Real HIFI Help
Real HIFI Help
Real HIFI Help
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Gryphon Audio: The sound (my opinion)
2 года назад
Sound evolution of a metal thread
2 года назад
Why I made this Hi-Fi channel
3 года назад
Some of my favourite recordings
3 года назад
@alanrobinson2229 6 часов назад
I would highly recommend these speakers. I have bought them between £140 and £400 and with my Copland CSA 150 and vintage Trio KA 9300,they are outstanding and plenty of base.
@donwest5387 10 дней назад
I replaced my Denon AVR with a YBA integre at the suggestion of my vintage dealer. No regrets
@ChsndraKanth-ze2cd 11 дней назад
🎉 very nice I like that model
@mattschmidt2164 11 дней назад
I spent about an hour at a dealer listening to Devore O96 with a Nagra stack, then as I was leaving the dealer played me some Martens with an EAR stack. I thought the EAR gear sounded much better than Nagra, no way I would say Nagra beats it, especially with price factored in. Now I own a EAR 88pb phono. EAR FTW
@stenandersson7859 14 дней назад
I do my own cable that play better than this cable and safe a fortune of money I can use to pimp my Porsche!
@gary-kr7dm 15 дней назад
I have had quit a few pairs of Snell type J and type E speakers in my life. The Snell Type J was easy to drive with high efficiency. 92/93 db. The Snell type E was extremely dynamic with correct amplification. They didn’t need a lot of power to drive them because they were made for low powered valve amplifiers. Each speaker was closely matched with drivers and crossovers. You probably obtained a pair of Snells which someone had tried to improve but failed by the sounds.
@miguelgilbravo4228 16 дней назад
Que Marca de válvulas me recomiendas en Amplificación y potencia Para Un Jadis Orchestra??😊🇪🇸
@ianjohnhorwood2605 17 дней назад
by the way , those speakers are shit 🙄🤔
@ianjohnhorwood2605 17 дней назад
your so called advice means absolutely nothing 🙄 🤔
@ianjohnhorwood2605 17 дней назад
you don't have a clue about audio engineering , and shouldn't be giving an opinion on something you know absolutely nothing about . I have a high end hardwirrd amplifier and still shit . ATC SCM ASL MONITORS sound more real than any passive speakers connected to some type of amplifier .
@ianjohnhorwood2605 17 дней назад
@davidstein9129 25 дней назад
What a terrific audio review this was. So much useful information here. Thanks for posting it.
@thelastofthedinosaurs 27 дней назад
I found the Oto too dry sounding for my ears with the AN-J lx but great amp. Thre dryness is anoying. It hurts my ears.
@MrAlb3rtazzo Месяц назад
what do you think about dma 100s , is still good this days ? specially coupled with dmc30s ?
@abhimawa1 Месяц назад
Out of the box, ARC equipment is usually ear-friendly. However, to set them up ‘optimally’, that’s a different story. My experience is the opposite of yours. The only impressive Mc I’ve heard was the top model monoblocks while the lower models are good for casual listening only. Accuphase amplifications are on the ‘safe’ side (most models I would say). I can say this because I do blind listening tests most of the time (even for recording sources, files, CDs, or LPs). All ARCs were made in the USA.
@richardcrook2112 Месяц назад
Brilliant video, very well described.
@nelsont9650 Месяц назад
wich sound card should i buy 4 arch linux?Creative use to be a pain
@annebokma4637 Месяц назад
Setting up ML speakers isnt that hard. Most electrostats need power, not all. My acoustat x like power, my quad ESL 57 a lot less. ML always liked more power. I heard the Quest 2 with Cello gear. Very impressive indeed
@drumsac3004 Месяц назад
I’ve heard the Tt3 on an all audio note system twice. Once it sounded great…the other time it was flat and boring. So Audio Note is just like any other brand…many many variables need to be in line or it falls apart.
@drumsac3004 Месяц назад
The higher end VPI tables sound better than the Audio Note TT3.
@tessdeona3416 Месяц назад
AN-E LX, AN-E SPE, AN-E SEC, AN-E SOGON, AN-E SPX. Anyone pls. tell me the difference? Which one is best sounding? Thank you.
@mizujunior2519 Месяц назад
Are you building and selling these home made streamer?
@dab9742 Месяц назад
Moi j'en ai essayé des dizaines, et le meilleur de tous a été le FaitalPro HF10AK ! 😉
@francklemacon4158 5 дней назад
Salut, J'en profite pour te demander, je n'en ai jamais écouté, mais sur le papier ça à l'air top. J'ai du dôme athom, focal, visaton, bw, et seul les bw ne siffle pas sur les voix, ça me dérange ce genre de choses. Est ce que les ruban genre fountek siffle aussi comme certain dôme, ou pas franchement ? Merci
@dab9742 4 дня назад
@@francklemacon4158 Salut, Désolé, connais pas ce modèle, par conte, les HF10AK, ça ne siffle pas, par contre toujours se méfier des membranes hyper légères, et rigides, genre titane, là, ça peut effectivement être dur dans les aigus !
@francklemacon4158 4 дня назад
@@dab9742 merci pour le partage de référence. A+
@francklemacon4158 4 дня назад
@@dab9742 sympa cette compression, 110 db 2,83v ça commence à faire, va me falloir 10ohms de résistance pour le calmer mdr. Merci
@kuchesezik Месяц назад
what made you reconsider your attitude towards apple?
@Justwantahover 2 месяца назад
I wanted some reference speakers for my speaker building hobby. Wanted to rent some speakers for one day. No such thing! Can rent TVs and a lot of other electronic stuff, but NOT hifi! So I had to buy lesser speakers for 2 gŕand. I wanted to hire 20 grand speakers for a grand. 😅 No such thing, and that's why I clicked on this video. 😅
@Justwantahover 2 месяца назад
The great thing about external crossovers other than tweak convenience is that there is more internal capacity in the box. Especially handy with bookshelf speakers.
@beslemeto 2 месяца назад
What about the old OTO SE?Is it equally good?
@simonzinc-trumpetharris852 2 месяца назад
Of course they dont't. Expectation bias.
@leeloopatsy 2 месяца назад
Pass labs mono blocks with audio research ls28 or even better ref 6 are fantastic. For some reason pass labs preamps are not as good as their amps.
@bogdanspiridon6760 2 месяца назад
Very interesting. Only one thing I am a bit concerned on the comparison with a Meishu Tonmeister. I listened to the meishu Konzermeister at an AN dealer recently and it was a very boring listening moment. I wished the OTO SE can make better music.
@johnkom2339 2 месяца назад
Nice review. Just auditioning an Oyaide neo now YES it does improve, it does make the sound more analog and more human. USB cables should not make a difference but they do And thus extract more $$ from us.
@permsn 2 месяца назад
😂 should i take this seriously? What a joke this vid😂
@EricRhodeslives 2 месяца назад
You've tried Puritan?
@heinztheuerkauf8383 2 месяца назад
I was the owner of the Marten Django XL, Django L, Miles 5 and Oscar Trio. Now I listen to the Bird 1 in my main room. Every speaker sounds different. I only hear digital music via a Lumin network player. My power amplifier for the Bird 1 speakers is a Japanese LEBEN CS-1000P tube amplifier. I can confirm that the Bird 1 with the diamond tweeter is probably one of the best speakers that I have ever heard. Unfortunately the Danish factory of the diamond tweeter does not produce the tweeters for the Bird 1 anymore. An original tweeter for the Bird 1 is hard to get. But the tweeters for the Bird 2 are still being produced and can be used as a pair for the Bird 1 as well. Thank you very much for this excellent rewiew!
@Hemshemsems 2 месяца назад
I'm not snobby, but i have the 15 pre and 200s power. I've had kids and had it stored at a friend. Maybe i need to get a monocle and a turtleneck, so i can listen to it properly when i get it set up.. Metallica the black album is almost best metal record ever made (not a fan of the music, as a gatekeeper of this genre of music), i listen to a lot of metal and production goes from poor to i dunno bad/passable, and a lot of rock and metal is always a mediocre experience sadly. MIT cables are not gonna be in my system, and my combo is not high tier in the Spectral hierarki either!
@heinztheuerkauf8383 2 месяца назад
My Marten Birds are driven by a LEBEN CS-1000P tube power amplifier and they sound superb. Unfortunately the tweeters of the Bird 1 are not being produced anymore. If someone has got a spare tweeter Jantzen Audio Denmark JDT-1024 I would like to buy it as a reserve. Please give me a note here, thank you. Thank you Larry for your excellent reviews.
@jaycoleman8062 3 месяца назад
I have the XR50s driven by an MA-252 and there is definitely a synergy between them. Deep, tight & fast bass for something so small. My setup is at one end of a 12x45 double wide with hardwood floors. Im very pleased and this gear will be around when I'm gone. I believe McIntosh speakers need to be driven with McIntosh power. Just my opinion.
@MrBazsi888 3 месяца назад
Which DAC is best: Playback Design MPD-8, AN DAC5 Signature, Technics SU-R1000 ?
@221298ale 3 месяца назад
Ciao possiedo x1 e x150.5 e sono poco soddisfatto bene medio alti meno i mediobassi ! mi e' stato consigliato Jeff Rowland Model 8 di piu non potrei , me lo cosigli? grazie
@igorkrajnc5915 3 месяца назад
Hello , have you listened Ideon audio Ion dac , comparison with PD MPD 6 ?
@shaynakash4222 3 месяца назад
Luxman 509z sounds more natural to my opinion....
@EdBenji 3 месяца назад
Overpriced & overrated!!
@michailloob 3 месяца назад
@AnthonyCandaele 3 месяца назад
What amplifier would you pair this Oto Phono SE Signature amplifier with, if you just want to play vinyl records?
@MuhammedCibir 3 месяца назад
what about int-25 ? any suggestion
@jamestorres5582 3 месяца назад
You know what's funny is i sorta got into being an audiophile just recently . A few yrs now and I've spent probably more Money than I should ever spend but oh well . I'm hooked now .I've had a few high end headphones which I've enjoyed . I've given my Brother a few nice ones and go to after a couple of thousand dollar headphones I've had I keep going back to my AKG's K 361 wired . . It's a 100 dollar champion and found a great companion app and this headphone kills it .I listen to rock roll metal LOUD and these things are amazing . They scale well and can handle eq not too much of a Soundstage but imaging detail retrieval is amazing with these things. Build quality is what it is but these I always go back to listening to them . Thanks for your input and I know there's some dinosaurs out there and I'd like to find a gems here n there . Happy listening
@methanbreather 3 месяца назад
I want my headphones to be flat. I do not want the headphones to introduce distortion. But then, some people still think vinyl is 'better' because of all the distortion, the lack of dynamics and raised noise floor 'feels' 'warm'. Bullshit is bullshit.
@hindagsxr 3 месяца назад
Linn Klimax DSM/3 for passlabs
@ac81017 3 месяца назад
Is gigawatt installation cable illegal?? I had a company install 3x18m Gigawatt 2 months ago. I live in Sweden
@goldfishmichael95 3 месяца назад
Can you use Gryphon Diablo with Martren Design? Or should it only be Nagra , spectal, audio note etc?