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@Clickanywheretostart 15 минут назад
Character idea I have Any race Wizard Takes place in a campaign that happens at the beggining of the year A fighter right before the new year insulted a warlocks patron , turns out it was some kind of time god and now the fighter is stuck in a time loop The fighter has always wanted to learn magic so they do that because they have plenty of time Every year they wake up drunk in a tavern on January 1st of some random year Also none of the other players know until you reveal it, only the dm knows and you can roll intelligence to try and remember events and predict the future
@AlexLinder-zn2lv 41 минуту назад
My freind came In late to a campaign and we were struggling with a child hydra he came in and rolled a nat 20 to tame it and later he rolled another nat 20 to become the king of geese
@racinracerxp8645 Час назад
One actually happened recently My character was getting beat down in a bare knuckle brawl. No weapons. We have a rule where if you roll in at 20 you get a crit. You can also have crits given to you and crits can stack. My character has 2 HP bleeding on the floor. Still standing up and getting ready. His opponent being cocky says you get one free shot leaving his jawline right open. Next thing I know natural 20 plus the already given crit for him leaving his jaw open. One double crit later and that guy went from half HP to zero and was knocked unconscious.
@sireoslee2202 Час назад
At times like this, you realize you can see right thru someone.
@caitlinclark7093 2 часа назад
My party started out at an inn to watch an extremely rare Faerie dragon migration A couple of hatchling silver dragons decided to come out and watch, and promptly got kidnapped by a necromancer employed by a dragon lich The hatchlings' grandfather employed tge party of adventurers to get his grandkids back In the process, they cleaned out some merrows in the Brum Sea (in my original map) released a Sphynx from her time prison in a silver tower, made friends with a herd of belligerent centaurs, and discovered the necromancer had actually resurrected the Silver dragon's brother, trapping him in a soul gem, and planning to use the hatchlings' life forces to make his enslavement permanent They got the dragon's soul out along with the hatchlings, but they weren't sure if the necromancer, who turned out to be a were bear, actually died
@WillTBear1 2 часа назад
And that's 23 psychic damage...
@TegukiSix 2 часа назад
@nalafontaine 3 часа назад
Thank you so much, I loved this moment and considering the chaos that was going on during the scene, the dm just lined it up for such a retort.
@darianbarber3763 4 часа назад
This video does indeed point out horrible dms thats should have let someone else do it.
@user-vt4si1ef6r 4 часа назад
Dictation will, but for this, I apologize in advance for my functionally blind necessities. Go on what, even the name of God, or gods in this case, he’s a hurdy-gurdy? Please explain to me in all excruciating detail, I have to make the picture come clear, I start out with a solid chunk of vision that got worse overtime, today my eyes I don’t do much, but my understanding of most things that say people know is vast.: I understood the Rick and Morty reference, priceless. And then there is our last session, I roll a crap ton of really high rules on everything but the one thing I needed to roll high for, which was investigation. I don’t have a greatest investigation skills, my expertise is in perception, paranoid what range or me. We did find a platinum dragon scale, I plan to experiment on it, but not now, now we have quest that must be completed at certain time points or we have party members that will be no longer, correction a party member that will be no longer, although he rolling up characters, so he probably has a new one sitting somewhere in the back of his brain. If you see me post on these things before you know that we have a really freaking old or really freaking young, you figure it out, time wizard and I don’t YUI card. No, he’s a wizard, his focus is on time. Essentially he’s really freaking old, but he’s also from the future, so, he is returned his age from the future, but is living in our timeline. He has a name endgame, we just call him grandpa, and then we get to make jokes about him taking or not taking his medication, especially when he does insane scrap.
@kevinthomas4064 5 часов назад
Said it before and I'll say it again Steven He's Dad
@sagesemadeni4024 6 часов назад
My last dm was ex-military, so he put our characters through medieval boot camp. My character took a sh** on a captain's desk. He was made to run laps, dig holes and refill them, and generally back-breaking labor until he died from exhaustion.
@thetwojohns6236 6 часов назад
Today, I will be running an adventure I have called Curse of the Githyanki Zephyr. The players have a crippled airship that can also sail. Along the way, they will need to eliminate other treasure seekers, with bigger and faster ships than theirs. And bigger crews. Inside the treasure ship is said to be the raided wealth of five kingdoms. The party has a member who can essentially find the ship at will. She has a compass similar to Jack Sparrows. So they need to find their way just the same. The journey is fraught with action and adventure, and even if they manage to get airborne again, so can at least one other fellow seeker, and he's the worst of the pirates. In the end, the ship won't be where everyone thinks it should, and no one knows it was once a flying ship itself. They start out lost in a strange land that doesn't exist, on a crippled ship no one can fix without parts, and they don't speak the language. If they win, according to legend, they will be rich beyond the dreams of avarice, and better yet, be able to scavenge from the old wreck parts to fix their ship and at long last, head for home.
@anxietyarchfeypwincess 6 часов назад
I don’t want to share the one I’m currently working on, but a fun “monster of the week” style thing I did was Dungeon Dash. A Door Dash for adventures. Only catch is all the PCs that are part of the delivery team are specked against their class. A bard that can’t sing, a fighter with bad strength and so on.
@postapocalypticnewsradio 6 часов назад
PANR has tuned in.
@wolfskinchanger 7 часов назад
I once ran a brief adventure I called "Silverstone's Sorrows". The workers in the mining town of Silverstone broke through into a natural cavern, and 'something' in that cavern has spent every night since then slowly demolishing the town, killing residents and dragging them and the 'salvaged' materials from their homes back through the mine for some unknown purpose. All attempts to seal that hole have failed, and the town can't survive without the silver from the mine, so the mayor has set part of his own fortune aside to get folks out on the next trade caravan; he offers to give the PCs that money if they can find out who or what is doing this and stop it from getting worse.
@jesternario 7 часов назад
I would love to run a game setting like Storm Hawks. The surface of the world is an inhospitable wasteland of volcanic surface, open lava pits and terrifying wildlife. The people live on flattened mountaintops that exist above the clouds. Using crystal technology to harness the elemental energy within to power not just great airships and personal airplane/motorcycles, but also their weapons.
@eclipse1353 7 часов назад
were I playing a warlock, I´d make my patron... me. a warlock with DID who can only turn to their powerful wizard person in very calm or unique times and places. no direct contact, only only notebooks and similar objects. every single person in the warlock´s mind (or in a way each of the warlocks) has their own stats, unique preferences and different spell flavoring.
@jesternario 7 часов назад
I run campaigns all the time. Lots of good ones, but you are asking about ones I haven’t got to run yet. The game starts with the PCs execution. They then wake up to find the leader of the large city they are in wants them to route out unauthorized criminal elements (those not paying the black tax). Because they are no officially working for the patrician, they are expected to make money how they can, including potentially making their own organized crime outfit. As for the one I recently ran, the Kingdom of Sindarin, run by a good and noble king. The players were simple adventurers looking to make their fortune and be heroes besides. They met the two princesses, a Paladin and mage, respectively, but were mainly working for the wizard Mondain, who was using his position as vizier to send unwitting pawns to help him make an item that makes him unkillable and all powerful. The campaign ended with them being unable to stop him as he rose to power, and it was all their fault. But the story isn’t over. They escaped into a pocket dimension. And now, twenty years later, they return to see the world their actions have created and have to figure out a way to stop it from happening. Along the way, they have to solve the problem that is keeping them from going back in time: the rule of “You cannot change the past because you didn’t.”
@sterlinggecko3269 7 часов назад
totally forgot my orc barbarian (I was the DM), using 'The Stone of Destiny ' a rock with Greater Magic Weapon cast on it. he was throwing it and bouncing off targets like Captain America's shield. my players remembered it years later when a module's NPC started doing something similar.
@sterlinggecko3269 7 часов назад
I had a gnome alchemist that used a shovel for a combat. had a giant pick up the party dwarf tank and hit the rogue with him. good times.
@soleilsenpai2426 8 часов назад
The fighter challenged the BBEG to a one v one. The warforged looked at the watch that was built into his wrist, shrugged and said: "I have time."
@alexbiddell8710 9 часов назад
First a little preface. I had a basic plot idea for a book I wanted to write, but only really had an idea for the main "reveal" and what the villain would look like. I ended up having a lightbulb moment where I realized "this is totally a campaign". So I looked to make it a short campaign for a few sessions and decided to see if I could make more. One of my players keeps asking lore questions though and figuring out the answers kept making my world bigger and bigger. And now I have this; It's a post-magic, cyberpunk setting where the citizens of a world called OE were forced underground after an event called "The Severing" at the end of a large-scale war called "The Toxin War". The Severing occurred 75 years prior to current events when magic was lost and "the sky darkened" from the OXN contaminant. As a result, a new synthetic magic was developed called "Plasma" (think how elemental bending is applied in The Legend of Korra's world, but with BioShock's plasmids). And now the citizens are ruled by 3 distinct bosses in very different environments; a city enveloped by news media, a city of neon light, and a city that worships an inanimate object (being intentionally vague in case my players follow this channel. Each area deals with a certain kind of fear or anxiety and the way people cope with them. Just as a message to all new DM/GMs; I have only run one one-shot so far and played 5e for 4 sessions. I feel somewhat overwhelmed, but I am getting a lot of input from my players to help shape my story and it's been super inspiring. All that to say, if you've got a good table and you've got a cool story idea, you can make something pretty awesome. Let it not be perfect, but have the framework to let yourself and your players play. I got all my info from videos analyzing guys like Mercer and Mulligan and the unique stories heard thanks to Ripper. You can make something awesome; you just have to be willing to try.
@irishspartanstudios 9 часов назад
7:52 Sovreign. Mass Effect 1.
@bassmikemikepugh8971 10 часов назад
Here's an idea I've been brewing for a while. For me, I always like a little bit of joke in my characters, it helps me connect with them more. So, a warlock that I have sitting in the wings for when the time is right, Bertrand, is a little old man, who's wife passed of old age and his two sons died in service to the crown. He lived his life tending to his farm and garden. As old age brought an end to his life, he made his way up to his garden to view it one last time, telling his beloved flowers and bee hive he took care of that he was sad there wasn't anyone to watch out for them after he passed. Spending his last sunset on that hill before succumbing to death, only then to wake back up. My idea being the bee hive is a portal to the feywild, and an arch fey queen bee has granted him "un"life to spread flowers and spread her influence across the world. He has to carry her hive on his back, and it is only that direct contact with her court that grants him his powers. Where's the joke in this you ask, his name. Bertrand Elijah Zwaxx...B.E.Zwaxx.. Sorry, not sorry, Brian.
@cloudfair2 10 часов назад
My idea is a pirate themed game, the party would be tasked with defeating a notorious band of pirates led by a man named “Yellow Beard”. First clue something is wrong is that the captain doesn’t even have a beard. After killing all the pirates, the players will be left with the captain’s yellow parrot. The parrot speaks and tells them he’s a bit annoyed they killed his crew and tells them THEY are the replacement crew now. After they inevitably talk shit, the parrot reveals itself to be an adult yellow dragon and tells them, “it wasn’t a question”. So the players now sail the world looking for the dragon’s (the TRUE yellow beard) lost treasure.
@jewlbunny 10 часов назад
My character is named Nowhere. Her patron is her fiend father. He mother was made sterile in an attempt to take her life. Said child was said to cause his ruin. So instead of making her take a vow of celibacy, he tried to take her life. The woman knuckle of spite made a deal with said fiend in order to have a child. That being my character. He looks like your typical nonchalant looking business man always with a mug of coffee in hand. And trust me, you don't want him without his coffee. He can go from lawful to chaotic just like that without the coffee buzz. And he intends to treat his little girl well once she passes from the mortal realm into his own. She is literally the apple of his eye. It has a very good relationship with Nowhere's mother.
@PoxMox-t7r 11 часов назад
I have started to plan a campaign based on roleplay and heists with a mix of crime syndicate intrigue. The players would come from multiple corners of my world, a France-sized island. The idea of backstories suggested to the players would be they did some sort of crime and are in trouble, I would let them create somekind of story around that so they would eventually met a man named Markus. He would offer individually the characters to join his little crew of misfits and become a Robin Hood gang, steal the rich and help the poor. The players would meet in the tavern of a little town, were Markus is kind of an unofficial leader and hero. He would tell the players he’s a bit too old and rusty to do the Hero of the people (58year old human), so he would organise heists and send the players on multiple jobs. For multiple sessions, the players will do those missions and I hope they will get attached to Markus, an inspiring and charismatic leader who cares about his people and the characters. But eventually, trouble will arrive in the little town they made their home. One day, a blue dragon will come and rip the village into pieces, the players will realize the dragon isn’t alone and members of a criminal organization were here to take everything, mostly the last “harvest” of the players that unknowingly was stolen from this syndicate. And person leading this attack wasn’t the dragon but a high-ranked advisor from the organization that had before a deep connection to Markus’ backstory. When Markus and the person (named Daniel) meet in the ashes of the village…it ends up Daniel orders the dragon to kill Markus and he dies in front of the players, advice I took from one of your vilain videos about “watching all the players turn into John Wick”. Then the rest of the campaign will be the players trying to get into the syndicate in various means in order to avenge Markus by capturing Daniel…or killing him. I still have a lot of plot twist in reserve for this future campaign and I hope I could Dm it someday.
@Ballodsofthebold 11 часов назад
My original campaign idea: my players are just going about their lives as adventurers, (the party consisted of a paladin, a rogue, and Jesus Christ. Look it was my first campaign and it wasn't serious anyway, ok?) when they are suddenly assaulted by a man they have never seen, who holds a massive grudge. Turns out, in an alternate universe, the party accidentally destroyed the world, and so the BBEG, who goes by the name of... SCHLONG OF HOUSE WANG FROM THE CITY OF DONG, WITHIN THE GREAT NATION OF PHALLUS, LOCATED BETWEEN THE TESTE MOUNTAINS ON THE CONTINENT OF COCKLAND, has been hunting down every version of the party throughout the multiverse. They were being assisted by the brother of the BBEG, who was a cleric trying to stop his brother's murderous rampage. Oh also they had a pet Dragon. And the dragon breathed hot sauce. This came from a joke that Draconic was just Spanish, and it escalated to be that dragons in the setting were all Mexican.
@Jono997 12 часов назад
"You wish to slay a god? Well then, watch and learn."
@mikewithington4755 12 часов назад
So. My world I'm currently running is Pheon, world of magic. In this world magical potential is the main honour system where population and potential magic of a race is the main nature of who sits above others. Main races are the big 3 of elves, dragonborn and dwarves. However humans are the lowest of this society as their origin of magic dissapeared around 500 years ago. In the current time line. There is an underground group of people known as the righteous hand that are kidnapping magical races and turning humans into other races through an unknown method only known to the leader. However, around 2 years ago, before the start of the demon war which is "dying down" in the current sessions, a character from enchantia (a campaign I ran for the group about stories and isekai characters existing in the same world) had managed to arrive in this world and being a human with magic decides to help turn humans into other races without the whole kidnapping stuff. There is one issue but this needs a bit of insight on how the enchantia world works. Enchantia had 3 types of residents, there are original residents, people that were originally written into the book the bard that created the world had written (mainly most of the demons and fairy tale residents). Then there are the isekai characters that made their way into the world some how (like suberu from re:zero and Dorothy). And then there are the crafted, made by OZ (another isekai character trying to get home) which are made from other isekai characters to resemble and act like characters from our worlds fiction (like William afton and the flying monkeys) now... the character that had made their way into the world of pheon was suberu, who had made a deal with a created demon known as Bill Cipher. Granted, the deal was that Bill was going to put his good parts into suberu, but this meant anyone that he turned into non humans, could be influenced by stronger demons that pheon had. TLDR. Connected worlds of a story book and a demon war leads to chaos about to happen.
@JMAssainatorz 12 часов назад
I made this one campaign based on my own personal childhood world (ofcause rewritten to the age but keeping many of the concepts). Mix in a legend of zelda twilight princess and it dident take long before i had quite a monster of a setting. The story it self was based around discovering the setting and all its wiered wackyness while at the same time trying to save it from a spreading chaos.
@pandoravex4791 12 часов назад
2:06 Shad should have apologized and said he’s dyslexic.
@dickermannfilme_cora1717 13 часов назад
Long story short: Warlord found a ancient nuke. Had his priests divinate over it. Had visions of a bright flash and scorched earth. Warlord decided that must be the egg of a new sun and he will hatch it and becom the sungod. Players are to stop that dude from triggering a nuke.
@Xecryo 14 часов назад
I've had a few campaign ideas I'd like to try. 1. Secret Wars: Two unfathomably powerful eternal beings are locked in a struggle that takes the form of a game in which the players are pawns. One being is good the other evil. The evil one managed to destroy the universe but the good one was able to save just enough of it to patchwork them together like in the Secret Wars comic. The players then have to visit the reaches of this patchwork world defeating the evil beings pawns. Meanwhile there are other struggles in and between the different zones. One area is a WWII style battlefield, another is a utopic high fantasy city, another a noire detective setting but of course the world these areas are based around is missing so people are going without food in a huge metropolis or the fascists bad guys from the WWII area are now pillaging an immense jungle for resources. 2. The Great Hunt: Players are invited by the gods to participate in a grand interdimensional hunt where you can kill any animal or monster and get points based on its difficulty comparative to you. SO you could kill 100 squirrels and get 100 points or you could kill something incredibly difficult for much more. Here's the twist, ANYTHING is game including sentient beings and by participating in the hunt. And the gods didn't invite you to hunt......they invited you to be prey. The players wouldn't know those details but it would slowly become apparent as they visit worlds where people have heard of the Great Hunt because their ancestors survived by hiding on those worlds and then settling down. You mention it and they will panic and leave to hide elsewhere. Players shelter in a cave with old writing on the walls (possibly a language they don't understand) that says "Are you the prey, or are you the hunter?" things like that. 3. Land of the Lost: Players must survive on an island continent that is inescapable fill with ancient Lizard people, mind reading aliens, and cave halflings. Shameless stolen from Land of the Lost. I actually ran it for a while before a player had to move. We called the game to an end at level 3 so not very far. But for our next one I'm basically ripping off Star Trek. XD
@Tribozom 15 часов назад
Shin megami tensei V. Use your Imagination.
@MitchT97 15 часов назад
I’m running a campaign right now in my homebrew worlds dubbed Havenscape. It’s a set of multiversal worlds that were once one but the timeline was split in order to keep certain forces from obtaining a particular object of power that’s hidden in one of them. Even though it’s a multiverse each world is completely different as a calamity struck the multiverse and souls cannot be copied so people were just scattered to each world during the event in question. No two worlds are alike anymore. My current setting for the campaign takes place in the first Haven on the continent of Arthera. The party has really just gotten started on a quest meant to bring them together and establish the world around them. But little do they know the remnants of the cult who worshipped the dark god are rising in the shadows once again. The first quest is a tie into the fact that there is a network of people throughout the continent that are secretly searching for…. Something. A long lost item known as “The Essence of Creation”, a shard of power originally given to the dark god from one of the three Fundaments to attempt to usurp the other two. (The Three Fundaments are concepts of reality that gained sentience at the beginning of all things). The party are all closely tied into the plot via family connections or being champion to dead gods who want to stop the coming destruction of the Havens and reascend to divinity. This campaign will take them across the continent to find hints to the past, over the seas to eleven nations who want their homeland back, and to the depths of the underworld to gnomish citadels to find out what was lost thousands years ago.
@bearcat1868 15 часов назад
The first game I DMed for 5e, I had a guy that wanted to play a warlock. His character was a neutral/pretty pragmatic Aasimar, so he wanted to play a Celestial Warlock. Other than that, though, he had no preference on patron and pretty much told me to go nuts. So I did. This was a Spelljammer campaign, so I ultimately decided that his patron would be a beefed up Star Lancer (more or less a neutral celestial space shark) that was essentially the high priest of the cult (that became the star lancers) that worshipped a dead god. The patron's main goal (and what would have became the overarching plot of the party's tier 3 and 4 play if our schedules had held out) was to perform a ritual to ressurect that dead god, so the warlock spent most of his downtime researching spells, ancient history, and ascension rituals. (I also had plans for the party artificer to help forge the new body for the god by confronting the clan he was exiled from and his own crafting-deity). Played around with the ideas of the patron sacrificing themself during the ritual, so that the warlock would've had to choose to bind himself to the reborn god (staying a celestial or switching to a GOO warlock in the process, as I'd decided the god's domain was sharing ***all*** knowledge - even the stuff that would make you go mad - that was killed by a god of secrets) or walk away and shift his levels into another class like Sorcerer, with the idea that the whole pact and adventure had awakened his own innate magic. If only we'd gotten that far, oh well...
@Antartica1342 15 часов назад
" you only gain experience if you lose and only the people that go down get it"
@ShadowEclipex 16 часов назад
One of my favorite warlocks I have played so far was named Valzyr Torrel. A Drow former thief who was bad at thieving. One night he tried robbing a mages tower, but unfortunately for him the night he chose to enact his heist was the same night the Wizards decided to try and contact a great old one by opening a portal. Valzyr caught a glimpse of this eldritch being from down the hall, but that was enough to bend his brain and send him running in a panic. It wasn't until days later when he finally rationalized what he saw into a semblance of sanity and discovered the eldritch being granted a pact to him. Valzyr then decided to set out and become a priest, spreading the word of his patron's glory! Best part is, the eldritch being didn't even notice Valzyr until he finally set up a small chapel and attracted some worshippers. Valzyr then asked who the Eldritch God's favorite servant was, and when the god gave the name of other people Valzyr decided to kill them all in the name of the Eldritch being in order to become the favorite instead. His story ended when he finally killed the other favorites and since there was no one else in the way he said good by to the party and plane shifted away to be with his patron.
@CheesyKnobby 16 часов назад
Oneshot idea: The party is trapped in a cave by large stones that suddenly close the entrance/exit. They fight through the cave, wade through acidic swamps, horrible mud, fight worms... etc, only for the campaign to end with them falling out of a rock giant's butt.
@kjs8719 17 часов назад
One of my players is playing as a fairy. In my game that means she can make fae pacts with the other player characters. However, her fairy recently got replaced by a Doppleganger. So now if anyone asks about a pact, she has to come up with excuses why she cant
@tyskbulle 17 часов назад
I just lost the game
@leoflores-tapia415 17 часов назад
I'm planning to run a... different, campaign. it's a wip, but i do have something, and i'd love help with some random suggestions. (Temporary name) Grimhaven is a realm often called "The in-between". A collection of floating islands amidst an endless void. Very little grows here, and creatures constantly appear through portals or "The Hold" - the place where creatures and items go when thrown through a bag of holding*. As you walk among this odd, purple-skied realm, you'd find that certain animals have evolved - in bizarre ways. As time went on, creatures of all kinds began to hunt - and discovered a curse on the realm. "You are what you eat" becomes a literal thing as you suddenly find crab claws, dragon wings, and a cat's tail appear on your body. I'm still working on the lore, details, and mutation mechanics, but if you could do so, mind commenting ideas for creatures that would appear here, or ones that player's have thrown into the unknown? (By banishment, spell, or Bag of Holding)
@zeriul09 18 часов назад
pretty simple, one shot where a arch wizard gets the group to collect a sample of some black oil that's been found on the remains of a destroyed world they get the sample and take it to an expert on Sigil the oil is Phyrexian the Phyrexians have found Sigil if you know what either of those things are, you know how bad that is, campaign is the group trying to save or destroy sigil before the phyrexians gain access to everywhere
@planswalker 18 часов назад
I'm actually running my second consecutive campaign based on adapting old fantasy computer games from the late '90s and early 2000s. My first one took the darkstone setting and tried to tell the actual story of darkstone that the game failed to achieve through its gameplay. My current one is adapting the computer game Majesty. It has proven very well suited to it as anyone majesty scenario really is its own multi-session d&d adventure. Session 6 has them in the climactic finale fight against an evil Oculus to complete the introductory scenario the bell the book and the candlestick
@Kazesuna2 18 часов назад
Couple of ideas. First one: The Kingdom of Beggars. In Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, instead of classes characters have professions which determine the skills they learn, proficiencies they have, their professional progressiom etc. One day I sat down and thought: what would be the most efficient route from poverty to nobility or high status in general. (Spoilers: every route involves crime of sorts) Why not make a whole campaign around it? Second: "Mother" (or "Totally not Attack on Titan/Shadow of the Colossus"). Giants are on the loose, they ravage nearby cities, players need to stop them. Desperate struggle for survival like AoT, gigantic foes like Shadow of the Colossus, quite normal stuff... ...UNTIL players reach the endgame. Eventually they'll realize that the giants want to get in contact with their "Mother", a legendary colossus who could squash entire towns with a single stomp. Her whereabouts can be found in this stinky, labyrinthine final dungeon right under this worlds capital city. Finally, players will realize that this "dungeon" is in fact The Mother's belly. Then she wakes up. Also, not really a separate campaign idea but in general: if I ever run D&D, I'll remove character resurrection altogether. Heroes can be revivified if done quickly (think of it as a defibrillator of sorts), they can be stabilized but once they're dead, that's it. They could TRY hiring a necromancer/con artist to "resurrect" someone but - it's VERY illegal - it's VERY expensive - it requires some VERY unethical actions (think about making the girl-dog-hybrid from Full Metal Alchemist) - it either won't work without some serious divine intervention (which players probably won't have access to) or the final result is an abomination which makes everyone wish they never tried it in a first place But nah, I'm way too lazy and/or unorganized to run any of these.
@MasqueradeMisuOriginal. 18 часов назад
How does that work?
@MasqueradeMisuOriginal. 18 часов назад
(I dont play the game)
@clouts8973 19 часов назад
The party was mostly around the alignment of n-e. We decided to start a evil guild. We pitch a couple good name than I say we sould name ourselves "The friendship" guild bam nat 20. The scummiest guild in town was the friendship guild
@loganwoods1590 20 часов назад
In my last session, my half drow rogue was helping the druid do a patrol for a festival that was coming up in a few days. Had to stop people from neighboring towns from getting in early. We found a human fighter up against 2 baurguest (I don't know how to to spell that). We decided to save him. During combat, of the wolfy fiends managed to use Suggestion on me to kill the human. Thankfully he survived. After the battle, he offered to trade his +2 club to the druid as thanks. He wanted a +1 weapon in return. The druid didn't have any. So I planted my +1 dagger on the druid and said he forgot about the dagger he got off a demon that tried to kill us. The trade was made and we escorted him to the big party cage in the center of town. Before we entered the town though, I stole my dagger back 😂