Well what can I say I love gaming & I love raging at games, so stay tuned for future videos of me doing just that and also blogs of my every day life. Enjoy!
DbD - Hatch denied
3 года назад
Resident Evil 8 - MAIDEN
3 года назад
MGS5 Quick Decision!
4 года назад
RESIDENT EVIL 2 - Urio-Mochi Run
5 лет назад
5 лет назад
RESIDENT EVIL 2 "1-Shot Demo"
5 лет назад
Playstation VR Madness
7 лет назад
Loot Crate Unboxing - Dystopia
8 лет назад
TMNT Box Unboxing may 2016
8 лет назад
Tmnt Box Unboxing April 2016
8 лет назад
My Geek Box Unboxing April 2016
8 лет назад
@SaiyanPete Месяц назад
Im sooooo stuck at 99% im going crazy. Just dont have the reliable friend mutation. Update - thanks to this video i finally found what i was missing. 🙏🏻
@thesorux 3 месяца назад
How to get the filled embiggenig cell??? I ve' got all the other stuff 🥴
@fxn5767 3 месяца назад
Just follow the main quest line of the game
@thesorux 3 месяца назад
​@@fxn5767 I did... But i didn t get the data 🥴🤦
@brendank5820 4 месяца назад
can you help me get it
@Sgt_Scopey_Edits 4 месяца назад
Was an absolute blast to get this platinum although it was buggy and we hit a lot of bumps trying to get it we eventually got it after 70+ hours 😂
@tanksofthunder9835 4 месяца назад
Thanks man I got the achievement
@donovanhaight8089 Год назад
@empoweredchoice1893 Год назад
Thank you for this content. I have looked all over for a trophy guide but not found one that either explains well or shows me how.
@kalinpuls3784 2 года назад
Don't cry William bitch!😂😂😂😂😂 dead.
@amirali-ik8wv 3 года назад
It's been a while since i've seen this fully, Can someone be a blessing and just mark all the times marquand does impression?
@gwendolyn8854 3 года назад
Lol but you sound just like me during sweaty matches, "this game can fuck right off!"
@gwendolyn8854 3 года назад
Lol you can't use items when you're downed 😬 sucks, I know, but that's the rules.
@igodreamer7096 3 года назад
Now, try that in the living room with all your parents and friends watching. Fun for a Life time
@silentsaibot3722 3 года назад
PT2 in production
@itzaaron 3 года назад
@nicholasceci5650 3 года назад
5:16 PM
@nicholasceci5650 3 года назад
December 19
@chuckallen4856 4 года назад
They should have done more iconic scenes. Still great show as always. They need Ross on more
@aaronjohnson1286 4 года назад
Nolan north is amazing
@somerandolad 4 года назад
He's far too quick witted for his own good.
@SiNz86 4 года назад
Legend! Cheers!! I'd thrown stasis canisters many times into groups of enemies but never should straight away at them. I did that after watching your video and I got the achievement! Thank you!!
@Belisarius536 4 года назад
Just for anyone, there is a stasis canister seconds away at the nearest cargo shuttle that will save you a fair bit of travelling.
@davidhughmiller 4 года назад
Rename it Quick Toss 😂
@sonofhamp 5 лет назад
Damn, that Michael Caine was better than even the actual Michael Caine
@lisnobody 5 лет назад
@djnorthsky 5 лет назад
To anyone going for this trophy, I found a bit easier way. You dont NEED the container. If you spawn these enemies in the video you can deflect stasis shots. So while circling around, I kept tapping triangle to deflect shots (so many bullets coming toward you that randomly pressing works). Inevitably you will see an enemy caught in stasis, hit them with your fire weapon to create a HEAT BLAST. You dont actually have to kill anyone, just get 5 enemies caught in the blast. I wish I saved my video, but once I figured this out it took me just a few mins to pop trophy.
@Belisarius536 4 года назад
Thank you dude, that was soooo much more effective than the harrel method. This took me literally 3mins. No going bacl amd forward picking up canisters.
@elai5027 5 лет назад
@brookejackson2900 5 лет назад
Omg thanks for sharing! What a great ending!
@villainp8843 5 лет назад
🤣👏👏👍❤ looove this))
@robsevendaysaweek 5 лет назад
The design of this game is out right lazy and poor production. The tiles are so dark.
@mam269 5 лет назад
One thing about the jewels is that they’re a priority item and should be shuffled into the bottom half of the deck.
@raviolimaker3712 5 лет назад
Hi, when you get the umbrella simble in the encounter yellow table what is the meaning of: "Roll on the amber encounter table instead" can someone axplain please?
@qwertyman459 5 лет назад
opening and stepping thro the doors is all one action not two.
@jnknschrstphr 5 лет назад
That's what I thought but unfortunately its an action to open and another action to go through, it's even been confirmed by the game designer himself I'm afraid :(
@adamnewton8565 5 лет назад
Thanks for this, I tried firing a stasis canister at a group of the small cyclopses, got about six of them, but no trophy, so thanks for this
@nathanjake9343 5 лет назад
The pin was the shoreline bage
@lebroleo 5 лет назад
you have actual doors for yours? no fair i got stupid pop outs with mine :'(
@craigbennett7617 5 лет назад
With the doors I think it is 1 action to open the door and go through. Then one action to close the door. It's not one to open, one to go through and one to close.
@adampalczynski9261 5 лет назад
Great video :D And thanks for the Shout out, I will replace all card walls around the world :)
@sharkey1337 5 лет назад
Great stuff, thanks again for doing these playthrough videos! They’re holding me over until I get my copy later this month, haha! You’ve definitely gotten a much better grasp on the rules, however just some corrections: -Around 14:00, you forgot to have the zombies react to Leon’s gunshots when he was attacking. -Around 20:00, Leon can’t use the bowgun (he can only use handgun, shotgun, magnum per his character card). Also the Blast ability allows you to divide die results between targets in the same zone, a single result doesn’t affect all enemies. So your one push would’ve pushed one Zombie only, the others would then react to the attack since they won’t hit. Around 24:00 you wouldn’t have killed all those zombies with a single damage hit. -Around 26:00, you had the zombies move toward Leon, but they actually would’ve moved toward Claire as she’s closer. They don’t move toward the active player, only the closest player unless there’s a tie in distance. -Around 35:00, when you used the ink ribbon you actually would’ve shuffled the tension deck before you drew the tension card at the end of your turn. -Around 38:00, you’re actually thinking of the old rule for corpse markers. The final rule is you just roll the encounter die per corpse marker in a square you walk into. If it lands on the Umbrella side, you replace the corpse with a zombie. -At 38:50, No Escape doesn’t open the door, it just moves the monster in front it. -Around 46:00, I believe you were correct initially by moving that zombie in front of the locked door. Sherwin confirmed they can do this with locked doors as the doors aren’t opened. -Around 49:00, enemies don’t spawn on your space unless it specifically tells you too or it’s the only spawn on the tile. Again, great stuff and thanks for doing these videos! Can’t wait for 4A, cheers mate!
@jnknschrstphr 5 лет назад
wow thanks, that sucks I cant use all those weapons :( but i'll be sure to pass those weapons onto Claire on the next scenario. That's also a life saver knowing that the corpse marker only reanimates if it hits the umbrella logo. Thanks for the feedback bud and i'll definitely put those into the next scenario :D
@sharkey1337 5 лет назад
jnkns_chrstphr happy to help out! It’s good rule practice for me too as I’m anxiously awaiting my copy, lol. Absolutely can’t wait for 4A! =D
@qwertyman459 5 лет назад
i m on the g mutent level the tention deck ran out outside the g mutent boss area.it get hard.
@davidbyrne354 5 лет назад
When, will you be uploading scenario 3a, love to see it been played, I have having difficulty with the zombie dogs and there abilities, can they move react every time a character moves.
@sharkey1337 5 лет назад
FINALLY got to watch the video all the way through, great job and thanks again for doing this playthrough videos! You guys are definitely getting a better grasp on the rules, though here are several corrections I noticed: -Campaign Rules: ammo and herbs don't carry over between scenarios. Handguns are fully reloaded, other weapons get +3 ammo, first aid sprays are kept, can use items to top off ammo and health. -7:18, you always roll all evade dice, evading is just made more difficult when numerous enemies are on the square. For 2 zombies it would require a Medium+ evade roll instead of Small+. -13:03, herbs can be stacked and used individually or multiple for an action, per page 13 of the rulebook. You don't have to use the full stack, unlike the video games. -15:00, you realized later but yeah shotgun doesn't have the Blast ability, so only hits 1 target. The Custom Shotgun does have Blast though in the B-file campaign! Also Shotgun uses blue dice, not red dice. -15:50, you mentioned having only 2 attack actions, but final rule is you can use any number of actions to attack. -21:25, you forgot to push the zombie off your square after it wounded you. -22:20, Easy Mode allows you to push all monsters off your square after being wounded, Normal Mode is just the 1 monster that wounds you. -28:30, the door doesn't actually open with No Escape, the zombie is simply placed in front of it. -30:20, just a tip that the game provides tokens for Tension Card effects that can make it easier to track on the tiles. -42:35, forgot to draw a Tension Card after your turn. -46:00, 2nd zombie would've reacted and moved onto Claire. -49:00, yep you only spawn rooms the first time you enter them! -50:40, you realized later but yeah you forgot to collect the one tension card on the table. -53:00, zombie dogs would actually move toward the nearest character, not the active player. Leon would've been screwed big time by them! -1:05:40, only 1 monster would've been pushed, Blast allows you to divide die results in the same square, it doesn't affect everything. -1:06:30, if several monsters can attack the active player, only 1 with the highest threat value will make an attack. In this case, only 1 dog would've attacked instead of both. -1:07:30, Leon can't use the bowgun, but Ada can. Check the bottom of the character cards to see what weapons they're restricted to. Weapons with the Everyone symbol can be used by anyone, such as the Machinegun. -1:08:25, again a mistake understanding Blast as only 1 dog would've been killed with the double hit die, the single hit die would've pushed the other dog. -1:09:50, zombie would've been pushed off after wounding Claire, all others would've reacted to the knife attack (you did this correctly with the handgun attack that followed). -1:11:45, Claire needed to make an Evade roll to have gone down the stairs since 2 zombies were on her square. Great job nonetheless, and like you said you're still learning the game! Can't wait for 3A, cheers mate!
@damas92 5 лет назад
Took me three tries to finish Scenario 2A solo. Second time I didn't make it past the licker room. third time I had 4 dogs and 5 zombies chasing me to the stairs room after I got the stars key
@purpleaardvark557 5 лет назад
Leon can’t have the Boltgun, he can only use the weapons on his card
@emmathepony1992 5 лет назад
you roll the danger dice only once per new tile
@dogesmith7942 5 лет назад
I kinda want to see the full game play through. Can’t find it anywhere.
@jnknschrstphr 5 лет назад
I'm working on a full playthrough but unfortunately its a weekly thing
@davidmaybury4281 5 лет назад
Herbs and ammunition get discarded between stages. You need to do that to have enough cards to build the item deck consistently.
@darktraveller04 5 лет назад
I'm not 100% sure (as I'm in the U.S. and my copy won't be safe in my house for a few more weeks) but I believe that as long as the door is open between tiles they count as the same tile (which is the reason why enemies can continue to pursue you across them) so I think the Echoes in the Darkness would still hit you each of those times you had the door open. Even so loving the gameplay, makes me all the more eager for my copy.
@jnknschrstphr 5 лет назад
Setukh I have found out that the area effect cards like echoes in the darkness only effect the tile the active player is standing in when the card is revealed. You are going to love this game, hope you get it soon 😃
@darktraveller04 5 лет назад
Good to know (and I am hoping I get it soon too). I just finished the video and I did see something else that I think might have been wrong: now I'm not sure if you guys were playing on any of the other game modes, the only thing I heard was campaign during the first video, and I'm not sure how much the rules change between the different modes but I recall on normal and hard difficulty that Leon can't use the Bowgun (the weapons shown on the character cards are the only ones those characters can use). All can use knives and if I recall correctly Leon gets the Handgun, Shotgun, and Magnum while Claire gets the Handgun, Bowgun, and Machinegun. Can't wait for Mission 3A (and hopefully I'll be playing it by that point lol).
@Tkthegreat14 5 лет назад
Haven't seen the rest of the video, but around 21:56 there were two zombies on him which meant that the evade roll was harder yes but not that he only had to roll one dice. On page 12 of the rules it only states that the roll gets harder but not a reduction of dice. Great video so far by the way!
@jnknschrstphr 5 лет назад
Kaiyou Trinon ooooooo really? Thanks for letting me know, that will come in really handy. I always assumed we loose a dice if there’s more than 1 zombie on the same tile. Thank you again 🤗
@sharkey1337 5 лет назад
jnkns_chrstphr yep, you roll the same number of dice but you’d need a medium+ evade instead of small+! =)
@samuelstensgaard4828 5 лет назад
I completely lost it when Al Pacino started talking.
@jnknschrstphr 5 лет назад
I have to admit everyone we played with the rules I learned from earlier playthroughs from the promo videos during the kickstarter stage, since then the rules have changed dramatically hence why we got a lot of rules wrong in this video, when we record the next scenario playthrough I hope to get the rules more down to a 'T' Thanks again for pointing this out to me, it helps me make better videos ;)
@damas92 5 лет назад
I just got my boxes today. the game is fun but i find the rule book is not that well written. i don't know what the red dice are for. i think its for bosses. I played 1 solo game on my own and co-op game for 2 players for scenario 1a and 2a and we played it that opening doors and going through them cost 2 actions, zombies attacked on their reaction as soon as they reached stepped on your square. some of the tensions cards are a bit confusing such as the no escape card. the rulebook also seemed vague on the differant tyupe of weapon requirements and enemy cards Kinda wish they did another demo video after the games shipped to help people who got them
@Frostolo1981 5 лет назад
How did you find the rules for evading enemies instead of attacking them? I can't see them in the rule book