Cooking and Baking Around the Globe
Cooking and Baking Around the Globe
Cooking and Baking Around the Globe
Hi, I am Huma, and here you would truly enjoy educating yourself and trying various cuisines from various cultures and countries. I started my channel in the fall of 2020, and I love exploring ethnicities and doing continental cooking with me. You can undoubtedly master the art of cooking and baking and presenting mouth-watering, irresistible cuisines from around the globe!

My channel is perfect for anyone who wants to hone their skills in preparing delicious meals, from baking delicious cakes, cookies, and bread to cooking everything savory, such as soups, entrées, snacks, and desserts. Every video provides tips and ingredient substitution throughout.

As a very active person, I get myself involved in different activities every day, and my hobbies are listening to music, gardening, and reading :)

Please feel free to drop some ideas from your culture for my videos, and I will share your suggestions in the video's description box.
