Jerry's Take on China
Jerry's Take on China
Jerry's Take on China
Over the last two decades I've lived, worked, married, studied and now retired in China. I've travelled about 30,000 kilometres on a bike around China and there are only 3 mainland provinces I haven't visited yet.
I may not be an expert, no one is, and anyone claiming to be certainly isn't. However, I have opinions, I research facts and I won't tell you lies on this, or any other channel.
This is my China - the good (mostly) the bad (sometimes) and the Ugly (rarely, China is beautiful and so are the people)
Please interact with courtesy, I will answer any question asked in good faith and remove any rude, abusive or aggressive responses from the channel
Does China lie about economy?
4 часа назад
China's Second Cultural Revolution
9 часов назад
Where is all the Gold Going?
14 дней назад
Xi Went to Europe
21 день назад
China is Authoritarian? I beg to differ
21 день назад
Blinken's hypocrisy on Human Rights
Месяц назад
"Betrayed" by John Lander
Месяц назад
Why did Japan Invade China?
Месяц назад
Is this really happening in Tibet?
Месяц назад
Ma Comes Home Again
Месяц назад
@PointduNord 2 часа назад
Great reporting!
@flyfishing101 2 часа назад
Your take on this topic is spot on and worth a billion more than a wsj and Bloomsberg analysis.
@flyfishing101 2 часа назад
I think most of western audience, especially haters who never get to outside of their country, will simply tag you as shrills or paid influencers. They can't accept the reality after years of disinformation and misinformation from their own "democratic and liberal" media.
@sbludba 2 часа назад
Hail Xi, President for life.
@antdavisonNZ 2 часа назад
there are 100s and 100s of places in Xinjiang where the 'happiest' Uyghurs are 'concentrated', UN needs to take these places into consideration and ask why are there so many? Copy and paste any of the below latitude longitude co-ordinates into a map that has satellite imagery - I would love to hear Jerry's thoughts on the reality that these co-ordinates show. 36.835,81.759 36.973,80.840 37.018,79.802 37.022,82.687 37.056,80.219 37.078,80.189 37.110,79.639 37.164,79.865 37.186,79.926 37.218,79.298 37.233,79.323 37.234,79.314 37.242,79.860 37.250,79.848 37.251,79.853 37.277,79.746 37.582,78.285 37.780,75.228 37.912,77.351 37.913,77.349 38.078,77.217 38.101,85.579 38.105,85.576 38.317,77.210 38.352,77.306 38.356,77.264 38.363,77.121 38.412,77.148 38.837,77.706 38.937,76.056 38.937,76.171 38.938,76.059 38.968,77.433 38.989,88.177 38.995,77.445 39.115,75.926 39.142,75.944 39.217,76.846 39.249,76.007 39.360,76.050 39.360,75.865 39.368,76.011 39.396,75.960 39.430,76.056 39.472,75.699 39.538,76.716 39.640,75.993 39.642,75.987 39.676,76.082 39.690,78.044 39.718,78.068 39.733,75.994 39.741,78.012 39.795,79.078 39.795,79.078 39.876,78.660 39.876,79.126 40.493,79.072 40.565,81.236 40.641,81.502 40.933,78.443 41.005,82.884 41.009,80.423 41.080,80.396 41.082,80.407 41.085,80.400 41.184,79.269 41.208,79.203 41.232,82.831 41.234,82.835 41.345,80.241 41.346,80.240 41.357,86.246 41.561,82.602 41.703,86.283 41.709,86.279 41.716,86.284 41.720,86.291 41.751,83.020 41.771,81.824 41.772,81.824 41.776,84.255 41.796,85.893 41.808,84.295 41.882,85.595 41.885,85.589 41.887,85.598 41.981,86.625 42.049,86.548 42.311,86.314 42.808,88.696 42.863,93.517 42.918,93.414 42.971,90.388 42.982,89.167 43.152,88.855 43.180,81.134 43.379,88.273 43.384,88.290 43.439,82.746 43.460,83.276 43.463,83.280 43.600,92.959 43.622,87.584 43.748,87.646 43.748,87.442 43.797,87.560 43.807,81.156 43.816,82.515 43.820,90.283 43.826,87.630 43.884,87.393 43.890,87.580 43.897,87.577 43.898,87.579 43.903,81.389 43.903,81.388 43.922,81.341 43.925,87.584 43.927,87.589 43.931,87.590 43.940,81.342 43.940,87.574 43.941,87.579 43.963,87.782 43.963,81.311 43.973,81.002 43.981,81.536 43.986,89.142 44.001,81.531 44.008,89.487 44.046,80.910 44.099,87.003 44.101,86.994 44.103,86.996 44.164,87.953 44.196,87.875 44.196,87.880 44.236,85.969 44.244,85.959 44.312,87.439 44.320,87.433 44.329,86.160 44.332,84.822 44.346,85.631 44.347,85.640 44.374,84.766 44.412,85.069 44.430,84.736 44.449,84.726 44.451,84.965 44.545,82.916 44.820,82.199 44.854,82.345 44.893,81.966 44.962,81.033 45.530,84.802 45.534,84.797 45.699,85.154 45.920,83.603 46.157,83.026 46.639,83.616 46.676,90.293 46.676,90.295 46.792,85.706 46.793,85.706 46.796,83.072 46.894,87.841 46.998,89.498 47.101,87.551 47.109,87.551 47.328,87.787 47.329,87.786 47.356,87.822 47.437,85.860 47.695,86.868 47.710,86.859 47.734,88.055
@blaineturnacliff7907 6 часов назад
The policy shift was in 2017, NOT 2019, when Xi said, homes are for living, not speculating. Otherwise, decent take....
@jerrystakeonchina799 14 секунд назад
The policy shift was definitely earlier, you are correct but the policy announcements were made in 2019 - I think I linked the announcments in the document I attached to the description
@hongqi5734 7 часов назад
Indians are jealous because we in China have millions of empty houses while the Indians have to live in slums and millions are homeless.
@hongqi5734 7 часов назад
Indians have always been jealous of China. Can't blame them as we all know they have always been trailing behind China in everything.
@charleschin413 7 часов назад
Perfect analysis and impartial.
@mangobrother 8 часов назад
India has potential, huge potential. However, no matter what, they will always be second to China. It is their jealousy of China which results in this type of reporting. Remember, the notion of a united India is recent. The British created united India for administrative purposes. The India of today did not exist 300 years ago. The subcontinent was a collection of principalities ruled by a raja or king. The Mughals ruled only the northern part of India. In my opinion, until India is able to eliminate their class system, it cannot fire on all cylinders and win the race against China. This is something Mao did good on, eliminate the class system. Eliminating the class system in India is an impossibility. As a result, India will be at best second to China.
@jerrystakeonchina799 Минуту назад
I agree with you, it's unlikely to exceed China with the current form of governance, India really needs something that benefits its people more than its leadership - China did it, India has far too much British Influence to do it I think. The Caste system also serves a useful purpose in that it divides communities, if a community is divided, they can't cohesively align to rise up against an unfair system.
@Userkzb20253 9 часов назад
Controlled demolition of an industry is best metaphor I have heard. It’s a controlled deflation of an overinflated sector of economy in China. Controlled demolition of a sector of economy is unthinkable in neoliberal economy that takes pride in Laissez Faire albeit 2008 hosing crisis undermined their enthusiasm. Thus the only possible explanation for the deflation observed is crashing. How many people like you own empty properties in China? An effective way to deal with empty properties is to tax them. You probably won’t keep them empty if they are taxed. The question is why doesn’t China do that. Got to be an interesting reason.
@jerrystakeonchina799 2 минуты назад
I agree with you - I feel the same way, I wonder why they don't tax my empty apartment, maybe the cost of setting up a department to do it is larger than the return they would get from it but I do think it would be a wise move - I'd even be willing to pay for it. I suspect one of the reasons is cultural, many people leave the rural regions and move to the city, when their parents/grandparents pass away, the family home is often left empty for many years but peope will return for New Year and Qing Ming (tombsweeping). It would be unfair to tax people who have those ancestral homes and, if they aren't taxed for them, it would be unfair to tax people like me who just moved from one into another but didn't sell the old one because the value is still low I've a feeling there will be some taxes implemented but I've noticed one thing about China is that it doesn't try to profit from situations such as this
@robertmonical9462 9 часов назад
Prior post with links removed. Jerry's take is the most optimistic I have seen. I like his take on the surge in Chinese border crossings are speculators fleeing from debts. One source: 60-70 million empty units. 20% empty in cities. There is probably enough housing stock for the entire (declining) population. Of course, the housing may not be located where the people need to be, providing some support to new housing construction. Unfinished homes: Paywalled WSJ: These are homes that were sold but never finished. WSJ states about 20 Million unfinished (and increasing as developers default) and about $440 billion to complete. As Jerry states, a manageable problem that China is addressing ($42 billion so far). I suspect there will be an eventual confluence of speculator purchases that have already defaulted on their mortgage, and desperate homeowners paying for a home they cannot occupy. My thought is that the state can move the homeowners into more successful projects and leave the defaulting speculators to rot. I like the Center for Strategic and International Studies for geopolitical news.
@jerrystakeonchina799 8 минут назад
I wouldn't trust much tat CSIS puts out Robert, I would do something really unusual and look at Chinese media and their sources - which is why I'm optimistic. I've lived in China a few months short of 20 years and have been reading their media for all of that time, I check their sources and now I even write for some of them. I say this because it indicates that even and an op-ed writer, my opinions are not valid unless they are backed up with some real facts and supported - Chinese media are like media of the old days, they check and triple check sources and won't publish until they have. CSIS, and others, work on hypotheses which are provided to them and seek solutions that leads to the hypothesis, rather than seek a genuine answer to the problem. You are, of course entitled to disagree but I'm willing to bet that my optimism is far more accurate than the pessimism provided by the likes of the Wall Street Journal and CSIS. However, we will only know in a couple of years time. By the way, I did a straw poll a few weeks ago in a place called Kaiyin in Zhongshan, it's a huge housing development, so huge it's actually called Kaiyin New Town, there are upwards of 100,000 houses and apartments in the development making it larger than some US or UK towns. Many of the apartments are empty and some are for sale - I checked with two real estate agents and also with several residents of the place and found the same thing - every single apartment has been sold at least once since development, over 90% of residents have no mortgage and about half the apartments are empty - more than half the apartments which are empty are owned by Hong Kong or Macau residents who use them periodically, the other half are investment properties that are not on the market and most likely won't be until the market prices start to edge up - the point being that, if we don't have a mortgage, keeping an empty apartment is cost free - in Kaiyin, there would be maintenance fees and perhaps security, gardening, pool, elevator fees as well as some kind of body corporate fees, a good friend of mine who owns two houses, one is empty but next door to the one he lives in and he plans to knock them into one large house, in that New Town has told me he pays 1,500 RMB every three months in fees - I (with my wife) personally own three apartments and we pay not one cent in fees as they are all in smaller, older buildings. It's when you know things like this from living here and asking questions about what's really happening at a local level, you can find out a lot of information that WSJ and CSIS through their research (much of it biased research looking for negativity) can't find - hence the reasons for my optimism. There are indeed some empty and unfinished homes in Zhongshan, a city of over 4 million people. But I'm certain, if I visit every city in Europe, all of which other than Moscow, St Petersburg and London are smaller than Zhongshan, I will find plenty of empty, boarded up and abandoned buildings - the problem is nowhere near as deep in Zhongshan as it is in my hometown of South Shields in the UK, where the entire High Street consists of boarded up shopfronts. Where my father's apartment has been on the market for more than 3 months and still not sold despite asking 20,000 pounds under the market price.
@cwchay3086 9 часов назад
Jerry, thank you once again for highlighting the reality. I was working in Hong Kong in 2019 when the Chinese government impose these regulations with the aim to CURB property speculation. I said straightaway, there will be people who get hurt but the majority (especially first home buyers) should benefit from these policies imposed on the banks. In short, it was engineered with the hope of soft landing to make housing affordable for the majority (while as you perhaps rightly pointed out - those who speculate can afford a few loose changes misplaced or if they gear, then they pay the price of been greedy). Perhaps, the Chinese government did not get the 'soft landing' mechanism spot on. Certainly it was a controlled 'crash' and I am sure that the Chinese government would have done their computation and permutations on the possible outcome and to address the potential fallout. It is not like a property crash in the West context (as those in the West experience previously). Thank you for sharing as I was having difficulty too trying to tell people that there is no major concern (worry - yes) as it is under 'controlled' as it was engineered.
@jerrystakeonchina799 25 минут назад
Thank you CW, it most certainly was a harder fall than expected, had Evergrande and Country Garden restructured as they should have done, it would have been a lot easier but they took the "western route" of assuming the government would bail them out to avoid this - I notice as recently as yeaterday that Evergrande has been hit with billions in fines for taking the illegal route after being given almost a year to implement changes legally
@cwchay3086 12 минут назад
@@jerrystakeonchina799 Thank you. I also tried to tell people that homeowners are hardly impacted if they live in their home and do not intend to sell. The government will look after them and their second most prized assets (after family). However I said, not the owners of the major corporates as China will act. As for the corporate entities, I do not know. The bigger picture is China will protect her image (will it tantamount to bailout, I do not know then but now we know). 🙏
@robertmonical9462 10 часов назад
I should add that $42 billion from the CCP seems small compared to the $440 billion requirement to finish the unfinished units. But the CCP correctly sees this as a state (province) and reckless banker problem. The provinces and banks have great autonomy and their reckless policies drove the excess investment in housing. Ooops. It seems my earlier comment was removed. Maybe links to other sources are not allowed. So this does not make much sense. I assume it will be removed as well.
@jerrystakeonchina799 27 минут назад
Links are often removed Robert, especially if they take the reader away from RU-vid but this one made it through - you're right, $42b is only a small part of the solution, the policies are what count - the big investors will lose, the ma and pa investors who simply wanted somewhere to live are going to be 100% bailed out by this policy - for some of them it has taken a long time to get justice but they will eventually get a place to live, or teir money back, the internatinoal investors and those who borrowed from "shadow banks" will not be seeing their investments returned, at least not in any substance
@nancytai1550 10 часов назад
Love your videos, Jerry! I learned new facts & info every time & I shared them with my friends. 😊
@jerrystakeonchina799 30 минут назад
I appreciate that the shares very much and thank you for your continued support
@nancytai1550 10 часов назад
Thank you Jerry for doing research & asking questions to give us answers & the truth!
@jerrystakeonchina799 30 минут назад
My pleasure Nancy
@stephen_pfrimmer 11 часов назад
Thank you both. I found Dr Powell through his interviews with Pascal Lottaz (Neutrality Studies), which I've listened to many many times. I had already some knowledge of Keynes's failed Bancor (Bancour) idea through Michael Hudson (and Desai and Norton). I am really impressed by Dr Powell's knowledge and advocacy of the idea and glad to see it's catching. Oh, and I am huge fan of what in the west is called worker co-op (worker owned and controlled businesses). Happy to hear such wholesome conversation. BTW, druthers is misspelled by the auto-caption as brothers.
@jerrystakeonchina799 30 минут назад
Thanks Stephen, unfortunately, the captions are auto-generated, I can't change them - they are a work in progress but they're better than nothing - this is why, when I do scripted videos, I also link the script so if anyone wants to read along, they can
@ron9465 12 часов назад
Living, observing, travelling and studying China for last 13 years I can legitimately confirm what Jerry is consistently and honestly presenting the real China.
@jerrystakeonchina799 32 минуты назад
Thank you Ron
@budilee6027 12 часов назад
Thank you Jerry, don't worry about those unbelievers and ignorant they are, feel sorry for them. We all believe you and always follow your channels. I think its good for those criticise you as you know that they are eager watching your channel and try to make you upset, and they are failing miserably !!! Thank you again and we are always watching and supporting you. 🙏🙏🙏
@johntam9923 13 часов назад
The Indians concern about Chinese housing. The author wrote this while doing a dump in the beach.
@yoongzy 13 часов назад
Houses are for the people to live, not for speculations. - President Xi
@henk7356 15 часов назад
I tried to research on an american publication that the 'collapse of the china housing market' would change the whole world. Seems BS as usual.
@jerrystakeonchina799 13 часов назад
We both know the truth Henk...
@currawong2011 17 часов назад
Well, China has figured it all out...and what about Australia? Not a chance. None.
@jerrystakeonchina799 15 часов назад
Sadly not and they seem to be throwing all their eggs into a US basket - I sincerely hope that Premier Li's visit in a couple of weeks will go well, Australia needs to understand that without China, it is nothing - the US economy is going to slide and they are only 10% of China's trade, India the same, although India can increase the US can't, China is already by such a long way the largest partner for Australia and has room for more gowth - it also has the capcity to completely pull out of Australia and then Aus will be back to the 70s!
@currawong2011 6 часов назад
@@jerrystakeonchina799 Jerry, Australia is not just throwing all its eggs in the US basket, it is breaking all its eggs in the US basket, and what a scrambled mess that is making. Keep up your great work...so many people both appreciate and depend on it. This morning on ABC news I heard again what a terrible disaster the Chinese property crisis is. I sense that that is what the writers of the script are actually hoping for.
@jazening3075 18 часов назад
Thank you for your research, investigations & informative insights about China’s property crisis in China, Jerry. You are 1,000% correct! The Indian Media is constantly mentioning this topic about China. I unsubscribed every single one of all the Indian’s podcast about over a year ago because there’s “always” bad news about China coming out from Indian Podcasts but why is it that I don’t see any China’s podcast informing the rest of the entire about all the bad news regarding India’s many problems? India must be a perfect Country/Nation of some sort. I was just curious and bless you, Jerry. 👍🙏🇨🇳🙂🐲🐼☯️☮️🌏‼️
@jerrystakeonchina799 15 часов назад
I think it's like the USA, it's a form of deflection, nothing more
@rastoferi6012 18 часов назад
Indian media is based in London and New York. They are still colonized and happy to be 😂
@donatwu3128 18 часов назад
Thank you, Jerry, for clarifying the allegations of empty homes crisis & housing market crash in China currently. This information will equip me with ammunitions for debunking false beliefs in my friend circle.
@Liveforfood9394 18 часов назад
India has enough problems! Don't copy from the US😆
@leewn2319 19 часов назад
To avoid such painful measures of a deliberate demolition of the property market in future, perhaps the Chinese govt should carry out a more holistic way of controlling the supply / demand of private & public housing in its policies / regulations. They could introduce following suggested mandatory regulations: (1) All private developers and all main contractors must submit annually within 1st quarter the locations & number of units of both residential & commercial developments its that are being launched for sales in current quarter and targeted sales launch or to be built for each quarter for next 5 yrs. (2) Developer to submit monthly sales of properties with details of number of units, sale price & $psf for each development. (3) With the above statistics, it can then plan and control the approval of sale of land for development, approvals of development for sales & approval of developments for construction. In this approvals to the developer they can stipulate conditions like date to achieve completion of construction of each development with certificate of occupation issued & by stipulated date to achieve 100% sale. Failing which to impose a fine or to forfeit a bankers guarantee. In event of inability to meet these stipulated dates for completion and/or sales, the developers must submit a report?with reasons to seek extension of time at least 3 months before the expiry of the stipulated dates for the govt consideration.
@georwoogle 19 часов назад
@felixlaupc 20 часов назад
In 3, 2, 1.... many triggered Indians will comment in rage soon..😆
@wroughtforge7547 20 часов назад
There’s an empty house act where I live and if you leave a home empty without renting it out, you have to pay an annual penalty of 2% of the value of your house.
@jerrystakeonchina799 20 часов назад
That ins't in China is it? I've never heard of such a thing here
@wroughtforge7547 19 часов назад
@@jerrystakeonchina799 Canada
@penglim224 20 часов назад
Policy benefits people not speculators. This is the right thing to do. Kudos, good government, people government.
@michaelmityok1001 21 час назад
I have a business that takes me to China regularly. But I do not claim that experience provides me special insight regarding whether or not the CCP fudges data released publicly. That being said, there is a cynical streak in middle class Chinese regarding the accuracy of official accounts of pretty much anything, and that mirrors the cynicism of the American middle class regarding the MSM. Seems practical to me to believe as little as possible no matter where you are or who is speaking. On a more positive note, my wife is from Shandong province and sometimes I spend time in the little village where she was born and raised, and have witnessed the increasing prevalence of "green" energy production via solar and wind. Infrastructure spending is also widespread and impressive. There is no doubt in my mind that the CCP has earned widespread support from most Chinese. HOWEVER, none of what I have learned about the CCP while at university studying Chinese history or after graduation running my business or traveling in China has convinced me to prefer Beijing over Washington. Quite the contrary, I am increasingly convinced that the CCP's oft repeated goal in each of the last three 5 year plans of dominating tech and manufacturing so as to supplant the West as the dominant economy/society is not mere rhetorical posturing. When someone with a 100-year grudge - the "century of humiliation" the CCP constantly reminds its citizens of - keeps telling you he means to take revenge, it is foolish to ignore him.
@jerrystakeonchina799 20 часов назад
One thing I"ve never heard the CPC (not the CCP) do, is seek revenge, they seek no repetition of the humiliation, they seek a complete reunification of the parts of China that were taken during that humiliation but they want that to be peaceful and have said they would wait 1000 years, they seek cooperation and they have NEVER sought conflict I think you're mistaking Western media headlinese interpreting things they say with reality on the ground -read more Chinese media, read the official briefs from the Ministry of Foreign affairs, read the releases from the State Information Council and their English language translations are accurate reflections of what's said by the leadership - you can even read Xi's own words - he's never sought revenge Seems if you prefer Washington's methods then you're definitely on the wrong channel here
@michaelmityok1001 19 часов назад
@@jerrystakeonchina799sorry the CCP is the acronym that people in the West are familiar with, the "official" acronym CPC is not a correction worth making unless you're trying to score a rhetorical point, which in my case is a wasted effort. And your trying to interpret the CCP's oft-stated goal of supplanting of the West economically/socially as having nothing to do with revenge is either naive or suspiciously obtuse. Why do state media repeatedly refer to "the century of humiliation" if not to incite Nationalistic fervor? Glib accusations of me being unable or unwilling to read the Chinese media or "official briefs" (lol, as if they are canonical!) are untrue and totally discount my long experience of doing business in China and being married to a Chinese national, and my years of study in university. Instead of just arguing on the facts, you chose to take ad hominem digs at me, because I am the kind of voice that is "on the wrong channel" here merely because I have a different point of view from you and the echo chamber folks you've got as subs. I don't "prefer Washington's methods" - I alluded to the fact I don't believe anyone anywhere actually, a part of my post you also chose to ignore. Frankly Jerry, I won't be coming back to your channel after this reply, not because I don't have much to share on the topic of China that would counterbalance the dominant narrative you're crafting here, but because you are obviously not interested in serious dialog. I will leave your subs a few last things to ponder... why is Jerry so simplistically arguing that Beijing is purely benign while Washington is purely evil, as if such a complex topic as Great Power Competition (thousands of years of it) can be boiled down to "the good guys versus the bad guys"... and how is Jerry going to account for the fact that immigration trends clearly tell the tale that even many Chinese themselves that can afford it (like my wife) prefer to live OUTSIDE China? Inquiring minds want to know, or at least they should.
@bobsmith3983 21 час назад
No property tax and leased land allows for more capital in circulation rather than being tied up in land value.
@Ming1975 21 час назад
It always sums up to, why do these other nations care about what china is failing at instead of their own country's improvements when they are in an actual failing state.
@wayned69 21 час назад
Just follow the follow the money. This Indian rag was probably paid by Western media or government officials.
@wh4uf 21 час назад
Well the Indians will do whatever they can to make China look bad so that their own woes and worries are in a funny way tranqualised. Its an election year anyway in India so the rest is history.
@JD-yz4kr 21 час назад
So Indian TV just basically said that China is so rich that every person has TWO extra houses just lying empty?
@jerrystakeonchina799 21 час назад
OR that China is so poor that the builders can't sell a single one of the properites they've built - either way, they're wrong!!! :-))
@mikewong8500 21 час назад
Indian TV, a channel of anit-China sentiment channel. Indian biased towards China.
@t4ac 21 час назад
Thanks Jerry for your insight into this 'property crash' thingy. Heard about 'property is for living not speculation' warning in China by non other than Xi himself.
@rixingchen8753 21 час назад
Why worry ? sometimes i even sing along with them harder , if you know their MSM ,Elites, Big Corporate, Big Pharma ,target are their own people ,not china citizens ,resulting ,Murcia does not know "dictator"provides Free Healthcare Free Housings Free Education for their people and vote for "Democracy"
@felixlaupc 22 часа назад
India = US lapdog. And you know, US lapdog typically doesn't end up well. Look at Japan....
@felixlaupc 22 часа назад
India is just being a sour grape with their country doesn't even have a proper sanitary system.
@blade9597 22 часа назад
this may be a ridiculous question but why is chinas gdp per capita not growing at a compound rate? For example a couple years ago it was growing at 20%, what is stopping it from achieving the same now? Surely if there is more disposable income then there will be more spending which leads to higher profits and higher wages as businesses are probably regulated by the CCP to ensure fair wages
@jerrystakeonchina799 21 час назад
No such thing as a ridiculous question, the important thing is not GDP, either nominal or per capita, there are two really important economic tools that are constantly improving, one is PPP, where China's population have a rising income as well as a stable cost, it's getting easier to live in China on the income that employees have. The other one is the Gini Co-efficient and this is the inequality gap between the rich and the poor - in China that line has come closer and is a continual improvement too. What this means is that GDP isnt' important, lifestyle improvements are and those lifestyle improvements match up to improvements in health, education and most importantly, life expectancy - when we measure those things, China is imporving in every metric. I think you might be misunderstanding China's growth, while there were a couple of 20% years, it was from a VERY low point, when China entered the WTO exports were measured in millions and GDP in billions, now both are measured in trillions. Growth on $17 trillion at 5% is much better than growth of 20% on $500bn
@user-jz5wh5mj4n 22 часа назад
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 first class clown You think for a second if china would be lying they would have built infrastructure around the world? Think about it clown 🤡 you got some jokes 😂😂😂😂
@BWorldadventure 22 часа назад
You make too much sense... Americans cannot stand to see any other country better than them.
@heesingsia4634 22 часа назад
People who believe in wion probably believe that what happens in Bollywood movies are real
@kenbehrens5778 22 часа назад
Jerry excellent analysis. By comparison in Australia, 'a staggering 2,349 construction firms have collapsed in the past year - with fears more may fall soon. A “perfect storm” of high interest rates, soaring material costs and an ongoing worker shortage across the Aussie industry have sent tradies into freefall'. News online27 Dec 2023. I suspect Evergrande and Country Garden had a similar MO. Use the deposits from new customers to provide working capital and cash flow to complete existing constructions. It always comes unstuck when there is a change in the market or government policy. It has been estimated that this year 2024 the negative effects on the Chinese economy from the property sector is equivalent of 1.4% of GDP. Professor Weijian Shan, former professor of Wharton School of Business, said the 2023 reduction due to the property market was 1.9% of GDP., and for 2022 3.7%. If those figures are true as to the negative effect of GDP due to problems in the housing sector, then the real GDP of China is not a headline 5% increase in GDP as it was in 2023, but actually closer to 7%.
@jerrystakeonchina799 21 час назад
I've been studying the Australian market quite closely, the problem is that they've aligned themselves with a non-viable partner - the USA is not going to save Australia and only China can, China are by a VERY long way, Australia's leading trade partner and Australia are doing everything they can to restrict China from doing business with them, economically, politically, and militarily, Australia has aligned sitself with the US which is a declining power and only the 5th largest trading partner. Australia's exports to the USA are 1/10th of the exports to China. If the situation with China doesn't improve, Australia's economy will crash to 1970's levels and the US isn't going to help out. Certainly the Number 2, Japan and the Number 3, Korea can't - perhpa India, which is currently only 3-4% of Australia's exports can pick up some slack but it will be a very long time befire they can replace the 35% that China takes.
@booneulidan1077 23 часа назад
@booneulidan1077 23 часа назад