I'm an an artist and animator, as well as a lover of all thing animation.
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@Snowmon89 10 дней назад
I agree with the first theory and yours. Both work out. However, I do wish to add a small caveat. "White Pearl" is canonically pink. A very light shade of it, but genuinely is pink. Now, I hate how people actively try to demonize Pink Rose's actions. However, even I could no longer defend her after the events of the movie because it was like the creators were going out of their way to make her hate worthy. I genuienly know whys she felt the way that she did. And with Futures, I detest Steeven's reactions about how his grandparents treated his dad. How DARE he scold him like that and not ONCE try to see things from Greg's perspective. Worse of all, wishing he didn't have the family that he did? I understand how he felt there too, but saying crap like that is an insult to ALL of the Crystal Gems who raised him AND his dad who worked so hard for him and them to live.
@ricksanch3z681 15 дней назад
boy will i be pissed if someone just left me doing nothing on a floating rock for 6000 years no matter the context, if you murdered someone no matter the context you are still a bad person right? i cant stand doing nothing for 5 minutes let alone 6000 years
@GreaterBookWyrm 19 дней назад
Showing character development in reverse really has colored Rose's story in such an interesting way. Seeing everyone hate on her so hard is weird when you think about it. If we play her story in chronological order rather than how it's shown in the show it sounds something like; Pink diamond grew up privlaged in an uncaring monarchical society where she was both revered for being a princess and looked down on by her peers for being too young. She tried so hard to be like the other diamonds, but was never good enough. When she finally got her first chance to colonize a planet and prove herself, she found that she fell in love with the inhabitants and didn't want to hurt them, didn't want to colonize and harvest the planet. The other diamonds refused to see things her way and tried to force her to go through with the colonization- so she threw away everything she had to protect Earth. She changed her whole identity and turned around to fight her own family to protect Earth and gems who might otherwise be shattered for their imperfections. If her story had been told in the right order, I'm sure she might even be seen as a trans icon- changing who she was to become someone she wanted to be rather than what the world wanted her to be. Thinking of it that way- keeping her then dead identiy as Pink Diamond a "secret" isn't really the end of the world that it's portrayed as. You don't expect a trans person to come out and tell you their whole history, including their dead name when you meet them, so why is Pink Diamond's transformation to Rose Quartz so different? We don't get angry at Garnet's reveal of being a fusion, that she hid it from Steven. We don't disrespect the name she chooses to call herself either- why is Rose so different? The way we tell stories matters so much and its so interesting to see people's take on Rose because we grow to know the worst sides of her- the pieces that she threw away and even saw in herself as wrong, and not who she grew into.
@officalfrogstudos 20 дней назад
Bald spinal 😂 2:34
@annonymousannonymous9586 Месяц назад
In Freudian Psychology Spinel would represent Pink's Id, Pink Pearl would represent Pink's Ego, and Crystal Gems Pearl would represent Pink's Super-Ego.
@galaxydacreature Месяц назад
I would like to add that the "she didn't expect Spinel to ACTUALLY stay there", while flimsy as an excuse, DOES actually make a lot of sense in terms of Pink's characterization. The Round Table video on Pink Diamond explains this better then I ever could, but Pink genuinely thought that nobody could truly care about her. She didn't understand what she meant to people, and that lead to her accidentally hurting them in ways she could never imagine. Other then that I do agree with everything in this video!!! Also impressive that u managed to predict Pink breakimg Volleyball lmao
@nicepeeva1048 Месяц назад
I agreed. She is not bad person.
@ProjectAli173 Месяц назад
fight begins 3:34
@GeeIsSoSillay888 2 месяца назад
i think another mistake she made was bismuth also, while yes, bismuth was trying to kill her, pink/rose left her in a bubble for steven to deal with. there were better ways to deal with bismuth, and i can understand bubbling her for the gem war, but she also should’ve brought her back.
@Chaosm6 2 месяца назад
Now that we know that pink diamond broke pink pearl I think this video holds a lot more weight (more than it already did) breaking pink pearl changed pink diamond bc it showed her the true cost of abusing your power and letting her emotions get the better of her. Which makes so much sense on why her personality is more demure and less bratty when we see her with a colony
@xyliarcontreras 5 месяцев назад
The funny thing is that her name is Pink but she’s gray, she’s not bad, but she’s also not good, she’s an amazingly nuanced character that I really don’t think gets enough credit.
@ShericeSinger 6 месяцев назад
@bronykingamethystrain5676 6 месяцев назад
There would have been no way for Rose to retrieve Spinel with how badly damaged the Galaxy Warp was after the war.
@sweetdreams1028 6 месяцев назад
She left everyone to fix her mess, caused harm to thousands of gems, and even left a sweet gem made for her to stand there waiting for a thousand years. She is an awful person. If someone did any of those things to you, would you forgive them?
@rayevoughn 7 месяцев назад
Half of the Steven universe fandom is gonna be coming for you
@astraastra4226 7 месяцев назад
post steven universe: future, it's incredible to see that pink diamond breaking her pearl was predicted. i also believe that part of how she treated spinel needs the context of how the other diamonds view their own gems-- subservient and beneath them. the reverse character development also plays a ginormous role in the overall perception of pink diamond, who she was at the beginning of the series is who she was by the end of her life. pink did bad things, but the belief that *she* was the terrible villain revealed at the end of the story is utterly ridiculous. the *one* colony that she had wasn't completed because she had to rebel for it not to be. the other diamonds colonized more likely than not hundreds of other colonies, and pink was fascinated with life & the creation of it as seen by the pebbles. when she found out that they weren't truly creating life, but destroying the organic life that earth already held, *that* was when she made her decision to stop the colony. and within this video and the events of the show, she tried to get it to stop *as* a diamond, but was completely denied and ignored. i don't need to go through the rest of the story to summarize how it ended up. this all relates to spinel & her treatment, as how was pink supposed to retrieve her in the midst of the gem war? how could she retrieve her as rose quartz? there's also the warp issue mentioned in this video, and a potential theory i'd like to put in: what if spinel told the diamonds? say that pink returned and tried to tell spinel what had happened, tried to get her to join the rebellion or simply return her to homeworld and ask for her to be given some sort of role there? there's a likelihood that for one reason or another, it wouldn't work out. spinel also embarrassed pink in front of the other diamonds as seen by her facial expressions when the other diamonds told her she coild finally receive her own colony. the diamonds gave her spinel because they viewed her as a child, not as an equal. continuing to have spinel with her would only perpetuate that perception, and would inhibit her ability to prove her maturity. what happened to spinel was not right or fair, but within the canon events of the show was inevitable. spinel is also heavily inspired by the creator rebecca sugar's old stuffed rabbit they had accidentally left in the garden of a childhood home. there is a video on CN's official youtube channel explaining its connection to spinel and the song they wrote for adventure time, "everything stays." this possibly means that pink viewed spinel as a toy, tying back to what i had said about the diamonds viewing other gems as completely below them. all in all, i adore pink diamond/rose quartz as a character but strongly believe that she was *not* intentionally a bad person. the only things that i definitively believe were wrong that she did were bubbling bismuth and never telling garnet & pearl the truth, and leaving spinel although there was no viable solution to that problem. apologies for any grammar/spelling mistakes in this long winded comment, & if anybody wishes in the replies i can go into detail about how rose did not have steven to escape the conequences of her actions.
@ChattyWinner 7 месяцев назад
My theory with Pink Diamond is that the outburst she had in “Jungle Moon” was when she broke Pink Pearl and lost her, well she probably poofed her, the whole sequence where Pink Diamond broke the Mirror was actually Pink Pearl POV. When she reformed in front of the Diamonds, she was broken and immediately gets mind controlled by White Diamond. Like this is kinda a big deal, like really put in terms of our reality, Imagine if one of the Kardashian Nanny’s had a black eye permanently, people would speculate like hella, she essentially created bad press for the Diamonds (I think of them like the Kardashians tbh White Gives major Kris vibes), like she destroyed a Pearl like its a highest status symbol in Home World. Like she immediately realizes she actually hurt Pink Pearl which causes her to rethink how she could go around with how she takes off her frustration, she starts to control herself, like how the Diamonds tell her too, she starts showing the Behavior of a Diamonds, she keeps tries to keep a professional distance with her new Pearl, and she’s forced to hangout with her selected friend who at this point is actually more of a fancy toy (I know that’s wrong, but like we’re talking about someone who’s out of touch and actually sees beings as less than like how we see bugs) like imagine being forced to hangout with someone who’s designed to just entertain you essentially she’s an iPhone, she also probably reports to the other Diamonds about how she’s behaving, like I wouldn’t trust Spinel coz why can I only hangout with her when no one’s around and this literal floating rock, also why didn’t the Diamonds ever send anyone to maintain the Garden like, this literally wasn’t like a being to them or important, Pink Diamond was probably keeping the place alive by crying all the time, like that’s embarrassing bro; your family nicely sent you away coz you weren’t acting right instead of like talking to you and left you with like the caricature of your best friend, while your basically mourning her, I would personally not have fond memories of Spinel and I wouldn’t have been able to grabble with her consciousness like Pink Diamond had the mentality of a teenager if you really think about it. She never really talked to the Diamonds either, they all kinda were just thinking about Status and their PR and how they’re represented and admired in society, feelings kinda take a back burner. Point is Pink Diamond is pretty understanding, her story was told in reverse, she’s literally the most human of all the Sentient Gems we see. She found beauty in Organic life rather than the highly superficial world she was living in. She found beauty in imperfection and learned to accept people for who they want to be, she fought for natural life and like literally learned to love; she gave her life for her child my dude. Pink literally died so Steven could live. I don’t think they ever thought the Diamonds would come back, look at how they left the Garden for Spinel, she wasn’t that bad, we don’t even get to know her or get her side. Idk i’m high and off my ADHD Medication.
@briannahendrickson7746 8 месяцев назад
I personally find Pink/Rose interesting. She went from a bratty gem with a childlike mentality to a more mature warrior and leader. I think her maturity was due to her leaving the Diamonds and being surrounded by people who showed her more of a healthy form of love than the Diamonds did. The Diamonds, while they obviously loved Pink, were abusive and toxic. Because of this, Pink, who I believe to be a naturally loving person, didn't know how properly show love in a healthy way. Because of that, she did some selfish things that caused a lot of heartache, though I believe that gradually changed the longer away from the Diamonds. To me, Pink's story is about abuse and healing from that abuse by cutting toxic relationships out of your life for good.
@pushatjr840 9 месяцев назад
Spinel electro swings into battle💀💀💀
@ForeverDorian 9 месяцев назад
100% a terrible person. Crazy people defend her.
@MAR-TV-HA 7 месяцев назад
lemme guess you’re one of those people who hate pink but love the other diamonds
@ForeverDorian 7 месяцев назад
@@MAR-TV-HA Def not lol I love Jasper but I know she is an awful POS
@louca11dos6bichos 9 месяцев назад
Part 3 part 3 part 3 PART 3
@louca11dos6bichos 9 месяцев назад
Im want play this game really,pls make steventale im need to play this,is just perfect,
@Claudia_Crimson_585 9 месяцев назад
They didn't fuse together since Pink Diamond didn't know that mixed gems can fuse with each other. I thought they fused too until i saw the episode "Volleyball" and when i remembered what happened in the episode "Now we're falling apart".
@Claudia_Crimson_585 9 месяцев назад
I don't think Pink Diamond wanted to take Spinel with her at all. She wanted to show the diamonds that she is mature and she deserved to have a colony. When a gem has fulfilled their purpose they are either shattered or harvested, Spinel would have been doomed either way...
@cosmeticincantations7997 9 месяцев назад
And it wasn't just a theory, it really was anther result of further abuse form the other Diamonds..... :(
@Rosalikesghosts 9 месяцев назад
Is this an animation or a mod?
@omarkhalili6948 11 месяцев назад
3:35 battle starts
@ownitervi241 11 месяцев назад
She is undeniably a terrible person. There is no justification for her actions. She literally gave birth to steven to escape the consequences of her actions.
@soldierinsane2689 11 месяцев назад
Do you think what she said in that tape was a lie? She said she loved Steven and would live for him. The end of the show lets us know that pink diamond is Steven and the part of him which loves
@jamestolbert1856 Год назад
Jesus is the only one who can cure us of the consequences and effects of sin
@jamestolbert1856 Год назад
People can good, they can be bad. They can be nice, they can be mean. We’re all made in the image of God, but we’re all following sin and our flesh.
@squeaxmagpizza Год назад
@user-qh7wt6fh9m Год назад
It's fan made not real
@mrcloudark787 Год назад
Oh man, this needs more views by such a quality.
@mrcloudark787 Год назад
I feel so dumb for never consider Spinel as a replacement for Pink Pearl after getting broken by PD tantrum. I think I've never thought about it too much.
@Tabby_CatMeow Год назад
“*Spinel electro swings into battle” Ah yes, electro swinging, that very normal way of entering a battle along with EDM-ing and punk rocking into battle. But in all seriousness this animation was amazing 🤩
@Starlight_KF Год назад
Why i think pink left spinel At first she loved spinel but as the years went by she still acted the same and soon she had to do important things but spinel stopped her she didn't want to tell her so she had to leave her for a bit but then she forgot about her and then rose/pink gave birth to steven and then disappeared 30 likes for more
@chrisray3979 Год назад
I still think that pink diamond is a monster
@NotMinako Год назад
''It's a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming..'' Wait.... That's a familiar phrase...!!
@s0lar.ecl1pse83 Год назад
I think that when Blue threatened to take away Pink's pearl is more like threatening to take away a child's iPad in the diamond's mind, as Pearls are seen as servants/as if they dont have any mind or conscious of their own
@Brawl4funYTY Год назад
HEY ARE YOU STEVEN UNIVERSE steven: um no I'm rose quartz Oh ok bye by. *KABOOOM*
@GamerSloth-now-CardSloth Год назад
That was amazing! Although, the part where she pulls out her scythe (4:28 - 4:35) felt off.
@gv_axo Год назад
honestly saying this is the same as seing that belos from the owl house did nothing wrong and all is caleb fault cuz he left him as is there is a frace geting trauma is not you're falut what is is how you handle it
@SiimplyyCamm Год назад
Pearl didn’t belong to white diamond .
@mrcloudark787 Год назад
Isn't obvious that Pearl is White Pearl? Even having the gem in her head as the others Diamonds pearls have in their respective place.
@look_and_comment Год назад
Я не занимаюсь программированием, чтобы сделать хотя бы близко что-то подобное, но рисовка, голоса и музыка, которая черезчур спокойная и расслабленная для чего-то эпичного, и близко не передают настроение этого момента
@Sonic-tr6pk Год назад
@MagmaIfrit04 Год назад
Something that was confirmed later on is that blue prevented pink from going back to the garden telling pink “You need to finish your first colony. You can play with your spinel later when your finished”
@Drawoon Год назад
I don't think our Pearl is meant to be white Pearl. Blue, yellow and pink Pearl each have monochrome color palettes. Our Pearl has always had multiple colors.
@animacaodeumamador1006 10 месяцев назад
she may not be white diamond's pearl but i still think that she was made to be more like white than pink, since white thinks she is better than everyone
@Drawoon 10 месяцев назад
@@animacaodeumamador1006 ahh right, yeah that's fair.
@Lilyofficial1 Год назад
White looks more creepy in this in the beginning
@papercat_morningteeth1137 Год назад
Pink has definitely done bad things and this is no excuse but she did everything she did with good intentions sadly this ended up making everything worse
@mikoevelynn111 Год назад
I love that this still holds up with Steven Universe Future and it's my favorite interpretation of what happened with spinel