100 Days
100 Days
100 Days
100 Day Projects of all sorts: Fitness, Creativity & more.
Each Day I am releasing an update of my journey in form of a short video.
After a project is completed I will release a longer video with in-depth information

Current Project : 100 Days of Drawing

@shaikismailahmed2561 День назад
@mawolfer 2 дня назад
tecnicamente ele não fez o treino do Saitama por 100 dias, ele fez algo mais leve. Pra fazer o treino do Saitama precisa fazer o numero correto sem falta todos os dias. 100 dias é só um pouco mais que três meses, saitama fez por 3 anos
@cjmmg32 2 дня назад
Great video. 👌🏼
@tanhanunna6815 2 дня назад
The red suit was the cherry on the cake.
@PainVMX 2 дня назад
I saw the thunbnail and i was like: "damn, dude went so hard he lost a dimension."
@yuvasatish4066 3 дня назад
Solo leveling x saitama 🔥🔥
@Xtop_shottafr627 3 дня назад
Did you do 100 pushups in a row or slowly throughout the day
@chriskancherla1739 4 дня назад
Woow that's dedication
@mazzmccartney9489 4 дня назад
Yeah I’m sorry but I paid money for something that I could have done myself for free. It was obvious the people I hired where all using AI and other free DIY websites which was actually infuriating because I wanted something more unique and soulful. I wanted actual skill.
@ZoneGMZ 4 дня назад
Not even close
@Princesadraws 5 дней назад
@freebernard3473 5 дней назад
Nice you look great. I’m definitely inspired to commit to something and record the progress thanks. I kinda see why they think all black guys are juicing. If I did that for 100 days straight I would be ripped the fck up.. you look like you just dieted really good without working out.
@Bambooteddybear 7 дней назад
I mean, I don’t want to say photo shopped, but if this video is legit, I’m far more impressed that he wore the same hat and underwear specifically for a photo each day for 100 days…. Surely I can’t be the only one thinking there’s something fishy going on there
@sethkube3607 7 дней назад
Grow your beard
@ValorousCart 8 дней назад
But it’s suppose to be a 10km run on every day lol
@TheDutzend 8 дней назад
I’m confused, you didn’t punch anything, don’t you wanna try out if the training worked?
@hafo1979 8 дней назад
@chadduck4179 8 дней назад
4 months of doing this and its actually impressive it blow up my chest
@JosephMay-yc6lx 11 дней назад
you forgot the three meals and no AC or heater
@antesamo5255 12 дней назад
Gdje da stavim 10.000?
@zecronic_yt 12 дней назад
People who do the “one punch man workout” never get the point of it. In the anime, he explains that even when he felt like he couldn’t move, he still did the full workout, and didnt take any days off. He emphasized the importance of really staying on track and not taking time off.
@Woopy3 13 дней назад
8:27 he wore the same underwear the whole time 💀
@SwabhimanBishi2828 14 дней назад
This man motivates me a lot But I wanna se more videos
@fireflash2773 14 дней назад
@untoldgaming1210 14 дней назад
10km =16.2 miles WTH
@retsreinyrelgeinthrelaveri1456 7 дней назад
@untoldgaming1210 7 дней назад
@@retsreinyrelgeinthrelaveri1456 In the start he said this
@DEVILEDITZjjk 14 дней назад
Any one in 2024?
@kewldewd8334 16 дней назад
Great vid - u can see a significant difference.
@ericmob822 16 дней назад
Look the same
@r390gt1lm 17 дней назад
pushups squats and situps are fine, but fuck running 10km!, no way I could run even 1km
@stitchfilms4598 17 дней назад
Flashing lights! ⚠️
@Luk5000 17 дней назад
Good job mate, proud of you!
@mattyblake9427 18 дней назад
justo make it clear. it is all true for you. until he had 10$. and going back to 1000$ is out of the range of possibility.
@Rectified.1 18 дней назад
ive bein doing a workout schedule of a new anime that has a heaer that gets trained and i learned to o 100 push ups with a 120kg vest
@mr.ortega7140 18 дней назад
The funny thing about one punch man plan is that it's not intense or even that difficult.
@XROSSDABOSSX 18 дней назад
Fantastic work!
@sauteallday9151 18 дней назад
Not gonna lie. I sped watched the video. But fuckin A, man. Good fuckin job. Proud of ya
@SPTX. 18 дней назад
The running is a deal breaker to me. Too much effort for such mitigated results.
@Mysptc 18 дней назад
This is old, but good job, I am also doing a one punch man workout right now. But I'm taking a different approach. For people who don't have time to do opm to the letter. This is what I am doing: I started at 60 reps each and instead of running the same day, I run the next day. With a rest day after that. So a rest day every 3 days. Which is necessary, because like you mentioned, this exercise is rough on your legs. I also only run a little over 1 km, because my ribcage developed slightly deformed, so when I begin running out of breath I actually feel a sharp pain in the upper right side of my chest and need to stop. Not sure I'll ever be able to run 10k straight, no matter how in shape in I am :( Which honestly is fine, running that long takes forever and gets boring. If I can get to 3k I'll be happy. Moving forward, I plan to add pull ups (knuckles forward) and chin ups (knuckles backwards) instead of more pushups. Legs and situps will be the same though. Right now I alternate doing 20 pullups or chin ups (with chair assistance rn) with the 60 reps of each normal opm. By the end I want to be able to do 20 pullups and 20 chin ups without any assistance on the same day, 60 push ups, so 100 upper body reps total. 100 squats and 100 situps. And run 3km if it's even possible for me.
@MrTimah101 20 дней назад
The 10km run each day is mental, well done! The other exercises are fine lol
@rulebreaker666 20 дней назад
Yeah, your mind will fail after your body 1000%. Being strong physically makes you strong mentally.
@grandcanyonjr.8056 20 дней назад
Thanks for not making some over exaggerated unrealistic demo of this. You had great progress that was inspiring and didn’t have to be a meat head who makes it overly complicated to do so
@urahara9573 20 дней назад
Am I the only one to notice the fact that bro wore the same underwear for 100 days straight just to take his pic😭
@SamuTheFrog 20 дней назад
Hell yeah the skyrim music Now im really fucking pumped
@ani___boy000 21 день назад
@Joshua_Froschauer 21 день назад
Y'all modeling a fictional character... research Herschel Walker...not the political bs they'll try and smear him...but his workouts...I truly believe the one punch man was inspired by HW!!!
@Joshua_Froschauer 21 день назад
Your before shots? I thought you'd bellied yourself with a tat of some dude named Calvin... mwahahaha
@Jptm26 21 день назад
I already run a fair amount (arround 40/50km per week) and I don't like gym, so I might just try this and implement the abs, squats and push-ups with my running. Great video!
@justindaniels2582 22 дня назад
Wait you forgot no ac?
@spctvl03 23 дня назад
@vmethod 23 дня назад
haha. I can't even run 2k without stopping...