babe wakes during the night, give them a minute or two! Sometimes they are just actively sleeping and go back to sleep! Those unnecessary wake ups can cause them to get in a bad habit. We also make sure to read a rotated book and then a book that we’ve read every night before going to bed. Even if they are too young to understand, they will understand ok I’m remembering this is our bedtime now. The familiar sounds and routine really helps for a better night sleep. We don’t bathe every night, we don’t do sound machines and we do have a nightlight but it’s on for me to see lol 😂
@rachaeltrujillo9960 День назад
I did many of these things with my baby too!
@honeyobando883 День назад
RU-vid knows your location 17:01
@TrinaSawicki День назад
How do you prevent your smoothies from being bitter, seems no matter combination of vegies and fruits it just tastes bitter. Please help
@chloed8287 День назад
Hey girl, we really are in sync! I gave birth to my second baby hours away from yours and mine too is lactose intolerant. What a sacrifice to have not eaten butter, cheese or ice cream since March so I feel you! 💕
@J-4-8 День назад
Could you please share all of the natural supplements you use for yourselves and your children? I am about to have my first grandchild and would love for him to utilize natural remedies. But I am also very interested in a natural life style. Could you please do a video and share what you all use? It would be greatly appreciated!
@kristischwab5727 День назад
I exclusively pumped so my hubby got to feed baby whenever which was super helpful since I played in a hockey tournament 3month post partum. I had to pump in between games, but ya it felt amazing not having to worry. So much more freedom.
@christelleluc1766 День назад
Defrost breastmilk and put it on your baby bath 🤷‍♀️ it is good for baby sensitive skin
@lexinorris9611 День назад
“Changed my pants because I peed” 😭gurl me too. Me too.
@stephanieschmidt3987 День назад
Kids don't need any supplements except vitamin D in the winter if they're eating a balanced diet
@Cass6 День назад
Use up the milk you have stashed to make soap! My friend does that and it’s good for her whole family!
@jilliandeleon6354 День назад
3 babies no tearing and I never did this .
@AlbinGaudaire День назад
you underestimate my level of laziness
@AlbinGaudaire День назад
you underestimate my level of laziness
@stephanieschmidt3987 День назад
Infant acne is common and it's caused by maternal hormones that are still circulating in thier system
@GIRX10 День назад
Use almond oil as opposed to coconut oil. Coconut oil is alkaline, with a high pH, while the vagina is normally acidic, and these properties can disrupt the vagina's natural pH balance. This can lead to vaginal yeast infections or other vaginal infections, especially if you are already prone to them. Coconut oil can also create a biofilm in the vagina, which can increase the risk of recurrent bacterial infections.
@shandisfancher8766 День назад
I donated to mothers milk bank and it was a good experience. Can be live saving for NICU babies. 😊
@autismenlightenment День назад
I also donated a lot of my frozen milk. At 3 months daughter refused to take bottle and i leadrned that i had high lipase? That caused the sugars to break down even in frozen milk, leaving a gross soapy aort of flavour. Nicu babies are often fed directly w a tube so they dont taste the milk and its still nutritious.
@ghddoo День назад
I don't appreciate the clickbait x
@samantharitchie9148 День назад
My first babe had a dairy intolerance, as soon as I stopped eating dairy it was 180 on his crying, rash and bloody stool. I reintroduced it at 12 months and he was completely fine and now at 8 years old hes never had a problem at all.
@sakinaisaji6883 День назад
I get a little excited every time i see you have posted a new video. Specially updates about Oakley as i have a baby boy who is just 2 weeks younger than him. I love to see your tips and tricks.❤
@artteacherforlife День назад
I have kidney disease and had losing lots of hair. I started taking Bamboo extract. At first I took just 2,000mg a day. I bought another brand and thought that it had the same mg, so till the same number of capsules. It had triple so I was taking 12,000mg a day but it made a huge difference in my hair. I had cancer as 4 years old and had chemo and my hair never was the same. But more It is so thick and healthy.
@carolineroy1068 День назад
Eurgh, Oakley is sooo cute! I’m about to have my first boy and it’s making me so excited to be a boy Mum too!
@taka1taka День назад
It's no good now...but when he will grow out of it ,it may be fine 😁
@TaylorParnell День назад
SO CRAZY ❤❤❤❤ love your channel so inspiring can’t wait to make content for my RU-vid as I step into my mom era due in December with my first ❤❤❤❤
@pavlemilojevic9311 День назад
Excuse me, do you have any milk for me, I am an orphan baby and I am only 15 days old and I need someone who would feed me naturally, that is, who would breastfeed me for at least a year. Please can you
@pavlemilojevic9311 День назад
Does either of you have some milk for me, I am a 13-day-old baby who lost both parents and I need someone who would feed me naturally, that is, who would breastfeed me for at least a year. Could one of you two do that for me, please, and if one of you two would adopt me, I would be very grateful. Please
@jchoco453 День назад
Love Dandy Blend! It’s my fav pick me up in the afternoons! 😊
@viridianaserino1117 День назад
I love Sage’s bell-bottoms. My second child had a similar issue, but he also had severe eczema and projectile vomiting whenever I would have dairy. He outgrew his allergy at 12 months.
@WilliamTheUnkownShoutout День назад
This is indeed very heartwarming and very wonderful and very adorable and very beautiful and this brings back such great memories of when I use to be a 90s kid and an early 2000s kid and I am a new subscriber as well:).
@magnolizaiana6568 День назад
Please take in to consideration that babys should only sit in these chairs for a very short time per day. It affects their physical devolpment. They are handy but be aware of that❤❤❤