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@McManthony21 12 дней назад
The ending to this is such magic! ✨❣️ 😊
@SuperSpesh1 3 месяца назад
So I see this a lot and I dont know why, but why during certain parts of the fight do players turn around from Sigrun to look at the environment; what exactly is it they are looking for?
@Crimsomrider 3 месяца назад
One of Sigrun's moves is an AOE Blindness attack which can only be avoided by looking away. If the player doesn't look away in time whenever she jumps into the air they'll take damage and become temporarily blinded.
@SuperSpesh1 3 месяца назад
@@Crimsomrider Thanks.
@arcticnightsky150 3 месяца назад
@@Crimsomrider I'm doing this fight on gmgow ng+ and you can also hit her with the axe if your reaction time is fast enough. I don't even bother turning around, the few times I tried it didn't work for me and it's cooler to just her hit anyway.
@supersailorchic98 4 месяца назад
She's fr the most devoted and romantic of all the companions. This "breakup" was the biggest piece of bs and completely antithetical to her character. I'm so glad they patched it back up
@Crimsomrider 4 месяца назад
As suspected this awful break up scene was cut-content that somehow got accidentally enabled with Hotfix #21 and has been removed as of Hotfix #22. Praise Mahkloompah!
@Spiralpaladin 4 месяца назад
Praaaaiiiise MahkloomPffhaahaahaahaaah!"
@reddevil17d 4 месяца назад
Impressing work tearing of her wings, dude! I also trashed her without even a single scratch nor a single hit landed on me in GMGOW+.☠️☠️
@angmarliche9187 4 месяца назад
I was so pissed at this change that I finally installed a mod to avoid this breakup.
@maximnochnoy 4 месяца назад
It's sad that the community cares more about Minthara than the developers... We hope that someday it will be updated... We hope...
@FenrirWolfganger 4 месяца назад
How do you mean? Initially she was most likely to be just one more casualty in our crusade even on an evil run, you had to agree to wipe out the Grove to get her. Now even the good runners can get her and she's all the way up to the epilogue (and the funniest person we know). Yes, I'd like more material with her, but I think Larian really has listened with the new content they provided. I Larian is reading though We'd still like more Minthara.
@NielsMulvad 4 месяца назад
Gotta agree with Fenrir here. What do you mean? If you elaborate, then I think it could be an interesting little discussion.
@maximnochnoy 4 месяца назад
What I mean is that Minthara has always been the most deprived companion. Her recruitment assumes the loss of content without offering an alternative, although no... We get something, bugs). Minthara literally has the same dialogue as Will, but at least Will has his own quest). With each update they try to put Minthara in order, but a couple of phrases are not enough - this is absolutely clear to everyone, maybe the Larians will come up with something in patch 7, but for now it’s sad...@@NielsMulvad
@barbaros99 4 месяца назад
My main issue is with recruiting Minthara outside of an evil playthrough. I mean, I know I can knock her out instead of killing her so she'll show up at Moonrise, but *why* would I choose to do that in universe and not just as a player trying to find more content? You kill the other two goblin leaders, but you're supposed to decide instead to knock out the third? Why would you do that? I just wish there was a way to have her joining you be more natural.
@maximnochnoy 4 месяца назад
This is not as important now as her other problems, but I can’t agree that the path from the Larians looks more like a bug than something official@@barbaros99
@panosleivadaros5700 4 месяца назад
i knocked her out at Grove raid and when i go to moonrise tower, i see her still knocked out in front of the throne. The scene triggers and i convice them to take her to prison. But when the cut scene ends she is still knocked out in front of the throne and i cant wake her up. is it bugged?
@andastarigaming6785 4 месяца назад
Even tho they fixed it I chose to do this anyway bc people die in the grove raid if you let it happen and i didnt want that
@Crimsomrider 5 месяцев назад
*As of Update #6 this video is now outdated.* *Her recruitment no longer requires special conditions to be met, as Minthara can now be recruited even after being knocked out during the Grove raid.*
@Mrmike9350 5 месяцев назад
so wait, i just need her to fight over at the grove and then convince her to just join my team? as a good playthrough?
@Crimsomrider 5 месяцев назад
In order to get Minthara back to ACT 1; forums.larian.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=933392#Post933392
@slamdunkndonuts9493 5 месяцев назад
only reason im not destroying the grove is because i want the potent robe for my sorlock du build, but i also REALLY wanted minthara in my team 😂
@VelvetCrowe734 6 месяцев назад
I knocked out minthara without killing her and she never appeared in ketheric's room...
@CheapCreep 6 месяцев назад
I knocked her out in Act 1, but she still didn't appear in Act 2. Bummer.
@fernandorodriguezperis4944 6 месяцев назад
sitll dont know how i killed that beast
@PunchyWasHere 6 месяцев назад
I looted her after nockjng her out and the game doesnt spawn her at moon rise towers. Rip i guess
@reccon10 6 месяцев назад
Yoooo! Just what I needed
@painhv17 6 месяцев назад
Does anyone know what weapons he is using on laezel?
@painhv17 6 месяцев назад
Hello Can you tell me what weapon you are using with laezel? I want to use that on my paladin it looks cool. It looks like a glance but I am wondering how you are using a glaive with a shield? Can you share your passives you picked up for that setup pls? Also which companion is good for the double crossbows build you are using and what passives for that? Pls and Thank you sorry for the questions.
@Crimsomrider 6 месяцев назад
It's the *[Gold Wyrmling Staff],* a quarterstaff obtained from Roah Moonglow in the Goblin Camp. Though they aren't really a build, just temporary weapons until the Underdark. Astarion (Thief) would be the only one who really benefits from dual Crossbows if you wish to preserve his native Rogue class, otherwise Ranger, Fighter or Bards benefit from crossbows easily. Currently in my Honour playthrough I'm a War Cleric (1), Bard (3), Fighter (5), Rogue (3) and you could do some nice stuff with crossbows, especially the unique ones from ACT 2 obtained from Roah Moonglow and Yurgir.
@painhv17 6 месяцев назад
@@Crimsomrider Tyvm , that Quarterstaff attack animation looked cool I thought it was a glaive for a sec 😔. I’ll definitely put some handcrossbows on astarion. I had no idea you could dual wield.
@yourevilhalf1413 6 месяцев назад
This didn't work for me, probably cuz I'm on console idk
@bob1986 6 месяцев назад
I believe they did another patch for this. It still works, but you can't have both Halsin and Minthara, there will be a new scene where Halsin tells you he won't work with her and you need to tell one of them to go when you recruit her.
@nickwarner2524 6 месяцев назад
Does long resting effect any of this?
@Crimsomrider 6 месяцев назад
Don't long rest *until Priestess Gut and Ragzlin are dead* after Minthara has been knocked out.
@Ecirw 6 месяцев назад
does getting branded by priestess gut or saving the prisoners affect not being able to recruit minthara before you knock her unconscious?
@Crimsomrider 6 месяцев назад
@Veridiano02 6 месяцев назад
Thanks for that Larian. Now if you give her a spot in the camp that isn't Halsin's, that will be glorious.
@cuthalion6565 6 месяцев назад
We have to go on act 2 by the way of the spider man or we can go by the way were we encounter the harpers to recruiting successfully minthara?
@Crimsomrider 6 месяцев назад
How ones gets to Moonrise has no effect on Minthara's recruitment, so ACT 2 can be played in whichever order one wishes.
@xander.9393 6 месяцев назад
Whatever you do, do not loot her clothes and armor in act 1 after knocking her out lol
@DovahGirL 6 месяцев назад
Thank you so much, you now have a new sub.🙃
@matthewbritt7485 6 месяцев назад
Weird. I knocked her out but it didnt work. Do you have to talk to her first?
@orwellhuxley8736 6 месяцев назад
I knocked her out, looted her, and she wasn't there when I reached that point...maybe don't loot her if you knock her out?
@animalsoul444 6 месяцев назад
@shadowhaven012 6 месяцев назад
read somewhere that you have to keep the spiderguy in act 2 alive? is it true or can i still kill him?
@draaskinuaar2151 6 месяцев назад
She didn’t appear for me:( maybe it’s because i leave her without anything
@Gamegurladdict 6 месяцев назад
It fucking sucks because I did everything on a video I saw and after hours and finally at Moonrise, she is not even there. It was weird already when I knocked her out and she disappeared after that. I created a new game just to have her as a compagnion.
@Deathunter761 6 месяцев назад
The way she turns her head while Thorm was speaking, I've never seen that in a video game, it's incredible.