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TheMonarchofDragons Best Moments of 2023
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5 месяцев назад
@leonides1527 2 дня назад
So that's what hornsemt says if you don't summon him
@leonides1527 5 дней назад
6:59:10 literally my first encounter too
@ctrlzee6429 14 дней назад
This is the first review-type content I've actually watched all the way through without getting bored. I'm shocked that this doesn't have more views! Keep up the good work, you've earned a sub
@rileymoore7025 14 дней назад
People might not remember this about World, but back on release, a lot of vets gave it flack for having too much quality of life (replacing paintballs with scoutflies, weapon trees, modernized skill sets, infinite whetstone, removed gathering items, etc.) which is ironic given how successful and widely praised World was at the time. I can't deny Handler was probably the worst part of World (my friend literally quit the game because of her + no femboys but that's an unrelated issue).
@Sokko325 14 дней назад
Who calls World a 'hidden gem'?
@Lord-of-something 14 дней назад
Might actually not watch all the trailers this time just so i dont get roster "spoiled" ik my own fault. Must watch the gameplay trailer tho that interests me quite a bit.
@Indi_51 14 дней назад
18:19 like Pokemon...
@Indi_51 14 дней назад
im super glad underwater combat isnt back
@plus-delta4477 14 дней назад
My personal theory for why the trailers are the way they are they are is because the game is further away than we probably assume it is. They are withholding lots of information because there's still a lot of development to be done. The game might be coming out in summer or even fall, instead of the beginning of the year like World did.
@pommedeter7407 14 дней назад
It might be the copium talking but I don’t think so. Because if the release was further away, I think it would be smarter to wait a bit before showing off trailers. The fact we got a trailer and then another right after, and another one scheduled for August, it’s a very fast paced rhythm, and to me that indicates that the game will probably come out in the beginning of 2025 otherwise they’d spread it out more
@Mezworld 15 дней назад
I'm slightly disappointed in how derivative the skeletons are in the shown monsters; the amphibian has a very out of place rajang structure, and the sandworm wyverns are not true snake wyverns. Nevertheless, the crew this time look like they're trying to go as extreme as they can with the skeletons they got, and make some freaky monsters while still remaining grounded.
@vvinterfiower 15 дней назад
the sandworms literally aren't snake wyverns though. they're leviathans. it's stated as such on the official Wilds website.
@Mezworld 15 дней назад
@@vvinterfiower I know, it just would've been more interesting if they were snake wyverns or true legless monsters imo. Being Leviathans almost seems like a compromise
@plus-delta4477 14 дней назад
Counter argument: Instead of just reusing the regular amphibian skeleton for the frog, they made it visibly more distinct from the Tetsucabra. Zamtrios and Tetronadon, while still being an amphibian. And it doesn't seem like the sand creatures are intended to be worms or snakes, as they seem to be going for a more agile type of animal, so the leviathan skeleton works well.
@Mezworld 14 дней назад
@@plus-delta4477 hey, snakes are agile!
@konchu4u608 15 дней назад
I admit my longing for older mechanics and monster hunter games. I would love to see a modern monster hunter game try to focus as hard on the survival and collection aspect of the first game. I would be delighted to see underwater combat come back. But I've also grown to realize that, more than that, I value new experiences. I had no idea Monster Hunter could be so detailed and full of life before World. I had no idea how engaging the fights could be before Iceborne. Rise was extremely fun, and Sunbreak showed light on the potential for Monster Hunter narratives to be interesting. I'm really excited for what new directions the series will take, and to be honest, I want to be pushed out of my comfort zone, like World did for me.
@konchu4u608 15 дней назад
Another thing I remember when World came out. I remember the community being known for being particularly nice, but it got noticably more toxic after the game came out, but that's not entirely on fault of the new players. In fact I blame the elitism, stubborness, and contrarian of some of the veterans.
@TheMonarchofDragons 14 дней назад
There have always been toxic elements and elitism to be fair; I still remember back when 4U trailers came out on some IGN videos that there were quite a few comments from "veterans" showing elitism, but yeah it is definitely more noticeable nowadays. I'll still standby that the toxicity is nothing compared to fandoms like League and that as a whole there is still a lot more good than bad, but it can feel like the opposite often times with just how much the playerbase has bloated in 5th gen. It was a huge growth spurt at the start with many being accepted, some veterans trying to stick their nose and shame the newer players, and then some letting their complaints and salt fester in Rotten Vale-esque cesspits like the Monster Hunter Rage Reddit. All of this only got more noticeable when Iceborne came out introducing what expansions were like; with controversies like Clutch Claw, Alatreon, and Fatalis, and then Rise which broke the community down even further because so many new players were unfamiliar with the portable styled games, worried that this is what the franchise will be from this point onwards. Which I will be one to admit, I myself also felt at certain points just from how I grew to dislike playing it but that's a story for another time. There's a lot of growing pains all in all for Monster Hunter with this newfound popularity, and it does suck how each new game announcement or release just brings out the worst for both the new players and especially veterans. There are definitely still very welcoming circles and people who are more than happy to introduce newcomers like HeyJay to the series, just gotta find them and stick to them I feel.
@vvinterfiower 15 дней назад
@vvinterfiower 15 дней назад
i take it back this video's not an L the comments are
@JaxDaHax1 15 дней назад
Twitter thread aged like milk
@jafartext8229 15 дней назад
I think the ecology and gameplay are equally important. They go hand-in-hand. Ecology influences the monster design, which influences the gameplay, and the intentions of the gameplay go into the design. They’re in a way meant to mutually help each other. Sure, a monster can breathe fire, but there should be a reason that the monster gains fire breathing as an adaptation. A great example of ecology and gameplay becoming one is khezu. Khezu was designed to live and be fought in damp caves. It has the adaptations to live in caves, which lets it climb on walls and is the reason why khezu isn’t meant to be a fast monster. The electric abilities were intentional, as the damp cave environment is more conductive than a much drier environment. It may also help the khezu paralyze its prey, as it’s not the fastest monster. Even if khezu isn’t the greatest fight, it’s a great example of how the two aspects of the franchise go hand-in-hand to make the unique monster hunter experience.
@dhisufiroa1957 15 дней назад
Speaking of variety, Chatacabra looks like he's using Garangolm skeleton and also used it's charge move. I would like to see more of that. Imagine a Flying Wyvern that had a bit of a Brute Wyvern skeleton, heck they almost did that with Nergigante if I'm correct. They were going classify it as a Elder Dragon. We're pretty much starting to see some Elder Dragon's use regular/small monster skeleton. We have Kirin, Inagami, and Kulve Taroth.
@vvinterfiower 15 дней назад
two things 1) can you elaborate on the Nergigante point? he literally is an elder dragon and uses a skeleton similar to that of anothr Elder Dragon, the Magalas, albeit modified to have standard wings. 2) with those Elders you mentioned that use "standard monster skeletons" only one of them is modern. Kirin has been around since the first or second generation while Inagami is an early Frontier monster. most of the actually modern Elder Dragons have been using the usual dragon skeleton or even the magala skeleton but modified in some form. the exception to this in the form of using "standard" monster skeletons is, again, kulve, the serpents, and depending on how you define recent, amatsu.
@dhisufiroa1957 15 дней назад
I legit forgot to add the serpents and Amatsu. And for Nergigante, it was his previous design. It looked like a Deviljho with wings. That's where the Flying Wyvern with a Brute Wyvern skeleton idea popped in head
@blastshooter8791 15 дней назад
After watching Maxmillion dudes video of the game play, the monster, and ecology. I am hyped for the demo! Also I agree with you monarch on the minimalist approach Capcom is taken with this game trailers over what they did with sunbreak.
@maddo-hq9jr 16 дней назад
Absolutely agree on your take on "the true soul of Monster Hunter games". All generations are unique. I started out with Tri And I liked underwater fighting after getting used to and I'm also ok with that we probably never see it again. We will always get something new. ✌
@GojiraFan-in9oo 16 дней назад
I don't believe Mr. Railgun Boi is the flagship of the game. He's CONFIRMED to be the apex creature of this map, but he wasn't really presented as a flagship
@TheMonarchofDragons 16 дней назад
I literally made a text edit of that fact to correct past me, I know.
@SandroGuzelj 17 дней назад
OK sorry für being a Party pooper but to me this doesnt Look right. Ist Missing the mh Charm and instead Looks Like generic Fantasy world no748.
@taicyrrussell1333 24 дня назад
What about the weapon switching? That may have been mentioned but I didn’t hear it.
@natbvm1880 24 дня назад
The new world was USA, the Forbidden Lands is Canada. It's all there if you know what you're looking for
@andreamassari7954 25 дней назад
Since we know that the biomes will have dynamic climate, I think this is the best opportunity to bring back underwater combat. I can imagine a saltwater swamp or an island that get flooded when the tide is high, allowing aquatic monsters to access the zone. I know I'm coping, but c'mon
@jockpackage1770 25 дней назад
4:21 in an interview, during World's later news cycle, a question was asked about the discrepancy between 2 maps in game maps of The New World. those 2 maps being this one that is used in game, to choose expedition locations, and the one shown in universe in 3 locations. these locations being; on the table where the commander is in Astera, in your third quarters in the base game on one of the walls, and again on the meeting room table in the Iceborne base/town. in this interview the team answered that the map in these 3 locations in game is the correct one and that the interface map is roughly only half of the New World. with this in mind and how we have a bunch of nods to World with slingers, handler, and the like, there's a real possibility or even likelihood that the Forbidden Lands is this other half of the New World. in the original map of the entire Monster Hunter world, that is almost 20 years old now, we pretty much know the continent to the west is the New World and half of that land in that map is covered in clouds. this may be early concepts and a reference to the storms and hazardous weather conditions we will see in Wilds.
@JDLT420 25 дней назад
Brother it was less than a week ago you’re not late
@Vortex-hn8xh 25 дней назад
praying we get mhr combat and mobilty and mhw everything else
@hugo-pg5tv 25 дней назад
Fck the rise combat
@Malaluna_ 25 дней назад
Multiple zones have been confirmed. It's not open world.
@hugo-pg5tv 25 дней назад
Having multiple zones doesn't mean it ain't open world tho. Think of elden ring for example. It got multiple different regions nd places but it is still open world.
@Malaluna_ 25 дней назад
​@@hugo-pg5tv I know where you're coming from, but there will be hard loading screens I assume, it will be like World, but the areas will be bigger. So that isn't open world, since the overworld isn't seamless. Like, the zones are almost certainly on the same continent, and unlike games like Elden Ring and for example Skyrim, where only the caves/city's and the Solheim isle requires a loading screen instead of background rendering. It has also been confirmed on the JP site that the game has zones as usual.
@hugo-pg5tv 24 дня назад
@@Malaluna_ so what about the jumping skips in the trailer? That can be ways of getting to different zones. I would like it to be like world tho since open world in monster hunter would be weird imo.
@Malaluna_ 24 дня назад
@@hugo-pg5tv you know how in ancient Forrest in World there is a bit you push away vines or the bit you swim through. I think it's pretty much that. Just a shortcut through the locale.
@hugo-pg5tv 24 дня назад
@@Malaluna_ can be a way to a different locale tho. We don't 100% if it will be open world or not.
@ToonTrill 25 дней назад
we are so back
@hugo-pg5tv 26 дней назад
Monster hunter wilds 100% got some connections with the tale of the five. Just looking at the icon for the game shows it.
@khaild7856 26 дней назад
If you have watched the Monster hunter movie release 2022 you will notice the concept of sand waste land, sandstorm, lightning thunder environment is somewhat similar to the movie. Idk if that was related to the main storyline CAPCOM has for MH but if it was then I think we together with Nata will be looking for his relatives who got lost in some portals to another dimension. I know that sounds insane being placed in a MH game but until I saw those pilars in the first trailer that have ancient civilization symbols, I think it could be real
@jamescampbell4416 26 дней назад
I thought there was a map in the private suite im astera that shows the map of the whole new world continent and that we only have seen half of it
@hugo-pg5tv 25 дней назад
At the table of seliana too. Half of the map haven't gotten any research done to it. It is to the right of the map we know about.
@werecoth 26 дней назад
The info that was on the Japanese sight indicates that monsters become wounded when you repeatedly attack the same part of a monster. The red scoutflies marking the wounds lets you know when you can switch to focus mode to exploit them with follow up attacks for massive damage. Also worth noting the Greatsword "Charge" uses the Slinger Hook to help pull the hunter Towards the monster.
@chito2701 26 дней назад
it seems the new FOCUS MODE mechanic is basically a lock on mode with tenderizing and silk bind moves combine together, which indicates that it has a long cooldown.
@hugo-pg5tv 26 дней назад
There is no cooldown.
@djdedan 25 дней назад
Japanese site has a lot of more info on focus mode, look closely to great sword footage and you’ll see he used the clutch claw to close the distance. Focus mode is most likely a refinement of the clutch claw system. But now wounding is just done by attacking instead of scratching. And now clutch moves like lances and great sword had in world are probably reintroduced and reformed but we shall see.
@Cpt-kaiju 26 дней назад
I think the seikret will pick you up depending on if the monster is about to attack you or not so if it hit a combo on you you can escape and recover but it won’t save you from taking damage
@JaxDaHax1 26 дней назад
Oogy boogy
@frostdragonheart2500 26 дней назад
very nice analysis. Better late than never!
@TheMonarchofDragons 26 дней назад
Glad you enjoyed the video man, and thanks!
@leonides1527 26 дней назад
Baby pukei. We vibin
@blastshooter8791 26 дней назад
I am really curious about the summer game fest trailer they are going to drop and how they're going to implement everything but overall it looks really interesting.
@kairunikko 26 дней назад
They might reintroduce the characters cause we didn't know all about them other than their names and their roles.
@GojiraFan-in9oo 26 дней назад
"He's so ugly I love him"
@Joltments 26 дней назад
Doesn’t matter if it’s late, it’s still great.
@vvinterfiower Месяц назад
4:51:46 the incident.
@vvinterfiower Месяц назад
for the record i'd say it again.
@burneracount9920 Месяц назад
peacocks where Hera's favorite animal, she gave peacocks the eyes they have on their tails, after one of her servants (a giant with a hundred eyes) died.
@blankblank6214 Месяц назад
Give them zenith blights for sure
@voxelheart Месяц назад
On repels, I think it was mostly refering to non-seige like fights, where Kushala or Teostra, etc, would only have 35 minutes to hunt. Recently soloing through 4U, repels felt great as soloing the G rank elders was a serious challenge, and the repel made me sigh a breath of relief when they did happen, and the tension knowing whether the monster would or wouldnt be repelled prior to the timer expiring was tense. As long as the timer was reduced for Elder Dragon hunts, I think a repel would work even without nerfing the hunter or giving the monsters HP bloat.
@TheMonarchofDragons Месяц назад
Yeah I was aware of it being largely in context to Elders like Kushala and Teostra, was just mainly thinking of any instances from my experience where I outright felt the effects of a repel. Had a recent instance post-upload with Rusted Kush while out on this road trip, and idk… just didn’t really feel anything besides disappointment. Mainly cause I still had another 10 minutes left in the quest yet it decided to cut me off and say “nope, repel”. If the repel stated when it would happen (based on I assume how much health was left at that point) I would feel better perhaps.
@eclipzex77 Месяц назад
Calmest and most tolerant Wirebug hater
@TheMonarchofDragons Месяц назад
Heh, you know it.
@josecuriel8962 Месяц назад
Which one is this?
@dianslabbert504 Месяц назад
Just some minor corrections on my comment. In the gen 2 games it was Kirin, Loa and Yama Tsukami that didn't have the repel mechanic. The first time non-ED monsters appeared with an ED normally was actually in MH1. The small monsters native to the (Old) Swamp appeared alongside Kirin in its quest so I guess they didn't think about that lore element yet. In 4th gen only Rusted Kushala in 4U kept the gen 2 repel mechanic, appearing only between the Town and Polar Field maps. As for the thing you said about other monsters appearing alongside EDs, specifically for WI, to show off the turf war mechanic is a valid one. Though it doesn't help much that the only monsters that can do turf wars with EDs are other EDs, Rajang, Savage Jho and both Odogarons with Blackveil Vaal specifically. It was kind of useless for other large monsters to be there as they would just roar at them and then flee. Which is lore accurate with them fleeing, but it would been a nice if the other Apexes of the maps (Rathalos, Legiana and Diablos) could have turf wars with their local Elder like Odogaron has with both Vaals. A turf war between Rathalos vs Kushala could at least end with Kushala getting guaranteed poisoned and some damage before blowing Rathalos away with a tornado. A turf war between Legiana vs Kirin or Namielle could show it trying to use it aerial superiority against them getting in some talon slashes on them before being blasted with electricity. A turf war between Diablos vs Teostra could start with Diablos charging at it .Teostra avoids the attack and Diablos digs into the ground only for it to be then blasted out of the earth by a super nova.
@TheMonarchofDragons Месяц назад
Neat. Interesting about Yama though cause iirc from my time in Frontier: he could actually be repelled, though it was a very different fight structure with ascending up the tower and fighting him at the top. Funny you mention Rusted Kush cause I ended up timing out to him in 4U recently because he’s a bastard lol. And yeah: seeing more things contend with Elder’s, even if they aren’t Elder Level would be nice to see more of in the future. Even if they don’t win or land a hit in, just seeing more of that dynamic would be an improved continuation with the Turf Wars.
@dianslabbert504 Месяц назад
@@TheMonarchofDragons Yama first appeared in MH 2 and it is a siege hunt. In different stages of the fight, it ascends the tower as its health depletes and the final stage is at the pinnacle. So like Loa I think it could be repelled there too, but it didn't keep its health. There is also a very rare event in MH2 that it can appear in the Gen 2 Jungle's camp area from behind the waterfalls and it flies away. Freedom Unite is Yama's only in-game appearance outside of Japan. Where it is designated to a single new area which was made for it and had to be killed in a single quest. Why it was changed for Portable 2G/Freedom Unite I do not know. Maybe they wanted Blademasters to have a better time with it or maybe the PSP had performance issues with it. I'm not at all familiar with its Frontier incarnation other than I heard it gets an aura which makes it immune to ranged weapons and it probably gets bunch new attacks to keep with Frontier power creep at the time it was introduced. I also Yama Kurai exists which I believe is Burst or Origin species. If your recent experience happened solo on 3DS after the online shutdown 4U there is no shame in that. Rusted Kushala is very much intended to be a team effort endeavour. 4th gen G-rank is extremely brutal towards solo players and perhaps the most brutal in the entire main line series. If 4U is ever ported to newer consoles I hope they can add player number scaling of the 5th gen games
@thefinalskarm1754 Месяц назад
world daora's special ability you die of old age
@AdamSanslerREAL Месяц назад
You know me, Capcom should bring back underwater combat oh yeeeees baby!
@athos9293 Месяц назад
Small list of monsters that use the exact same skeleton: Khezu and Gypceros Astalos and Rathian Kelbi and Kirin Gore Magala and Valstrax Zamtrios and Tetsucabra as you all can see, the reutilization of previously existing skeletons in the making of new monsters illustrates a SEVERE lack of ideas and creativity, since all of the monster pairs listed above play out homogeneously. Gore and Valstrax specially, the second is litteraly just a RESKIN RECOLOR MONSTER X AND MONSTER Y WALK INTO A BAR version of the first. Shame.
@maldivesthegamer9774 Месяц назад
Making new skeletons would be required a ton of time and resources and using the same skeleton doesn't mean they are uncreative like gore and valstrax that you mentioned one is dragon that it wing as extra set of arm and other one use it wing as spear or turbo to fly in high speed(I argue making new creatures with the same skeleton is harder than just new designs) and most monsters that share skeletons are related in some way
@athos9293 Месяц назад
@@maldivesthegamer9774 I tried to make the irony more obvious by using capslock satire. But yeah what you said is true and also what i in fact defend.
@athos9293 Месяц назад
@@maldivesthegamer9774 and by a ton of resources you could have delved deeper into the topic by mentioning that making a new skeleton means they have to animate everything down to the "monster is stunned while stuck in a pitfall trap" and etc