The One Ring
The One Ring
The One Ring
Tolkien's Middle-earth is loved by millions! Today, there are new TV shows, films, and books releasing in Tolkien's world... and some of us are wary. Join Jonathan Watson, Michael Grumbine, and Dan Coats as they explore all the ages of Tolkien's Middle-earth!
Gandalf Gets Pushy : The Hobbit #5
2 месяца назад
How Tolkien's Bad Grammar Created Dwarves
2 месяца назад
@Karl.Jayce-DE 12 часов назад
I wish movie about morgoth was made
@JonTeriini 16 часов назад
America of the Ring. Hollow Commodifying Colonial Capitalism.
@meanse День назад
This is what you get when people who have never read Tolkien, are inspired by Game of Thrones a very bad nonsensical fan fic. The genius in Hollywood think that the way to make money is to go to war with the fans of anything, lol no wonder they are struggling. Hollywood the most immoral place in the world trying to pretend they are morally superior.
@JonTeriini День назад
Just awful
@jenniferrogers9428 День назад
Are y’all upset that the Little Mermaid was played by a Black actress and Otis Blackwell wrote many of Elvis Presley songs? One ‘Latino Black’ elf got y’all spinning in circles huh? 😝
@cryptomomentz День назад
im watching episode 8 right now and now i have the incredible urge to go 1.5x speed this dialog is so cringey. I still love laughing at the moments though since thats all this show is.
@ArwensHubby 2 дня назад
I hate sounding like "that guy", but a minor detail... the orcs in the PJ movies used trebuchets in their attack on Minas Tirith. The orcs here in RoP are using catapults. At least that is what "Elrond" launched that orc into the wall in this episode.
@JohnJ-p7o 2 дня назад
They weightless
@TheBigGSN5 2 дня назад
She wasn’t like Boromir, she was like the sapper orc that kept going and blew up the wall.
@annienglish4378 2 дня назад
How did they come to a hard stop? Now what would have been hilarious is if they came to a hard stop, flew over their horse's heads, hit the city wall, and make a big hole. Thereby showing Adar and the orcs how it SHOULD be done. Instead Galadriel is in a cage. Might I point out that the cage is probably where she should have been throughout the entire season 1 and 2. That would have saved a lot of crap and pain for the viewers. Plus the trebuchets, how are they reaching almost legendary distances to chip a bit off the entire mountain? Are they like Exocet missiles? Out in the Gulf we used to say that you can see an Exocet coming for hundreds of miles, but can do f**k all about it. And treating with Adar, no. Elrond sucks, as a soldier I wouldn't follow him to the toilet and with Galadriel I would be "Meh do it, cut her tongue, then maybe we'll all get a bit of peace. She can be the Silent Lady of the Wood." Even through death Elves remain married. So even if Celeborn was dead, his fëa would have flown to Mandos and he is re-embodied by now. So Galadriel is still married.Elves bond and marry for life. And through death, the bond remains.
@ArwensHubby 2 дня назад
Granted, it wasn't to ROP's extent but in the first "Gladiator" film they do have a few horses charging downhill through the woods in that initial battle scene against the barbarians. Maximius himself leads the charge shouting "Roma victor!" while om horseback
@eaglefangkaratedojo7473 2 дня назад
Gil Galad and Elendil injure Sauron severely in the books, at the cost of their own lives, allowing Isildur to sweep in and cut the ring off his finger. Neither ROP Gil Galad or Isildur (who ig has time to “develop?) convince anyone that they’re up to this task
@marksidorczuk6485 2 дня назад
If you watch anything with a long list of things to check of to satisfy you then your not going to enjoy anything. Can you remember a time when you werent so cynical and narrow minded? Thats probably the last time you enjoyed anything. Your ⌚ ng something for entertainment not marking a testl
@stevenv2190 3 дня назад
And I heard the season 'finale' is worse, so much WORSE.
@XxiheartsupermanXx 3 дня назад
There's not just 1 hero of LoTR! Tolkien said Sam is the "chief hero" and Frodo is the "central hero." Neither character could have done it alone.
@fantasywind3923 3 дня назад
This channel deserves way WAAAAAY more views!! Great content as always!!!
@theclassicalhomeopath 3 дня назад
A elbereth gilthoniel, save us from this show
@MatthewEverettGates 3 дня назад
This might just be a case of 'take the money and run.' As in: 'complete the job and get paid we're soooo lucky the con worked, and it's all legal, we're in charge: it's even out there that the boss is a bad father if he admits anything, so we're golden! This couldn't get any better!' 🍻
@k-matsu 3 дня назад
Love how those horses have heavy fake armor on their necks, backs and flanks ... where all it does is weigh them down ... and absolutely NO armor in the front, where the orc spears are pointed. Brilliant costume design!
@inger4794 3 дня назад
I have a question that none of the RU-vidrs I have watched have adressed: WHY THE FUCK DOES THE RINGS BIND THEM TO SAURON, WHEN THE ONE RING™ HAS NOT BEEN FORGED YET? In the beginning, with the elven rings they didn't so when the dwarven rings did, it made absolutely No Sense to me. Other than that it is worth mentioning that my mom (74), that loves LOTR and enjoys The Hobbit gets anxiety from Rings of Power. The warmth is lacking, the story does not make sense at all, the characters is cold (as opposed to how I pictured high elves). Nory, young Durin and Disa are the only characters I have any relationship to, the heartwarming and good dialogs are not there at all. And my favourite characters from the universe is Galadriel and Gandalf, and the whole thing is just so dissapointing. The character they made Galadriel out to be would be a cool heroine if it was a completely different universe and not THE Lady Galadriel from Tolkiens universe. As a random character from any other show I would love her, but this person has no characteristics that even remotely reminds of Galadriel from LOTR. Too little is explained, and as for me, I am trying the best I can to explain lore to my mom (back to that), but all the time struggeling since I don't recognize any of what's happening from how I remember it. I want so bad to love it, as I love this universe so so much, but all the inconsistencies are completely bewildering. I was especially disappointed of the battle scenes. Could they just confered with anyone remotly interested in war strategy and history, so we could get a lay of the land and where the armies are, how large the armies are. The perfect battle scene for me is Battle for Helms deep. We know the layout for the whole fort and surroundings, we know the abilities of the soldiers, we get to see what capabilities the orcs bring, we know the characters so well that we can guess their next moves. And I excused the show for the longest, that it might be due to underfunding that it was so poorly made, but I recently learned how insane amount of money they poured into this project. It makes me want to cry, they could have made this such an amazing series, and one almost believes they are making a joke out of us fans. It is just that it is even worse to watch for those who know very little lore, as even less of it makes sense to them.
@MaroLitraTV 3 дня назад
Cry more human trashes. It is a long away until 2030. It makes me glad to see all the sub-humanoids of the internet, who actually dont give a shit about Tolkien and his writings, rage every day for 4 years now. 😂
@martyfrank3548 3 дня назад
The lighting was so bad during the battle I couldnt even see half the crap going on. I think thats part of the rop strategy. Hide the stupid with bad lighting?
@TheStacanova 3 дня назад
Here’s a controversial, yet brave statement. Acknowledging Harvey Weinstein is a rapist and it’s right that he is in prison…however…to be fair, nothing as bad as Rings of Power was ever made under his watch. I’m just saying! There’s a trade off. Just Kidding. Imagine how much better Hollywood would be right now if Harvey Weinstein never was a rapist? It makes you wonder.
@Kiirs5 3 дня назад
I re-watched the cute forest fairy nature cartoon movie from 2013, "Epic" today....and found myself thinking over and over, WOW, these battle scenes in "Epic" are SOOOOO much better and more realistic and cooler than anything the Rings of Power could ever dream of!
@MissMy5.0 3 дня назад
My re-tar-dead neighbor's 5th generation inbred grandkids could've written better material than this post Nickleback and Tom Macdonald Las Vegas concert venues back alley hobos mansion dumpster fire 🔥
@TETASARAIVACS 3 дня назад
The 13 years-old found out that LIGHT is the opposite of darkness, and NOT strength
@MissMy5.0 3 дня назад
It is actually depressing and disheartening to watch this show, knowing how hard I work every day for the money I take home after taxes. To then know all the money spent on writing and filming this crap is insane. They should have just lit the money on fire and live streamed it while dancing around the fire with cringey woke signage and face paint chanting the Acolyte's greatest lines while simultaneously kicking puppies and slapping kids.
@MissMy5.0 3 дня назад
It's bananas to me the amount of common sense issues made it past everyone at every level and actually made it to the screen.
@TETASARAIVACS 3 дня назад
No, the One Ring was cold to the touch (“quite cool”) because it was forged in a much hotter fire and Frodo’s little hearth couldn’t even heat it. That’s not what happened to the Nine when Celebrimbor threw them in the same fire in which they were forged. It was just another member berry.
@TheStacanova 3 дня назад
This is the perfect example of what’s wrong about Woke writing, they make it so the EOC (Elf of Color) Asian Elf, is the ONLY Elf who can take the shot & sacrifice herself. What they won’t do is, actually put the effort into giving her an actual character that the audience is genuinely invested in. This is the perfect demonstration of how far they take DEI, in place of quality writing. They don’t understand, it’s the obvious contrivance and agenda behind it that make people complain, which wouldn’t happen if they created a well written character.
@TETASARAIVACS 3 дня назад
It would be actually interesting if this dumb story was created around Celebrían, and not Galadriel, since they needed a girl to be the main character.
@saar144 3 дня назад
It is both mind boggling and impressive how EVERY aspect of this show is so badly executed
@madwellmusic8995 3 дня назад
Wait, so according to season 2, he Sauron was never crowned?? But in season 1, they showed him in panapoly of war, including the crown that Adar killed him with? So at what point did Sauron ever rule the orcs? It wasnt after morgoths defeat was it? So is the flashback the end of the 1st age? Or the very beginning of the 2nd?
@harrystred7350 3 дня назад
If Arondir can shoot the orcs in the trenches why doesn’t he just shoot Adar who is also in the trenches?
@A5tr0101 3 дня назад
I liked the latest episode, i wouldnt say i hate it with every fibre in my body... Bit of an overreaction, surley there is something you liked as a fan or LOTR? Your take on celebrimbor and how he would behave is none sense because sauron did deceive celebrimbor, you wouldnt just say no to sauron... He can litterally mind control as a power at this point
@TurinStark5 3 дня назад
And yet Gil Galad, Galadriel and other's didn't trust him. This deceit is the show is too fast. Celebrimbor basically was willing to betray his King's orders just to do rings - he believed Annatar too fast
@hsnclk1985 3 дня назад
I remember watching that nightmare episode and thinking, ‘Elrond, please kiss the wall, but don’t kiss Galadriel. You can even kiss the orcs, but for the love of everything, don’t kiss your mother-in-law.’ That was basically my mindset while watching the show.
@christianpoulsen4164 3 дня назад
Not sure if Johnatan and Micheal read comments on here, but I saw others suggest that Gilgalad did not actually stab the troll, but thats a clip cut in of him stabbing a orc on the ground, cause his stab is that low. I entirely believe Gilgalad was not meant to be part of the siege at all, and was just added in as an after thought.
@hyvakoira 3 дня назад
My guess is that they initially planned two battles, the second one with Gil-galad, but ran out of money and mixed the already shot material into this one rather stupid battle 😂
@TheCincinnatiDad 3 дня назад
So, was GilGalad stabbing the troll like the King in Dragonslayer (you remember Dragonslayer, right?) claiming the kill of the dragon?
@belegur8108 3 дня назад
I heard Tom Shippey was fired by the Show, because he did an interview with the German Tolkien Society ( Deutsche Tolkien Gesellschaft ) from 29 July 2019, where he talked about having concerns putting the show into the second age and we knowing so little about that time. To the question "So does Amazon have a free hand in the interpretation?" he answered: "Amazon has a relatively free hand when it comes to adding something, since, as I said, very few details are known about this time span. The Tolkien Estate will insist that the main shape of the Second Age is not altered. Sauron invades Eriador, is forced back by a Númenorean expedition, is returns to Númenor. There he corrupts the Númenoreans and seduces them to break the ban of the Valar. All this, the course of history, must remain the same. But you can add new characters and ask a lot of questions, like: What has Sauron done in the meantime? Where was he after Morgoth was defeated? Theoretically, Amazon can answer these questions by inventing the answers, since Tolkien did not describe it. But it must not contradict anything which Tolkien did say. That’s what Amazon has to watch out for. It must be canonical, it is impossible to change the boundaries which Tolkien has created, it is necessary to remain “tolkienian”." My best guess is, that this is the part of the interview, that got him fired, because he was seen to be a problem. And when Christopher Tolkien died in january 2020 and Amazon began with their script writing, it didn't took long for them to stop working with Tom Shippey, as the layoff was going public around april 2020. Officially Tom was sent away because the interview with the German Tolkien Society was not sanctioned and therefore he did violate some NDA... why wait 9 months after the article went public? your guess is as good as mine... P.S. you can find the article ( it is in english ) when you search for "Tom Shippey german tolkien society interview"
@nisonatic 3 дня назад
Him being fired becuase his inconvenient opinions made life difficult for an incompetent producer/executive is standard office politics. It'd be stranger if that *wasn't* what happened. Looking at that article: _Does the Tokien Estate have a veto on changes?_ _Yes, the Tolkien Estate keeps a very careful eye on everything and is quite capable of saying no. They retain a veto over everything that concerns Tolkien._ I understand they can't fix bad writing by veto. It'd become an antagonistic relationship. But whatever criteria the estate is using, it must be pretty high level. Certainly the characters and many major events seem incompatible with established lore.
@Too-Odd 3 дня назад
We know a lot that happens in the second age. Too bad they chose to use almost none of it or Amazon didn't pay for it. We also know much about the elves, dwarves, and men, but none of that history is used either. This is just a bad D&D campaign that is set in Middle Earth. It doesn't follow canon and lore, so what good is it?
@doop2541 3 дня назад
I can't even watch the reviews of this piece of crap. Thanks for torturing yourselves on our behalf.
@jameshewitt3747 3 дня назад
Working twice as hard. Is that the 2nd time you said that? It wasn't funny the 1st time.
@vladgheneli 3 дня назад
I don't think I've ever seen such a motorically written show, not Acolyte, not Kenobi, not Willow, no matter how laughable Disney productions are, all pale in comparison to the Turds of Power. Well done! Clap!
@yellomoth 3 дня назад
The title is wrong. This is part 3. Thank you for your service.
@thundercliff93 3 дня назад
“Tolkien has become a monster, devoured by his own popularity and absorbed into the absurdity of our time. The chasm between the beauty and seriousness of the work, and what it has become, has overwhelmed me. The commercialization has reduced the aesthetic and philosophical impact of the creation to nothing. There is only one solution for me: to turn my head away.” ― Christopher Tolkien
@sparkycjs 3 дня назад
Is that a real quote? Recent?
@thundercliff93 3 дня назад
@@sparkycjs it's from an interview with J.R.R. Tolkien's son by the magazine Le Monde
@cosmicmuffin322 3 дня назад
I understand how he feels, and he's right but only to an extent, and only for the most casual and unserious viewer. As his father might say, he has despaired too easily. There are plenty of people who both own a bunch of commercialist junk like plastic figurines and sword replicas etcetera, and also understand the true "beauty and seriousness of the work". Many, many people.
@vladgheneli 3 дня назад
I also genuinely think the showrunners are trolling, they can't possibly be this dumb, this is worse than the last season of GoT
@Lord_Nordan 3 дня назад
It was very frustrating seeing the 30 something elves do a 'last charge' rather than scaling the walls and defending the city, especially seeing those ladders directly behind them! Ugh....
@belegur8108 3 дня назад
also Gil-Galad ordering them to form a line and when they attack, they are doing it in a chaotic skirmisher "formation" is so funny to watch...
@NigiVlogs 3 дня назад
Absolutely moronic scenes. That female elf standing up after being shot and firing the arrow, and orcs looking at the fkin arrow LMAO, the scene is Boromir, Helms Deep and Bronn Blackwater shot in one... Even Bronn had to fire 3 shots to hit but she managed to fire a straight shot that somehow turned into arched shot, fell into a pot of oil and blew it up... These writers don't know how anything works, like they kept them in some basement for their entire lives.
@JulieMoran1832 3 дня назад
Yaaas!!!! She-Elf is getting hit by what? 6-7 Arrows? So you're telling me six orcs, in the midst of that chaos, had time to aim at a single archer because of Elrond’s order to destroy the siege engine? And why in Tolkien's name is no orc shooting the defenseless Elrond kneeling in the dirt if they have time for the other one. By this point his plot armor is sooo thick he could probably survive a shot from that stupid overpowered trebuchet without a scratch. Ahhhh it’s sooo stupid
@Jezza_One 3 дня назад
Just take all copies of this abomination and throw it into Mount Doom.
@Lord_Nordan 3 дня назад
"Light... is mightier than strength" was a strange line. It almost seems contradictory or redundant, as "strength" could be seen as a characteristic of "light". It only makes sense if "strength" is strictly interpreted as "physical strength", and even then it's rather ambiguous.
@goodputin4324 3 дня назад