Zayda The Forward Thinker
Zayda The Forward Thinker
Zayda The Forward Thinker
Just a girl trying her best to make videos about Anime, video games and anything else nerdy that peeks her interest. Does anybody even really read these?
@Suited_Nat 10 часов назад
Honestly, I’m so happy to hear someone who thinks of maki in a similar way. I’m personally frustrated with the manga for pretty much dropping every other fem or woman character in rushed ways: Spoilers: Yuki gets killed very fast in a fight; right after it gets dropped that she was the prior plasma vessel before Rika. Nobara ofc is supposedly “in a coma.” Shoko despite being here the entire series doesn’t get enough time/attention in the manga. Like I seriously love Shoko and Yuki, but what hurts their characterization is the lack of time we get to see them on panels 😭. This being said, I love Maki because I see a lot of my experiences through her as a queer and enby person. I’ve been abused because of misogyny, so seeing her literally murder the clan that alienated and abused her was cathartic as fuck.
@pseudonemisis-bi6fv 15 часов назад
A big part of me figuring out/accepting that I was trans masc was playing botw. I would play for hours just because it felt so nice to explore the world in a more masculine body and it made me so happy whenever I got kicked out of gerudo town. After that I started playing more rpgs for the comfort that playing as a man gave me. I really want to play some mmorpgs as I think the social aspect of them would be really nice like you were talking about but Im not sure how to get started
@fatanimetiddies9760 2 дня назад
D&D fucking sucks.
@spagettysylph2033 2 дня назад
I hope I can alleviate some of your worries that people wouldn't listen to the end, because hearing you talk about all these new games I'd never heard of, many which I'm now itching to try out, definitely made my day. I really appreciate this video existing, thank you ^v^
@lars1588 4 дня назад
Someone's cutting onions for sure... All jokes aside, this was very good. I've had tough relationship with video games much of my life thus far, given that video games are still commonly viewed as a "boy thing." It made it hard for me to enjoy them since I was so put off by the notions of gaming. It took several years of barely playing anything at all to return with a new perspective unchained from external forces. I only wish I was brave enough to follow this through in the rest of my life.
@jeiluunaa 6 дней назад
Girl. Seriously. This is the BEST Maki Zenin analysis I have seen yet. Why? It points to key factors that make her both relatable, unique, good representation, along with good intellectual references that just make sense to all women, trans, cis, disabled, etc. You’ve earned a subscriber. Maki is my favorite character too, and the depth of her character and the way it reflects on society is nothing new to me as a gay woman. The way you explained it was so exceptionally well done, covering any points any Maki fan wants to hear while in a non-biased fashion. (Also quick note thank you for comparing her to Toji in a way that doesn’t make her feel like “fake Toji” because I’ve gotten a lot of that. Yes they may both have heavenly restriction, but their paths are different yet can correlate. Tbh it’s primarily men who say these things anyway) but gosh can I just gush about how well you did this? Girl thank you for appreciating maki as well as being a supportive feminist queen. As someone who is friends with many trans women, even though i am cis, something I can say right now: yall exceed as women way more than you get credit for. As a cis girl, your understanding of the female experience is more accurate than most cishet women’s explanation. I am so appreciative of your existence. ❤ thank you for this video and I will be subscribing, both for jjk content and just your beautiful personality. Keep shining please!! You’re gorgeous
@abcxyz-dp4rl 10 дней назад
@studioneet7800 13 дней назад
The way you explained why you think trans players were able to be successful in the FGC is exactly what I've been saying to explain how the Starcraft community had trans women at the top. The 1v1 nature allows so many marginalized people to cut through every barrier placed in front of them. Although, unlike Starcraft the FGC allows all marginalized people to cut through the BS. Name another gaming community that has as much representation across the board as the FGC... I'll wait...
@Lukaz2009 16 дней назад
Fighting games never really meshed with me, so I can't relate to it. But I can at least comment that it is honestly beautiful how supportive the FGC is. I do have a lot to say about FFXIV, though, as it was a pivotal part of my egg cracking. I started playing all the way back in ARR 2.1. I initially made a male Midlander Hyur. Years later, Shadowbringers releases, and after I have finished the ShB MSQ, one of my best friends starts playing the game. She made an adorable female Dunesfolk Lalafell, and I was quite frankly jealous af (Crack #1). I had a Fantasia in use because I was toying with changing my character's race, so I took the plunge and not only changed race, but changed gender too. I changed to a female Plainsfolk Lalafell, and made her as heccin' adorable as I could. When I revealed her to my friend she was ecstatic over how cute I was, which caused a warm, fuzzy feeling I hadn't felt before (Crack #2). I went as far as to buy a name change because my male Hyur's name was far too masculine to ever be gender-neutral (Sub-consciously I had to have known I was trans). After the name change, I realized most of my glamours were unusable due to gender (Yay for them removing these later!) and race restrictions, so I had to go on a shopping spree to create new glamours. And the rush of euphoria I felt while making new outfits for a girl character was the same, if not greater to the feeling I felt making outfits in Pokemon XY for girl characters (How my egg didn't crack then I'll never know). Yeah, I enjoyed making outfits for my male Hyur, but it wasn't nearly as exhilarating as it was making outfits for a girl (Crack #3). My egg shattered a few months later when I was playing Pokemon Shield and my father jokingly called me "daughter" when he saw my character was a girl (omg after the shock it felt so damn good to be called that!). Was shortly after that I told my friend that incited all this that I was questioning my gender identity (She is very supportive and I love her so much!). Celeste is a game I own but have never played. I have autism so even the most mundane things frustrate me to unreasonable degrees, and I feel Celeste would cause me to break several controllers. Although I am able to keep my composure when playing any of the Miyazaki era FromSoft games, so maybe I'm being too hard on myself.
@friezastan 17 дней назад
What song is in beginning
@andrejorge5857 18 дней назад
HOW DID I NOT KNOW MADELINE WAS TRANS??? btw lena raine makes THE best sound tracks of all time
@georgeliquor1236 18 дней назад
@reneerooks4195 23 дня назад
As a trans woman who plays fighting games, holy shit I think you're most definitely wrong about the FGC being a safe space for trans people. At least not more than other game genres. It's only more safe on a game level, not a human level. And idk I feel like we're very different from one another with how we envision identity as a concept and representation as a concept. Of course, our journeys will be different from one another, but honestly I don't know if I'm a black sheep in this scenario but this was honestly not the type of experience that I was expecting to see. Like at all. And I'm not dogging on you for it, don't get me wrong. But I think on a fundamental level, you're not quite getting at the root of 'The Transgender Experience' but moreso your singular personal transgender experience. And again, not saying other people won't or didn't have the same journey as you, but your analysis felt a lot more personal, then practical, material, or even societal. I wasn't affected much by your video, and I even disagreed with most of it. But I still felt compelled to comment as someone whose part of their identity comprises of being transgender and a gamer. Idk, good video and good luck to you.
@Nigel_BC 25 дней назад
@stonium69 Месяц назад
Adding my own recommendation: If you like Lancer/pf2e style tactical combat, or final fantasy tactics, you NEED to play Gubat Banwa. Me and my friends played it after the rules finally stabilized and it outright has **the best** combat system I've seen. In addition to just being an insanely cool setting of what I can only describe as south east asian high fantasy wuxia. Everything you do is flavorful and cinematic and supernatural and represents your character. And the game actively incentivizes these sorts of descriptions through its thunderbolts system.
@SaucyJack88 Месяц назад
While I agree with everything in this video, the little comment about 'lack of safety tools' makes no sense to me. The 5th Edition CRB and DMG were written in 2014, back when people were still mature enough that they didn't need nor desire a corporate entity to tell them how to maintain the social hygiene at the gaming table. The demand for 'safety tools' is a pretty recent thing, and honestly I don't even understand where the demand is coming from. I think the first tabletop game with 'safety tools' I saw was Vampire the Masquerade V5, and I also remember being completely baffled by its inclusion when I first saw it. Who asked for this? What kind of people are kids these days playing with that these kinds of tools are necessary? The old grognards such as myself did just fine without them.
@Wells13555 Месяц назад
We miss ya! Hope you are doing well!
@SilverScribe85 Месяц назад
I know a lot of people have issues with D&D, mainly towards the 5th Edition. But here's a big question I have...can't players just come up with their own kind of campaign/game? Who says what we play has to be STRICTLY Pathfinder or 5E oriented? Dimension20's content all feels so different from anything D&D has come up with, despite the fact they supposedly use some minor bits of the main source material
Месяц назад
Yeah no still I hate her character people think the word mysogonist is negative it really not.
@generalgozdzikov7343 Месяц назад
as a trans masc person for me it was DnD and Stardew Valley that helped me discover my identity. i've played a lot of games as a kid but they were mostly either arcade type ones depending mostly on quick reactions and skills or escape rooms and other riddle stuff so i didn't pay much attention to my identity within the game, i was just doing stuff and seeing my progress. since i first played pen and paper rpgs i've only played as male or nonbinary characters, trying to explain it to myself as internalized misogyny but it just always felt right. the turning point was when my other trans friend itroduced me to Stardew Valley and convinced me to buy it so we could play together. shortly after we forgot about our shared world and then i started to play on my own, making my first single player game and choosing a male character. being able to interact with the npcs, especially romanticly and having them see me as a man had a magical liberating feeling to it that i don't think i've ever experienced before. it wasn't like playing a male/masc nb character in DnD where the people who i played with knew that i was afab, i was on my own and the npcs couldn't possibly have known what i look like or how others see me behind the screen. i don't know how to better explain it but while playing i wasn't just acting as a male character, the character was just me, it looked like me and it interacted with the world and characters around him like i would. i was never a fan of multiplayer or competitive gaming. for me the best thing about video games is being thrown into a world where nobody knows you and freely discovering it and the story someone has created for this exact purpose. nowadays my fav game genre is probably adventure, especially indies cause they offer the best, most interestiing and original narratives but i still like to launch my old Stardew world from time to time and chill there for a bit. i also really wanna play Disco Elysium since it's like Celeste for trans guys and it's an adventure/rpg
@neaaat5545 Месяц назад
Cool video however you take way to long and rant to much to get to the actual video. You could of simplified the script alot
@adventurersitem-shop3050 Месяц назад
I loved your video! But i think your rpg recommendations are far too different from D&D for most people to be comfortable to try them. Im surprised you didn't recommend games like Pathfiner or Lancer or any of the powered by the apocalypse games as they have more of a community to help get people into them.
@brycejordan8987 Месяц назад
I think one catch is that martials can be a best of single target damage but that is largely confined to either specific builds (the xbow master sharpshooter or the polearm master heavy weapon master) or are reliant upon magic items.
@starsited529 Месяц назад
Can't believe this guy is only 10!
@cantin8697 Месяц назад
As someone who is very much a cisgender woman, I find this interesting. We all have our own little experiences with games, and that's what makes them great. :)
@forgotten_lumis5595 Месяц назад
Sorry this is really off topic but ma’am- your music taste is SO BASED I’m literally vibing so hard rn.
@Nocny_Informator 2 месяца назад
That's what motivates me to convert anything dnd to pathfinder, ose, dcc or any other system (Ekhem, ekhem... Savage Worlds) if my players want to play it that badly. It's more work, cause modules are written so badly and I need to substitute enemies or make them from zero. But playing it is so much more satisfying. I have the pleasure of never paying WoTC anything, because when I got my first books I didn't have money, and now I have even more reasons to pirate them. But I love to support third party creators, even more cause their books are so easy to adapt, as it they were system-neutral (and so, so much easier to read, oh my God), items are very creative, subclasses and races might be tricky to use in other systems, but I'll see In conclusion Praise our Lord and Savior Pathfinder
@ThAlEdison 2 месяца назад
Ricki Ortiz came out when I was going to Combo Breaker and still an egg, and was maybe a subconscious inspiration
@ash8244 2 месяца назад
Your not a woman :)
@ash8244 2 месяца назад
Your not a woman. You people ruin video games
@SawBSketch Месяц назад
Trans people ruin video games? Could it just be that you let a singular character in a game you play completely dictate your experience like a goddamn snowflake, instead of just not caring?
@richardnoggin1526 14 дней назад
Die mad about it
@atarifanboy1977 9 дней назад
Please give us some examples of how we "ruin" video games. Go on, I'll wait.
@johnmcswag5980 2 месяца назад
1:23:49 Up to this point I agree on pretty much everything except the hadozee. Seriously? Minstrel gear? Thats just a bard's outfit. I doubt they were trying to sneak bigotry in when its clearly just a planet of the apes reference. I dont defend WoTC on anything, but this is a massive reach. Love the vid tho!
@Eclecticismpseudonym Месяц назад
Minstrel is derived from European bards. That's litteraly the definition of minstrel.
@JL32506 2 месяца назад
I may or may not be a guy and just curious about why I feel weirdly represented by content like this. Still cis tho.
@Teadon86 2 месяца назад
Because races does have biological differences? How is this bad?
@sopapopp 2 месяца назад
i love that last part with celeste because at the same time i was almost crying because of the beautiful things you were saying about how games make you feel like *you* could get through things and also completely incredulous thinking _"holy shit how is she so good at celeste"_
@Teadon86 2 месяца назад
I began playing D&D in 2000, 3rd edition and then the 3.5th edition in 2003. To me the structure of the game helped me to explore my character and to interact with the world our DM conjured up. Rules were a guide rail for myself and the other players. But this never helped us in avoiding the drag of the game: the combat, how rules killed exploration of both the world and characters, and how much improved by deviating from the rules-as-written. Nothing is allowed outside the rules if you would play the game as written. If you played a character that had 18 int and, for whatever reason, wanted to do alchemy you were hopelessly useless despite using mundane methods such as pen and papper to write down your experiments. If you'd play this as rules-as-written you >must< invest skill points into alchemy. No freeform, no exploration, no experimentation, no fun. The game encourages players to max out their main skills and to never deviate from a set progression; so tossing one level's worth of skill points into alchemy were pretty stupid if your goal were to be the best judge of intent (insight), best historian, reaching a high insight in planar knowledge, and knowledge in Arcana and religion. To me this is the main issue, that the game ruins player's ability to act on their vision of their character by tying down their interaction with the game world to mathematical expression and situational rules. We didn't try any other TTRPG until the very end of the first decade, but when we did we quickly learnt how inert D&D is as a medium for roleplaying. We tried WoD: Demon. Whilst the campaign only lasted two sessons, it was the best TTRPG sessons we've had in a while. True, we prefered D&D 3.5E since we actively roleplayed our characters despite the techniqal restraints and we actively read a lot of D&D 3.5E content how to improve our gaming. But WoD was just pure fun straight out of the gate! Sure it had technical restraints but the system didn't actively deny or punish players to experiment and explore. We then tried Mage the Awakening and played it actively for about 1½ years. Creating hall of fame characters that my group fondly reminisce about as one of best group of characters we ever made. Standing alongside a large array of D&D 3.5E characters we made but unique in the fact that the system we used was just a joy to interact with. D&D needs to stop being the odd grandchild of forgotten wargames strangely obsessed with preciseness and with pigeonholing every facet of possible actions. A less strict way of building your character and adding feats, skills, and whatnot should be explored. Why not allow people to invest in-game time to train their strength instead of waiting for the 4th level for ability increases? Why not allowing that dumb fighter acquire some magical abilities without going down a class progression tree? As it is now you are forced to pick the class closest to your vision of your character and still end up with ill fitting clothes that feels off to your vision of your character. No one should need to explain why this is bad in a game purportedly played for the players.
@VioletDeliriums 2 месяца назад
you should try an earlier TSR version of D&D (pre-WotC)...I like Moldvay/Cool Basic Expert (BX) from 1981, and even more the new clones that streamline it and improve upon it (my favorite being Old School Essentials and its offshoot Dolmenwood)...if you are a 5e-only player, you are not even really playing D&D the game, even if the brand name D&D is present. yu shouldn't say you "hate D&D" so much as you "hate 5e"...Big difference.
@nuclearpancake3683 2 месяца назад
No way she’s in 3d!
@somerandomkidplaysvideogames 2 месяца назад
I think im crying. I cannot describe just how much I feel all of this. I dont even know why. I dont know why I watched this. I dont know why im crying. I dont know why all of this just crushes my little shriveled up husk of a soul. It just does. God damn you did a goob job.
@teomeows 2 месяца назад
Just here to say that I am transmasc and I've been a gamer for as long as I can remember. I've always loved video games. Also, pretty much all my transmasc friends like video games a lot too! So I really don't think there's so little transmasc gamers as you made it out to be in the intro. I mean, nowadays, there's a lot of afab gamers too, not to mention, since video games are still somewhat a stereotypically ''male'' hobby, I imagine a lot of young and old transmascs alike would gravitate towards them for that reason as well.
@Snugglefluffable 2 месяца назад
goddammit this made me cry. I'm a girl, darn it!!!
@escorpiwall 2 месяца назад
I would love to hear you talk more about other systems, especially their battle systems and the incentives they give roleplay. I also think that'd be the best takeaway from this, more than just listing them
@AngloSaxonWheatFarmer 2 месяца назад
I stopped playing dnd after high school because I really didn’t like the fact our games felt more like a MMO on paper instead of a actual tabletop rpg
@tuelle6868 3 месяца назад
Loved this so much, Maki you are so special to me
@alexissoria5414 3 месяца назад
21:35 nice corner jump btw!!!!
@alexissoria5414 3 месяца назад
i remember when i first started celeste i was like "EWWW the main character is trans?! they ruined such a good character!!" ... im a celeste grandmaster rn and im a trans girl :3 also damn this video is so cool!!!! okay last edit: wow.. that ending almost made me tear up ;w;
@MoonRiver_118 2 месяца назад
hell yeah, we got one 🏳️‍⚧️😈
@reginaldpiper4470 3 месяца назад
So..only after a nano-minute of viewing this Video on the Sicko Perverted Trans game. My only reaction is this....🤢🤮😠😡. Keep your Perverted WOKE, DEI, and TRANS games in your Dungeons of Evil.
@boar6615 3 месяца назад
One small detail, afaik maki should be able to give birth to a child with the ability to manipulate cursed energy, as toji could she just doesn't want to settle
@baines803 3 месяца назад
Ff14 hype