Mind Titans
Mind Titans
Mind Titans
Everything about the art of unlocking the unconscious mind through clever communication tactics.

You will discover how to stand up for yourself and handle any verbal conflict without losing your cool.

Those methods helped me to detach from all the negative conditionings I grew up with.

Based on Neuro Linguistic Programming, they will help you to form better relationships in your personal and professional life, and distance yourself easily from toxic people.

Matteo Morelli

I’m writing a NEW BOOK for You!
14 дней назад
The Inner Dialogue of Confidence
Месяц назад
The Language of Confidence
Месяц назад
The “Last Excuse” NLP Story
2 месяца назад
How to Set Goals with NLP? (The Right Way)
2 месяца назад
My 11 Best NLP Strategies
2 месяца назад
@keenpua День назад
For line #1 I like to say "You're just trying to make me blush" with a very playful tone with a hint of being challenging. If she is highly interested and you have proper tonality, she will say something like "Is that bad?" or "What if I am?". Thus, she agrees with your frame.
@katepi9416 2 дня назад
Great! Thank you!
@birthing4blokes46 2 дня назад
where do you focus your work, on teaching core NLP, or on this kind of stuff? I'm guessing there is a bigger audience for this stuff?
@Abby-x9d 3 дня назад
Brother just waiting for your course
@mindtitans 2 дня назад
Next week ;) This one won't cover everything, but it will be a good starting point
@Abby-x9d 2 дня назад
@@mindtitans so is that any plan to make a course which cover everything or if not do you provide consultancy
@mindtitans 2 дня назад
@@Abby-x9d This one is the most complete I have ever created on the subject: mindtitans.com/hypnoticseduction/ I may open consultancy later, but fully booked at the moment sorry ^^'
@ianahumuza7198 3 дня назад
I ONCE HEARD A PRESIDENT SAY...."My friend, let me tell you the following..." i was like,"Genius!"
@normanclatcher 4 дня назад
No one man should have all this power...
@matiasmartin3875 4 дня назад
Thank you to answer my request!!
@AWidgetIHaveNot 5 дней назад
Gordon Liddy used to debate Timothy Leary, who had help from Robert Dilts to hone his argument skills after being soundly beaten in their debates. After using pattern maps such as yours his argument skills improved.
@DeyvsonMoutinhoCaliman 5 дней назад
They don't let the guy speak. But it's strange seeing a discussion from a time not everything was about politics.
@michaelmuller8494 6 дней назад
Great content. The accent is very heavy though and makes it hard to listen properly. Working on it would be great. Keep up the good stuff
@walkthelinej9 6 дней назад
Subliminal hypnosis data trading prompt
@NYNEO1 8 дней назад
Holy crap
@alexandrenedellec7116 9 дней назад
Hello, I would like to ask a question although It's not related to the video. I purchased several course (it's funny how investing in one helps to actually do the work with the sunk cost bias 😂). I am on my 6th day of "7 day confidence booster". ----- When you take a anchore about things you believe, is it possible to take something you know is true but not about you ?(like the Earth is round, the sky is blue etc). ------- Btw thanks for your work and making information available. Have a nice day
@mindtitans 6 дней назад
Nice! :D Yes, you can use an anchor for anything that you inherently know to be true. Usually, the best answer option is the very first one that pops up in your mind when you wonder "What should I use for this exercise?" If you're worried about it not having the same effect though, you can stay close to the belief structure by using "something you know to be true about ANOTHER PERSON", that way it keeps your mind involved in the identity structure. But any belief will work as long as it makes sense to you. :)
@alexandrenedellec7116 6 дней назад
@@mindtitans thanks for your answer :) The first thing that pop was about the Earth being round because it something that so established that i Don't doubt it 🤣. I am testing different things for the last day. Because i have an Idea on which state to use to negate the Bad one. Keep going with the good content Have a nice day
@sirrobinofloxley7156 9 дней назад
That's right.
@shahrayarhaider7624 10 дней назад
I thought timeline therapy is for the pst only
@shahrayarhaider7624 10 дней назад
Good one
@user-yu4uc5cc3g 11 дней назад
What are your top 3 books
@mindtitans 10 дней назад
1- Unlimited Power 2- Trance-Formations (1981 version) 3- Ross Jeffries PDFs I would say that sums it up, but I tend to change my mind from times to times based on my current interests.
@lilith2754 11 дней назад
That's some amazing questions to ask, i bet girls almost never get asked this type of questions. Thanks!
@wessexexplorer 12 дней назад
Great work- interesting to see and hear this analysis
@mausperson5854 12 дней назад
It's worse because God does make direct commands to take virgin female slaves, after slaughtering all the males and women and animals. A direct injunction, not merely allowing the practice of slavery and telling them how they ought to be treated but a direct mandate on who they should enslave as spoils of war and conquest. There is no scripture that reforms the practice or suggests that under different circumstances at a future time it would and ought to be considered abhorrent. Alex is great in these situations because he doesn't allow Ben to Gish gallop; having him pause to clarify single integral points of contention.
@Abby-x9d 12 дней назад
How to be like him which one of your course will make me like him
@mindtitans 12 дней назад
I don't pretend any of my courses can make you become "like somebody else", but if you're talking specifically about this type of frame control abilities, I would suggest "Control the Frame with Simple words": mindtitans.com/control-the-frame-with-simple-words/ Or, if you only want to model Russel Brand or any advanced speaker, you can get in their mind and identify more easily with their identify beliefs and skills under hypnosis with "NLP modeling": mindtitans.com/nlp-modeling-secrets/
@magnetiktrax 12 дней назад
Shapiro is just another grifter who uses religion to fleece people.
@Shawn-nq7du 12 дней назад
I would say Ben Shapiro was correct in saying some laws were time bound but always immoral. For example, God says in Malachi 2:16, "I hate divorce. Jesus says in Matthew 19:8 (New Testament), "Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts, permitted you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so." So God permitted/tolerated something on a temporary basis that he knew for all of eternity was wrong. The toleration for slavery was time bound as divorce was time bound but permanently wrong. Jesus discourse on divorce: 19 When Jesus had finished saying these things, he left Galilee and went into the region of Judea to the other side of the Jordan. 2 Large crowds followed him, and he healed them there. 3 Some Pharisees came to him to test him. They asked, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any and every reason?” 4 “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’[a] 5 and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’[b]? 6 So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” 7 “Why then,” they asked, “did Moses command that a man give his wife a certificate of divorce and send her away?” 8 Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. 9 I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”
@magnetiktrax 12 дней назад
Pathetic argument.
@boahnation9932 13 дней назад
Ben Shapiro reminds me of an Israeli... Just shouts whatever he wants, whether it be lies, truth, insults, anything... And claims victim and gets insulted whenever challenged. He's such a smug, snooty, petulant child. He's not a nice person.
@thomasg627 13 дней назад
Shapiro has no skills in debating, he simply throws out such a huge load of lies, falsehood, misrepresentations and logical fallacies in a very short time that his opponent cannot even debunk a single one of them in the same time, then he insist that both sides should have the same time to speak and then he claims to be right because the opponent couldn't debunk him. In comparison that's as if O'Connor was saying just one short sentence in under 5 seconds, beginning with "the bible says you should" and then listing a load of keywords for real bad criminal things one could think of. Then whatever Shapiro would answer O'Connor would interrupt him after 5 seconds, because his time to speak is up.
@boahnation9932 13 дней назад
@justmbhman 12 дней назад
And u wrote 2 paragraphs all to say: Ben lies but talks fast so its hard to debunk. Whyd you make me read allat bro 😂
@thomasg627 12 дней назад
@@justmbhman I didn't make you do anything, apparently you were interested enough to decide yourself to read it and you even decided to spend more of your time by writing an answer, which means I did quite well in getting your attention.
@anatolydyatlov963 12 дней назад
​@@justmbhman Nah, there's actuallty something really interesting about the way Ben handles debates. He has this strategy that makes him seem incredibly sharp and unbeatable, but if you look closer, it's not about actual debating skills. It’s more about overwhelming his opponent with a flood of information, much of which isn’t accurate. He talks so quickly and covers so many points that it’s almost impossible for the other person to address everything he says. By the time they start to respond to one thing, he’s already moved on to the next three points, leaving them perpetually behind. What’s more, Ben always insists that both sides get equal time to speak, which sounds perfectly fair in theory. But because his opponent is often stuck trying to untangle and counter his rapid-fire points, they end up spending all their allotted time just playing catch-up. They hardly get a chance to put forward their own arguments. This creates an impression that Ben’s points are unassailable because his opponent never gets to fully address them. Then, at the end, he claims victory on the grounds that his points went unchallenged, which isn’t really the case - his opponent just didn’t have enough time to respond properly. To put this into perspective, suppose O'Connor kicks off every debate with a quick statement like "the bible says you should," and then rattles off a list of serious crimes or wrongdoings in just a few seconds. No matter what Ben tries to respond with, O'Connor would immediately cut him off after five seconds, declaring that Ben’s time is up. This approach leaves Ben with no real opportunity to counter the initial claims, making it look like O'Connor’s points stand unchallenged. It’s the same kind of unfair tactic. Watching this unfold can be pretty frustrating, especially if you’re looking for a genuine exchange of ideas. Debating should ideally be about thoroughly discussing and challenging each other's views in a fair and structured way, not about who can talk the fastest and throw the most information out there in the shortest time. It’s like watching a game where one player keeps bending the rules to stay ahead. In the end, it’s not a true measure of who has the better arguments, but rather who can manipulate the format to their advantage. In essence, if you're still reading this, my point is that Ben lies but talks fast so its hard to debunk. You're welcome.
@justmbhman 12 дней назад
@@thomasg627 yeah cuz I thought you were gonna say more than "he lies and talks fast".
@matiasmartin3875 15 дней назад
Hi Matteo! Can you make a video about gestures or techniques to capturing and lead attention? Thank you, great content!
@mindtitans 13 дней назад
Yes, no problem! I will do that.
@matiasmartin3875 10 дней назад
@@mindtitans Thank you!
@ianahumuza7198 17 дней назад
ru-vid.comrP1gPLaO_M8?si=WPU9IRvFqxqIiXWg - Awesome magical linguistics in action. With agreement frame at the beginning. @mindtitans
@alessiomarassi7303 18 дней назад
Very good video ..can you share other patterns to create attraction?
@mindtitans 17 дней назад
There's a video coming next week with it yes!
@lilith2754 18 дней назад
Amazing analysis. I don't like the guy tho, what an arrogant piece of s..
@alexandrenedellec7116 18 дней назад
Hey just curious. Do you know the Zettlekasten note taking System?
@mindtitans 17 дней назад
Doesn't ring a bell, will check it ;)
@alexandrenedellec7116 17 дней назад
@@mindtitans it's a way to use your every day research to help organise it and when you need to write something you Can compile more or less. So you save a lot of Time. It's like puting the brick separatly, then having a plan. And when you need to, you Can build the house
@mindtitans 17 дней назад
@@alexandrenedellec7116 Ahhhhh okay, then I indeed know a model like that, which has a different name, but yes I've used it for sure.
@barryb927 19 дней назад
@Acbd6443 19 дней назад
Someone is selling nlp course for 2499$. They learned from inventors. Should I buy?
@boogle103 19 дней назад
Have you ever thought about making a channel where you interview successful people like Rob Moore so you can learn how they do what they do that’s makes them successful?
@jcvp2493 20 дней назад
Feels like the message is corrupted, knowing that the actor killed himself.
@mattalley4330 20 дней назад
Williams was on his way out and he knew it. He ended things on his own terms. Going out with some dignity vs going through the last days of his life not really being himself. I hope it’s a decision you never have to make.
@Mercedes-x3b 20 дней назад
This movie is not great, it's a masterpiece. The writing is incredible
@mindtitans 20 дней назад
I thought the same thing when I watched it again after all these years ;)
@nickyashton9146 20 дней назад
Thanks for sharing, I will thoroughly enjoy this breakdown later.
@lilith2754 21 день назад
Incredible value! Do you have any other lines/strategies/conversation subjects etc... specifically for seduction?
@mindtitans 20 дней назад
Quite a lot yes ^^ But would be better if you give me the type of situations in which you're getting stuck, and I can make a video on that specifically ;)
@lilith2754 20 дней назад
@@mindtitans honestly, if you can share everything you know it would be perfect ^^ But for now an interesting subject would be the start of the interaction: how to approach, how to build comfort and attraction, what to talk about... Anyways if you do a paid training where you share everything you know I'd be interested for sure. NLP, Hypnosis, Psychology for seduction is fascinating!
@AnthonyManzio 19 дней назад
@@mindtitans All trash.
@therealhotchocolatecompany3962 24 дня назад
My favorite embedded command was " I really feel your opening up to me" Had it work with my girlfriend, she really felt her opening up to me! I told her afterwards and she was a bit surprised.
@zaolapeaunoirecomedieby433 24 дня назад
I like this vidéo
@FredCarpenter-pb6bd 25 дней назад
Ross Jeffries is Jewish as was Michael Landon. The latter's son said that when Michael Landon was a boy, the Christian children would check to see if he had horns. He mentioned it in a documentary on Amazon Prime. Not sure whether or not drawing horns on Ross Jeffries could be considered antisemitic, although I once had that done to an image of me as well. Sometimes women will do something like that because they "like" you, seriously.
@abemurray2407 3 дня назад
I think the reference is so old it would be lost on current generations and anyone kn their 20s or 30s wouldn’t have it occur to them. The horns are probably just a joke with no whiff of “Jews have horns” which was brought over from Europe when Jews lived apart from the Christian majority in ghettos and all sorts of rumors would believed. They’re poisoning the wells . “They put the blood of Christian babies in the matzoh. And they have horns which pop up when nobody’s looking “.
@FredCarpenter-pb6bd 25 дней назад
It's not really a double bind, more an illusion of choice. A double bind would be more like if she's attracted to you and caught between fight and flight or an approach/avoid conflict. As Jeffries once put it, a person seeks pleasure and avoids pain, and will do more to avoid pain than they will to experiences pleasure. As I put it, if a woman is really attracted to you, she doesn't know whether to eff you, kill you, or run. This happened with me many, many times, and they would freeze, tremble, hyperventilate, and forget to breathe. One girl stood in front of me and laughed, stopped, and started again for what seemed like 15 minutes, similar to how masses of girls reacted to The Beatles, mass hysteria. That was without my actually having said a word to any of them. I had to learn to make women laugh so they wouldn't try to kill me, and some women actually hallucinate things that never happened, and some spread malicious gossip and get others to believe their lies.
@abemurray2407 3 дня назад
In hypnosis a double bind is the term used for the illusion of choice when both options go in the direction the hypnotist wants . An example is “would you like to go into a trance now or in a few minutes “. Presupposes they will go into trance either way .
@FredCarpenter-pb6bd 3 дня назад
@@abemurray2407 Different terms for the same thing. In NLP it's referred to semantic ambiguity. It's no wonder the average person is insane and walking around in a state of hypnosis.
@CoachScottKing 25 дней назад
great job - still waiting for that Trump breakdown
@mindtitans 24 дня назад
Do you have a specific conversation from him that could be relevant? Sometimes I see interviews passing by with him but where he is mostly rehearsing generalized political obvious stuff, so not the best for a breakdown ^^
@marvelmercer4054 26 дней назад
good content keep up the good work. I wonder can u make a honest review about Shogun Method Does it work :D
@juanvaldes1837 26 дней назад
Very good breakdown
@ChuckNorris-lf6vo 28 дней назад
The question is how to optimise for TIME and for Win-Win and Win-Win-Win with this Control and frame control. So to do it you need to be well informed, isn't it? And if ppl lie to you then guess what? THEY BECOME THE ENEMY TO BE DESTROYED 100%.
@anegriproductions Месяц назад
Hey! Where did you get the poster in your background?
@mindtitans Месяц назад
I think it was initially bought from a shop in my hometown something like 20 years ago, and the shop is probably closed by now ^^' But you can look up "Andy Warhol Einstein Poster" maybe there's some version of it still for sale on Ebay or something.
@angeloreyes707 Месяц назад
Love this page bro. Such good fcking content!
@user-ee6lu5ei2f Месяц назад
This is how white people have beef😂😂
@johnnyplunkett8532 Месяц назад
So a guy on court TV trial modeled AL Pacino as gangster Scarface and became a famous you tuber apparently . Then he murdered somebody. Which demonstrates the need for filters when modeling.
@rottenapple9588 Месяц назад
what are you yapping about
@thisvideo2 Месяц назад
Always love to see these analysis videos What’s your opinion on the new Sleight of Mouth 2 book by Dilts? I’m currently reading it. I think it really shows me the gaping difference between an ‘empathetic’ use of sleight of mouth which you may do in coaching or de-escalation of conflict, as Dilts heavily emphasizes in the new book, vs a more combative use of Sleight of Mouth, as shown in situations like this one in the video, where you are aiming to control the frame. I think that would be a great a topic for a video. I prefer the frame control lens because it seems more applicable in more situations. Dilts books don’t tend to go into that arena at all, and I like that you do. There seem to be many uses for and ways to look at Sleight of Mouth and I would be interested to hear more of your take on the different ways it can be used/viewed, and even how you would categorize them. (Edit: Just now seeing the end, you do have a form of categorization related to this )
@mindtitans Месяц назад
I saw that book passing by a few months ago but didn't find anything I didn't already knew in it. Probably good though for people new to this. But you read my mind because I'm planning my own book on the topic for a while, which is the reason for that "new" model I've put in. I want to make SOM known on a wider range than only therapy/coaching, and there will be many breakdowns coming during the next weeks to demonstrate this ;)
@thisvideo2 Месяц назад
@@mindtitans @@mindtitansIt seems to have wide applications as a communication model, and you show that much better than all other sources I’ve seen, so I am looking forward to the upcoming content. Thanks.