MG Conditional
13 лет назад
PMC - How to reward a man
13 лет назад
PMC - Lasting Love
13 лет назад
PMC - Climb the palm tree
13 лет назад
PMC - de man en testosteron
13 лет назад
PMC - How Man and Women keep score
13 лет назад
Mark Gungor   nr1fan
13 лет назад
Mark Gungor   1  Conflicts Naturally
13 лет назад
MarkGungor Forgiveness
13 лет назад
Mark Gungor   2  Respect
13 лет назад
Mark Gungor - meaning of words
13 лет назад
Mark Gungor   amount of words
13 лет назад
13 лет назад
13 лет назад
Snippets - Introductie
14 лет назад
@secutor0972 Месяц назад
But look what happen if something goes to the nothing box. There is a problem, and the problem disappears. There was a problem, there is no problem, there is only empty box. This magic box is awesome. You have problem being homeless, the idea is going to the magical nothing box and..... tadammm, there is no problem, because the homeless problem thru the action disappears in a magic box. No house problem is no problem anymore. Everything go to the box, thru the action/WORK. Simple isn`t? And thats how we build everything. Cars, roads, houses, airplanes, etc. etc. Thank you magical nothing box, you make disappear every problem, and make the life easy.
@1344ch 6 месяцев назад
I NEVER forgot the girl... ...but she doesn't care.
@MagdalenaBelcescu 7 месяцев назад
Never was first or second ..same as GOD is One ...god Can't be twice... God is One ..the problem is ..they messed Their relationship..😢😢
@imbatman6454 8 месяцев назад
Thank you for this........
@joseperes777 Год назад
No historical evidence for existence of Salomon nor David....sound more like religious legend.
@littlegiant1972 Год назад
Nope...it doesn't work. Sorry
@itskarl7575 Год назад
For a pastor, he seems oddly confused about the Fall. Adam's job was not to guard anything - Adam didn't have a job, other than "be fruitful and multiply". All creation was for him, and that in turn was for God. Adam and Eve were intentionally made ignorant of good and evil, and that also means no responsibilities. Adam wasn't a coward, he was innocent - by design. He was exactly what God made him, and acted exactly according to the nature which God gave him. He could not possibly be a coward, unless that is how God intentionally made him. And nothing in Genesis points in this direction. Instead, Adam and Eve were as children, and their chief quality was innocence. The story of the Fall is a fable meant to tell us why we have the nature that we do. It provides simplistic answers to questions like "why must we toil, why do our bodies ache, why must we grow old and die". And the moral of the story is not that we are being punished for what our actual ancestors actually did, but because of the nature we are born with: we frequently choose wrong, even though we know right from wrong. This naturally has consequences. The story of the Fall is the story of how the snake lost its legs, and why humans aren't perfect. Saying "it was Adam and Eve's fault" is missing the point. They were not to blame. That's like saying it's a baby's fault for making a mess even if you told it not to: they could not know that any act was wrong. And because they had no way of telling right from wrong, no act they did _was_ wrong. They were naked, but they were not ashamed. Disobeying God was not the sin: _realizing what was sinful_ is why they could no longer be in the garden of Eden. "Who told you you were naked?" Or in other words, "my creation is ruined!" The serpent could have force-fed them the fruit against their will, the outcome would have been the same. But this is a fable, not meant to be taken at face value. The point is, the wine is corked. It's not the wine's fault, but now we're stuck with it.
@TheLegacyHero Год назад
Sin is disobedience against God's law. There was one law in the Garden Eden -- not to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. When Adam & Eve did that, they sinned, and that's why they were cast out of Eden in the story.
@itskarl7575 Год назад
@@TheLegacyHero You can only sin if you're aware it's a sin. Adam and Eve were innocent, and _could_ not sin - until _after_ they had eaten of the tree.
@TheLegacyHero Год назад
@@itskarl7575 Sin is against God, not yourself. Innocence has nothing to do with it. Innocence is a state of being not a presence of action. Adam and Eve were innocent.....until they sinned. "Where as by one man sin entered the world.....". That is referring to the sin in Eden.
@itskarl7575 Год назад
@@TheLegacyHero Whom the sin is against has nothing to do with what I said. Of course it's against God. But sin is a deliberate act, a choice - never an accident. Remember, they were naked - but this was not sinful _until they knew_ it was sinful. Then, and only then, did they cover up. God asked them, "who told you you were naked?" They were meant to be innocent of that knowledge. When God told them not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge, this was not a commandment - it was a warning. Ask yourself: why did God not command them to avoid any other sins? What if one of them had started cursing each other, or cursing God? What if Adam had killed Eve? Were they incapable of such acts? If you say "yes, it was not in their nature" - then how was it in their nature to disobey the one commandment they _did_ get? If, on the other hand, they _might_ have committed those other acts, would it have been sinful? There's a reason children who break the law are not tried as adults: they didn't know any better. As was it with Adam and Eve.
@claraandriessen8423 Год назад
Hilarious and makes sense with a lot of things. Is he saying that a man doesn't automatically give the same amount of points to his women for the things she did in a day, while he was away? Like if he didn't see it, it didn't happen? We women do reward small and big acts of kindness the same way as it is the intention that counts. Although it's extra nice if you go all out. But seriously picking up his own underwear doesn't do anything more than keep him out of the minus with me. And he doesn't get any points either for normal household chores that are both our responsibilities. Who are we kidding. Can't tie household chores to gender anymore in these days unless you and your husband made an agreement about it. Otherwise the women has her job AND everything else around the house and children and has to basically feel thankfull for a little help with that???
@Dragon_Lair Месяц назад
Yes. Men award points differently. And here’s the things, we also subtract points with penalties. Usually the penalties are respect based, or rather the lack of it. For example, if a man’s girlfriend or wife says or does something that puts him in danger or makes him look bad then points are subtracted. This could be going to the club and starting crap with someone and it looks like things will escalate. The guy either has to pin himself to the problem and deal with the consequences or walk away and leave the girl to the problem and not protect her. If the girlfriend or wife says they are in a committed relationship but posts provocative pictures online such as being in a swimsuit, or goes out to bars and clubs with single friends then that also reduces points because she may say she’s not single but she is acting like she is and that is disrespectful to the man. Here’s the trick to help women though. They start with an over abundance of points because men elevate women to such a degree before getting to know them that it takes a lot for men to lose interest. In fact, women start with so many points that men can be scared even approaching.
@claraandriessen8423 Месяц назад
@@Dragon_Lairhow funny. Thanks for sharing
@Thomas-pq4ys Год назад
What makes my relationship work is a respectful friendship, giving 110% with no expectation of return. I make no demands of her, don't need boundaries or rules. We function well together, and we each accept NO for an amswer. Common sense, kindness, teamwork, common goals keep eveerything working smoothly.... 10 years and going strong.
@deepn2164 Год назад
Don't think the slow roasting gonna work... Wives know what those small hints of flirting ,touching is finally gonna end up in..that's obvious too 😂😂
@Dragon_Lair 7 месяцев назад
That's why you walk away. Little caress on her neck with a peck on the cheek with a whispered "love ya babe" and then walk away. A few hours later send her a text going "thinking of ya. Bragging to my coworkers how my wife makes the best (name the food, even if it's out of a box) I've ever had." Then let it be. After dinner, massage her shoulders, then walk away. Go to bed before her and when she comes in to join, giver her a little tickle, say you love her giggle, then go to bed. Restrain yourself as you climb the palm tree. She knows where it's going, you know where it's going, but she doesn't know how she'll be stimulated next.
@milapopovich6819 Год назад
@mynameis......23 Год назад
2:15 2:29
@Elisha_Dawn Год назад
Men will not hear you until you stop talking and really they only pretend to listen then. When I stop talking it's because I'm bitter and never looking at them the same way again.
@lindawitherspoon5044 Год назад
@hectorlugo655 Год назад
I love this guy.
@bernardking13 2 года назад
Sad thing is if Women were the ones asking for Sex it be 100% YES!! We could have a broken arm, death in the family, feeling hung over and etc and we still say yes lol. it's got to go both ways tho, I don't mind doing things for my girl but I tell her all the time it be nice to wake up to head, watching a game (come out in outfit), and etc.
@Lelobookreview 2 года назад
truly speaking I won't ask repeatedly. I asked my husband something. he hasn't done it so I prayed about it and let it go. am I hurt yes. will I ask again No!!!
@DannyDownUnder1992 2 года назад
i love this
@jessefoster2832 2 года назад
@jessefoster2832 2 года назад
@bross824 2 года назад
After watching this, I think that I need a divorce, women are just too crazy for words!
@megzmuzic 2 года назад
Not a fan.. honestly I don’t find him at all funny. If my boss had to constantly ask, I’d be disciplined or fired! Mark shows 50’s, 60’s, or 70’s thoughts.. Danny Lee Silk is more in touch. Many women today are the major breadwinner dude!! Teaching couples it’s okay to get away with bad and disrespectful behaviour isn’t helping relationships.. get in the game or leave!!
@ferahsaad6092 3 года назад
Thinking of a great prophet like this, like a filthy man. That's a big sin right there ! Adultery and murder ! (besides... "God" was "born", was the "great-great-son" out of this ? This is unbelivable) In Islam, prophets are the chosen ones, and they are not chosen for nothing. Despite this, very good lecturer.
@rebeccamariecolegio3703 3 года назад
I want to know what the song is.
@faizansyed3496 3 года назад
@paulcorda 3 года назад
Some of this is good but it has too much of a 'pussy whipped' vibe to it. Too much tailoring to Women's needs!!!
@Dragon_Lair Месяц назад
You should watch the whole thing. He gives women just as much advice to help women with their men’s needs. This is just a small snippet.
@georgemcfly3482 3 года назад
No wife, happy life
@crayempower 3 года назад
@dmitrywinter2781 3 года назад
Speaking from experience. This is 99.99% true. Use his advice, it's second to none.
@zeusnitch 3 года назад
Tobias Funke IRL, but more aware
@EternalLifeMD 3 года назад
“I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever- the Spirit of truth … I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you” (John 14:16-18). You never need to feel abandoned because Jesus promises to be right there with you; He will even be, through His Holy Spirit, in you.
@margaretsiemerling7279 3 года назад
I've learned so much from Pastor Mark. For years I've listened and shared. I literally just found out right now his wife Debbie passed away I. 2017. I feel I've lost a beloved family member! Is there anywhere I can send a card or contribution to a charity she loved in her honor and memory?
@muskokamike127 4 года назад
Now if his wife was on stage she'd be saying: yeah he emptied the dishwasher but he put em all in the wrong place. AND he didn't stack the coffee cups with the handles pointing out, AND the bread plates don't go to the RIGHT of the dinner plates, every moron knows they go to the LEFT....but good job little boy (while rolling her eyes) lol
@smorrow 4 года назад
Thought this would be about notch counts
@jorgenicolasherreros6533 4 года назад
This is the first man on earth that really understands women...
@abideinchrist6163 4 года назад
Can't get enough 😅😅😅🙌
@HDA_III 4 года назад
Best 1.50 I’ve ever spent! Bom Chika Wow Wow!! 😝
@-Rickster- 4 года назад
Marriage is a contract and like any business transaction it only works when it’s win/win. As soon as it’s not, then it’s over. If you want it to work out, it takes two people to do it. If you want it to get better, it will take two to do it.
@ispitmygumonthesidewalk9753 4 года назад
1:01 couple caught slacking
@dapjurkitang3208 4 года назад
@p.h.3987 4 года назад
Teach the men to properly behave to women.
@Rick-or2kq 4 года назад
I laugh when guys at work tell me they have honey to do lists, doesn't work with me, when I have something that needs to be done, I do it myself, I expect the same from her. To be blunt, they use their sexuality to get what they want it works when you are young, but as you get older you catch on and realize most of they do or want you do for them involves them trying to manipulating you with their sexuality. If you take that away, they got nothing and they have to deal with you as an equal. What am finding out is that doesn't sit real well with them.
@hansanikularatne5287 4 года назад
Who's this person? He is great!
@jessicajones4681 4 года назад
We all want to be thanked. Not just men
@emocheerleader10 4 года назад
Ok boomer
@trishhart8766 4 года назад
I just love these videos. He is hilarious!
@freechild1566 4 года назад
Great advice
@Hakoona 4 года назад
We all like being appreciated
@gloriamutoni5137 4 года назад
You are hilarious sir.
@divinedesigndiscover3683 4 года назад
He got woman down packed