ARTexplains Science and History
ARTexplains Science and History
ARTexplains Science and History
Hosted by Alexander R. Toftness, Ph.D.

Everything is interesting! ARTexplains looks deep into psychology, science and history for the crazy cool facts and stories that make you go "Bwuh?"

No topic is too outlandish! Psychological Fallacies, Mental Health, Anatomy, Optical Illusions, Neuroscience, The Lost Empire of Yam... Take a look! It's like an encyclopedia with all the boring pages torn out!

And it's scholarly! Research and citations included in each educational video's description!

The host of this channel has a ligament of the human body named after him thanks to his episode on Belly Buttons, some undirected Wikipedia vandalism, and a top-tier medical journal: "the Xander ligament."

AI in Education: A New Chapter in Learning?
10 месяцев назад
Why writing a PhD thesis sucks
2 года назад
How Humans Conquered Lightning
4 года назад
The Caffeine Wyrm
4 года назад
@lamsmiley1944 19 часов назад
I believe that I have aphantasia, although I can sometimes visualise things it’s basically exclusive to places. If you asked me to describe the faces of family I could only provide the most basic description. Even when I can visualise objects it’s only faint, I couldn’t tell you the colour of an object and would struggle to rotate it in my mind.
@jeffw8848 День назад
Well done, and very interesting, one thing you got wrong, saying conservatives expulsion of immigrants and building a wall because, dusgust, I think it's more, conservatives disgust of breaking the law, the wall isn't ment to keep immigrants out, it's to stop illegal crossing into a country. Conservatives have no disgust of immigrants, the disgust if from breaking laws ment to keep citizens safe. A country needs to know who is living in the country they immigrated to. The United States is the most welcoming of immigrants out of all countries. I think your own disgust of conservatives have tainted your view of them.
@patrickphilip777 3 дня назад
I suffered from this and it was hell! It felt so disgusting! You feel your flesh rot and bugs eating the flesh
@louisduffelbagfilledwozempic 11 дней назад
I don't think I have aphantasia, but I have always struggled creatively. I can visualize an apple and rotate it with some effort. I can imagine what I look like dribbling a basketball between my legs. I create a mental image of characters in a book. But I don't actually see it in the same way that it feels like i see when I dream. When I am sleep deprived, I visualize more readily and, it can feel like I am not in control of them. Like the visuals are forming my inner monologue as opposed to my inner monologue forming the visuals.
@Strawberryfearsforever 11 дней назад
What is a dream with no images?
@asaus4825 16 дней назад
I can see the image really vivid but only like a fraction of a second almost like a frame does that have a name or something
@crismarvin9879 19 дней назад
I love the fact that u are funny while giving us serious information 😂🙌
@jodex611 25 дней назад
I'm over 40 years old and only a couple of years ago I realized that my mind is both blind and deaf. For me the word "thought" has always meant a kind of an impulse of information. It seems to be mind-blowing for many people to find out that it's entirely possible to think without "converting" the information into sound or pictures. And now I also realize that many people meditate for years and years to achieve a state of mind that I have every day. I always wondered how it seems to be considered nearly super-human to "quiet" or "empty" your mind.
@insomniacdragon5884 Месяц назад
So what about being able to feel like you see it but you also don’t see it but feel like you did visialize
@ARTexplains Месяц назад
@insomniacdragon5884 Месяц назад
@@ARTexplains yes
@Sovereign.Shay444 Месяц назад
When i tell you i was SHOOK when i found out people actually see things with their eyes closed🤯...I see NOTHING just straight ⚫️. I just rest in the feeling of things, I conceptualize an image but i don't actually see it. I dream pretty normal but meditation & things where you have to conjure an imagine in your mind? nah. I wish! I can feel the feeling of seeing it..if that makes sense😂 I'm very emotion/ other sensory based when 'visualizing'. Damn i'm kinda jealous of other people's brains🫠😂 I bet their meditations & visualizations Slapp!!✨️ Also, I don't have an inner monologue that people talk about having. Alot of the research I've done shows a link between that and aphantasia. I'm so curious how that works.. like people hear a voice in their mind 24/7?? Is it yourself or like disconnected from you? What's it talkin about?🤔😅 like i'm genuinely so curious! I have thoughts i think in my mind but i don't audibly hear them.. Alot of people I've asked say it can be annoying and very self critiquing even mean at times which sounds Awful😟😣honestly just the thought of it in general kinda freaks me out😬 like constant chatter all day everyday only you can hear? I'd go insane..both of these concepts really fascinate me to no end!!😌 the human mind is so complex! Quite interesting.. I could talk psychology & neuroscience all day💯
@celestebanda533 Месяц назад
I still have it (im 18 years old ) it comes and goes in years but i have had it happen to me since i was little How?
@celestebanda533 Месяц назад
I had things shrink and grow so quickly and seem so far away but small as if I can't reach it so I'm too scared to move
@Jesus_L0v3s_U Месяц назад
Dude I'm 18 too and It all started 4 months ago. I'm so so confused and I hate it beyond words. Do u have any other symptoms???
@celestebanda533 Месяц назад
@@Jesus_L0v3s_U that's crazy , what has been happening lately to you, maybe I can try to figure out . Yeah those are the only symthoms I have
@aryanargus 24 дня назад
(Same with me iam also 18yr old suffering with this ) It is better to die than to be like this🥺
@celestebanda533 23 дня назад
@@aryanargus it might be scary, but don't say that, you will be fine , you still have a long life god has in plan for you
@Y7E7S7H7U7A Месяц назад
Both my son and I have this! I had it as a kid and he did, too. We both discovered it together one day, when I learned about it and talked about what I would experience all the time, and then he announced that he has and has had the same symptoms!! Crazy!!! We both experience feeling too big and too small.
@jean-paul7251 Месяц назад
Old money wasn't that difficult. Your explanation is abit over the top to be honest.
@Barbara-jq2se Месяц назад
This is damn scary! I’m looking closely at the description(s) that you’re showing. Hmm, 🤔interesting, but also weird! Makes you scratch your head.
@M0k4T4n Месяц назад
Ik this video is old, but not actually seeing the images in my head but somewhat being able to “picture it” (but it’s blurry) isn’t aphantasia, is it?
@AZTR0N0MICAL04 Месяц назад
People really be dissin me for not being able to picture my family like bro i wish i could 🤣
@XanderWilde 2 месяца назад
Obvious, different languages reside in different areas due to how the language works , if it's a more emotional language it's stored differently
@ARainbowAfterDark 2 месяца назад
I found out I had aphantasia several years ago and the concept of people actually being able to SEE things in their head blew my mind; like you, I always thought phrases like “picture this” were metaphorical I tend to have extremely vivid dreams and have a “vivid” imagination but I was in probably my mid twenties when I found out most people can voluntarily create mental imagery and it made me feel like I was playing life on hard mode 😆
@filiphedman4392 2 месяца назад
I have eye migraines and occasional micropsia. Sometimes when I look at the monitor it looks like a tablet screen and much further away. The illusion temporarily breaks if I move my hand towards the monitor to regain perspective.
@zhatar4214 2 месяца назад
Im not sure about it. I can see things in my mind but they arent very stable, they morph into other similar things or disappear. If people can imagine with high detail and stability then why play videogames and watch movies if you can create whatever you want in your mind at will? It just doesent make sense . Imo its just peoples expectations and communication barriers, aphantasia is extremely rare
@liamfinlay2039 2 месяца назад
Aphantasics aren't broken, we see conrast. We see the void between form.
@liamfinlay2039 2 месяца назад
Yeah I'm a black screen. Feels you exist within a cavernous space like a workbench where faded conceptuals live. Possibly images are flooding all brain types on subconscious but my back - front cortex is weak AF. Recently I've worked the muscle and image streamed. Mind altering effects such as herbal tea or indica THC can bring on animated, key hole sensations like SMOOTHED OVER gradient gif images. And psychedelics can create geometric beauty like hippy matrix code. I'm the type from birth, congenital, so I had pure control over, could flex into full red screen, full grey screen, full white screen, default resting black. Also looking back at memories as a kid, the way it seemed to work for my memory minds eye, the general shape of the environment and the positioning of the actors, body language ECT...were there. What happened is recorded journalistically while integrating. I had very vivid super reality imposed looney toon psycho killer waking sleep paralysis in which my father superman carried me to his bed. I saw a beautiful woman in a painting of his, animate up her stairs in her white fluttering dress as he lowered my still dream stunned body into his bed. It's actually nuts how isolated I feel. But it has honestly kinda empowered me. Apparently scientists tend to be aphantasic in higher percentages than genpop, and that makes ALL THE SENSE to me. But so far, maybe only my aphantasic brothers and sisters would get WHY it makes sense :P Namaste from the Lonely Island Aphantasic xo
@theseventh5204 2 месяца назад
Im not broken, thanks.
@Iknowknow112 2 месяца назад
I never knew! Well… I didn’t know that there was a name for it. If I was told to picture in your mind “x” all I would imagine was an amorphous grayish blob, regardless of whether it was supposed to be an apple or a flame, flowers or anything. I definitely didn’t realize that some people just couldn’t do this.
@kapsicom 2 месяца назад
Realising I was aphantasic and others get to see stuff with their imagination caused me more grief than my autism diagnosis at 35.
@Emu-lb4wc 2 месяца назад
I have horrible physical anhedonia , have had It for the past two years , can’t enjoy basic sensual pleasures like bathing, eating, touch or sex . Because of this sexual dysfunction I have been unable to be in a relationship for two years , I don’t think I’ll ever be with someone again . My scalp itches aches and is sore whenever I do something enjoyable
@Emu-lb4wc 2 месяца назад
I can’t focus on anything because of the discomfort , it’s a horrible burning itching sensation , all my sensory nerves of my scalp are inflamed and damaged
@Emu-lb4wc 2 месяца назад
It’s made me completely asexual , I don’t even want to get married or have children , I have no sex drive or emotion
@Emu-lb4wc 2 месяца назад
I haven’t enjoyed sex in over two years , it’s something that became very uncomfortable, and frustrating . I just have no pleasure left in my life
@user-cf2px2ko8y 2 месяца назад
Bloodletting non sense?? Then, why it survived for thousands of years???
@davidwhitcher1972 3 месяца назад
Don't forget that you can't even remember what it feels like to have fun.
@kevinb.8649 3 месяца назад
All so what are dreams and if we were in base reality then we would be true infinite sentient energy yet if that was the case then there would be no off switch to that yet we have discovered that we can in fact turn off our consciousness using drugs and where do we go then cause in those situations it’s not sleep and brain eeg shows that and we loose all sense of space time and self just enter and exit a black hole of nothing when we are put under. So that is one proof that we are not in base reality or that would not be possible.
@HomeRunRealEstate-xi3rm 3 месяца назад
Sounds pretty cruel keep dogs awake till death
@ARTexplains 3 месяца назад
Definitely. That research was conducted a long time ago, and ethical standards for animal research have evolved since then.
@HomeRunRealEstate-xi3rm 3 месяца назад
@@ARTexplains I understand, I love dogs hate to hear about them suffering in such a terrible way, but i understand science must make sacrifices to advance.
@KazoWAR 3 месяца назад
why dogs
@NthMetalValorium 3 месяца назад
Does it refresh when she blinks? What's the maximum rate she can blink at and have it refresh? What happens when she moves her head?
@ARTexplains 3 месяца назад
These are great questions, but the studies by Zihl don't specifically answer them, unfortunately. To speculate on the blinking questions, I would say that because her visual reaction time seems undamaged (reported in Zihl et al., 1983) and her other temporal abilities seem intact (see Zihl & Heywood, 2015), blinking should assist in resetting the "static" image that she can currently see. I don't see a reason why her "refresh" rate from blinking would be different from the average person's, but as far as I know, it wasn't tested. In the literature, it is noted that people with akinetopsia usually try to compensate with hearing and touch, and I haven't personally seen discussion of a person coping using strategic blinking. As for the head movements, I was unable to find a discussion of that, so that's a big question mark for the moment.
@tye-wynd5218 3 месяца назад
For the last time you cannot run this on a actual potato it’s a very graphics intensive game
@pafijohn 3 месяца назад
Was she immune to motion sickness? Or would this cause more motion sickness?
@ARTexplains 3 месяца назад
Excellent question! Because motion sickness results from disagreement between a person's vision and vestibular senses, it's plausible that she'd experience more motion sickness. In Zihl's 2015 article, he wrote: "...she had difficulties keeping her body in balance because of interference of visuo-vestibular interactions with visual stimulus movement..." -- and I believe that supports the idea that she was more likely to experience motion sickness. However, I don't know of any more specific discussion of Akinetopsia and motion sickness, so perhaps more research is needed on that front.
@fallowfieldoutwest 3 месяца назад
What makes them pseudohallucinations? Are they not the real deal?
@ARTexplains 3 месяца назад
They are pseudohallucinations because the person is aware that the things they are seeing (such as the lions) are not real, and therefore they vary from other situations in which a person truly hallucinates and is unsure whether the image is real or not (or in some cases, completely believes the hallucination is real, such as in severe schizophrenia).
@johndorobiala5401 3 месяца назад
What possible benefit to the human race would that be....We need to stop throwing money away jesus!
@NikoChetnekiyen 3 месяца назад
What about fruit flies?
@flyingkatya 3 месяца назад
I think about this inability as anything but broken. Really inconvenient as an artist, but in art i also feel like theres a benefit.
@SaladTossBoss 3 месяца назад
Often as i fall asleep i get severe limb jerking. Often i find myself throwing my phone across the room because i was on youtbe in bed... i wonder if thats similar to this
@BG-nm5xt 3 месяца назад
Thinking about this issue, many of my memories have photo snapshots as reference. If I think about riding horses as a kid, I can remember what the stable looked like, the horse, his saddle, the riding ring, my hard black English riding hat, etc., all stored as photos or mental videos as well as the sensation of riding, my feelings, etc.
@thisworldsans 3 месяца назад
If I were to close my eyes and try to imagine something in the day, I wouldn't see anything. However if I close my eyes to go to bed and start to imagine while I'm on the cusp of dreaming, I will see stuff and it freaks me out. While I may not be able to imagine while I am awake, I do dream vividly.
@ARTexplains 3 месяца назад
Great example of the divide between voluntary imagery and involuntary imagery!
@SebastianTejada-ho7fs 3 месяца назад
💀love that joke
@skybluskyblueify 3 месяца назад
Is this related in any way to "brain zaps" while discontinuing SSRIs?
@ARTexplains 3 месяца назад
Currently, those two phenomena are believed to have different underlying mechanisms, but both require more research.
@noobyplayz2840 3 месяца назад
EVERY TIME i search a channel i haven't watched in a long time, theres an upload a few days ago, and then before that uploads from many months ago, EVERY SINGLE TIME.
@ARTexplains 3 месяца назад
Well howdy and welcome back!
@aliengeo 3 месяца назад
Generally when I've seen people "mic up" cats they just put a microphone next to the cat 😅
@calebnelson9834 3 месяца назад
This video is better than hickory smoked horse buttholes. From a cup.
@ms.meganemetz1873 3 месяца назад
Did anyone catch the year he said this happened, 1986? Hmmm...... Is it '86, '87, or not at all... Is it black or white, maybe a colorful lie?
@ARTexplains 3 месяца назад
The case was published in '87 but the key events took place in '86 -- you can read the references for yourself in the video description. Oliver Sacks (the first author) is a very famous science writer, so I recommend reading the original work if you're curious about the details because it's an enjoyable read.
@danielsywalski347 3 месяца назад
who was this painter; is this a deep fake story?
@milquetoasted 3 месяца назад
why don't you watch the longer video this is a clip from? You might find out
@ARTexplains 3 месяца назад
It's a real story. The citation is on the screen (Sacks & Wasserman, 1987) and the full reference and further reading are in the video description.
@metalwhere 3 месяца назад
Excellent use of color!
@ARTexplains 3 месяца назад
Thank you!
@ARTexplains 3 месяца назад
Did you know that it is possible to forget what colors look like? Here's an example of just such a case!