Phil Bohol
Phil Bohol
Phil Bohol
Getting Tattooed for 3 Days Straight
28 дней назад
Back To The Bay Area
2 месяца назад
The Harshest Lesson God has taught me
5 месяцев назад
Learn How to Breathe | The Phil Bohol Show 025
7 месяцев назад
STOP Smoking Weed | The Phil Bohol Show 016
7 месяцев назад
Behind the Scenes: Meet Up with Wes Watson
8 месяцев назад
@philbohol31 День назад
Nobody is gonna pay you what you’ve never invested into yourself. You can’t imagine how many people are in my DM’s telling me how much money they want to make… How much they want to be charging people… Then when I ask what the most they’ve invested into themselves… They say NOTHING or like 1-2k… But trying to enroll clients for 10k+ Good luck with that. If you don’t even personally understand the MINDSET it takes to MAKE a high level investment in yourself How the F*CK do you expect to LEAD someone else to go to a place YOU’VE never been. Ya’ll are afraid of investing $10k, $50k, $100k into yourself Then wonder why nobody is investing with YOU 🤣 They smell the bs on you It’s not the strategy that’s not working It’s call the Law of Congruency. And you my friend, are not living it. #sorrynotsorry
@philbohol31 День назад
I used to buy bigger shirts vs just dropping fat Crazy thinking about it But that’s what happens when you don’t realize how f*cked your mindset gets I let a car accident, disability, nerve damage, tissue damage, stress, being a new dad, new husband, new business owner and everything as an excuse Then I realize the victim mentality I started breeding So I decided to make a change Aggressively dropped from 27% BF to hit single digits Got shredded within 6 months Then life and business hit me again with more bs Went up 5-6% BF Fell off from prioritizing my health and out business first Realized I had more mindset work to do Now getting grinding it back down to single digits but instead of pushing to do it fast I’m taking it slower this time to learn all the lessons I missed the first time around just trying to hit target Will be at single digits in the next 60 or so days Real goal is just learning to enjoy the process more versus just trying to grind it out unhappily and injuring myself more. Crazy seeing where I started with my dad bod to where I’m at now & I’m really just getting started
@philbohol31 День назад
It takes WORK being a great dad Look, I’ll never sugarcoat anything cause that’s what breeds more weakness into the world A lot of you men think with the “one day” mentality. ONE DAY once my business is crushing… I’ll be able to have more time with my family ONE DAY when I’m making more money… I’ll be able to take my wife out more ONE DAY when I’m not so stressed out… I’ll be able to be more present with my kids ONE DAY Well boys… hate to bust your balls but that one day mentality also means ONE DAY your wife will leave you ONE DAY your kids will look at their friend’s dads and talk about how cool THEY are with you vs looking up to YOU ONE DAY that business will be all you have to show for all the time you wasted (& who knows if you’re gonna be able to even last long enough to see it really become successful) ONE DAY you’ll look up when years have passed only to realize the ONE DAY mentality robbed you of a truly happy life. Your wife needs you TODAY Your kids need you TODAY Your family needs you TODAY Not one day Not some day TODAY That means you need to nut up and shut up Start doing the harder things in life so you can CREATE more time with them All while still moving your business forward (YES! IT CAN BE DONE) I am living proof you can grow thriving businesses WHILE being a great husband and father… AT THE SAME TIME. Not sure how? Comment “HOW” & I’ll give you a free gift that will give you ALL the resources you need to do better TODAY 👇🏽
@philbohol31 День назад
You know what’s f*cked? How much people judge themselves What a brutal way of living To want to just do your best every day & without realizing it… Becoming your biggest hater It’s a toxic mentality Then you have sh*tbags who do nothing meaningful with their own lives… Talk sh*t That then reinforces your inner hater Then you choose to believe your negative mind & the haters That is a sure fire way to a very unhappy life Here’s a better mentality: F*ck my lower self mentality & f*ck what these nobodies say about me Only reason why they hate on me is cause they have something to prove to themselves about a gap in their own operating system So I’m gonna stay focused on my grind & let the results speak for themselves! People spend too much time worried about the ebbs and flows day over day, week over week 🤣 MFer let’s see what 365 days later looks like between me and you. I’ll take that bet all day #longview
@philbohol31 День назад
YOU are the only reason why you’re struggling right now. The fact that you think it’s something outside of YOU is the problem. Take a hard look at your personal operating system. And for the love of God, be BRUTALLY honest with yourself. Where are YOU dropping the ball? Are you not waking up early? Are you not going to the gym? Are you not eating right? Are you not dating your wife? Are you not spending time with your kids? Are you still drinking alcohol? Are you still smoking weed? Are you still watching p*rn? Are you still playing video games? What are you NOT doing? And what do you need to STOP doing? Stop LYING and pretending like you’re winning in every area Because that DENIAL is what’s going to keep you mediocre
@melvinn_fit День назад
Lets goo!!!
@yvonnekozozenski2491 День назад
Now that was a real man!!!
@philbohol31 4 дня назад
just stopped paying attention to the talkers cause I realized I was built different. Too many people TALK about it But who’s actually TAKING ACTION to BE about it? 🤷🏽‍♂️ Guess I’ll just have to keep winning so you can see the difference. I’m good with that.
@philbohol31 4 дня назад
Can’t grow your business being lit. Probably gonna get a couple people who are die hards talking about how they’re “doing fine” or “making money” while smoking But here’s the thing… You’re 10/10 not maxing out on your potential. When you’re grinding it out to grow your business while being a husband and father… You barely got time for all of that to be present in every area of your life. What makes you thinking burning it when you’re not working is doing anything for you? You are: Less present with your business, marriage, and kids Less focused with your business, marriage, and kids Less connected to your higher self Less confident than you could be You are just… less. In all areas of life. Then you show your kids an example of the most important man in their lives… Running away from his problems versus facing them and finding better outlets. Growing up on the Bay Area, pot was just part of the come up. & being surrounded by it daily since I was 13 - I’m telling you right now… I would not (and could not) be who I am today if I was still lying to myself that it “relaxed me & helped with the stress” All smoking was for me was running away from my problems for a TEMPORARY fix. The ONLY way to level up in EVERY area of your life Spiritual Family Health Financial Is to let go of the vices you always go to when sh*t hits the wall. Once you drop it, you’ll finally be able to break through to the next level. If you want to see how life can change for you once you get right… Follow me 👉🏽 @philbohol for more
@philbohol31 4 дня назад
If you’re a business owner and really think you don’t have time to see your family… You’re doing it wrong. There’s either something wrong with your personal disciplines where you’re not operating at the highest level Or your business is not systematized to scale you out of the daily grind that probably doesn’t even need you Or you’re procrastinating every day more than you’re letting on Or you actually believe you are doing the best that you can Yes 100% there are seasons in business where you’re gonna be up first and go to sleep last But it’s not supposed to be a year round situation If it is… you need to start squaring things away. Otherwise, don’t be surprised if one day you look up and you’ve got all the money with no family to enjoy it with.
@philbohol31 4 дня назад
It’s those days you don’t feel like showing up… Where you’re tired of waking up early Where you’re tired of going to the gym Where you’re tired of hustling in your business Where you’re struggling to being present with your family That you gotta show up the most. Everyone measures how disciplined they are based on those motivated days Then fall off the day the motivation isn’t there Personally, I measure my discipline on the days I am the LEAST motivated Cause if I can show up even in the dark times, then nothing can stop me. How about you?
@philbohol31 6 дней назад
Your wife shouldn’t believe in you 🤷🏽‍♂️ Why would she? How many times have you dropped the ball? How many times have you failed to follow through? How many times have you said you were gonna do something… And still nothing changed? How many times did you put the hustle & grind before family time? How many more times do you expect your wife to wait around for you to finally be the man she thought she was marrying? Most men don’t want to hear it. Most people would never say it. But here’s the brutal truth: If you don’t fix all of those broken promises… one day you’re gonna look up and your wife won’t be there anymore. Can you imagine how shitty it must feel for her to think she’s marrying the man of her dreams… Only to find out after you pass the honeymoon phase & she starts to see: You can’t handle leading your family You can’t handle your stress You can’t handle your business You can’t handle your fitness You can’t handle prioritizing the family You can’t handle prioritizing dating her You can’t handle keeping promises You can’t handle making sure your word means something And at that point… can you REALLY blame her for NOT believing in you? Your track record is trash. But you get butthurt cause she’s not your “biggest” supporter right now When you don’t even make her feel secure or supported when you’re supposed to be leading. If you want your wife to support you & believe in you here’s what you gotta do 1. Apologize for being a sh*tbag and own dropping the ball. Don’t EXPLAIN why you dropped the ball, just take accountability that you did and put your ego aside. 2. Realize your word is only as strong as the ACTION that follows. If you say you’re gonna stop drinking - go pour all your liquor out RIGHT NOW. Flush the weed. Throw away all the trash in your fridge. Get a hair cut. Square all that sh*t away and carry yourself to a higher standard. Then… KEEP DOING IT. 3. Wake up early, hit the gym, read, meditate, pray & journal - EVERY DAY. This is how you keep your MIND right 4. AFTER you’ve actually done something and committed to it for 30 days - talk to your wife. Look at her in the eyes and make a commitment to her that you’re gonna do right by her. You’ll put her & the family first. You’ll figure out how to make more money, grow the business, do whatever on YOUR TIME. But the family is coming first. 5. FOLLOW THROUGH. Brother it is that easy. One step at a time. One day at a time. Just focus on your daily disciplines and commitments and your ACTIONS will SHOW her why she should believe & support you again. Over time your WORD will mean something again. Follow me on IG @philbohol for more
@AlexanderArroyoGreen 7 дней назад
🧠 👂
@F1__TY 8 дней назад
OK, Mr. 6 likes.
@philbohol31 8 дней назад
@@F1__TY now say that out loud and tell me how it would feel to ‘actually’ say that 🤣🤣🤣 point proven
@F1__TY 8 дней назад
@@philbohol31ok Mr. 7 likes
@philbohol31 8 дней назад
@@F1__TY 🤣🤣🤣 killing me bro
@JaimeFlores431 8 дней назад
Omg thats a lot😅 but nice man
@philbohol31 8 дней назад
The internet is full of weirdos Don’t be one too. People constantly complain that social media isn’t working for them. They they’ve “tried everything” and either they say: 1. Success takes time (🤣) Or 2. It just doesn’t work How about we be real and say there’s actually a 3rd 3. YOU suck & you do social media WRONG and “success takes time” is simply an excuse for you not to do more The crazy part is (lol) If you REALLY did “try everything”… I double doggie dare you to prove to yourself you’re not full of sh*t Go grab a piece of paper & a pen… And go ahead see how much “everything” actually is that “you’ve tried”. Then post it in the comments so I can be wrong. I’ll wait. But then I’ll be waiting forever. You can complain like 99% of losers in the world who CHOOSE not to make social media work Or… You can start acting like the 1% who DO by not telling themselves lame excuses. Here’s some quick steps on how to do social media the right way ✅ Talk to people ONLINE like you would IN PERSON People can smell bullsh*t a mile away And please God. Don’t say things to people you wouldn’t actually say in person. ✅ Talk in your videos. Stop trying to hide all the time with your fake motivation. People talk about “mindset” and “discipline” and “purpose” and being a savage But the moment they have to talk to the camera… their butthole tightens up and they never do cause the REAL fears come up. ✅ Do it consistently for 30 days (that means every day not 2-3 times in a month) then look at the feedback and OPTIMIZE. THIS is why it doesn’t actually “take time” - you just need to change HOW YOU THINK about the game. Stop being a weirdo online and you’ll crush it too 👉🏽 Share this with your weirdest friend 👉🏽 Follow me for more tips @philbohol
@philbohol31 9 дней назад
My arthritis has been killing me lately I still haven’t figure out what causes these MFers to flare up but it’s a trifecta Arthritis in both shoulders and in my lower back They like to randomly start f*cking with me for 1-2 weeks before they disappear for a while It used to piss me off that I’d be crushing my weekly targets then get hit with this pain/discomfort where it hurts to lift 5lbs dumbbells or carry my kids Nowadays I’m just rolling with the punches I used to want so bad to get jacked again and be more lean than I’ve ever been But that mentality is toxic cause my body isn’t what it was when I was 18 Shit it’s not what it was at 25 Or even where it was 1-2 years ago! The doctors did tell me the years are gonna get harder and harder on me cause of all the damage so I decided the pain is a good reminder that I’m running a marathon of just a healthier lifestyle I’m not a body builder or fitness dude so all that unnecessary pressure to get back into my “machine gunner” body at this stage in my life is just my ego After I got that in ✅ I’ve been enjoying this process a lot more I aggressively dropped from 27% BF down to 12% and while it looked good I felt like ass cause I was doing it for all the wrong reasons. I’m hovering around 13% right now after I went back up to 16% and taking it slower this time. Muscles are getting redefined (solid muscle memory from the MG days) and my energy is more in check cause I’m just enjoying the ride. Don’t trip off other people’s journeys and just focus on yours. As long as you’re getting better each month and more dialed in - that’s all that matters. Excited to condition my knees/legs back from this work I’ve been doing with the doctors lately so I can slap a 100lbs ruck on my back and get slayed on a hump Believe it or not, I really enjoy a good old slayfest. Keep rising.
@philbohol31 10 дней назад
Being busy AF isn’t something to be proud of Business owners really think it’s “normal” to constantly be doing stuff and feeling stressed It’s no wonder 90% of businesses fail - it’s not the business itself… but the person who’s in charge of building it does. And yeah, some build it up and actually start making decent money But you look at their personal life? Marriage Kids Family? You can easily tell who sacrificed what really matters for money or success based on how involved their wife/kids still are when that man reaches “success” Unfortunately if you read in between the lines… it’s probably the reason why as successful as someone “looks” online You can’t fake that there’s something weird about them never showing how their wife or kids interact with them. So how do you fix this? 1. Take a day or a weekend to assess your business Where is all of your time going? What are high leveraged tasks versus low leverage? Clarity is King 2. Create a system around what your business needs to function. Too many of you guys become the bottle neck to the business because YOU create CENTRALIZED command versus DECENTRALIZED command This how you start creating FLOW in the business and you have to do is check the pulse 3. Hire a team & then pour into the team I hear people complain all the time that they invested into hires that didn’t work out and “cost the company”. Nah. You’re just passing blame again because you suck at leadership. People make hires and expect them to just know what to do and how to win. NOPE. You have to actually invest into your team thus they invest that into your business where over time… You get more time back. Don’t be a dumb business owner, stress yourself out, lose your family, just to fail anyway. Start with the 3 things I mentioned above and keep optimizing from there. If you want more tips like this, just lmk in the comments and happy to make more for ya. Keep rising. Phil
@philbohol31 10 дней назад
Dad Hack: Your Kids Don’t Care About Your Business Your kids don’t care that you make a million dollars a year Your kids don’t care about how many people adore you Your kids don’t care about how many followers you have Your kids don’t care about how much impact you want to have in the world If you’re not present every day to impact their world. I was talking to my daughter yesterday (just turned 4) and asked her a question “Baby, is there anything daddy can do to make you even more happy?” She looked down for a few seconds… then kind of looked around a little nervous to answer. “I’ll feel more happy if…” And I was thinking she was going to say buy something, new toy, squishies, the usual But instead she says “If we play together more…” And man did the world stop for me in that moment. As much as I feel like I integrate her life with mine… it reminded me to slow down and see the world from her perspective. To re-affirm what she was feeling I responded “I hear you baby. Daddy will do better so we can play together more. Thank you for telling me & sharing that with me. Is there anything else that would make you happier?” She goes “Snuggle up more” Heart melted a little more “Okay baby.” “And… drawing together” “Anything else sweetie?” “And… chuck-e-cheese” 😂 So I wrote everything down, and stuck it on the fridge so she knows I’ll be reminded of it daily & to keep what she wants top of mind. When’s the last time you had a conversation with your kids about what they wanted? You might be surprised that they don’t say “Dad… what’ll make me happier is your dominating business and making more money!” They just want a present father.
@philbohol31 14 дней назад
Where are all the girl dads at? Idk about you but my wife giving us two beautiful girls has been one of the best experiences of my life… they just melt me every day ♥️ Once a hardened man, softened by the love of all 3 of my girls.
@stefanbergkvist3193 14 дней назад
@rodneysmith7674 15 дней назад
Mentor lol
@xogxkingx 15 дней назад
People like you are the problem weed brought me closer to God And made me clean my surroundings and keep my energy positive. I live a happy and blessed life because I started smoking. I learned a lot because I got a better mindset now. Weed is not a killer. Heavy drugs is shut the fuck up if you haven’t smoked and done your research on marijuana.
@shaunstevens8602 15 дней назад
Seems a little preachy
@philbohol31 14 дней назад
@@shaunstevens8602 which kind
@philbohol31 15 дней назад
It’s easy to smoke. It’s easy to tell yourself why you should. But have you ever felt like crap cause you did? You decided to pack a bowl or roll a joint… and in the MOMENT it felt good… but after it became bad decision after bad decision. Then what? You play victim to the life you have because you’re making the choices that keep you caged there. When you have those urges BUT decide to stay on the right path… Doesn’t it feel like you find yourself more? Doesn’t it feel like things start moving forward again? That’s your God conscience guiding you. & every time you take the EASY path… You disrupt the ability to tap into it. Don’t believe me? Go the next 30 days without smoking and see how your life changes. If you want to see how life can change beyond just 30 days… Follow my page @philbohol as an example of where you could grow to when you drop the vice.
@ZYLMartin 15 дней назад
Thank you Wes!
@frontlinefinishcarpentry4193 15 дней назад
Semper Fi. 98-2003 Preach it!
@philbohol31 17 дней назад
I think the first time I was introduced to weed was 13 years old. Where I came up in the Bay Area, it was a very normal thing. The shitty part about it was I didn’t really have anyone to teach me or show me a better path. This led to poor choices and poor ways of thinking about myself & life. I used to tell myself I “needed” it to be happy I used to tell myself I “needed” it to be normal I used to tell myself I was actually “better” when I was high I was so engulfed in darkness after 10 years old that I thought the NORMAL me was WORSE than the intoxicated me Even after the military and being “free” to smoke - I used that as an IMMEDIATE excuse to spend hundreds (sometimes thousands) on pot. You know the crazy part? I tried all the strains telling myself… if I find the right blend of sh*t - maybe I’ll finally be able to be happy and I’ll know which one I need to smoke for how I’m feeling for the day… Because I didn’t realize of how AFRAID I was to look INWARD at my own demons to have the same break throughs! If you still think you need weed in your life & you’re a business owner, a husband, a father, or just trying to level up in life… I’m tell you right now you’re playing SMALL and holding yourself back from who you COULD be. If you want to see what life COULD look like when you make the decision to walk away from weed… follow my page @philbohol for some inspiration If a heavy smoker like me could drop it and become successful in ALL areas of life - so can you.
@bananavapor8063 18 дней назад
Good shit man, I’ve recently been recovering from a pretty bad foot fracture and have been failing to find the motivation or don’t know if or when to start going again, so thank you
@philbohol31 17 дней назад
Day by day brotha - so what you can, don’t worry about what you can’t!! Some days the motivation is just to not give up. If that’s all you can muster - that’s everything in comparison to giving up. Take the Win
@philbohol31 18 дней назад
If you're UNDER $100k/m, DON'T run paid ads! You guys keep getting sold that paid ads will make your business take off. Here's why that's NOT true lol: 1. Converting a COLD audience is like walking up to someone on the street while they're on their way to work, home, or wherever then trying to get them to invest $5-10k with you on that meeting (not super likely to happen) 2. You're assuming your landing page, funnel, and most importantly sales process are dialed in for the colder market to warm them up as much as possible pre-handling sales objections prior to the call (again, not super likely if you're NOT doing $100k+/m already) 3. You're also assuming you're more badass of a closer than you are (trust me, I've done thousands of call reviews for closers AND business owners who thought they were doing a great job. If that was true... I wouldn't have a business lol. I can go on and on but you get the point. In reality, you need to focus on getting your content strategy dialed in. You need to get your topics of discussion dialed in so you're ATTRACTING premium clients (not tire kickers and talkers). Most people don't want to believe that because that means they ACTUALLY have to get better at: a. Being on camera b. Talking on camera c. Doing it consistently for long enough (months) to actually get better d. Get better at sales and closing e. Learn how to deliver & fulfill the coaching f. Do all of that while juggling life & growing the biz So instead... they just do things that FEEL like they work... but their income never seems to reflect the grind lol. If you want a short checklist on what to focus on when you're doing: - $0-$10k/m - $10k-$30k/m - $30-$50k/m - $50-$100k/m Hint: It's NOT paid traffic and NO you don't need a massive audience to do it Comment "CHECKLIST" below & I'll send it to ya
@philbohol31 18 дней назад
There are so many EXCUSES I COULD use... Point is... I don't use them. I got arthritis in both my shoulders. Dislocated collar bone Messed up neck Fractured lower back Arthritis in lower back Torn ligaments Disability Hip problems Knee problems Tissue & Nerve damage I mean the list goes on. Did I mention I'm only 31? You could come up with every excuse in the book (and some might be valid like mine)... Then USE those excuses knowing nobody is gonna blame you for using them. But... You'd know. And that haunts you knowing you know you could just... do something different that would still get the job done. That's why I have to change up how I do my workouts. At the end of the day... I still get the job done. Just like I do at the gym... I do it in business. Here's what the Marine Corps taught me that you can take with you today: Adapt and overcome. Do it or don't - there's no in-between. #fullsendersonly
@philbohol31 19 дней назад
“Must be nice working from home!” Yep! It is! Most people wouldn’t be able to handle the FREEDOM I’ve BUILT in my life. Why? Because of the DISCIPLINE it takes to DO IT ALL. In order to live a remote lifestyle while operating a million dollar business requires you to: ✅ Be lethal with your time management ✅ Daily mindset work ✅ Keeping your body right ✅ Keeping your energy right ✅ Mastering emotional control to be an OPERATOR while being a PRESENT husband and father Most people ❌ Can’t manage their time ❌ Are not fully optimized with how to move the needle forward DAILY ❌ Get mad with their wives or yell at their kids cause they can’t handle emotions ❌ Get distracted every day on social media, video games , p*rn, and everything else ❌ Drink alcohol or smoke weed still to “manage their stress” Then wonder why they can’t build something meaningful or see any real results! People think I have an easy life cause all I have to do is “post content” 😂 I live an easy life because I live a HARD life DAILY. If you want an easy life like me… operate at MY level. If you want to learn how to optimize yourself so you can… Comment “OPTIMIZE” and I’ll send you a PDF checklist with where to start
@Plushieyt123 20 дней назад
Stupider than Joe. So if somebody doesn't become a business person, and they are the millionaires that see there family often is the person I want to be not some cheap dude that only cares about money. I like my future planned out and making 6 figures and running for office at one point hopefully.
@philbohol31 19 дней назад
@@Plushieyt123 so you make 6-figures and have a great quality of life with your wife & kids?
@Plushieyt123 19 дней назад
@@philbohol31 in the future.
@EXWOht 20 дней назад
what u gonna do after there's nobody going for the raw material? u promote a inflation doctrine
@philbohol31 17 дней назад
What you talking about Willis
@EXWOht 17 дней назад
@@philbohol31 that's it with guys like you you go around the thing,not doing it what will you do after there will be nobody to provide the base product?the very thing that you have to put REAL work in order to obtain it? to sum it,you're just like a train moving things at an insane price,but what will you move when there will be nothing to move?
@philbohol31 16 дней назад
@@EXWOht for a guy who says I “go around the thing” you just talked in a full circle and I’m still not tracking on what you’re on about 🤣 but sure guy, the sky is blue & elephants are big. I agree
@EXWOht 16 дней назад
@@philbohol31 of course ,cause you brain is shrinking as days are passing you couldn't understand even the simplest explanation
@EXWOht 16 дней назад
​@@philbohol31 your content is so bad.....no wonder you don't get views💀🤡
@papadre9610 20 дней назад
I love this...❤
@philbohol31 22 дня назад
If you think you should be proud cause you make multiple 6 or 7-figures but your quality of life is trash... Think again. It doesn't matter how much money you're making if: 1. You barely get to spend time with your family 2. You barely have any energy to spend time with your kids 3. You miss out on what's important cause you're trying to CHASE that money People who think MAKING money is SUCCESS are the ones who feel REGRET at the end of their life. Why? Because it cost them what really matters in life. What's the point of making multiple 6 or 7 figures per year if you're MISERABLE inside? There's a better way to do with while still making the same or more. You just gotta start being smart with how you're doing it. Follow me 👉🏽 @philbohol to see how I build my businesses AND spend quality time with my wife & kids
@americatoken3334 23 дня назад
is this has to do with a woman?
@philbohol31 23 дня назад
Don't get so caught up running your business that you forget who you are. It can get easy to be consumed by work. Running and gunning doing that plus trying to be a good husband and present father. You can give and give and give to all things But never forget to give back to yourself What I mean by that is reminding you that you are the operator... the center of all that you do. If you give time and energy to everything, everyone, and your business... But you are depleted because you do NOT take time to refill your cup... You will NOT be as optimal as you could be. A lot of men are taught to believe you just hustle and grind You make the money & you provide for the family That is your mission in life. While it is true... YOU must be around for the long game. YOU must be full in body, mind, and spirit. YOU must have a SOLID foundation for your household. That is NOT possible if you're running off fumes. As a man, think about what refills your cup. Hint: It has to do with time with self, time with nature, and/or time with God. It's not video games, drinking, or drugs. Create space each week for you to do these things & see how this changes your life, business, and relationships. If you need help learning how to connect with yourself again... Even with the burden of responsibility of being a business owner, father, husband Comment ME below or drop me a DM so we can connect 👇🏽
@philbohol31 24 дня назад
Coaches don't even realize their money mindset blocks They think that all of the resistance they feel in growing their business is normal The truth is... it's not. When you feel RESISTANCE with growing your business or charging your worth... You have a money mindset block and self-worth blocks you must move through. What's taught in business is you need more strategy or sales training which is "what's preventing you" from enrolling clients for what your program is worth. I've been teaching people how to charge $5k-$100k for their programs and being able to enroll people WITHOUT all the sales crap people tell you that you need to learn. How? By identifying the ROOT of the block (belief in self, how they were raised to think about money, fear of rejection, fear of success, relationship with money, etc) If you need help understanding the value you offer to your clients... And how life-changing what you're offering them could be... You'll never get them to believe in what you can do for them cause YOU don't even believe in you. This is why I will NEVER believe when someone says they have a strategy or sales issue. You've got a YOU issue!! If you've been struggling to grow or scale your business or income... & you want to learn how to make more WITHOUT the latest "strategy" or more "sales training" With a BATTLE-TESTED process to make your operating so lethal everything in your life ELEVATES... Comment "ELEVATE" below & I'll show you how 👇🏽
@philbohol31 24 дня назад
Both don't want to wake up early. Both don't want to go to the gym daily. Both don't want to eat clean daily. Both have personal problems. Both are business owners and have a wife & kids they juggle. Both get beaten down daily. Both have literally the same types of PROBLEMS! So what makes or breaks people who never amount to antyhing? Unsuccessful people find an excuse why they CAN'T. Successful people ask themselves HOW CAN I & do it anyway. You choose which type you are by your daily ACTIONS. #straightup
@philbohol31 24 дня назад
Whenever I'm working, I'm working deals, creating strategic partnerships, finding businesses to add to my portfolio company, consulting my clients on growing their businesses, you name it. You guys think it's "work" I call it fun. My day job is literally just talking to people all day and helping them close deals, make money, and create the lives of their dreams. I'm either consulting them on the business, or coaching them on WHO they need to become to get those results they're looking for. I love what I do BECAUSE of what I know went into building what I've created today. If you're NOT proud about what you've created, then you haven't created anything special enough to feel proud about it. Brutal honesty with yourself is what's gonna help you finally make change. Denial of the truth that "you're ok with where you're at" will lead to regret and resentment down the road knowing you coulda done more. If you want to learn how to capitalize on your purpose & potential... Comment "PURPOSE" below 👇🏽 & I'll personally help you put a battle-plan together to get there. I don't let my people down. Just keep in mind... I move quick. We're not here to waste time so be ready to be CALLED UP into your greatness. Most people aren't ready for the real talk. If you are, comment below and I got you 👇🏽
@jakehewuse99 25 дней назад
Mr. Phil. Excellent job on hosting! You kill it! Cool, calm, calculated. And getting Wes on? Awesome!
@philbohol31 24 дня назад
Much love my brother! No prep needed - that’s what made this so calm!! We just FLOWED! Appreciate you homie
@chelsichristian7251 26 дней назад
Thank you for the reminder that it's not about having motivation 🙌
@BoyCollan 26 дней назад
@philbohol31 26 дней назад
Most people don’t know what it takes to be successful in this world. Everyone talks about WANTING. They WANT to be about this life. They WANT to make that money. They WANT to build that business. They WANT to sit with the big dogs. & those same people… DON’T invest into themselves or their goals. DON’T out grind everyone else in the arena. DON’T make the sacrifices successful people do. DON’T find a way and instead make EXCUSES. Do you WANT to? Or ARE you? It’s starting to get laughable seeing how many people are not actually about that life. #straighttalk
@stevenwilcox188 28 дней назад
what a fucking guy oh my GOD ❤
@_MRGO 29 дней назад
The story behind the design was so intentional and literally gave me goosebumps! 😭✨
@chelsichristian7251 29 дней назад
The meaning behind the design is incredible and love all the tiny details added!
@philbohol31 29 дней назад
The MEANING always makes the pain worth it!!
@philbohol31 Месяц назад
Most people are too afraid to let go of the identity they’ve worn their whole life… Because it also means letting go of people, environments, things that no longer serve you. Sometimes that can feel like you’re walking this path alone. But the reality is at some point after you do the work… You find other people just like you who have paid the same price to become who they were meant to be. It can feel like a lonely path in the beginning, but just realize it won’t be that way for long. Especially once you realize you’ve finally set yourself free from what society says is “normal” - and you just stop giving a f*ck cause you’re too busy building you.
@philbohol31 Месяц назад
Our children become our biggest teachers. Man… I remember how hard it was back when I had my first daughter. My wife & I decided to start our family end of 2019 and of course… That’s when the world got the news we were shutting down. Got laid off. New husband. New dad. No job. Already going into Fatherhood with my biggest trial. I think that when we have kids… all we can do is our best. We do what we can based on the little things we learned from our parents… What we liked, but more importantly what we didn’t like. For the first couple years my daughter was born… I feel like I “lost” a lot of time. Don’t get me wrong, we had the birthday parties, I went to every doctor’s visit, she went to Disneyland more times than I did my whole childhood before she was 3… All while building my first million dollar business. But I was so emotionally and spiritually distracted just trying to do right by my family I don’t know if I was as present as I could have been. I think that’s why this time around with my second… I’m taking more time to just be there. To be intentional with just stopping the hustle and the grind and just sit still with them. I’m blessed to have the life that I live & the life that I’ve created for us. I definitely spend 1000% more time with my family more than I ever good in any other business model or job… Nowadays I’ve learned that there’s more important things to life than making money, scaling businesses, and all that stuff we think we have to do as leaders of the household. You 10/10 have to perform and deliver. But don’t forget there’s a way to do all of that so you can build an amazing life for your family… While still enjoying and experiencing your kids while you still have the chance to while they’re young. Cause one day if you never learn this lesson you’ll wake up… and they don’t need you anymore. Then you’ll really have wasted time you’ll never get back with them. If you’re struggling with managing doing both, never hesitate to reach out. There’s always a way forward, and you owe it to your kids to find that solution sooner rather than later.