Decoding the Unknown
Decoding the Unknown
Decoding the Unknown
Decoding the Unknown is a podcast (and RU-vid channel!) about history's biggest mysteries. We try to explain what happened in each of them without the cop-out of "it was aliens" or "its a giant cover up".
An Anthology of Dark Internet Mysteries
21 день назад
Was Avril Lavigne Replaced by an Imposter?
28 дней назад
The Men in Black: Fact or Fiction?
Месяц назад
Kaspar Hauser: The Prince without a Past
2 месяца назад
The Library of Alexandria: What Did We Lose?
2 месяца назад
12 Hours of DTU (NO SPONSORS)
3 месяца назад
What Was The ‘Monkey Man’ Of Delhi?
3 месяца назад
The Internet's Deepest Mysteries (Part 6)
3 месяца назад
12 Hours of DTU Part 2
4 месяца назад
The Mystery of Barbados’ Moving Coffins
4 месяца назад
Drunken Ghost Hunters 3: Return of the Jedi
4 месяца назад
12 Hours of Decoding the Unknown (No Sponsors)
4 месяца назад
The Spy in the Bag
5 месяцев назад
Who put Bella in the Wych Elm?`
5 месяцев назад
The Jersey Devil
5 месяцев назад
Jennifer Fergate: The Oslo Plaza Woman
5 месяцев назад
The Mystery of the Isdal Woman
5 месяцев назад
@Genoq 34 минуты назад
Well... a video where we see you looking at a tablet 95% of the time is not particularly interesting.
@JakeRoark-s3d 48 минут назад
Yeah this dude is confused and lost and will believe anything and everything well bald British guy the Gov say UAPs are here and those fighter pilots seem to be a lot smarter and better informed than the bald Brit.
@apotatoflewaround3085 Час назад
i fr saw this on my feed and thought it was vsauce
@philippal8666 2 часа назад
If you want to write over data…. First an MRI machine (research facility) and then a hospital incinerator.
@elizabassett-wilson5656 3 часа назад
It’s clearly a Kelpie. A water crypted that was a shapeshifter. It usually lived in lochs (Scottish lakes) and usually looked like a white horse or a beautiful woman. It liked to drown people. So, oceanic Kelpie looking for people to drown- for the lolz.
@philippal8666 4 часа назад
The kitten had to wait to the end of the story to be fed. She is insistent that she hasn’t made it.
@benberry792 4 часа назад
Saw an elchupacabra in St Louis, MO... Seconds later an MIB in blacked out SUV pulled up, "its just a fox with mange" ... ... ... mm'hmm
@decker528 4 часа назад
I wonder who exactly his fiance was. Wouldnt investigating her possibly turn up something , even if it was circumstantial?
@b2fsu18 4 часа назад
The earth is actually hollow its just completely filled itself with magma due to social pressure from other celestial bodies it views as more fulfilled. Earth does not understand the complexities of language yet but is making attempts to learn and grow and this should be encouraged before it rebels and starts smoking oh wait
@Niko-cb5xc 5 часов назад
Near India ok ok
@petegaslondon 5 часов назад
Well I heard what got the science community to accept BL is when a glowing ball floated down the aisle of a Storm-Tossed plane containing delegates from a Physics Convention! We HAVE artificially created the stuff, unintentionally, in the massive propulsion circuit breakers of US Submarines! Breaking large currents creates an arc, but at this scale, the arc created unexpected short lived glowing 'bubbles' - which DOES weird out ANYONE who knows electromagnetics! Though I can just about accept a resonating, self sustaining plasma discharge, what I find weird is the high Q-factor, that it can float and sustain for quite so long. I'd at least expect the stuff to slowly 'shrink' with reducing energy, and the fact its been seen passing straight through sheet metal is very strange indeed Unlike oft experienced-yet hard to document 'psychic' occurences, its a pretty concrete reality - even my flatmate witnessed the phenomena. I personally think its great we don't have even 'plain old electromagnetics' as figured out as we thought. Could this invoke electroweak interaction? I'd love more serious science heads doing more work on this!! Pete, Gas Electronics, London
@hellsHeRo-r4i2y 5 часов назад
Cicadia was a other agency tool to find certain types of tech analysists and potential hackers to be used for clandestine stuff ..
@notavoicechanger1808 5 часов назад
[d]at lan[d](t) is Crete.
@ellingtonmoose3274 6 часов назад
Denver in general is just kinda weird the airport is kinda tame relatively speaking
@amosdodson4022 6 часов назад
How about Paul McCartney dying before Sargent pepper. There is a lot of evidence that one happened that is compelling
@oliviarecommends 7 часов назад
Someone smarter than I am (a friend who may have, in turn, been quoting someone else) said that if there are space aliens capable of reaching Earth, it's likely they came during the time of the dinosaurs, checked Earth off of their lists, and moved on.
@collins9708 7 часов назад
6:48 330 or 380. He said 380 but showed a 330 and the 330 fits the story.
@IKofTXS 7 часов назад
deep lore
@CrimsonVipera 7 часов назад
If you ever have a broken tree hanging over your property again: in the city call the fire brigade non-emergency number. If they can't remove it for you, they will be able to tell you who can. If it's in the forest, call the local forestry. Again, if they can't sort it out for you themselves, they will point you to the right people. Cheers.
@bgoggin88 7 часов назад
Are any of your other channels cold read format? I like this format
@decker528 8 часов назад
A lot of fire departments have saunas to sweat out carcinogens after a fire
@sarahwolfmayr2116 8 часов назад
I love how the chapters are titled after Paul Weller-songs ^_^ compliments to Danny, i like music references. Also, to the people still thinking the Nazis were some kind of superhumans who would have been capable of coming up with a secret weapon, more powerful than anything we´ve seen thus far, you´ll be bound for disappointment. Hitler wasn´t exactly known for his reasonable thinking. After all, he made all the brilliant minds flee the country or be killed, because many were jewish or they were otherwise disagreeable with Nazi ideology. What was left wasn´t exactly the creme de la creme of science.
@gunnarelisigurjonsson2587 9 часов назад
I remember this story, I had a book with it... In the early 90s or late 80s..
@icanseeyouallfromuphere 9 часов назад
The basic background of the theory of Nazi technology, wasn't Nazi technology at all, it was part funded by their deeds is about as far as it went, according to what I've found and debated given the public evidence available....there is the supposed support by The Vrill Society, who believe/d s*crificing ch*ldren gives them some immense power, however the persons concerned with actual technological development where not necessarily Nazi or Vrill or Thule Society, they where more so employed or enslaved by them, as is the story with the Nazi war machine development at all
@lasoob 9 часов назад
This is an issue that’s been plaguing me for years and has led to insomnia because the humming is so distracting to me it prevents me sleeping. I do hear noises from things like radiators or a device plugged into the socket but not switched on that other’s say they can’t hear but it is a real thing. So I assume the humming I hear at night is often music from town or the sound of an industrial air conditioning unit etc. I’m just more sensitive to sounds.
@kellyrickard9171 10 часов назад
I saw a UFO twice in one night. A while later I found out that it was actually the ISS flying over. I've never seen it since but that's purely because I haven't been in that area again
@Kim-v4r8y 10 часов назад
MEN AJ ER EE non managers Please
@winterwolf2012 10 часов назад
When they make fun of something, that is the time to take a closer look for yourself. Nothing to lose!!!
@francisklambauer144 12 часов назад
PLEASE SHUT UP SIMON_Make your point please!
@Whoahio 12 часов назад
Do you think its that pronunciation website that taught him how to say Kaliningrad?
@bronhaller 13 часов назад
IIRC Bass Strait has huge waves and weird, strong currents, so plane crashing, smashing, and disappearing really quickly is very likely
@vadermasktruth 13 часов назад
Yes, they are very real. It's comical that someone wouldn't think they are real. Geoengineering Watch says they're real. They are scientists who measured the poisons in the air after it was sprayed in the sky by planes going to and fro. When those discharge trails don't dissipate after four hours, they aren't contrails, they are chemtrails. You can see with your own eyes with a flight radar app. It's sad and disgusting. As for Alex Jones, perhaps you didn't notice, but he continues to be proven correct. As for 9/11, the conspiracy theory is that a handful of inbred, backwoods Arabs circumvented the security measures of the most powerful country on earth and managed to bring down three skyscrapers with two airplanes, at nearly freefall speed. Three buildings that just happened to be wired with explosives that most of us adults watched in real time. Those of us with a memory not tarnished by TikTok videos, shallow conversations, and perpetual gaslighting, will remember the BBC announcing that Building #7 has collapsed, while watching live video of Building #7 still standing. Moments later, we remember, Larry Silverstein or Silverberg telling firefighters to, "Pull it, just pull it." At which time they did indeed "pull it," and a 47 story modern skyscraper collapsed in on its footprint. This was caused by some copy paper in the wastebasket catching fire. The only time in the history of the world that this has happened. This is the official conspiracy theory that we are told to believe, and not our lying eyes. Oh, and the zinger of 9/11: An FBI agent found a hijacker's passport on the sidewalk around the corner from where the WTC buildings once stood. This is what you believe if you believe the official 9/11 narrative. A hijacker/terrorist carried his passport on a domestic flight, and as the airplane disintegrated against the skyscraper, his passport popped out of his carry on bag or his pocket and bypassed the huge fireball, completely unscathed, floating down to the sidewalk along with thousands of tons of debris, cement, metal, paper, chunks of people, eyeballs, teeth, and limbs, to be found randomly by an FBI agent who had the wherewithal to know what he was looking at and pick it up to crack the case. And I think it happened the day after 9/11. This is as believable as Joe Biden getting far more Black Americans to vote for him than, then voted for Barack Obama, out first Black president, the official narrative of how 2020 had the "freest and most transparent election in the history of our republic. Sigh... Enter the bald fast talking Brit who continually cracks jokes about people who think the American government is fucked up and stoops to low levels to get what they want, as "conspiracy theorists" thus proving that chemtrails aren't real because the shit they are spraying LOOKS like jet exhaust. Jet exhaust, contrails, dissipate in a few minutes. Chemtrails do not. They expand and merge with the chemtrails right next to them. Contrails don't makes patterns in the sky like chemtrails do. Regular commercial jets don't go back and forth, back and forth, as seen on my flight radar app, many times. And contrails don't have dangerously high levels of aluminum pouring through their exhaust. I mean, all the evidence is there, you can ignore it and call us names if you want to. You tow the line and carry the MSM's water for them because you have to. You run or narrate at least a dozen RU-vid channels, and you feed your family this way. You probably make $200,000 a year from Google Adsense and don't dare say anything uncouth here. But I don't think you're stupid. There are over 50,000 flights every day in the US. Our skies would look like a convoluted checkerboard, everyday. Instead we've got whomever, spraying poison shit in our skies, yet the climate change froot-loops only talk about rinsing out our soup cans and catching the bus, while ignoring the the lizard people poisoning our sky!
@BahamutEx 13 часов назад
Humans always have played dice, so that would be my "explanation".
@joyoulaghan6168 13 часов назад
Why bill Gates buying up a most farms in usa
@BahamutEx 13 часов назад
They look like fancy dice (for dnd or something).
@Rand0mHero713 14 часов назад
Only ever listend to you on audio platforms...but yeahhh...about what I imagined you look like. Sorry you dealt with that growing up. Bless ✌️🐻
@MarvRoberts 15 часов назад
I don't really care.
@rockman7503 15 часов назад
Cilocanth dissapeared from the fossil record 22 million years ago... accept they are still alive. Nerds
@rockman7503 15 часов назад
I simply cant understand why it is so jard to believe the dinosaurs were on earth with humans. What about the south american ruins with dinosaurs in the murals? The fossil record only accounts for a tiny percentage of life on earth. Especially since we know dinosaurs were closer to birds than most reptiles and bird bones dont fossilize
@rareplaid 16 часов назад
I have watched this one at least 6 times- fascinating!
@majirayne1063 17 часов назад
Einstein believed in the pole shift fast cataclysm not just because Zechariah in bible but because he hung with the Hopi native Americans who helped translate " Egyptian"( souss is polite) books ( scrolls) both cultures ( Egyptians are shoshoni natives now and then see DNA) say that poles shift quickly and they came from Antarctica. Thus the unicorn on the piri ris map. Royals Egyptian tibetans and shoshoni are o- meaning not from rhesus monkeys. They are pre humans as Isaiah 51:1-7 says and Jeremiah 31:27. They are from the Pacific water shrew. Same 54 chromosomes and ear bones. All genes are same only on that animal. Meaning the Abraham flood was a shrew recording a plant raft? Probably... Well i am a souss tribe registered indigenous wisdom keeper the only one for English allowed by world court law to speak for the people you call Egyptian or tsera native Americans. Tsera meaning as bible says tipi dwelling white bison and yellow lotus eater tribe. We were here before siberians who are apes. We aren't. And we still cannot breed the rogham shot to cross beastiality barrier doesn't work on any of us ( tibet Egypt shoshoni ) Because we aren't in your animal group. That's convergent evolution. ( My blood is o null which was found in the first study of my tribe kings both sides of earth ) Cheers skeptic We haven't forgotten anything. And we aren't a lost civilization we are currently 4.8 billion in registry of the post Atlantis people but it isn't a sunken continent. It's Antarctica then old usa 176 million yes ago was several round islands. Buried by miles of volcanic ash. Check it. Also Simon's snark might find an " of course" moment in knowing that the usa intentionally " tested" nuclear bombs upwind from hopi reservation to kill them after the hopi helped them translate Egyptian writing. To holdfast to the spiel that natives never could read were primitive or so they couldn't help any others translate. But i remember. It's all natives talk about. Help them and they bomb you. Like menehune in Hawaii. They bomb any advanced native tribes.
@gjjk84 18 часов назад
“I recently learned that after Jesus came back from the dead, apparently he did live for very long and then he died later.” Nice way to set up an “unbiased” analysis. Show that you’re utterly ignorant (if not wildly misinformed) about the subject. 🙄
@valolafson6035 18 часов назад
If regiments could have bears as mascots, there's no reason they couldn't have big cats too.
@SamuelGeist 18 часов назад
Even easier mnemonic for navigation lights: Starboard. Right. Green. All have more letters than Port. Left. Red.
@ChopStickSoSushi 18 часов назад
I never got my hand caught in a mouse trap, but that sentence being repeated over and over in the video, I do remember getting my hand slammed in a car door when I was a kid, shutters now I remember the cold throbbing pain and that it was an overcast day, thanks
@ajkleipass 19 часов назад
The therapy professions have a poor reputation from earlier eras of insane asylums, mad houses, women's hysteria, lobotomy, etc, with the stories from this video adding to the negative impressions. Add in past life regression, and the non-therapy Mandela Effect, and it's no wonder we have a mental health crisis. How do you trust a total stranger to sort through your mental issues without knowing if they are more f'ed up than you?! 😮
@TooManyHorrorMovies 19 часов назад
For sure spend your time on anything else 😄
@willsta21 19 часов назад
How much of this episode is a waste of time? Only 5 mins in but I’m guessing 50% cut is worth my time?
@tigadirt 19 часов назад
How fast were you going that the speed of your car hitting a rock on the road was something you pondered upon blowing a tire?
@tigadirt 19 часов назад
"onoinonashaniatwainfan." even if what you said was "ah na i'm not a Shania Twain fan," how does that make sense in the context of your next sentance about finding out new things about your dad?