Lila Rose
Lila Rose
Lila Rose
The Lila Rose Podcast explores questions about relationships, theology, health, identity, and faith, deep-diving into some of the most controversial issues of the day. No topic is off-limits. Join me as I share commentary and talk with thought leaders, spiritual guides, mental health experts, and more.
@meliss4603 7 минут назад
I used to have memories of crying in crib as a child.
@greenbean221 30 минут назад
Lila, where is the opposing side to this question? This entire response from Jimmy has more holes than swiss cheese. It is super suspect that you offer zero opposing viewpoint to this matter. This is simply damage control propaganda. If you had invited me to this particular podcast to give an opposing viewpoint, I might have said something like the following: While I appreciate the effort to foster respectful dialogue about Pope Francis, I must express my concern regarding the podcast's approach to defending the Pope's statements, particularly his remarks about interfaith dialogue. The podcast attempts to frame Pope Francis's comments as reflective of a broader understanding of God's presence across different religions. However, this perspective raises significant theological issues that warrant deeper scrutiny. First, the assertion that "all religions are paths to God" risks undermining the central tenet of Christianity, which holds that Jesus Christ is the exclusive way to salvation, as explicitly stated in John 14:6. By suggesting that multiple paths can lead to God, the discussion overlooks the exclusivity of Christ's redemptive work. Furthermore, when considering many of Pope Francis's statements, it becomes increasingly difficult to dismiss them as merely poor communication skills. These remarks often stand in direct contradiction not only to Scripture but also to longstanding Catholic teachings. This pattern raises the question of whether the Pope might be expressing what he genuinely believes rather than merely communicating poorly. Applying Occam's Razor, which posits that the simplest explanation is often the correct one, we may find it more reasonable to conclude that the Pope's statements are intentional rather than accidental miscommunications. When such contradictions persist, the notion of "poor communication" becomes less tenable as an excuse. Additionally, while the concept of interfaith dialogue is valuable, it should not come at the expense of clarity in doctrine. The podcast implies that Pope Francis's failure to mention evangelization in his off-the-cuff remarks is merely a matter of incomplete communication. Yet, in a role as significant as the papacy, one would expect a leader to articulate clearly the Church's foundational beliefs, especially when speaking to a diverse audience. The absence of a clear call to evangelization can lead to confusion and misinterpretation among both believers and non-believers regarding the nature of salvation. Moreover, the podcast appears to downplay the legitimate concerns raised by many Catholics and Christians regarding the Pope's statements. This dismissal of critical voices can foster a culture of silence rather than one of healthy discourse. It is essential that we engage in open discussions about our leaders' teachings, allowing for questions and challenges while maintaining a spirit of love and respect. In conclusion, while I value the intent behind the podcast, it is crucial to approach these discussions with an unwavering commitment to the truth of the Gospel. Encouraging dialogue should not equate to compromising core beliefs. I urge all of us to reflect deeply on the implications of our leaders' words and strive to uphold the teachings of Christ in all conversations about faith.
@sidkuwait Час назад
Hope you know that it was Jesus who initiated the breaking of the bread symbolizing that He was going to be broken on the cross so that we could have life
@Jesus_is_the_1way Час назад
My Holy Father is sovereign and in heaven. The pope is a man like all the rest of us, and if any man has holiness it is ONLY because of their faith in Christ. If you deny Christ as being the ONLY WAY to heaven then you have no faith in Christ. Sorry guys that pope guy should never be called a holy father, ONLY our Father in heaven should ever be referred to in that manner. This is so wrong.
@MTimmWes 2 часа назад
How do we get in contact with her?
@LucieChavelet 2 часа назад
Thank you I totally agree. Also, as women, we can work outside the home before having kids and when our kids are older.
@monmen91 2 часа назад
"A good person/ the right person is someone who, after a date with them, what you feel is like how you would feel after spending time with your grandmother (assuming she's a sweetheart).. You want it to feel peaceful." <3 Awww!
@Nomen.7777 58 минут назад
Its not about what you "feel". You don't "date" in order to see if that person makes you feel good. There is no official Catholic Teaching that indicates that its about "feelings"
@monmen91 54 минуты назад
@@Nomen.7777 I was just pointing out something I found cute 😑 It’s all really great, and serious, I know. But my heart felt so warm when Lila said what she said about sweet grandmothers 🥹
@freedominion7369 2 часа назад
I appreciate Mrs. Rose's message of "self-gifting" to someone, rather than the popular notion of "self-love" that can be misleading and ultimately conceited 🙏✝️
@JohnHenrysaysHi 3 часа назад
Praying for him.
@wms72 5 часов назад
I was tricked by a "significant thing hidden during the courtship." I hoped to stay married for life. My life and family is wrecked.
@edm-london1660 7 часов назад
Lastly, if Catholic men and women want to find (or increase the likelihood of) real happiness in [future] marriage (if God calling them to that) and or increased happiness in their marriage now - then please turn to daily and deep and joyful devotion to The Holy Spirit inside you (please God / thank God) and as your Advocate. We're meant to do this anyway. For everything. Not just dating / marriage. Look at Mary and the disciples at Pentecost - their lives were RADICALLY transformed. Pentecost isn't just about Mary and the disciples (with God). It's about all of us (with God). And it's also about our 'ordinary' lives (including marriages, jobs, interests, art, culture, helping the vulnerable, supporting the church, being patriots etc) - this is all part of The Church overall - not just the more formally religious side of things. And it is The Holy Spirit who prepares us for The Sacraments etc. To connect with Christ. The Holy Spirit working with Christ and The Father to SAVE us (please God - even though Christ is technically 'The Saviour') and sanctify us (please God) including maximising the amount of happiness and love we can experience in dating and marriage. Devotion to The Holy Spirit is a duty. It's vital. But it's also a great JOY! How we all want to be happy. And notice that St Philip Neri, who is famous for his devotion to The Holy Spirt is now the patron saint of JOY! (And joy - real joy - obviously a key part of dating and marriage!). Lastly, to start on devotion to The Holy Spirit, please just reflect and be grateful and joyful that He is inside you (please God / thank God) thanks to Baptism and is also your Advocate (HUGE word). And don't forget, where The Holy Spirit is, so is The Blessed Trinity - and all Heaven. So when you approach your date or you spouse, consider all this. And when praying to The Holy Spirit, you can pray The Our Father (but you can also pray specific prayers to The Holy Spirit as well). And the image of The Holy Spirit in St Peter's Basilica is a beautiful image to have near you to inspire you to practise and enjoy daily and deep joyful devotion to The Holy Spirit. Lastly, Bishop Fulton Sheen's video on The Holy Spirit is BRILLIANT. Come Holy Spirt.
@edm-london1660 8 часов назад
Also, one of the reasons that prevents true, one-flesh (St Paul) marriage (where the husband and wife deliciously and joyfully and lovingly and mysteriously and romantically melt into each other body, mind and soul to become one person - although paradoxically still two separate people at same time - and not just in the bedroom but in the entire marriage, including non-erotic affection) is that part of us is HARDENED to connection (from pride / sin / fear / being wounded etc). So we need God to MELT us. This is connected to / akin to: ' I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.' - Ezekiel 36:26-27 (beautiful!) And this is all preparation / good practise to connect ultimately with Christ, Our Spouse, in the Mystical Body of Christ (as The Catholic Church teaches). No s-x in Heaven but something trillions and trillions of tines greater: LOVING , JOYFUL ECSTASY and JOYFUL BLISS with God in the BEAUTY of Heaven (please God).But that should all begin now to a degree (please God) and to persevere through death into Heaven (please God). The ROMANTIC love of two spouses (romantic love based on body, mind and soul - not just hormones - and inspired by God) is part of this BEAUTY of Heaven - part of the ROMANCE of Heaven. But to reiterate from before, romantic love is not the most important love - unconditional love is (and connected to this, loving objectively). Lastly, and to return to St John Paul II who said that the [ROMANTIC / erotic or ecstatic / passionate / beautiful / poetic etc] of The Song of Songs is ultimately about the Heavenly marriage with God (please God - although no instead of the erotic here there is the ecstatic in its fullest sense) but also to a degree about earthly marriage between husband and wife. Don't believe me (about this wonderful news!), then please see: 'Love Is Ever Seeking and Never Satisfied - Pope John Paul II - GENERAL AUDIENCE OF 6 JUNE [1984]' - EWTN. So living the romantic life - and long-term - in our marriage, isn't just a way of helping to love more our spouse (if we're given the opportunity to), it's also a witness to others (bringing a sense of the romance and beauty of Heaven to others - but romance mixed with unconditional and objective love - and, in particular, our spouse and ourselves with our spouse), and ultimately a way of glorifying and loving God.
@alexdelosreyes6076 8 часов назад
Why is it that Lila Rose looks so peaceful while Allie Beth Stuckley looks like she wants to bite your head off figuratively with condescension?
@rudysimoens570 9 часов назад
The shroud is a FORGERY! The artist who made the shroud confessed himself to the Bishop of Troyes that he made the shroud himself so it is DEFINITELY A FORGERY! Besides, it is not even certain that Jesus ever existed! Let alone all the other supernatural nonsense! His supposed "miracles", his so-called "holy " status", his supposed "resurrection"! Anyway, science and especially evolution have already debunked the crux of christianity and the crux of all the other religions I know of ages ago! And there is not a shred of evidence for the existence of ANY god or Allah or whatever name they gave to their non-existing celestial dictator!
@Cindy-yb6lj 10 часов назад
If women do not want a baby they should get there tubes tide
@Cindy-yb6lj 10 часов назад
Kamal you are evil
@Cindy-yb6lj 10 часов назад
Kamala. What if your daughter had a a abortion and she died for it. Gods world says Do Not Murder and you believe in murder. If you do not change and ask for forgiveness, you will go to hell. You are not worthy to be a president. Donald trump is not stopping abortions. He is letting the states make that law. I have never be so embarrassed of Americans I ever have the way the Biden administration has lied about donal trump when you haven’t done anything but made this country worse. People are going hungry. Food was cheaper gas was cheaper. You people are evil. 😡😡😡😡
@Emilia12070 10 часов назад
We are part of Mystical Body of Christ!
@Irisgomesjmjfaith 11 часов назад
Hi Lila. My husband has NPD. He has some self awareness. Could you pray that he may be willing to go to therapy to help our marriage? ❤ Thank you ❤
@petrichor5294 11 часов назад
There are no soulmates. Whoever wants to make the marriage, will make it work. Every single adult is a potential spouse to every single adult.