Mia Mulder
Mia Mulder
Mia Mulder
New Video every good mental health month, roughly
Is the Economy Mad At Us? | Mia Mulder
10 месяцев назад
Detransition, Gender | Mia Mulder
2 года назад
Beauty Is A Scam | Mia Mulder
3 года назад
Great Men And Elon Musk | Mia Mulder
3 года назад
The History Of Transphobia | Mia Mulder
3 года назад
We Are Working Too Hard | Mia Mulder
3 года назад
Free Speech And PragerU | Mia Mulder
3 года назад
The Left And Trans Women | Mia Mulder
3 года назад
Transition And Envy | Mia Mulder
3 года назад
@tecumsehcristero 14 часов назад
This conspiracy theory is extremely antiCatholic. It was designed by Anatoly Fomenko to destroy Christianity and bolster Russian/Soviet pride
@caliblue2 День назад
Well pharmaceuticals are the big lie but yes it’s good to work through your problems but in reality we would do much better listening to Spirit Creator/God/whatever you perceive is what you think/believe. At periods of your life and for some most seems like a bum deal you would never choose. That is the existential dilemma. They literally only test psych drugs for three months and it’s game on and no limits on duration so you have 30 year in patients on 4 types of meds. It’s legal suicide.
@demonposessed7413 День назад
what is wrong with this person
@jacquesbechard1089 3 дня назад
So make it clear, are you making a video explaining why some people can be attracted to trans people or are you making an argument for can straight men to be attracted trans women? Because a real straight men will not be attracted to trans women. Not because he cant be fooled by your fasade, but as concept. A straight men is just that a man that specifically like women and not anything else. Not a born male person trying to impersonate a women with femininity. Femininity alone is not enough to say that a transwomen should be considered a women to the eyes of straight men. You need to be female and female born, with or without being feminine. That doesnt matter in the factuallity of being considered a straight man.
@davefisher1840 4 дня назад
I don’t see anything wrong with being a transgender woman, regardless of how you look.
@danielchoate23 4 дня назад
Watch My Lunch Break, dude.
@fred8868 5 дней назад
Of course they can if they're attracted to feminine women.
@davefisher1840 6 дней назад
This was excellent!!! 💕🌻🦋
@user-lo1wc7yl2u 6 дней назад
I'm pretty sure these buildings were energy harvesters of some sort. It took me a long time to realize this, because I graduated from physics university and there is a lot of brainwashing here. However, when I saw with my own eyes old, hundreds of years old coins - which cannot be fakes - they depicted antennas on churches. By the way, the old "churches" in contemporary Vienna and all over Europe also had crescent moons, so it is not true that the wars with the Arabs did not happen like that either. We then had to face the fact that these were not religious crosses, but actually antennas. Think about it; how much energy it took to put them up, how gigantic the buildings are from the inside, how much work it was to create a magnetron pattern in these "temples". And now think about the fact that nowadays nothing is built unnecessarily. Everything is built into the energy management system. They do not increase the height of the interior unnecessarily. They do not add decorative elements unnecessarily. It is clear that these were built for a very serious reason. They were able to extract energy from the air.
@williamsmythe9291 6 дней назад
Can some one please learn the meaning of theory and conspiracy. And stop using it incorrectly
@smooveking773 7 дней назад
this whole idea that whites dint build the gothic buildings is a scam
@johndettelis4573 8 дней назад
Mia...please have dinner with me!!!
@bogdanosipenko1297 8 дней назад
This dude has no brain cells
@SK-ej9bp 8 дней назад
Why do you think you pass?
@johndettelis4573 8 дней назад
Frigging brilliantly done!! The conversion and topic is so interesting....the fact that this attractive fem sissy trans is doing the explaining is a total non issue....is it because they are attractive....?? Or...because you are interested in the topic??
@Mika_Ananda 8 дней назад
I'm really happy that there will be new videos in the future. My transition needed your videos and those of other creators as a source of hope. Slowly I become more myself thanks to all the creativity and art <3
@bradypostma5167 10 дней назад
I speculate that your audience has a lot of bisexuals because different people are attracted to different kinds of people, and bisexuals tend to find you especially attractive. That's not anyone's entire reason for watching, I'm sure. You're also intelligent, articulate, and entertaining, and the information itself has an attraction separate from you personally, and some people are more likely to hear about you than others. But it makes certain people more likely to stay, and surely affects the demographics of your audience.
@Worlds-Collide 10 дней назад
Yes yes we can. I met my now wife and had no idea shes trans until she told me when we met by chance. We dated a while and fell in love. After three years of dating. I asked her to marry me.
@anomanees 11 дней назад
Not sure how large the popular support in Sweden was for NATO. In Finland it bothers me that there was no referendum on joining NATO, which I also think does not increase our security (or at least the security overall), due to possibly heightened tensions.
@themortimeryoungfilmpreser2438 12 дней назад
I can't find any in my area. Hobbs, NM.
@themortimeryoungfilmpreser2438 12 дней назад
Please, help me to hook up with a transgender woman.
@themortimeryoungfilmpreser2438 12 дней назад
Forgot to mention, I am 60 now. I see all of yous as normal people. Yous in my mind are actually women. I get it. You are real women with both parts.
@themortimeryoungfilmpreser2438 12 дней назад
I have been attracted to transgender women since the age of 14. Would love to have a relationship with a transgender woman. How can I find one?
@oikoslibre6497 12 дней назад
Your arguments are as vague as the things you are so keen to debunk. We are not getting anywhere this way.
@BobHooker 12 дней назад
The Roman's didn't have the concepts of LBGTQA+ that we have, so in history it is problematic to apply identities that they would not have. There is a innately troubling essentialism. We need to describe the sexuality and gender in terms of the context while still seeing the potential insight into gender.
@IbrahimMuhammad_114 12 дней назад
@IbrahimMuhammad_114 12 дней назад
We are expected to believe youre a woman? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@IbrahimMuhammad_114 12 дней назад
Yeah uhh I own an old map that has tartaria in central asia. So
@Watch-r3w 12 дней назад
Can you confirm that the precise and now lost engineering involved to create something like Barabas was then superceded or negated by the cost of concrete? Or perhaps that the cymatic science and symbology shown in gothic cathedrals is actually just art? Or that as you raise up in altitude that you access free electrify which can be harnessed and stored by using appropriate groupings of natural stone and metals in harmonic resonance with subatomic law?
@123followtheleader 13 дней назад
were expected to learn truth from a confused child? lol come on 12k people
@CynewulfofWinland 13 дней назад
"It looks like" conspiracy theorists strike again
@RawChuckOnLinux 13 дней назад
I grew up in theater. I knew what drag was when I was young, before I was old enough to understand but I accepted it as it was. Laverne Cox is so hot and I think her name is great.
@catgod6531 14 дней назад
Also, I am convinced with these kinds of videos people read the title, and take right to the comments before they watch even one minute. No one is EVER on topic in the newest comments. They are just saying stuff.
@catgod6531 14 дней назад
I think mental health treatments should be holistic. In the most perfect world I would want people to be able to sign up for free weekly therapy, consultations with a psychiatrist (that considers whether or not medication is even necessary and for how long), and, most importantly, support groups and access to community resources to make sure their basic human necessities are met. I say this after 9 on-going years of mental health treatment of which I was horribly suicidal for 7 or 8. I’ve been to psych wards, 5 different psychiatrists, 7 different therapists, and I’ve been on 10+ psych meds with months of trials for each. What I can confidently say brought me out of my hole was finding partner, finding a purpose (school for my future career goals), finding a community, a good therapist, and medication I actually no longer take. I think the only successful medication I ever took (Wellbutrin) taught me I could be happy and that gave me the hope I needed even when off it. It’s like a safety net where I know at least something works to bring me out of my worst moments, but the side effects can be tough for me. Technically I should be suffering from SLS, being physically disabled and stuck at home pretty much all the time, but I also have a loving partner, good parent, and not many financial worries that I can thank for not being totally hopeless.
@DistantGlowingStar 14 дней назад
On a daily basis , I'm Transvestigated and found out to be TRUE !! .. On a side note , you are beautiful. Girls who pass me : Yaaaa .. Welll .. not there yet. Look up the sky, so I can see your Adam's apple. OH I don't see. but, you are bald , oh I'm so sorry ma'am my mom also has lost her hair and has a M pattern baldness when she put her hair back up and tie. Men / Guys : whatever dude , what you have a pink wallet ? fuck that .. I got the bump in my pocket !! ..
@sunsolar2138 16 дней назад
I would only add that Russians did not rule everything in the Soviet Union. Other nations were well represented in power. And Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Chernenko were Ukrainians. The rest of the general secretaries were other peoples. The first Russian leader of the USSR was Gorbachev and ironically he brought down the USSR. We even have jokes about how Russians can't rule. The Romanovs were Germans and the nobility was heavily German. Rurikovich led an origin from Vikings-Vikings.(Today literally there are small organizations of not grown up young men with ideas about superiority of Russians and they consider, that Russians too little in authority and all troubles from foreigners) So we do not consider, that Russians should RULE other peoples, it is impudent lie of nationalists. We consider that Russians by will of destiny became the core of such multinational empire, binding glue for all these peoples, without racism in relation to them. Only willy-nilly because we are more in this empire. And most likely many of these peoples, if they had not been part of Russia, would have fallen under the influence of other empires, British, French, Turkish, Austrian and others, and these empires would have organized colonialism and genocide for these peoples, rather than development and prosperity. And the Poles and Ukrainians did not like being "ruled by the Russians". Their elites did not like not being supreme where they are. As the saying goes, better to be first in Galia than last in Rome. I will not say anything further
@AlexsGoogleAccount 16 дней назад
I didn't catch that this was 2 years ago, it feels more relevant than ever. I appreciate your raw honesty and your willingness to navigate through nuances without invalidating others' experiences or your own.
@peterlawrence3152 16 дней назад
They fail to realise how much was built around 1880 to 1900 by excellent Victorian Era masons and architects. Gothic buildings ln many cases look much older than they are. They are also forgetting what was achieved with horse and steam power.
@kristinreid3815 17 дней назад
Because they’re all inverted just like yourself
@xoswatson351 17 дней назад
The gaslighting you are doing to yourself is apparent watching this…it’s not a failure to come to reality. It’s okay
@miguelsilva-bb4wk 17 дней назад
This rings truer after the 2024 Olympics
@dunar1005 18 дней назад
So much errors, Far reach conclusion, oversimplifications, personal opinion and biases, that I don’t even want to invest a time in correcting all of this. I just move on with the knowledge that he will never reach enough people with this BS to cause harm.
@karakihadi 18 дней назад
I think you just saved my life.
@Dimllll773 19 дней назад
Nope... But if u do Wm sport is gonna become circus more than anything else
@plainphantom2920 19 дней назад
Wait is this a trans?
@IbrahimMuhammad_114 12 дней назад
Looks like it. So immediately opinion discarded
@TinaVon 19 дней назад
Look if I went to get help. Was sent to a horribly torture dungeon that is supposed to "help me feel better". I would completely understand lying and powering through, bottling up everything just to not be tortured more. The consequences of not feeling better after might cause the attendees to go to more drastic efforts. Idk how women and other minority groups were able to persevere through that hardship. The strength they had to raise children during that time, I can only imagine.
@ismiregalichkochdasjetztso3232 19 дней назад
Wow. That was an intense ride. Mia, I'm always impressed by the depth of your thoughts and analysis, as well as your eloquence expressing it. I'm not going to lie, I sort of was hoping for actual tips to pass coming into this video. But I do not regret watching it at all, quite the opposite. The reflection on the question of passing itself, hearing some of the thoughts and fears in my mind, some half thought, some suppressed, clearly spoken out, did have a cathartic and cleansing effect. Probably very healthy too. I cannot possibly put all of my reflections on this video in a comment, but nevetheless, here are some unsorted unstructured ideas that lingered in my mind. Gender is a social construct. It's performative in society. I couldn't even be trans without the framework of gender. So I don't really mind that passing is a concept that only makes sense in the framework of society. I'm fine with that. I do want to pass, I can't deny that. There are the safety reasons you described, but there's also that I do not want to have to tell people my pronouns. The pattern matching to determine my gender in a person meeting me for the first time happens within split seconds. I want them to read me intuitively as a woman, because this gives me validation. Sure, transvestigators will transvestigate, escaping their judgement and scrutiny is not my goal. It's also impossible, they can't get cis people correct either. Then the connection between passing and beauty struck me. It's remarkable that this is a pressure cis women are feeling too. I'm transitioning in the middle of my life at almost 50, which means that at least I'm not under the pressure to look like a teenage girl anymore. But try to find a youtube video on how to be a feminine woman later in life! I've also noticed that I keep appreciating cis women who do not conform to the stereotypes, but still radiate female energy. I'm interested to find out what the little cues are they're giving, this is probably much more useful than trying for and failing at hyper femininity. The secret passing goal I have on my mind right now is to reach a point where I might be read as trans, but as a trans man failing at masculinity. I want them transphobes to tell me I'll never be a man, and send me to the women's bathroom. P.S.: You are beautiful. On the inside too.
@saszablaze1 20 дней назад
"how to pass" aka how to DECEIVE.
@deliciousgroove 21 день назад
Wow. Excellent video. Thank you. I've been looking for a good summary and explanation of where this whole crazy idea comes from. You nailed it.