Sunni Dawah
Sunni Dawah
Sunni Dawah
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@GAMING24HOURS693 День назад
'barelvis" not deobandi
@R-Righteous 2 дня назад
Mohammed was never mentioned in the tora or the new testament
@seljakizgruda 3 дня назад
when a pdf is your personal hero😂
@rafeeqaboobacker9103 9 дней назад
Of course only now you are realizing it. Real Ahle sunnah Wal jamaah sunni sufi Muslims also known as bareilvis in northern India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh etc because of imam Ahmed Rida khan who opposed and refuted the heretic beliefs of salafi ahle hadeeth jamaat e Islami deobandi tableegi jamaat wahabi najdi bidatis. Deobandi calls them selves as hanfis but in reality their aqeedah beliefs are ibn taymiyan wahabi najdi beliefs. They are Ahle bidaha Wal dalah also known as salafi ahle hadeeth jamaat e Islami deobandi tableegi jamaat wahabi najdis. We ahle sunnah Wal jamaah sunni sufi bareilvis Muslims follows Awliya allah, Ahle bait, Sahaba kiram And Beloved Rasoolullahi salla Allah alaihi wassalam. Labayk labayk labayk ya rasooluallah salla allahu alaihi wassalam.
@BixtaDub 10 дней назад
The truth has always been the same; that One inconceivable "Thing" (call It God) exists within and throughout all things. It can not be named, nor can any image accurately portray It. It's true name and image exists within the creation itself, and with the grace and guidance of a being who has realised this truth (Sat Guru), It can be experienced and realised. God is everything and everything is God, but the ego makes us believe we are separate. Even from a quantum physics prospective, quantum fields permeate throughout the universe and all things in existence are our mind's observable perception of these vibrating quantum fields. Some say that the experience and realisation of God is subjective, but at a deeper level, all experience is subjective. How do you know that we are seeing the same colour when we look at grass, for example? What you call green and what I call green could be two completely different colours (we've both just gotten used to calling that colour "green"), but the objective truth of the the grass' existence, despite it's colour, would be agreed and realised by us both. Similarly, it would be like going to the beach. I could describe to you how the sand would feel on your feet and what the sea breeze would smell like, or you could go and experience it for yourself. Both of our experiences at the beach would be subjective (I might like it, you might dislike it), but the objective truth of the beach's existence could not be denied. The ocean wave is fundamentally a part of the ocean, it is not something separate. The ego of the mind separates them in an attempt to understand what's going on. It is all a part of the play. You could analogise the idea that God exists within all things (including us) to an atom making up all the different things we see around us, yet also being able to take no form and just exist as an atom, similar to how before creation, there was only God. What did God make everything out of? Everything is made out of God, and is God. Some would say that there are many different types of atoms (deities) and some would say the atom is broken down into the "up quark", "down quark" and "electron" (Trinity). But fundamentally, the atom and all it's components arise from vibrating quantum fields. The atom doesn't fundamentally exist, only the quantum fields exist. Similarly, only God exists and all of creation is God experiencing itself. It could be taken one step further, since String Theory and Gurbani are extremely analogous (but we might be here a while lol). Others believe that the atom exists separately from matter (Allah and Yahweh), but the truth of the matter (pun intended) is that the atom has to make up said matter from within. In this way, God exists within, and fundamentally is, the creation. The Guru Granth Sahib is a poetic and musical explanation of this truth. Before Guru Nanak Dev Ji's time, this truth still existed and it will continue to exist when the Earth and human beings are long gone. Guru Arjan Dev ji compiled the Guru Granth Sahib from the poetry of the previous Guru's and other Bhagats before them, who had also realised this truth. The importance of adding the poetry of other Hindu and Muslim Bhagats, who predated Guru Nanak, was to show that this truth can be realised by anyone. To show that fundamentally there is no Hindu nor Muslim (and by extension, no other religions either), there is only God. How does a pilgrimage to Kaaba differ from a pilgrimage to Kashi. How does the ritual of circumcision as a mark of faith differ from the wearing of a thread? What does it matter if you call God Ram or Rahim, if the essesence of the truth hasn't been realised? The arguement then arises that the Guru Granth Sahib is just an amalgamation of other scriptures and that the evidence of this can be seen in the use of words and ideas from within those other scriptures. Had Guru Nanak been born in ancient Greece, he would have used analogies of the Greek gods and misguided people would have said he believed in the Greek pantheon of gods. The Guru Granth Sahib presents the realisation of the truth in it's own unique way. Written as poetry across several languages and sang in Raag, the experience and realisation of Ek Ounkar (the One inconceivable God that exists within) can be attained by anyone through the words of the Guru Granth Sahib. You don't have to change your religion or start performing rituals. In fact, the idea is to abandon religion and rituals and turn towards this truth. Truth is high, but higher still is truthful living. Living through this truth while practicing contentment, humility and compassion, all the while dismissing lust, anger, greed, attachment and pride, is in of itself the realisation of God. If someone believes that Allah (which translates to "The God") exists separately from the creation, then how does that differ from other creator deity gods, like Brahma for example? In this case, the idea that Allah was not created and has always been, is part of the truth. What's missing is that Allah exists within, not separately. The Vedas have the concept of Paramatma, which is part of the truth. However, many wordly rites and rituals are performed around this concept, including idol worship and reclusing to mountains. What's missing is living in society while practicing truth, contentment, humility, compassion and love in the absence of; lust, anger, greed, attachment and pride. The question of "why did this truth only come 500 years ago?" is misguided. This truth has been around since before the beginning and countless beings have spoken and written about aspects of it from time immemorial. Loazi wrote about the Toa, the Vedas speak about Naam, and the Quran speaks about the One, but none were able to encapsulate the entire truth; that the Naam of the One inconceivable Tao exists within. So how is this truth realised? The Guru Granth Sahib shows that the constant remembrance and meditation on Ek Ounkar (the One inconceivable God that exists within and throughout all creation), along with the practice of; truth, contentment, humility, compassion and faith, whilst in the absence of; lust, anger, greed, attachment and pride, will lead to a removal of ego (the illusion of separation) and a realisation of Ek Ounkar. Akaal hi Akaal Gurbar Akaal Sacha Sauda hi Akaal. Bhul chuk maaf.
@munawarshahafridi7921 11 дней назад
Those who deny the physical existence of Allah on A'rsh are Mushrek. From the basic aqaids ( Wahdatul Wajud and Wahdatul Hulul ) of deobandi and barelvi, it is obvious they are Mushrek except those who repented from these aqaids. 😮😮😮
@suhaylpervez8653 13 дней назад
May Allah bless brother shamsi
@LasiKonta 14 дней назад
Thank you brother
@ohj-ms4nc 18 дней назад
This guy is all blah blah blah call CP and we will laugh together.
@abdullahessa7854 24 дня назад
Shamsi got same behaviors toward hism as jewish rabbinic judaikkka In fact it's just a linguistic coincidence. "God" derives from an Old German word, "guthan". Dog on the other hand is a fairly recent word whose origins have been described as "one of the great mysteries of English etymology".Mar 21, 2012In fact it's just a linguistic coincidence. "God" derives from an Old German word, "guthan". Dog on the other hand is a fairly recent word whose origins have been described as "one of the great mysteries of English etymology".Mar 21, 2012Let's see why do you think adam was forgiven but still cursed in judaikkka biblios (let's look) To Adam he said, "Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, `You must not eat of it,' "Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life. God did forgive Adam and Eve. He forgave them when He killed an animal and clothed them with their skins. But the damage had already been done. Their sin was forgiven, but the consequences of their sin ruined the human race.Nov 10, 2023 Now reasons Much of the accumulating wisdom of scholarship today seems to agree: rabbinic Judaism has “its own special mix of unflattering allusions to the color and character of dark-skinned Africans,” it “associates darkness of hue with sin, slavery, and savagery,” and it is where one finds a “growth of Jewish lore demeaning the Negro.”9 In its “depth of anti-Blackness,” rabbinic Judaism “suggests how repugnant blacks were to the chosen people,” and how the Jews viewed Blacks “as the people devoid of ultimate worth and redeeming social human value.”10 The term Adam آدم is a word that most are oblivious to. Most only know that Adam is the father of mankind but they do not know that it is a term used for a specific colour and that the colour is a very dark colour. It is also a very commonly used term in classical Arabic and one of the colours used to describe what the original Arabs looked like. What's ALLAH swt say...MashaALLAH....without ALLAH swt jewery would have wiped blackmales out...currently trying though Allah did forgive Adam for his mistake. In Islamic theology, it is believed that Allah (God) forgave Adam (AS) after he and his wife Eve (Hawwa) ate the forbidden fruit in Paradise.Feb 24, 2023Much of the accumulating wisdom of scholarship today seems to agree: rabbinic Judaism has “its own special mix of unflattering allusions to the color and character of dark-skinned Africans,” it “associates darkness of hue with sin, slavery, and savagery,” and it is where one finds a “growth of Jewish lore demeaning the Negro.”9 In its “depth of anti-Blackness,” rabbinic Judaism “suggests how repugnant blacks were to the chosen people,” and how the Jews viewed Blacks “as the people devoid of ultimate worth and redeeming social human value.”10
@rafeeqaboobacker9103 27 дней назад
Shirk is not possible in ummah now and verdict for those who accuse others of shirk Accusation of Shirk Hudhaifa i.e. Ibn al Yaman (ra) said that the Prophet (saw) said: Verily, I fear about a man from you who will read the Qur'an so much that his face will become enlightened and he will come to personify Islam. This will continue until Allah desires. Then these things will be taken away from him when he will disregard them by putting them all behind his back and will attack his neighbor with the sword accusing him of Shirk. The Prophet was asked - which of the two will be deserving of such an accusation? - The attacker or the attacked? The Prophet replied - the attacker (the one accusing the other of Shirk) [Narrated by Ibn Hibban in his Sahih, Tahqiq Nasir Albani, Volume 001, Page No. 200, Hadith Number 81] Wahabi scholar Nasir Albani said: 'this hadith is hasan' also see [Silsilat al-ahadith al-sahihah - Albani Volume 007-A, Page No. 605, Hadith Number 3201] Sahih Hadith # 1 : Proving Shirk is no longer possible narrator: uqbah bin aamir(r.a) Prophet(saw) prayed salah for martyres of uhud as he is saying farewell to both dead and live ones.then he appeared in MIMBAR and said: i am your leader,and i am witness over you,our place for meeting is HAUZ-E-KAUTHAR and i am seeing hauz-e-kauthar from here and i have no fear about you that after me you will fall in SHIRK but i fear you will fall in WORLDLY LOVe ,luuqbah(r.a) furthur said that day i saw prophet for last time. References:► sahih bukhari book:maghaazi chapter:battle of uhud ► sahih muslim book:fazail ► sunan abu daud book:kitab-al-janaiz ► musnad ahmed bin hanbal Sahih Hadith # 2 : Proving No shirk is possible in majority of ummah narrator: uqbah bin aami(r.a) Prophet said : i have no fear that you people will fall in SHIRK but i fear that you will be surrender yourself in love of WORLD and will fight among yourselves and die like it has done by people before you. References :►sahih muslim book: fazail,►tabarani majum-al kabeer Hadith #3 Translation: Allah T’ala said: And Allah will not mislead a people after He hath guided them, in order that He may make clear to them what to fear (and avoid)- for Allah hath knowledge of all things. (Al-Qur'an, 9:115) Bukhari relates from ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar (Allah be well pleased with him) "Ibn `Umar considered the Khawarij and the heretics as the worst beings in creation, and he said: They went to verses which were revealed about the disbelievers and applied them to the Believers. [Sahih Bukhari, Chapter of Killing the Khawarjites and Mulhideen, Volume No. 6, Page No. 2539] This hadith is very important and it exposes the evil nature of the extremist sect like a bright sun. You will always see them misusing the Ayahs revealed for Kufaar and applying them upon Muslims ,. Hadith no.4 Jabir reported: I heard Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) as saying: Verily, the Satan has lost all hopes that the worshippers would ever worship (him) in the peninsula of Arabia, but he (is hopeful) that he would sow the seed of dissension amongst them [Book 039, Number 6752: (Sahih Muslim)] That is exactly what Satan did through the hands of misguided sect . The Pioneer of it just like his former counterparts i.e. Khawarjis misapplied the ayahs revealed for Kufaar on Muslims and declared them Kafirs, they waged war upon the Arabian Peninsula and brutally martyred many Muslims (including scholars).
@rafeeqaboobacker9103 27 дней назад
Istigasa is allowed in Islam only Ahle bidats like salafi Ahle hadeeth Deobandi tableeghi jamaat jamaat e islami Wahabi Najdis shaitani bidatis says it is Shirk. For Salafi Wahabi Najdis has no problem in asking help from everyone like their father, mother, brother, relatives, neighbors, friends, king, boss, doctor, police, lawyer, cleaners, minsters etc they have only problem in asking help from beloveds of Allah like anbiya allah and awliya allah. Shirk is a belief that is to believe there is god other than Allah azzawajjal. Tawheed is a belief that is to believe to there is no god other than Allah azzawajjal. Istigasa means to ask help from beloveds of Allah like anbiya allah, awliya allah. Surah Al-Ma'idah - verse 55 إِنَّمَا وَلِيُّكُمُ اللّهُ وَرَسُولُهُ وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ الَّذِينَ يُقِيمُونَ الصَّلاَةَ وَيُؤْتُونَ الزَّكَاةَ وَهُمْ رَاكِعُونَ ﴿٥٥﴾ Verily, your Wali (Protector or Helper) is Allah, His Messenger, and the believers, - those who perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat), and give Zakat, and they bow down (submit themselves with obedience to Allah in prayer).55 Hilali & Khan وَمَن يَتَوَلَّ اللّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ فَإِنَّ حِزْبَ اللّهِ هُمُ الْغَالِبُونَ ﴿٥٦﴾ And whoever takes Allah and His Noble Messenger and the Muslims as friends - so undoubtedly only the party of Allah is victorious.56 Hilali & Khan
@rafeeqaboobacker9103 27 дней назад
For Salafi Ahle hadeeth Deobandi Tableeghi jamaat e islami Wahabi Najdi shaitani fools everything is shirk Calling upon anbiya Allah and awliya allah is allowed in Islam for Muslims and it is not shirk. Shirk means is to believe /consider someone else worthy of worship other than Allah or To make a partner for Allah Almighty in worship. Any ability to help anyone else is solely given by Allāh Almighty. No one can help, or do anything in general, without the consent and the Will of Allāh. Anbiya Allah and awliya allah are given spiritual powers called muajizat and karamat respectively by Allah to help creation of allah. The Prophet şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam has said, “If you lose something and you are in such a place where you don’t find anyone to help then one should say, ‘O the Servants of Allāh! Help Me! O The Servants of Allāh! Help Me! O The Servants of Allāh! Help Me!’ Since there are some servants of Allāh present there whom you do not see.” [Ţabrānī narrated from ‘Utbah Ibn Garwan rađiyAllāhu ánhu]. [12] [12] Al-Mu’jam al-Kabīr, narrated from ‘Ataba Ibn Ghazwān, Ĥadīth# 290, (Al-Maktabat al-Faisaliyya, Beirut), vol. 17, pp. 117-118. We Ahle sunnah wal jamaah (Sunni Sufi) majority of Muslims don't need British made salafi Wahabi Najdi tableeghi Deobandi Wahabi Najdi shaitani fatwas to call upon anbiya allah and awliya allah. Tableeghi Deobandi Wahabi Najdi shaitani fools stop calling Ahle sunnah wal jamaat (Sunni Sufi) Muslims as mushriks and kaafir for calling upon (istigasa) anbiya allah and awliya allah for help by misinterpreting Quran and hadith.
@rafeeqaboobacker9103 27 дней назад
Istigasa of sahabi abubakar Sideeq Radi allahu anhu , ali Radi allahu anhu and other sahabis Abu Bakr buried next to the Holy Prophet Hadrat Sayyiduna Ali - may Allah be pleased with him - narrates that, “When the time came for Hadrat Sayyiduna Abu Bakr - may Allah be pleased with him - to pass away, he then mentioned to me, ‘O Ali, when I pass away, you must give me Ghusal with the same blessed hands with which you gave Ghusal to the Holy Prophet - may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him. You must then place fragrance on me and take me to the same room in which the Holy Prophet - may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him - is buried. You should then seek permission for me to be buried there as well. If you see the door opening, then you should bury me there. Otherwise, you must bury me in the graveyard of the Muslims which is the Jannatul Baqi until Allah Almighty calls people to account.’ (In other words, until the appearance of the Day of Judgement). Hadrat Sayyiduna Ali - may Allah be pleased with him - continues, “I then performed the Ghusal and covered him with the kafan. I was the first person to stand at the door of the beloved Prophet - may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him - and seek permission. I asked in the following way, ‘O Prophet of Allah! This is Abu Bakr Siddique who seeks permission to be buried.’ Hadrat Sayyiduna Ali - may Allah be pleased with him - then narrates further, ‘I then saw the door open on its own and also heard the words, ‘Allow the Habeeb to be with the Habeeb because the Habeeb is ardently anxious to meet the Habeeb.’ (Taarikh Madina wa Dimishq by Ibn Asaakir. Lisaanul Mizaan by Imam ibn Hajr Asqalani. Al Khasaa’is Al Kubra by Imam Suyutwi. Jaami’ul Ahadith by Imam Suyutwi. Kanzul Ummaal by Imam Ali Mutaqqi. Hadraatul Quddus by Imam Badrudeen Sirhindi etc.) Hadrat Sayyiduna Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari - may Allah be pleased with him - narrates, “We took the blessed body of Hadrat Sayyiduna Abu Bakr - may Allah be pleased with him - and then knocked on the door seeking permission and also (mentioned who was present), and suddenly the door opened on its own. We had no idea who had opened the door when there was no one inside the room. However, the words of the Holy Prophet - may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him - were clearly heard where he mentioned that we should enter and also bury (the eminent Sahabi).” (Nafhaatul Uns by Imam Jaami) Sayyidah Ayesha - may Allah be pleased with her - narrates, “When Hadrat Sayyiduna Abu Bakr - may Allah be pleased with him - passed away, there were certain companions who mentioned that he should be buried among the Martyrs, (in other words, in the blessed graveyard of Jannatul Baqi). I had also mentioned that he should be buried in the same room as the Holy Prophet - may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him. In other words, there was confusion in this regard. However, in my dream, I heard a voice saying to me, ‘Allow the friend to join with the friend.’ When I awoke, I realised that everyone present had also heard this voice. Even the people in the Masjid heard these words.’” (Shawaahidun Nubuwah by Imam Jami; Hadraatul Qudus by Imam Badrudeen Sirhindi) It is recorded that when the time came for the passing of Hadrat Sayyiduna Abu Bakr - may Allah be pleased with him - then he called the blessed Ashaab and informed them, “When I pass away and you have completed my Ghusal and other actions, then you must present me in front of the door of that room in which the Holy Prophet - may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him - is resting. You must then stop and say the words, ‘As Salaamo Alaika Ya Rasoolallah. This is Abu Bakr Siddique who seeks permission to enter.’ If you receive permission and the door which is closed is opened, then you should take me inside and bury me there. If you do not receive permission then you should take me to Jannatul Baqi and bury me there.” The blessed Ashaab did exactly this. When they presented themselves in front of the door, the lock fell to the ground on its own and the door opened on its own and from the blessed room a voice was heard which declared, “Allow the Habeeb to enter with the Habeeb because the Habeeb is ardently anxious to meet the Habeeb.” (Shawaahidun Nubuwah by Imam Jaami) Among the miracles of Hadrat Sayyiduna Abu Bakr - may Allah be pleased with him - is that when his Janazah was carried and placed in front of the door (of the room in which the Holy Prophet - may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him - lies buried), and it was mentioned, “As Salaamo Alaika Ya Rasoolullah. This is Abu Bakr who seeks permission (to enter and be buried)”. The closed door opened on its own and from the blessed grave of the Holy Prophet - may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him - a voice was heard declaring, “Allow the Habeeb to join the Habeeb”. (Tafseer Kabeer by Imam Razi; Tafseer Nishapuri by Imam Ahmed bin Mohammed Nishapuri) A Miraculous Grace [karama] for Ameer ul-Mu’mineen, Sayyiduna Abu Bakr As-Siddiq رضي الله عنه | Truthfulness until death It was narrated that when Sayyiduna Abu Bakr As-Siddiq رضي الله عنه was on his deathbed, he told all in attendance, “When I die and you finish preparing my body for the grave, then carry me until you stand before the door of the house in which the grave of the Prophet ﷺ is contained and announce, “Peace be upon you, O Messenger of Allah. This here is Abu Bakr seeking permission (to enter and be buried beside you).” If permission is granted to you whereby the door that was sealed with a lock becomes unlocked (before your eyes), then enter me into the room and bury me (next to him ﷺ). But if you are granted no such permission and the door is not opened for you, then take me out to the Baqi’ [the burial place of Madinah next to the Haram] and bury me there.” When (he finally passed away and they finished preparing his body for the burial, they did as they were told and) they stood before the sealed door to the room in which the Prophet’s ﷺ grave was contained, and they called out as he told them to. Before their very eyes the lock on the door opened up (as if) by itself and fell to the floor. Then a Voice from the grave answered them saying, “Enter and bring the beloved to his beloved, for truly the beloved misses his beloved.” ___ Narrated by Ibn ‘Asakir in his Tarikh, and ar-Razi recorded it in his Tafsir, and as-Safuri in Nuzhatul Majalis and al-Halabi in his Sira an-Nabawiyya.
@rafeeqaboobacker9103 27 дней назад
Istigasa and tawassul by sahabi Usman bin hunaif Radi allahu anhu Jami` at-Tirmidhi 3578 `Uthman bin Hunaif narrated that a blind man came to the Prophet (ﷺ) and said: “Supplicate to Allah to heal me.” He (ﷺ) said: “If you wish I will supplicate for you, and if you wish, you can be patient, for that is better for you.” He said: “Then supplicate to Him.” He said: “So he ordered him to perform Wudu’ and to make his Wudu’ complete, and to supplicate with this supplication: ‘O Allah, I ask You and turn towards You by Your Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), the Prophet of Mercy. Indeed, I have turned to my Lord, by means of You, concerning this need of mine, so that it can be resolved, so O Allah so accept his intercession for me (Allāhumma innī as’aluka wa atawajjahu ilaika binabiyyka Muḥammadin nabi-ir-raḥmati, innī tawajjahtu bika ila rabbī fī ḥājatī hādhihī lituqḍā lī, Allāhumma fashaffi`hu fīyya).’” حَدَّثَنَا مَحْمُودُ بْنُ غَيْلاَنَ، حَدَّثَنَا عُثْمَانُ بْنُ عُمَرَ، حَدَّثَنَا شُعْبَةُ، عَنْ أَبِي جَعْفَرٍ، عَنْ عُمَارَةَ بْنِ خُزَيْمَةَ بْنِ ثَابِتٍ، عَنْ عُثْمَانَ بْنِ حُنَيْفٍ، أَنَّ رَجُلاً، ضَرِيرَ الْبَصَرِ أَتَى النَّبِيَّ صلى الله عليه وسلم فَقَالَ ادْعُ اللَّهَ أَنْ يُعَافِيَنِي ‏.‏ قَالَ ‏"‏ إِنْ شِئْتَ دَعَوْتُ وَإِنْ شِئْتَ صَبَرْتَ فَهُوَ خَيْرٌ لَكَ ‏"‏ ‏.‏ قَالَ فَادْعُهُ ‏.‏ قَالَ فَأَمَرَهُ أَنْ يَتَوَضَّأَ فَيُحْسِنَ وُضُوءَهُ وَيَدْعُوَ بِهَذَا الدُّعَاءِ ‏"‏ اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ وَأَتَوَجَّهُ إِلَيْكَ بِنَبِيِّكَ مُحَمَّدٍ نَبِيِّ الرَّحْمَةِ إِنِّي تَوَجَّهْتُ بِكَ إِلَى رَبِّي فِي حَاجَتِي هَذِهِ لِتُقْضَى لِي اللَّهُمَّ فَشَفِّعْهُ فِيَّ ‏"‏ ‏.‏ قَالَ هَذَا حَدِيثٌ حَسَنٌ صَحِيحٌ غَرِيبٌ لاَ نَعْرِفُهُ إِلاَّ مِنْ هَذَا الْوَجْهِ مِنْ حَدِيثِ أَبِي جَعْفَرٍ وَهُوَ غَيْرُ الْخَطْمِيِّ وَعُثْمَانُ بْنُ حُنَيْفٍ هُوَ أَخُو سَهْلِ بْنِ حُنَيْفٍ ‏.‏ Grade: Sahih (Darussalam) Reference : Jami` at-Tirmidhi 3578 In-book reference : Book 48, Hadith 209 English translation : Vol. 6, Book 46, Hadith 3578
@rafeeqaboobacker9103 27 дней назад
Istigasa of sahabi Khaled ibn Waleed and army of sahabi Radi allahu anhum ajamaeen Hafiz Ibn-e-Kathir (ra) writes, "During the Battle of Yamama, the slogan of the Muslims was "Ya Muhammada" (O Muhammad Help us). He writes, "During the Battle of Yamama, Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed picked up the flag at the shahadat of Hazrat Hanifa (RA)and leaving the troops behind proceeded towards the mountain of Musailma Kazaab and waited of when he will come and he will slay him. Thereafter, he returned and stood between the the two armies and said in a loud voice: "I am the son of Waleed. I am the son of Amir O Zaid." .....Then he proclaimed the slogan of the Muslims and in those days, "Ya Muhammada" (O Muhammad Help us) was their battle cry.” [Al Badaya Wa Nahaya] -- Hafiz Ibn Kathir, Imam al-Tabari and Ibn Athir wrote that: During the caliphate of Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) there was a battle against the false prophet Musaylima. When the battle commenced, the Muslims lost their footing, at which Khalid bin Walid (may Allah be pleased with him) and the rest of the Companions called out, “Ya Muhammad!” and proceeded to win the battle. [Tarikh al-Tabari, Tarikh Ibn Kathir and Tarikh Qamil by Imam Tabari and Hafiz Ibn Kathir, under chapter Musaylima kadab] --
@ayeshaahmed5719 Месяц назад
Singh didn't have no argument,,, give him a glassy and sit down
@UzochukwuChinwuba-td6zs Месяц назад
One way ticket to hell for the young lady
@syedbukhari683 Месяц назад
Shamsi is the man who command on his subject Allah bless him
@Sky-net7 Месяц назад
Can you send me some unholy Qurans? I am out of toilet paper for the next pandemic. Pliz braza
@Sky-net7 Месяц назад
5.3K likes, 4.9K dislikes 😝 Lala blahblah! Abloblblblblblilah
@Sky-net7 Месяц назад
Lala blahblah! Lala blahblah! HumulidadalalalahhhawawaHhh Free Free farmed salmon! Farmed salmon will be free from the river to the sea. Lala blahblah! Lala blahblah! Hdhejdjshskdjdooolilaaa
@YousufS16 Месяц назад
watch boi
@indersingh8909 Месяц назад
Shamsi is clealry fooling the Sikh gentleman. He says that Quran is giving reference to all the previous prophets King David, Moses etc as all of those references of prophets are from Israel only not from any other parts of the World. Mahatma Buddha was a prophet from India but there is no reference from Shamsi about it as they only talk about the prophets from their own Land or Israel. After buddha India was blessed with the Sikh prophets which have been clearly mentioned by Many prominent Muslim historians from those times about the prophecy of Sikhs Gurus, for ex: Mr Shamsi and other intellects pls check Mohammed Iqbals writing on Sikh prophets and stop talking about prophets from your own land !! There is only one religion which has been started in last 1000 years is the Sikh religion and is the ultimate truth not like the Abrahamic religions who only consider prophets from their own land but not others. The Sikh holy Scripture was compiled and stamped by the Sikh Prophets unlike in other religions which have been compiled by their followers or centuries later. Every corner of the world was blessed with prophets in different times not just Israel or Saudi or Rome.
@AmitojSingh-tf9ex Месяц назад
sikhism is best
@davidpetch2649 Месяц назад
Christians criteria is Christ. Who lived a life more merciful on this earth Jesus or Mohammed. Jesus did. Jesus said love your neighbour as yourself. Jesus promised us eternal life in those who believe in him. Mohammed can't give us eternal life.
@dupa5649 Месяц назад
@amominah Месяц назад
we unite on حق we do not unite on باطل. 2:00
@zulalulua9645 Месяц назад
My comrade in humanity , Just take a step back and contemplate, what it is that you are defending ? It is embarrassing.
@GuruFateh23 Месяц назад
Mohammed is the same way. Koran can not be proven without the hadiths. Take away the hadiths and Koran and Islam is a dead faith.
@shadabakhtar7133 Месяц назад
Source-: "Trust me bro it is Trust me" 😂😂🤣
@Al-farooq10000 Месяц назад
May Allah bless our lovely brother Shamsedeen and our Shaykh Rabee حفظه الله
@alnmer2004 Месяц назад
الحمار هذا بكل ماًجاء شمسي يفضحهم ياتي ينهق ويخرب عليه
@alnmer2004 Месяц назад
Any one like this shea shit thing every thing never appear to Islam nothing just argument for zero knowledge ياتي من بقايا التتار لا يفهم العربيه ويترجم القران بما يحلو عجبي لهم الشيعه جهل وتخلف فوق التخيلات مهما أقنعتهم
@robmckay5421 Месяц назад
It seems that in Islam have something that is other than God that is uncreated, the Quran - the speech of Allah. That is not tawheed. There are TWO uncreated.
@tonyroy8123 Месяц назад
Guru Nanak was a preacher and not a prophet. He passed on his task to the next Guru and so on!
@sazonaimslights1419 Месяц назад
very firstly the muslim here doesnt have knowledge on sikhi and also the sikh talking doesn't have the knowledge go to a granthi sikh and than talk he will explain
@amonov_hh Месяц назад
What you said, even didn’t make any sense! Please go and research some! You are like small child and accusing great scholar in lying! Shame on you, wahhabi!
@amonov_hh Месяц назад
I’m Sunni but I acknowledge that Kamal Haideri is one of the greatest scholars of whole ummah for today! You are wahabi and it proves that you are wrong, that’s it! Where did you see any knowledgeable salafi or wahabi?
@alislimani6396 Месяц назад
الله اكبر الله اكبر لا اله الا الله
@alislimani6396 Месяц назад
الله اكبر الله اكبر لا اله الا الله
@dreamworld5098 2 месяца назад
well done brother shamsi may Allah give you barakah in your ilm. and bless you.
@dreamworld5098 2 месяца назад
plz translate this video in urdu
@sinisterboy8900 2 месяца назад
Wahabisalafi is terroris
@syedinaamali8827 2 месяца назад
Bro this Shamsi is nonsense. He doesn't let any body speak .
@rachidboukharouba5609 2 месяца назад
hada madekhali akh el yahoud had el baghaloune
@kamaqlmolvi7812 2 месяца назад
You all say ya Allah madad but Israel is beating the crap out of you and no help from Allah. On the other hand people who say ya Ali madad (Houthi,Iran)have some courage to fight Israel.
@jimcleary6223 2 месяца назад
Don't get brainwashed make your own mind up
@MohammedRaza-ru8bk 2 месяца назад
Salam. Please forget about anybody after the Last Prophet. There is no divine appointment after him.
@Kingkong-s7x 2 месяца назад
Sunni sect the worst enemy to islam.. May u be cursed in this life and the hereafter for deceiving and corrupting Islam