"Everything in the world, begins and ends with stories"

On this channel I publish video essays exploring philosophy, the pursuit of meaning, culture and more in movies and television. I think stories can help us shape ourselves, become better beings and find meaning in life.

I developed my passion for cinema during my mid teens and since than have completed my Bachelors in film studies at the University of Amsterdam, my masters in American History and created this RU-vid channel. I've also worked as a RU-vid consultant at the RU-vid agency Team5pm in Amsterdam.
Napoleon: When a Masterpiece Fails
5 месяцев назад
Movies That Made Me Cry Manly Tears
6 месяцев назад
What makes a king?
Год назад
Why the Investing Niche Pays so Well
3 года назад
Patton: Philosophy of the Warrior
3 года назад
Wall-E | Why Trans-humanism SUCKS
3 года назад
The Real Meaning of Baby Yoda
4 года назад
The Freedom We Find in Chaos & Disaster
4 года назад
@alexxx4434 Час назад
_"He who has overcome his fears will trully be free."_ *- Aristotle*
@azaraelhyzer3874 6 часов назад
Loudermilk when he had a job .👏
@Chaucy 18 часов назад
The scariest thing that i realized, reading about WW1 is that it was inevitable.
@Emmanuelx13 День назад
Tommy is just a man who does things that people all want to do but do not have the courage to. He does things with no fear. Why? Because he has learned the world and how people work. Yes Tommy has done things that an ordinary person aren’t able to do, but who else would give him the things he got. No one ever. Now, are we a mortal human ? Yes. But why are there human beings walking around the world with power over the whole human race, but once an ordinary guy that understands both the poor, and hard working people, that then rises up without any power or past family power, he’s looked as evil. He did things that we all want to do but of course it’s evil, but he wanted to love like we all do, freedom from the world , the powerful people. Yes it’s an evil world to be free sadly, but he did this and i understand his character. Fuxk.
@Redbird4912 День назад
"Happiness is the seed of unhappiness" (Buddhist quote). Once you start to let go of your attachment to desire, pleasure and comfort, only then can you really begin to reveal the true happiness that lies within. Notice I say reveal and not find. Happiness can never be found, out there, in the pursuit of desire, pleasure and comfort. Why? Because you have never lost it. You've only concealed it. Inner peace and happiness, or more accurately, contentment can only ever be revealed.
@wilburwilbur4195 День назад
@CytotropinaNikonov 2 дня назад
I just want to say thank you for being "that one guy" who actually lists material used because sometimes I've spent hours on that, you're great man
@Arthucornflakes 2 дня назад
imagine be a German soldier(the soldier from ALL quiet on front) and listen that you Will fight again at the HELL again,until 11 am.
@asmukler 3 дня назад
If you've ever had a job you hated sitting in a cubicle this movie is like Valhalla
@bobsdock 3 дня назад
Don't seek happiness, seek something worth suffering for 🤯
@jayylad38 3 дня назад
excellent work on this
@CaptPicard81 3 дня назад
This is one of the best movies I’ve ever seen, a perfectly orchestrated build up of anxiety. Everyone did a phenomenal job in this.
@akadam90 3 дня назад
all quiet is the first war film i have watched where it made me feel so uneasy i had to take a 10 min break, it was just horrific my brain needed a time out.
@luimac3374 4 дня назад
“Come and see” 1985 is by far the best anti war film I’ve seen. It does everything all quiet on the western front does but better and more graphic. It’s one of those movies that I saw years ago and still randomly think of to this day. If you like war movies it’s a must watch.
@harsyakiarraathallah2222 4 дня назад
It's about Continuing to Grow Up, Change, and Accepting the Many Ups and Downs in Life... From Romance, Family, Friendship and More! Life will Never be Certain, Complicated,and it's Suck... That's Why we Love it! For me At Least...
@Ichigoeki 4 дня назад
I think you should take a look at The Unknown Soldier, it hits most if not all the same notes of showing the futility of war.
@cliffsnriffs 4 дня назад
Become Tyler Durden to cope with life. Use your white collar skills to survive. Use your blue collar skills to build a life and become stronger. Extreme exercise and extreme metal have helped me in my career as an engineer. Take lessons from Office Space and Fight Club.
@BennyEternET 4 дня назад
Stay fucking hard! - David Goggins
@ffunit 4 дня назад
“Nothing is important unless I make it important” used to be my mantra in my 20s but then I was told by many that it was irresponsible to think that way. Think I need to go back to it.
@ranplan 4 дня назад
Loved this!
@Comedy_Warfare 5 дней назад
I watched the whole video in home page preview then came here to watch ads to be able to comment
@Superv666 5 дней назад
0:04 which film this woman from?
@cliffsnriffs 5 дней назад
Well said. Thank you. Never stop challenging yourself.
@LudyLoomy 5 дней назад
The grass is always greenest where you water it
@KiiXii 5 дней назад
Dulce et decorum est: the old lie.
@christopherharrison2987 6 дней назад
I concluded a while back that our culture really confuses us about the nature of happiness. We are told every day to associate happiness with pleasure, distraction, and luxury. But that view of it just makes it something to be constantly pursued without ever really finding it. It’s a great way to create dissatiafaction in order to convince people to spend more money, but it doesn’t get you happiness. Happiness is something that can be found all around us every day, in the little things, if we only slow down to look.
@Skeletonapproaching 6 дней назад
I think that another way of making an anti war film is showing the causes of the war on the population instead of the soldiers Like grave of the fireflies, a movie that shows how the Hiroshima bomb affected 2 children
@RickyYea-xc8yu 6 дней назад
Even though I think legend of kora is a good show, it never gave me the feeling I felt watching ATLA, it is a perfect show compared to the other cartoons I have watched
@SovietWinnieThePoo 6 дней назад
Office Space is like the PG American film version of Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment. Embrace the sacrifice
@taadegd832 6 дней назад
This film is truly perfect apart from the fact that the whole point of the book was the end and how Paul died out of nowhere while it was All quiet on the western front. And in the film he died in an epic battle sequence. Still ana awesome movie
@CytotropinaNikonov 6 дней назад
This was so intense I felt the "alright guys it's the end of the video" like a slap. It's been 6 years but woah.
@LambdaTheos 6 дней назад
“There’s no such thing as an anti-war film" *Me who watched grave of the fireflies* yeah I don't think so
@morkanz6998 7 дней назад
Thank you
@usualfulful 7 дней назад
I find it interesting that of all the movies about Stalingrad, not one shows the really reaction to the loss of a whole army in Germany. My father came from a family opposed to Hitler, so even at his young age he was more aware of battle consequences. He did not much talk about what his family went through in WW2, but one time he did mention that the loss at Stalingrad was a gut punch to the everyday German. I think for many Germans, it was the first time they realized that the war was not going to end well. Long before the capitulation of Paulus, the army was bogged down, overextended and ill equipped. But to actually have a whole army be lost, I think for many Germans foreshadowed the eventual end. Most Germans grew up with stories about the battle in the Teutoburger Forest and Augustus asking for his legions back - even a basic education in German history covered that battle (in particular during the NS time). Contrast the behavior of Augustus to that of Hitler and Germans knew they were in deep trouble.
@omgitsarjun 7 дней назад
I, a 6ft4 240lb man - cried through almost this entire video 😂
@DeathMetalThrasher 7 дней назад
Just saying "F*** it" and dropping all my worries in life helped me with dating and social interactions in general. I realized in my mid 20's long ago that life is short and that being worried and worked up about things and people that ultimately don't matter in the end holds you back. This doesn't happen overnight in my experience.
@sevenmarc 7 дней назад
This was truly excellent. Thank you!
@Darth_Bateman 8 дней назад
I don't know, dude. Attack on Titan seems pretty good at delivering an anti-war story. Because the war was not glorious, like the openings made us think they would be. They were bloody. Pointless. Had an INSANE body count and NOBODY, not even the people at the top benefitted. The bullets fired at the audience was Isayama getting us invested in nearly each and every character and brutally killing them in the most shocking and humiliating ways possible that ALL turned out to be for nothing.
@jorgeperez2872 8 дней назад
You also have to differentiate pain from suffering. Avoiding pain is what makes you unhappy, a life without purpose and not understanding the nature of problems, suffering is putting value on yourself because of your circumstances and not being content
@martinhulin 8 дней назад
If you ever want to experience sadness from the point of view of a soldier then listen to Ich habe einen kommarade its an old german funneral song for soldiers
@-----REDACTED----- 9 дней назад
The start of the recent All Quiet was beautifully poignant because it shows soldiers are ultimately more replaceable than gear.
@inthemakingca 10 дней назад
Hey wonderful work
@raah5583 10 дней назад
As someone who was trained as basically a low grade commando/recon/LRRP in mandatory service. I know I mostlikely will die if war comes. "What is our combat life sir liutenant" "0,5 seconds" But I will die knowing I'll die for the others who just might have a home to go back to. Place to call home on this earth. Globalism will only succeed when there is only belief in Christ or no belief in anything else than survival of our species like a big a$$ ant colony. I've been trained to kill. Not to wound. One might see me coming and taking a knife to their throat. I have decided I will not brake eye contact and show my true face of sorrow so they will know they will not die alone. i've not taken any lives yet. But my life was almost taken away from me. And his eyes were stone cold. I don't want anyone to go out like that. edit: that is why now days fighting is bs. They aint seeing my face from the dark.
@draven8727 10 дней назад
So he literally cannot have peace unless dead
@sobreaver 11 дней назад
You don't learn sht from one success, but you will learn a sht tone of things from a thousand failures, and then life is a bit more than just what you can learn from it, although important, knowledge is not the goal, the goal is experiences, and for that, there is only one way to go and that way is through.
@nedames3328 11 дней назад
Buddhism again?
@Captain_Andor 11 дней назад
"I don't peace I want PROBLEMS always" - African Shao Khan
@Kingcobra6699 11 дней назад
To divide between good and bad wars seems inadequate to me. The correct word would be necessary or unnecessary to me. I know that I am splitting hairs, but precise communication is important ☝️
@applezhengyang8731 12 дней назад
"Avoiding suffering creates suffering" One of the best lines I heard. It makes me think of George Orwell's quote. Thank you for the quality analysis!