Emongg Two
Emongg Two
Emongg Two
This channel is home to any content Emongg reacts to such as Overwatch 2 news and patch notes, hot takes, POTGs, etc.
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Emongg Reacts To Summer Game Fest 2024
19 часов назад
@VayreenaVulpera 11 минут назад
I see the stat thing a lot on Zen.. "Why is your healing so low compared to Ana?!?! Switch!"" Me: Casually having more Damage then the DPS that just opened their mouth while my Harmony orb is on him
@TraumaQueen65 27 минут назад
He seems to be more interested in his spray
@shadyknux 2 часа назад
So. Everyone's HP got buffed season 9. After some time people now are saying "they should have never increased the HP pools." People argue to bring back 6v6. I don't know about that. I think, given where Tank is right now that makes playing Tank and Support feel like such a struggle, and NOT bring back 6v6/bring in off tank roll -- is to say: fuck it, and give everybody tank health pools Now that everybody has Tank health pools, you can have more people who can soak damage / take some pressure off of main meat boy. The only issue with this, is the fact that almost all the tanks have huge hurt boxes to the other roles.
@PBnJayyyy 2 часа назад
video coulda been six seconds long. "yep!"
@therebelfrogy9287 2 часа назад
It's nothing wrong to play Counterwatch, it's in the game itself. Even devs encourage you to participate in their "Vault-Tec" experiment so why not
@ConspiracyCinema 25 минут назад
Because it sucks
@xPoemi 3 часа назад
A completely serious question: Is a company allowed to advertise a 'product' as limited and then assure people for years that it will not be available again, only to bring it back unexpectedly? I'm not asking this because I wouldn't begrudge anyone this skin, but because this procedure seems somehow dubious to me.
@spindles6507 3 часа назад
It feels like a lot of comp games are one sided, whether or not i win/lose. I want those fun, try-hard, sweaty games that are super close
@yeeessimusprime3422 4 часа назад
We need more villains in this game.
@Arch732 4 часа назад
number 2 has always been there on the scoreboard per user, those stats are more relevant to use for self assess how you perform
@swanletsecondchannel8533 4 часа назад
Also i just like overwatch alot so if theres another game like it then i have more games to play
@SocksNeedsHelp 5 часов назад
Dude missed so many saves on his team while he was stuck in the clouds lmao. He just expects his team to always play around him no matter what
@Not2sure 5 часов назад
Listen to the recent group up podcast . That girl whos a widow/hitscan main blames tanks qlmost instantly . Like hit a shot or gtfo widow you idiot girlgamer the dps passive shreds tanks
@ikiyou_ 5 часов назад
The negativity bias that 90% of all Overwatch players have is absolutely fucking unreal, especially when it comes to ranked matches. No, you are not hardstuck diamond because of your teammates. Play another match or two for fucks sake, I will debate this
@youtuberobbedmeofmyname 5 часов назад
I played only open queue as an experiment for Season 2. I ended up getting Masters 5 and I was Plat at the time. No one in t500 was GM1 for atleast 3 weeks and everyone queues with full stacks to win. Broken mode.
@babyybunii 5 часов назад
people crying over the loss of "exclusivity" with the return of this skin are honestly terrible.. I can understand the anger if blizzard brought the skin back without it being alongside the BCRF, but they didn't. Instead, they are returning it with another chance to donate to the charity.. a charity which by the way, raised about $12 MILLION DOLLARS. This is an AMAZING opportunity to raise more money as well as make the community happy while doing so. In fact, 100% of the profits goes to the BCRF and WILL save lives. I understand Blizzard promised exclusivity back in 2018 but so what? let others donate to the charity and forever have a symbol of that donation. gatekeepers be wildin' 😭😭
@youtuberobbedmeofmyname 5 часов назад
6v6 is superior in every way. 2 more players per game 1 nore player per side no solo tank You can choose off tanks instead of being a meta slave The non tank players get more than one dude to be mad at Its great
@DarkestNova556 5 часов назад
0:38 Let’s be real. Every character in this game requires skill to get real value end of story. It’s just that some have more fail safes.
@shadyknux 2 часа назад
Main thing is that some heroes have lower skill floors than others, where some may also have both high ceilings and higher floor.
@heavycritic9554 6 часов назад
A "no-skill" Moira can keep you alive in line of sight. A skilled Moira can keep you alive around corners. There is no other hero that rewards both planning and off-the-cuff maths at the same time, as much as Moira does. An average player can get a "skill orb" through luck. A skilled player can do it every time.
@izab3ru 6 часов назад
What are you smoking bro. This line of thinking can and should be applied to every support. Knowing when you need to heal certain targets and for how much is just a fundamental part of support. A skilled Kiri or Bap can get an elim every single time. An Ana can hit a nade every single time.
@ryanwoods9608 7 часов назад
I love being told Wrecking ball is a low skill hero.
@CryoKeqing 7 часов назад
Broze - Gold is moira hell
@trevinbrowning3005 7 часов назад
I think counter swapping tank is the biggest issue still
@Mornings 7 часов назад
As a silver-plat support main I always blame the dps even if I have to healbot the tank lol
@Dznts1234 8 часов назад
And then you get flamed for not doing anything, when you get jumped and cooldowned by the entire enemy team
@iamcool544 8 часов назад
People will type diff regardless of any connection to reality
@cooperbogdanski1579 8 часов назад
So I was the first question (Zeranite) and I am really thankful for your answer!!! It really clears up a lot of things!!! I can also brag to my friends I’m on the cover of a RU-vid video!!!
@CheeryCherry3987 8 часов назад
A stat I'd like to see is DMG taken
@bogbastard4243 8 часов назад
for the stats thing, it really falls apart once you think about it for more than like 2 minutes. can you imagine how horrible that menu would be to read? the current setup is really elegant, even if it's not all that specific. it gives basic relevant information, who's on each team what they're playing how much damage they've done how many times they've died... all good info. and each players portion of the menu is kept small and close together to enhance the readability. you open the menu with a specific piece of information in mind, you glance over and you have the information. it really only takes a second, literally. maybe less. imagine this menu. it'd look almost completely different. each players piece of the menu would be much larger, each section containing each figure for that player would have to have a header telling you what the figure even represents. it'd completely change every time they changed characters. it'd take up most of the screen, and it'd be full of overly specific information that's only relevant at all when you need to decide who to blame for you losing when let's be honest you were holding tab for at least 20 second while you read all the mumbo jumbo on the stat screen anyway. that would be the most useless menu in the game by far. literally even worse than the shop page.
@saskeru9346 8 часов назад
Hear me out. Emongg. Call up Aaron. Tell him to increase the charge time of the scope. Something like 10 seconds for 100%.
@hammadvulgar5884 9 часов назад
Regarding the scoreboard changes: I don’t even play mercy and I can tell you why that’s a bad idea. It would incentivize going for stupid rez’s, something that’s already a problem at low ranks.
@lazerbeam9900 9 часов назад
For the "stats dont mean anything" its a 50/50 for every roll like u can drop 70 kills (example) and die 2 times as a dps but just cause u get kills dont mean anything if your team cant follow up on what picks or what ever u get, that said its a good way to tell which people have trouble like if they are focused by the enemy like tank majority of the time in low ranks tanks are focused and not support or dps cause if u take away a tanks supp, and dps they most the time will lose
@UnrebornMortuus 9 часов назад
hero no skill? moira sombra that being said at least i cant reliably fight sombra because even if shes aim hacking bloom makes her miss sometimes.... moira though? yeah nio fcuk off we all quit ow1 because of symm laser get rid of it some players are so braindead if you have to alt f4 real quick to fix the stuttery mess so you dont miss your shots, your stats go 0-0-0 and even if you were top fragging their google ai tier (they proabably are actually google ai this is toddler level object permeance) brains lose track of the "object" of my score and the permeance is lost and they seem to have no memory of my previous score
@greedsin555 9 часов назад
You know tank is bad when even emongg is loosing his positivity
@defaultvsant 9 часов назад
at least widow players need mechanical skill, while hanzo mains are just spamming in general direction
@burkhardt7694 11 часов назад
This player sounds like me, getting easily tilted
@_johnnydenim 11 часов назад
brig feels like the most fun of the supports to me. maybe all heros. you have to hit someone to get inspire off and you can make plays and shut down ults with your ult. i do notice once i die everyone dies cause they get used to the inspire aoe healing and play more aggressive without knowing why. no one in their right mind wants to play this game only to healbot other players i avoided support at first thinking that's all it would be. let your supports play the game too!
@lanathebeholder9813 10 часов назад
The issue with supports in Overwatch is that healing is not a complex mechanic. The most fun ones are just DPS heroes with minimal healing. Stuff like Brig, Zen and Lucio should be the goal where healing is an interesting mechanic tied to their gameplay. Ana is a great example of a simple support where healing is not difficult but is still a main focus. She has interesting offensive and defensive utilities. Mercy has aged poorly because the skill level of the game has increased. Her lock-in beam is no longer interesting and doesn't interact with her best feature (flight). Lifeweaver, Kiriko, Bap feel like different variants of Ana. Unlike with Brig, Zen, Illari and Lucio, their healing is not an interesting mechanic. For all of Moira's flaws, the fact that her heal is a spray meaningfully changes her gameplay and play style from other supports.
@lanathebeholder9813 10 часов назад
As a support main, the reason I'm not interested in Overwatch is the lack of interesting healing mechanics. I've played Moira, Brig and Ana are my favs but that's not a lot of diversity for 5 years of gameplay. Why isn't there a support that consumes their own hp to heal? Or a support that heals based on how fast they're moving? Tanks and DPS don't have this issue for the most part.
@plushdragonteddy 10 часов назад
@@lanathebeholder9813you know, i never really thought about it like that, but i totally see your point. healing on bap just feels like a distraction from what you should really be doing
@PBnJayyyy 2 часа назад
insane, unhinged tank when supports are tankier than tanks, do more damage than dps, and each have immo on cooldown
@Brendanj101 11 часов назад
They cant predict people being tired, vibing ect, but what they can prevent is cheating of they ban known cheaters.
@moistwindow6094 11 часов назад
I feel like moira is a comfort pick for diving not getting dived especially in lower ranks
@masonmurphy2679 11 часов назад
I mainly play mercy, but feel like I have to always switch to Moira if they have a Genji/Sombra because they just focus me the whole game. Especially when I'm getting spawncamped
@liammbiscwit 12 часов назад
The second one about changing stats, is literally a nothing burger of an idea and the angle the guy was taking was 100% just a way trying to flex or talk shit in game chat. Most competent players will know whos doing their jobs etc without having to look and compare stats. so so much context going into these stats that you just need to use your brain for a few seconds by looking how the game is playing out instead of numbers. Some people will have lower stats just out of circumstance and not because they are bad and vice versa.. if youre stat flaming in chat then you are the issue
@applejoosh3987 12 часов назад
Always love the videos Emongg! Keep it up!
@chewy4722 12 часов назад
i genuinely think elo hell is a big byproduct of the people played while stoned, drunk, etc. When i first started playing ranked the amount of people i would get who would preemptively say “hey im high asf brw” was wild. i would genuinely get one or two a match.
@adamkaangambrill 12 часов назад
“What makes a hero no-skill?” Oh, that’s easy, if they’re on the enemy team.
@officialregirock4021 9 часов назад
I can get behind this
@heavycritic9554 7 часов назад
That is the answer that should always be used.
@Read_surah_al-fatihah 12 часов назад
I need dps
@iceghost97 13 часов назад
Reinstalling just to get the skin. Then probably back to re-uninstalling bc the game frustrates me 🤣
@fumchi2900 13 часов назад
I drink and play for about 5 games with a light buzz im a better player or i think i am after that if we win we win and im toxic as hell im in plat its justified ❤
@firebornwolf7142 13 часов назад
This season matchmaking was ass fixed 50/50 my ass, I should not go from a 57% win rate to a 26% win rate on sojourn this matchmaking was bad bottom tier doggy doodoo ass ( controller player)
@jinnipers.3931 13 часов назад
i have *always* believed that snipers do not belong in hero shooters, they only degrade from the overall experience
@soren4904 14 часов назад
Yeah if you're a decent player in masters or something and u hop on stoned playing like a gold, you're throwing and should be banned. Get an alt.
@itsOZone 13 часов назад
Most Alts are bannable tho
@soren4904 13 часов назад
@@itsOZone no they are not
@CT--tm2zm 13 часов назад
@@itsOZoneI’m ngl, I have 4 accounts, one sober, one drunk, one stoned, and one for friends in low rank, having an alt isn’t really even detectable unless you snitch on yourself, then again I’m only smurfing masters so it’s not that big a difference 😂
@scottwillian2120 14 часов назад
That's my secret, I'm always vibing.
@5ex. 15 часов назад
Concord 💀
@mrfancyshmancy 15 часов назад
Message unclear, what role are they talking about?