@user-fq7go1vc6l 13 дней назад
I remember young teens leaving high school in the early 70s to preach before the end in 1975. There were assembly talks and lots of literature predicting the end in 1975. A kingdom hall i visited had a calendar marking down the months to october 1975.
@ant7936 13 дней назад
@user-fq7go1vc6l Yes, absolutely true, unfortunately. I gave up my new Merchant Navy career to get baptised in 1970 (another video) and I had already left school at 15 with minimal qualifications
@user-fq7go1vc6l Месяц назад
In this religion your spiritual worth and salvation is based on how many meetings, assemblies and hours you put in. Typical cult.
@andrearoberts4833 3 месяца назад
Try the boerenan pickets brother l haven’t spelled that right it’s someone called Eric Wilson you will be amazed.
@ant7936 3 месяца назад
Thanks, but this video was made some time ago (although it's still relevant). I'm a Christian now and have moved on to a happy life! Hope same applies to you.
@joeyburrell3207 4 месяца назад
You’ve would’ve fitted in just fine now with the stubble, cause I’m sure you’ve heard about the lift of their unwritten beard prohibition. They are all such a prisoner of a concept. Not slave of our Lord and Savior. Really sad and pathetic. 😒 I pity them.
@sanderooij 4 месяца назад
@billjones261 5 месяцев назад
All of the men who started and continued to run the JWS /WTS/Jworg were all self serving and corrupt religious charlatans who lured others to themselves for purposes of self empowerment and exploitation and did so strategically through the literature they published. It has become clear and understanding that most of these end times doctrines were acts of apostasy and false prophesying based upon bible scripture. Power corrupts, so does a whole lot of money. $$$ 😳
@ibettch4122 9 месяцев назад
After 42 of being terrorized by these people, I did my own research and kicked the Watchtower to the curb.
@sollara8581 10 месяцев назад
The Bible unabridged ❤
@beautyRest1 11 месяцев назад
When I had to lie to them, I didn’t feel bad, I looked at it as “theocratic warfare “. They , watchtower, lie all the time, to the us, to courts etc….
@gildedingold Год назад
You taught me something. Normally I'm not a liar. But if elders ask how I feel about JWs, I'm going to say "I love them!" Some of my closest family is JWs. Not a lie. Say only positive things. My credo.
@gildedingold Год назад
You are so good at telling your story. I enjoy your style. I noticed you haven't posted a new video. Please post more videos. Your calling is to help others escape.
@gildedingold Год назад
I love it! Great advice!
@leeBoB4257 Год назад
You can leave and not be Disfellowshiped or Disassociated but they will Disassociate themselves from you, even fleshy family members, I know that to be true because that's what happened to me not that it bothers me because I didn't want to associate or speak to people with there Head's buried in the sand and only repeat what they have been told not what they themselves have learnt for themselves, they let others do there thinking for them.
@seanrathmakedisciples1508 Год назад
I’m glad that you’re free from this bondage. You are a man of courage and conviction. Start reading the gospel of Saint John chapter 14 and going forward. We’re now New Covenant people who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ will be forevermore and snatched from the kingdom of darkness and brought into Jesus own kingdom of love and light Galatians 1:13 and Romans 10:9-13 . ❤All blessings from Ireland in Jesus name forevermore
@ant7936 Год назад
Thanks. Good points. The video was made some time ago. One of the first things I did on leaving was to read the whole Bible for the first time and the NT another 7/8 times.
@iMatti00 Год назад
If I asked one random person if they knew JWs and it turned out the watchman was a JW I would have devoted myself too.
@gingerlori52 Год назад
Whether they are parents, politicians, or devilish leaders, you have to laugh because you cant miss them. Authoritarians always threaten.
@gingerlori52 Год назад
Honesty ia the best policy EXCEPT if it interfers with your deserving sense of wellbeing.
@MichaelSmith-lm5sl Год назад
hes correct
@Soloz1419 Год назад
You should have a degree 😂😂😂😂😂
@Soloz1419 Год назад
Absolutely nicest thing she said.😂😂😂😂
@Soloz1419 Год назад
True it wasn't Bible study but book study
@combataviationdefence Год назад
Satans club
@TallKulWmn1 Год назад
6 years since you posted this. This information is still relevant & still true. Thank you for sharing.
@ant7936 Год назад
Yes, this is what actually happened, between 1967/8 and 1975/6, so it's true! The books and references are still there, to check.
@schrecksekunde2118 Год назад
and tony Morris iii is gone, I'll start to sing "oh happy day" any minute 😁👍 i love that you wrote the appeal letter to annoy them
@ant7936 Год назад
By that stage, I had made my point, but it gave me the experience of an Appeal committee which was useful. These modern GB members! They seem like very bad comedians. Really quite pathetic, when one considers what they think they are.
@schrecksekunde2118 Год назад
your wife sounds like a good strong-willed person 🙂
@ant7936 Год назад
To her credit, she never went back, but unfortunately, she didn't really "deprogramme" from the Watchtower for many years, so she doesn't cope well with life on the outside, in "the world".
@schrecksekunde2118 Год назад
@@ant7936 i heard that later on, external demands can be very damaging to otherwise maybe healthy and earnest relationship efforts. it´d be for sure better if she´d also been able to shake it all off. i see it this way : she managed to kick you off the chains and at least gave herself the chance to do so. i hope you´re doing ok now hugs & greetings from vienna :)
@ant7936 Год назад
@@schrecksekunde2118 Yes I'm fine now thanks. Life improves immediately on leaving a cult!
@schrecksekunde2118 Год назад
your wife sounds like a good person 🙂
@schrecksekunde2118 Год назад
great video 😊
@leesanderson6885 Год назад
After 9/11..I prayed for guidance from God. A dissociated JW. I prayed out loud for His guidance. Within 48hrs a JW was on my door..Abigail. I went back...went through the process ..elders gatherings at my home ..very personal...deeply personal questions. I confessed all. After some time there was a judicial meeting and I was disfellowshipped. Repentant people do get disfellowshipped. Not once in your video have you mentioned praying to Jehovah. Very little said about your faith. Only about meetings...knocking on doors. Very poor treatment you received. You have been discussing your experience with the organisation. Nothing about your walk with God.
@ant7936 Год назад
I had a similar "prayer experience". See my video on my lost career. But you are right - JWs are not about God, but an organisation.
@broderickwallis25 Год назад
A good man.... Keep up the push, these baskets are being exposed !
@nowandafter3258 Год назад
@jimmmmy55 Год назад
The answer to your assumed bad luck or random chance is in minute 35:04 where you confessed “if I hadn’t been interested in Jehovah’s Witnesses”. It is all our fault, assume your responsibility and your life perspective will change, even as to see God working all things to your benefit, if you are willing to see it.
@ant7936 Год назад
Yes, good point. And something I read yesterday; if God let his own Son suffer for a purpose, why should I expect better treatment? I'm slowly beginning to understand this!
@patricialynveal4017 Год назад
When you really look, you are told watch for wolves..even now lots of wolves... but even the old shows the growth and your FoS and you can find everything...nothing is a secret and when wrong, they update to come back into line with scripture thought at each time.... Sigh,
@alvinlevy5502 Год назад
He that receives me receives the father , he that honors me honors the father also.you can not separate the two ,I and the father are one.
@alvinlevy5502 Год назад
Give thanks to the Lord for he is good his Love endures forever 💖 psalms.
@alvinlevy5502 Год назад
If the son of man sets you free you are indeed free.
@alvinlevy5502 Год назад
Pray for the Jws that they find freedom in Jesus
@alvinlevy5502 Год назад
God bless you brother you are saved in Jesus.
@alvinlevy5502 Год назад
Christ came to save the lost , Jesus is the only way.
@alvinlevy5502 Год назад
The only time paradise is mentioned is when Jesus is crucified truly I tell you today you will be with me in paradise , a metephor for heaven , Jesus remember me when you get into your kingdom 🙏
@alvinlevy5502 Год назад
You do a great job exposing the false doctrins of the WT
@alvinlevy5502 Год назад
Should we fear Armagedon no we in christ are saved .
@alvinlevy5502 Год назад
If the son of man sets you free you are indeed free.
@alvinlevy5502 Год назад
Ant you,re just a sinner saved by grace like all christians ✝️ God bless you you,re free in christ God bless you Brother.
@ant7936 Год назад
Thanks. That video was made 20 years ago when I was coming out of JWs. I'm a Christian now and quite content.
@alvinlevy5502 Год назад
@@ant7936 praise God 👏
@alvinlevy5502 Год назад
Replace WT with Jesus and fellowship with christians ✝️ in a bible believing church BTW the church is the people not the building 🙏 ,you won't find a perfect church but if you do don't go there because you will spoil it ,my prayers 🙏 ❤ that many ex JWs come to Jesus .
@alvinlevy5502 Год назад
Sadly a lot of ex Jws end up atheist. When you leave you have to be deprogramed it can take years and some Ex Jws come to christ and are saved Sadly some are still poisoned by the propaganda WT spills against the church ⛪ so they won't go into a church .
@aaronbogatch548 Год назад
There is only ONE way to leave the organization. After all it is not a prison. Whoever wanna leave will leave. After all they do not keep you there by force.
@ant7936 Год назад
Well, not exactly. Just coercion.
@aaronbogatch548 Год назад
@@ant7936 What coercion? Gimme a break. Do they keep people there by force? No! Can you leave the organization whenever you want? Yes! But extroverted people always want to belong to an organization to meet other people, to be with other people, they just don't think ahead, then they cry and tell lies about not being able to leave. I've known Jehovah's Witnesses for years. Do they want me to join them? Yes! Do I want to? No! I even regularly read their publications like Watchtower and Awake, why shouldn't I? I read whatever I want. Remember, G-d gave people a free will. So, stop telling lies about not being able to leave. Will they kill you if you leave? No! It is not a prison!
@ant7936 Год назад
@@aaronbogatch548 Your stupidity is exceeded only by your rudeness. You obviously don't know anything about disfellowshipping and the emotional blackmail experienced by countless people, divorced/separated from their families, by Watchtower policies, if they leave. Get an education before you criticise.
@aaronbogatch548 Год назад
@@ant7936 How am I rude? I know more about Jehovah's Witnesses than they know about themselves. I know they shun people who left. So what? I wouldn't give a s... about that. I know their families shun them. So what? I wouldn't give a f... about that. If my family shunned me I wouldn't wanna have anything in common with such a family. Gimme a break. Stop making problems where there aren't any. I don't Agree with them on many levels, that's why I would never join them. But then I don't agree with other religions too, that's why I am not religious, but I do believe in the Almighty G_d. Stop crying wolf where there is no wolf.
@aaronbogatch548 Год назад
And people who have emotional problems after leaving the JWs obviously didn't have any REAL emotional problems in their life.
@alvinlevy5502 Год назад
@alvinlevy5502 Год назад
Help people to know Jesus when they leave WT 🙏
@alvinlevy5502 Год назад
Been watching your videos 📹 ,I must say youv been through a lot and my prayers are with you 🙏 Jesus is the answer, try make friends with christians not ex jws, you left the WT and need to replace it with Jesus , pray 🙏 try to find a bible believing church 🙏 the brothers and sisters in church will support you , God bless you in the name of Jesus , I left WT in 1998 and got saved in 2000 ,when you are free in christ you realy are free 🙏.
@ant7936 Год назад
I left around that time also. I'm fine now, thanks. Life is good!
@alvinlevy5502 Год назад
Fact Jws are not christians an d not Jws they follow the teachings of Rutherford so Joseph's witnesses Jws ,Seventh-day adventists christodelphians ww church of God are all cults all linked to William Miller. American dooms day cults.
@sheilasmart6985 Год назад
I'm not a JW, but have JW acquaintances, and I have only just discovered you. Those poor deluded fools, they don't realise that the ultimate head of the org is the father of lies. They are like Pharisees - they can't go into the kingdom themselves and they do their best to stop anyone else going in either. But our Father is mighty and if you belong to Him, He WILL rescue you. Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life!