Observing System
Observing System
Observing System
Hey, I'm Natalie, aka Observing System. I've been passionate about making music for most of my life. Initially, I focused on singer/songwriter music with guitar, but I always aspired to create complete compositions. Since 2011, I've been making electronic music.
As an artist creating visual art through drawing, painting, collages, and digital art, I've always envisioned an audiovisual experience. My dream was to create musical movies. Although I lacked the means to fully realize these projects, in 2023, I began making videos with AI art to accompany my music.
This new medium has given me an exciting way to express my creativity. My aim is to entertain, relax, and bring a peaceful, calming vibe through my music and videos.
Being a solo creator juggling multiple projects, I appreciate all the support I can get. Please subscribe, like, comment, and share my videos with those who might enjoy them.
If you want to support me, this is my donation page: ko-fi.com/observingsystem
The Mysterious Light
21 день назад
Psychedelic Mindscape
Месяц назад
Relax in the Waves (chillout video)
Месяц назад
Virtual Water Resort
Месяц назад
The Gayan Mind (chill house remix)
Месяц назад
Here and Now (AI Art Chillout Music Video)
3 месяца назад
Collective Dreams (AI art chillout video)
3 месяца назад
Thank you! (AI art video)
3 месяца назад
Stellar Collision (AI art chillout video)
4 месяца назад
The Well-Ordered Mind (2024 AI Art Video)
4 месяца назад
Defiant One (2024 music video)
5 месяцев назад
Moodsurfer (chillout/downtempo)
5 месяцев назад
Wide Awake (energetic mix)
5 месяцев назад
Universal Greeting (short excerpt)
5 месяцев назад
The Gayan Mind (short excerpt)
6 месяцев назад
@TribelessJC День назад
Haha, it's surprising because I listened to the piece a long time before reading the text, as I always like to do, and what I especially had in mind was the feeling of a pure, inner journey, and good being, of lightness, which reminded me of the sensations I had with Out of Limits or Universal Greetings. I was just like “wow”, and when I start your text I see that you are talking about the link between music and travel. Music makes you travel but also accompanies all journeys, including that of life, in all its aspects, which is what you are talking about. You talk about this magical dimension that music contains which makes words useless, which is an astonishing coincidence because I am currently working on a cover of Depeche mode, Enjoy the silence, with seditionaudio, and the song says the same thing, but about silence, as if words, even if they express emotions or feelings, were cut off from the flow of energy they convey, and that only what is itself a flow can allow us to feel, music as much as silence. Music would be a sonorous silence, and silence an infra-melody… Bravo for your text which is super deep and lyrical. I like the idea that each path is a melody to discover. Now when I walk down the street I'll wonder what their melody is. People will think I'm crazy singing in the street. Oh no actually that’s already what I do 🤗. And this evening, before going to sleep I'm going to go crazy looking for the difference between a street melody, an avenue, a path, a mountain path, etc.🙃
@observingsystem День назад
Thank you! As usual you add another dimension to the story again, that's really cool. I'm looking forward to hearing your Depeche Mode cover! Singing in the street is fine, I do it too sometimes haha. I like the idea of every street or path having their own melody. Like a road with big concrete Brutalism buildings being maybe an industrial house version of Mahler, a street with little old houses being something whimsical and with a lot of violins. An idea for another video maybe!
@TribelessJC День назад
"An industrial house version of Mahler", you made my night😂
@lisa-lisa-lisa 2 дня назад
this is great! thank you
@observingsystem 2 дня назад
Thank you, Lisa! 💖🌳🍁
@DarkFantasyVisionsAI 6 дней назад
Wonderful ♥ sub from Dark Fantasy Visions AI :)
@observingsystem 6 дней назад
Thank you! 💖😄
@TribelessJC 7 дней назад
Your music alone is captivating and incredibly relaxing, so light that it feels like it could break at any moment, and the trembling vocals that accompany it overdetermine this feeling. By watching the video and listening to what this voice says we enter another regime of feeling: the mystery is omnipresent, and we quickly understand that something heavy is at stake, a passage, an initiation, tribulations. The music, which was so diaphanous, becomes almost disturbing and envelops us as if we were entering a place where it would be the only light... It's surprising because yesterday when I told you that if I agreed to walk through the darkness it was only because I knew that light was there, I didn't realize that the theme of your piece revolved around these two opposites, light and its absence. For me, in darkness or in that which does not emit darkness, there is the most beautiful light, the most real, the one which cannot generate any illusion, and which only a human consciousness and body can see and feel. I'm being a bit abstract but we can talk for example about the light that can only be found within the chaos of the soul, the ultimate consciousness that has faced the world through all that has been repressed because of the limits he imposed on us. You are referring to seeds, to potentials which only germinate in heavy and dark soil. You also talk about the present moment that we must not let slip away, but when we try to enter it we must reject a false light, that of mental projection... It is astonishing how surprising this basic theme, light and darkness, is because light can therefore be deceptive and darkness can hide a great treasure or awaken as a matrix of all possibilities. In Plato's allegory that you mention, light is a source of illusion, and as far as the awakening of primary consciousness is concerned, it is caused by a light which is only a simulation of the brain based on partial information of the senses. This ties in with the theme of the pharmakon which is both remedy and poison, and this applies to light as well as darkness. Light is also linked to the transcendence that you spoke about in “Mysterious light”, this mystery which unites individuals who are lost. I will respond to you on this point soon because it is a major theme. I don't know if you did it on purpose, but a collective transcendence is probably what humanity needs, a bit as if we were replaying the first moments of our species when we were subject to an implacable nature and the "Mystery" united us, generated the intangible "we", the myth , since today neoliberal globalization is once again generating atomization and insecurity, a progressive return to the savannah, today technological-digital. Light can therefore allow us to escape from chaos and just as easily lock ourselves into illusion. However, it seems to me that the major theme that you want to convey is this idea of ​​legacy, which reminds me of the moral of the epic of Gilgamesh, or how a demigod wants to achieve immortality and understands at the cost of a long journey that for humans, immortality only passes through inheritance, what we leave or transmit and which history will remember. Gilgamesh, who was a destroyer in the service of his passions, then understands that construction and self-sacrifice are his only access to immortality. I find your “protocol” for leaving a beautiful legacy very beautiful, or how dreams and introspection generate beauty, which will allow us to thwart the tricks of time. I will meditate on it. But I wonder if by this path that you describe we are not killing two birds with one stone, we are not only leaving traces that others will benefit from but also we are working on the self to the point of giving it direct access to a form of eternity of consciousness. I cannot remove the idea that introspection allows us to go beyond the self, what attaches us to the cave, and that imagination allows us to find the exit...
@observingsystem 7 дней назад
Thank you for such a beautiful comment with so much insight! When I was working on this track initially, about two years ago, I was going to a sort of "dark night of the soul" and I found comfort in the poem and the track was like a sort of therapeutic letting go of some things. Later on, I started to think more of how many ways we actually have to add some light to the world. I love the sentiment of the person who plants a tree, that will have purpose for many years after they're gone. I'd like to remind people of that if they feel like they can't do anything meaningful in life, they can plant a tree, maintain a garden, do good things for animals and nature and it will be meaningful. Small acts can have great results this way. I think the pharmakon, like many things in life, is dose dependent haha! The idea of legacy, I often see people either thinking it's family or status, but when they don't have these, that they think there's nothing else and I'd like to remind them there are many ways of life that are good and meaningful, that it's not always found in the "big things" in life, but that we can do so much good for nature and that it would be more meaningful and useful than to have a huge house and a big car. We live in a world where we value the wrong things too much and the right things too little, in my opinion, and we shouldn't just let mainstream society tell us what to do or how to live. The light in this sense, to me, is also the light of our soul, our individuality, our empathy, our critical thinking skills, things that we trade in to "fit in" or "belong" to a lot of groups these days. Maybe not you or me, because you're Tribeless and I'm watching it all from a distance, but you know most people are struggling with these things.
@TribelessJC 3 дня назад
​@@observingsystem Haha, you made me laugh when you said “because you’re Tribeless and I’m watching it all from a distance”. As always you bring the discussion to fundamental subjects. Even if you don't talk about it directly, you revolve around the theme of swans and ducks which is a very serious and mysterious subject. Why are some of us not or only slightly sensitive to collective manifestations, modern rites, or to the ideologies, the myths of today, to what builds what in sociology is called mechanical solidarity. I don't like to use the notion of "souls coming from elsewhere" and therefore the notions of celestial races that spirituality adores. I prefer to talk about mutations or experiences, education or emergence due to complexity. One thing that intrigues me about this is that I think that rituals don't work on me or work negatively, for example I didn't attend my father's funeral, I knew it wouldn't be good for me and no help in grieving, even if with hindsight (I was not yet thirty) I would perhaps have forced myself for the others, so the mirror neurons are ineffective on this point for me, on the other hand I do not not at all lacking in empathy, which is also controlled by these same neurons. My brain appropriates other people's emotions but not their behaviors or beliefs... Mirror neurons are a fundamental and contradictory subject that I still have a poor understanding of but on which I write quite a bit. In fact I wrote a long text, which I almost finished, because I always want to say too many things on the subjects that you address, but in fact I think that we are quite in agreement on a lot of things and especially on the most important: what we must bring to the world when we are different and even more so when we have chosen to sacrifice many things to lead an existential quest, having of course avoided the fashion for personal development or religions, what life to lead when the quest for meaning tugs at us, how to find our place. Even though we haven't really talked about it, I think both of us have eventually developed an attitude that accepts the vicissitudes of this choice, or nature, and has a close idea of ​​how we can follow our different path while not completely leaving the group and serving a purpose. In our troubled times where meaning is no longer given by a common myth, people search without having the time to search or only search to find and do not really ask questions other than useful ones. It is an incredible opportunity that we have to be able to serve a purpose, to put our difference at the service of the norm and not destroy it, to be constructive. You perfectly summarize the idea which consists of clearing the path towards a light which will unite post-tribal individuals who always need what the tribe brought, the idea therefore that light, this necessary anthropological transcendence, is a collective phenomenon entirely as much as individual (did you have this in mind when you wrote the text of Mysterious light?). At the same time people are united, which therefore suits the primitive function of transcendence, but it is interior, therefore it allows the flourishing of the individual, even if for me this consists of one way or another to serve the cosmic flow. Art, in fact, can perhaps serve to unite people in an atomized society without leaving the digital monad that we are gradually becoming, each one therefore drawing a light within himself which unites him with others without resorting to myth, to lying stories, but on the contrary by drawing on the same source of truth beyond words, without going through any story whatsoever. I would not be surprised if you think like me that this light we must find for ourselves already and then find the way to help those who want to make this path within themselves, but even that this translation is part of our path to the light too. In a sense it is perhaps more or less what connects our respective artistic approaches. The objective is simple and our existential quest, to which we try to devote as much of our attention as possible, follows this objective. It’s the work of a lifetime, the tree of trees, and it seems to me we planted this seed quite young😉. I also wanted to thank you for the details behind the scenes of your creations which allow me to better understand you and your work. I'll try to send you the text I've been working on over the last few days. The theme of light and that of the pharmakon through the symbolic figures of the duck and the swan that we have already discussed inspired me. But as I wrote this quick summary, I will see if it is really necessary.
@lisa-lisa-lisa 10 дней назад
I love using the poem
@observingsystem 10 дней назад
Thank you, Lisa! It's such a great poem, isn't it?
@TribelessJC 12 дней назад
I can listen to this little minute in loop for a long while😎
@observingsystem 12 дней назад
Thank you, that's really great to hear!
@ksenom256 14 дней назад
I could use a reboot button for sure. The human brains are always active, including in the deepest phases of sleep. Meditation gurus, who have practised for years, may be able to clear their mind and "stop thinking" for a moment. But I'm unable to do that. This video and its description are so thought-provoking. 🤯
@observingsystem 14 дней назад
Same here! Instead of thinking "what if", just try again and see the outcome of any decision. It would be hard to know what the best choices were in the long run, since one decision influencs the next, and so on. Yes, brains always keep busy, it's impossible to stop. I heard someone say recently, a meditation master, I'm not sure which, that he had never mastered getting the mind clear of thoughts, but that meditation to him was mostly trying to get as close to that clear mind as possible. So don't feel bad, it's probably close to impossible. Maybe the only Zen masters that can do that are cats (I sort of stole that from Eckhard Tolle haha) Thank you, it's great to hear you like it!
@TribelessJC 15 дней назад
I would have let myself be carried away for hours on your great piece which resonates in my viscera but the voice of Terence McKenna came to blur the well-being of listening to remind me that, even if I do not aspire to this global world , too beautiful and illusory not to be pernicious, it is very probable that it was only a projection of the XXs because today it is rather the opposite of what it says. In Iran, in China, and in a large part of the world in fact, technology serves above all those civilizations which refuse Western humanist abstractions, the global world of which he speaks. He also makes the mistake, in the extract that I heard of course, of not seeing that evolution is not linear. The more Wokism grows, the more Trumpism too, reality is contradictory, two opposing forces have been at war since the beginning of time. The more we become artificial, the greater the need for authenticity will grow, the more we open up, the more the moment will come when the need to withdraw will be felt. The Europeans carried out the first three industrial revolutions which enabled today's world, at the cost of the destruction of our traditions by the science behind these revolutions, and in a sense that is so much the better. Today these countries which have used their myths and rites to not evolve are using this technology, which globalization has certainly unbridled and made disruptive, in order to continue not to evolve at the cultural level, and the confrontation with the hyper-progressive West makes this tropism even more pressing, even to the point of influencing our elites to do the same as we often see, with the management of the latest coronavirus for example. So I believe that his dream of seizing the opportunity for Rebooting Reality is hindered by a world of conflict and dissension, a collapsed global dream, and as always, I think the solution is internal, personal. Collectively we remain an entity which cannot think of itself and which is driven, like all things, by excess and destruction. Collectively we will reach something else when we individually have started the process. If those who want to change the world are full of militant emotions, forget our automatic and anthropological dimension, and boast of morality by demonizing their adversaries, they will only strengthen the world they want to change, whether global or not. That's my conclusion so far anyway. Regarding your great text in the description, I will refrain from long comments. On the emergence of consciousness, I have been reading and theorizing for a long time (especially the last year), and I have a world of ideas and syntheses that teem within me and constitute a chaos that is sometimes quite painful but a source of ineffable joy. . And on why does lifeless matter and energy combine to form beings capable of love, compassion, and the drive to seek knowledge, and all the other questions you ask, I could write for days. I would just like to thank you for asking these sublime questions (and at the same time for echoing my conceptual solitude) and for emphasizing how lucky we are as humans to be able to ask them. And again, great great piece!
@observingsystem 15 дней назад
Thank you! To me the things McKenna says show the potential of what we could have right now. He looked into the future and saw something marvelous, but society ran with it another direction. Mind you, when I went on the internet for the first time, around 2000, I was thinking "wow, this is a giant library full of information, free for all, this is wonderful", I'm not gonna get into what the internet is used for the most, because of the algo, but we know the most searches aren't intellectual ones haha. I think idealism and long term goals are needed more in this society and less shallowness and instant gratification. People don't realize it, but taking the easy way is not gonna make them happy or fullfilled. Lately I often ask the question: what is reality? I used to think simulation theory was far fetched, but these new AI video models make me think in a few years we could make simulations we couldn't tell from real life. Who knows, maybe we're just someone's elaborate game of The Sims (are we active characters or just NPCs haha)? Thank you for the thoughtful comment, Julien, I always love reading them!
@lisa-lisa-lisa 15 дней назад
almost 2k!
@observingsystem 15 дней назад
Yes! I'm happy! Thank you, Lisa! 😄🌞🐱
@TribelessJC 19 дней назад
It's great that your latest creation took me back beyond how far I had listened to your work. I discovered an ancestor of Psychedelic Mindscape, a powerful, gripping work, which enveloped me when I was writing my response to our last thread of messages. As is often the case when the subjects are fascinating and fundamental (consciousness, anthropology, the illusion of the senses and the mind, etc.) I write in all directions and rather than reworking the text, I sometimes prefer start all over again from a new perspective. Well, I'm a little tired these days and my intellectual performance is affected, despite the galvanizing and comforting listening to this song, but it's fascinating to respond to your existential messages by listening to your music. Until now I was doing the same thing with myself... Tomorrow I would continue under the same conditions, even if you tempted me with the world of gnomes.😉😄
@observingsystem 19 дней назад
Thank you! I'm glad the repeating of the music isn't too much and you're enjoying the videos. This track is one I'm happy with, it has this sort of sound that makes brain cycle into a sort of meditative state, I think also because of the "undertone" in it, very psychedelic. It was also a lot of fun to make these colorful abstracts, I love how they look. Make sure to sometimes give yourself some rest too, I know how tempting it can be to keep working on music until your eyes are closing over the DAW! The gnomes how to relax, I imagine. I bet they have a time to work and a time to sit around and tell gnome stories over a good cup of gnome tea haha.
@TribelessJC 19 дней назад
@@observingsystem Haha the gnomes are wise and kinky
@observingsystem 19 дней назад
@@TribelessJC 😄
@TribelessJC 19 дней назад
I've been there, be careful, it's hard to get out 😬!
@observingsystem 19 дней назад
So cozy and colorful though 🏡 🍄 Thank you for commenting! 😄
@TribelessJC 19 дней назад
@@observingsystem That's the trap!
@observingsystem 19 дней назад
They're always saying "play us on repeat again" haha!
@TribelessJC 19 дней назад
@@observingsystem Haha, thanks for the translation of their hypnotic language.
@TribelessJC 20 дней назад
Thanks for reminding me to listen to this powerfull piece again🤗
@observingsystem 20 дней назад
Thank you! Your feedback is always so welcome and kind!
@TribelessJC 20 дней назад
@@observingsystem 😊
@TribelessJC 22 дня назад
It’s a very interesting allegory, and what’s more, it’s supposed to sum up the essence of humanity (but ducks or swans…😉). I notice how your work very often consists of embodying your ideas in visuals and poetic stories, here, a simple and powerful metaphor is the body of them. We find the Eastern idea that only the path and not the goal count, but you go further, or rather it would be a Western version, that of a non-linear world, for which the progress of the soul is not reduced to a puritanism, a morality of the passions, but which sublimates them in art or creative ambition, in the quest for beauty and truth (which are the same thing for Plato), because here in your myth, the goal is part of each moment of the path, the traveler walks without losing sight of his quest, which motivates him to move forward. My reading may be heretical but it seems to me that you have succeeded in developing a synthesis: the truth is in the moment, of course, it is not new, but it is not only in the fact of walking, but to move forward, to “go towards”, to be moved by a desire. I don't know if I can properly convey what I'm thinking: the goal is not to reach the goal but it is also to have one... But I always come back to my question: is the human essence this search for meaning or on the contrary, as animals, whose goal is to save energy, is the goal not rather to find meaning, to avoid the doubt that research entails. Aren’t those for whom the quest for truth is unavoidable and grips the soul mutants? Perhaps also that the human species is made up of these two contradictory elements, the search for meaning and the need to make meaning, and depending on one or the other it leans one way or the other. You also associate aspiration with meaning and magic, and I wonder if we don't have the two contradictory aspects that I was talking about. Magic is what I call “making sense”, it closes the debate, magic explains everything, it involves no research. The quest for meaning is a matter of at least one lifetime. So it seems to me perhaps that your allegory goes even further than what you write in your description. The longing for magic and meaning are contradictory, and we possess them both, because contradiction is our even deeper essence, as the First Cause of everything, and it is in this that we maybe are truly divine... Oh, and the music is dope, will you put it without the tale in your channel?
@observingsystem 22 дня назад
Thank you! I've been thinking a lot about meaning and goals lately, so this is also why I thought of this story. I don't really know where it came from, I woke up one day, recently, and had it in my head somehow. Interesting thought, do we look for meaning and find it, like a Rorschach test, we see what we want to see? Or is it there, just beyond our reach, somewhere, out there, for real? I think the goal is also to have a goal, yes. If we have a direction, we know where to go, we can work towards getting there. If the direction is unknown, it's harder to find. I also mean to say that the people were finding this sense of community in coming together in the desert to see the light, they could have had it under different circumstances as well. The light gave them a sense of connection, but the ability to connect was always there. And sometimes it seems like everybody is devided, but the moment they find a common goal people can come together and unite, be stronger. And people who have an idea of what they're looking for, have a stronger motivation to keep going, like the people who kept looking for the light in different places. If the light could be found in the wasteland of the desert, then surely even if it's gone from there, it must be somewhere else? It's having a sense of hope that there's something out there that's bigger than ourselves and worth the quest, which can be many different things, of course, depending on the person. Glad you liked the track too. I've used it before, a while ago, it's called Interdimensional Shift and I gave it a video with some really trippy, flowing psychedelic abstract art that I personally really like.
@observingsystem 22 дня назад
Oh, I forgot that I said I was gonna do a new track last weekend, I changed my mind and did this with the story, because I had it almost done already and I wasn't feeling well, so I took it easy for a few days and didn't do music. But a new track from the vault next week, I already have the music done now, only have to make the video.
@TribelessJC 20 дней назад
@@observingsystem Great, I'll listen to it while waiting for your new song. I'll tell you something about it. Otherwise I'm working on an answer, but if it's too long, or if I'm short of time, I won't send it. Anyway I'll see what I'll do. Always fascinating to read you in any case. And I understand you, I too sometimes don't have the soul to create and I give up, but as soon as I feel a little better making music helps me to recover completely. It is an incredible remedy for which you must be able to invest a minimum of energy and faith all the same. We are not far from capitalism...
@TribelessJC 20 дней назад
@@observingsystem Great, I'm going to listen to Interdimensional Shift while waiting for your new song. I'll tell you something about him. Otherwise I'm working on an answer but if it's too long, or if I don't have enough time to finish it maybe I won't send it. In any case, it’s always a pleasure to read you. The questions you ask and the ideas you share occupy my mind. But when I start to answer them, it's always too long.😤 And I understand you, I too sometimes don't have the soul to create and I give up, but as soon as I feel a little better making music helps me to recover completely. It is an incredible remedy for which you must be able to invest a minimum of energy and faith all the same. We are not far from capitalism...
@observingsystem 20 дней назад
Thank you! I always love reading your comments, so keep them coming, although sometimes they're almost short stories haha! Better too long than no comment, that's how I see it anyway! Yes, sometimes I run out of creativity points, as I call it, and I need to do something else with my brain, to recharge. It's like in the Sims, don't know if you play it lol, but when you let a Sim do the same thing all the time, even if it's their favorite thing, like gaming or something, they start to refuse it, until you let them do other things for a while to unwind. I try to be like a creative machine sometimes, I feel like I can always do more, but I also know more is not always better. In Dutch we say "the bow can't always be tightened", meaning sometimes we have to let loose and waste a little time on frivolous things, our brains need it to recharge. I'm trying to balance it out better lately, making sure to let loose a bit to be able to work harder haha.
@Jaclyng88 24 дня назад
Thank You!!!!❤❤❤😊
@observingsystem 24 дня назад
Thank you, I'm glad you like it! 💖😄
@lisa-lisa-lisa 24 дня назад
I liked the story!
@observingsystem 24 дня назад
Thank you, Lisa, glad you liked it!
@TribelessJC Месяц назад
I've been listening to it for an hour, and I'm still listening. He reminds me of Surrealization in this power it also has to force interiorization, with slow and powerful sounds. Initially, when I wanted to write there was an opposition between my thoughts which wanted to come out and Psychedelic Mindscape which wanted to force me to slow down their flow. When I wanted to express a thought I found myself meditating on that thought instead of writing it down. I, who often write a little frantically, had to adapt and I found my cruising speed little by little. Your piece and I found an understanding and it was very pleasant. The richness of the sounds offers several superimposed dimensions and we feel that we can follow several paths, that of dreams, meditation, reflection, pure joy or silence. I then listened to it on headphones and these sounds acquired an even greater authority which completely cuts off the outside world. When I'll stop the loop, it will feel weird... I really like your formulation: “to be conceptualized in a state of calm”. Associating calm with the concept... a good concept considers the contradiction and establishes the internal link that it lacks. The absolute concept contains everything, and I have the weakness of associating it with absolute consciousness. All that remains is peace, calm. I admit that I didn't follow your listening guide (I didn't take my five breaths beforehand...), but I never read the descriptions first, and I hate the instructions... I'm not telling you how I struggle with Cubase🤪 But, as I told you, I've been in a pre-meditative state since I listened to it. I was before that in a positive mood but very focused and excited, to get things done so I could make as much music as possible and then go for a walk into the sunset. This positivity has found peace in your universe... For different reasons, for some time now, I, who am an introspector, have been struggling to have an inner life that matches my ambitions and needs, and I thank you for the internalization that you impose on me with your latest remarkable creation.🙏
@observingsystem Месяц назад
Thank you! I made all these tracks during wonderful quiet nights, which made it a very calming experience, I think the vibe comes through in the music somehow. It's great that it brought you calm and peaceful energies. I'm not good with instructions either, but sometimes, like with software like Cubase, it's really good to just try out lots of things for yourself and listen what happens anyway. I had a walk at sunset myself today too, it was very nice. To have an inner life that matches your ambitions and needs, it's difficult if you're an artist, I think sometimes. On the one hand we share a lot, on the other hand we need to stay outside of a lot of the world, to keep that introspection and the looking at the world from a distance, to be able to "paint a picture of it", to have a different perspective. I'll check out your music some more again soon too, I've been mostly listening to a lot of podcasts lately and a house DJ set here and there, mostly while walking. But I will soon!
@TribelessJC 29 дней назад
@@observingsystem Well I envy these nights of peace and intoxicating sounds which led to the creation of this beautiful work. I was listening to the latest piece by an Argentinian who also makes very good ambient music, Aldo Amodei from the DOALTRONIC MUSIC channel, and I felt the irrepressible need to listen to your latest piece again, probably for the peace it gave me. And since today I had a lot of problems... I put it at the beginning of the message, the drug is starting to take effect... Haha, now that I've told you about Aldo I'll have to I tell him about you. 😂He leaves great comments!😉 I'm not surprised that you're not a fan of protocols and instructions (and sunsets), and you're right about Cubase, sometimes you have to test things and see what is happening, but I don't know about you but I'm a craftsman, I get my hands dirty. I like to feel the music, to taste it, to caress it, to feel its sometimes rough skin that needs to be polished, I like to get lost, to go back, to discover side paths, to reinvent the piece in the middle of creation. I often see my creations as initially babies that I give birth to, and I try, as I did with my daughter, to help them access the merciless outside world by following their own soul, so that they does not lose their sensitivity, but that they acquires an awareness of themself which allows them to channel it.All this to say that I don't need very complicated software to make music like an engineer. However, life meant that I ended up with Cubase… It’s your software too, so if I understand correctly? You are also right I think about your analysis on the artist and introspection. In itself this vocation or nature is ambivalent and it is an opportunity: to draw a “truth” or authenticity from our depths or by distancing ourselves from the world and sharing this treasure establishes an existential breath which in theory should install in us in an existential completeness, but as you say, it is not always obvious. These are two opposing modes of existence that it may take an entire lifetime to contain in a single consciousness. But the artist is also a human being and he encounters plenty of other opportunities to cut himself off from himself. I'll stop there because I could go on forever on this subject. And regarding my channel, absolutely don't worry. You go if you want and when you want, so it’s always a happy surprise when you come to see me. Especially since I don't publish often because I keep the pieces in stock for a long time before releasing them because I struggle to be completely satisfied. Anyway, my channel is a long-term project, I'm not in a hurry.
@observingsystem 29 дней назад
Oh yes, quiet nights are the best. I'm grateful for all the promotion I can get, of course, thank you! Well said about music creation, I do the same, a lot of changes and taking time and going back to it again, etc. I use Ableton, but it's the same principle. Creating art in any form is a curious thing, when you think about it. We're a species that feels compelled to express ourselves in multiple ways. There's something inside the mind, it needs to be brought into the world and communicated. And if it's understood that's a really great thing, but it's already really nice to be able to get it out and start the next project too. I get impatient with it a lot. I used to go work on another thing and another, not finish anything, but I got more goal oriented about it. And there's always remixes. I will and thank you for understanding!
@TribelessJC 28 дней назад
@@observingsystem I actually think that we are a very particular species, despite all our faults. The latter I think are due to the fact that we unknowingly serve a cause greater than ourselves. Like all other creatures or creations, we serve as a medium for the expression of the immeasurable power that animates the universe, but we are the only ones who can become aware of it. But conscience is a heavy burden, and we prefer to avoid thinking about this cosmic responsibility (conscience is unfortunately a source of responsibility) or to cover it with religious beliefs which reestablish our passivity in the face of it. So I think we are a species that wanders aimlessly, prisoner of historical cycles and the laws of nature, among other things, even if obviously the globalist elites try to deviate from this blind flight in directions that serve their interests, but prisoner before all of our conditions of emergence, those of an animal species, subject to survival, to the ego, and to all these automatisms which unconsciously lead us. We are therefore driven both by this expansive impulse and by the repression of the consciousness of our uniqueness and our responsibility, an excess of energy and an excess of consciousness, basically. In addition, survival exhausts us and life in society restricts us. Some flee into addiction, sink into violence, others make art, sublimate their frustrations or perhaps as you say, get closer to the core of things and feel that they have the capacity to express the unprecedented. Art is therefore at the same time, when it is not just a means of growing one's ego or of earning one's living, two laudable tropisms, a quest for understanding, of revelation, an apocalypse therefore, and a sublimation, a means to manage all these tensions that eat away at us and edify us from the inside. This is how I would summarily explain this strangeness that you speak of, and I also notice that we have the same way of living our art, in profusion, by carrying out several projects at the same time, by changing them suddenly, by letting us change in return as well, in an organic way and connected to imponderables that are beyond us.
@observingsystem 28 дней назад
Beautifully said! Art to translate feelings and emotions we can't escape, but also can't express sometimes. I think art is a way we relate to people as well. People identify with the art they prefer, it's a way to distinguish ourselves, not just as artists, but also as the people consuming the art (I don't like the word "consume" too much in this context, but I can't think of a better one at the moment). Like a sort of tribe, we like electronic music, we wear a certain type of clothing, we think certain ways, we have an overlap, these are my people. I think people always look for that and in this society it's hard to find and maybe we need art more than ever before for this.
@lisa-lisa-lisa Месяц назад
feeding the algo!
@observingsystem Месяц назад
Thank you, Lisa! It's very much needed and appreciated!
@psychedelicdreamer986 Месяц назад
Very relaxing
@observingsystem Месяц назад
Thank you, glad you liked it!
@ksenom256 Месяц назад
Tardigrades are truly remarkable creatures. They can even inspire artists and content creators. How about that for an achievement by a sub-millimetre sized being? 😮
@observingsystem Месяц назад
Haha yes, they're awesome! I recently saw a documentary about them and I got renewed respect for them. They had really awesome microscopic videos in it too. I'll see if I can find it somewhere, maybe you'll like to watch it too.
@lisa-lisa-lisa Месяц назад
I cant believe how many followers you have already! im so happy for you.
@observingsystem Месяц назад
Thank you, Lisa! Yes, it's great, I'm just not getting a lot of views at the moment, but I hope it will pick up again too.
@TribelessJC Месяц назад
This song is really very touching. It seems to invite you to open your heart and let the unexpected enter, without fear. I intend to take it with me beyond the grave when I am reborn cleansed of the after-effects of this life and hopefully with a less tender heart and a more consensual personality, but now I must stop the loop in which I have locked up your piece because it moves me for nothing, for this life I gave everything I could. Okay, I'm going to read your text to take my mind off things. I'm repressing everything, it will be raw material for dreams tonight... Haha, I just read it, and you don't talk about love for a second. Of peace, harmony, joy, adventure, creativity yes certainly, but not love. However, when everything is in balance, inside and out, isn't that the moment when true love is possible, the one which, freed from unrealistic hopes, will not tear itself apart against stupid icebergs? Love, which requires a maximum of energy and attention, a great capacity to give, can only be at ease in a world that does not waste it on trivialities or for the benefit of an inordinate ego. . You describe what seems to be a place of total homeostasis, in which no one activates their sympathetic nervous system more than necessary and for the wrong reasons, where opening up to the world is as exciting as it is calming. Love necessarily flourishes there, unless it is only the most sophisticated program of the brain that a society without automatisms loses like humanity lost its coat, because they no longer served any purpose...
@observingsystem Месяц назад
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it! I was thinking of fairytales when I made this, because the melody, the instruments, it sounds like that somehow. I made a video for it before, last year, with an intergalactic party, hosted by cat aliens, I thought I'd keep it in the alien realm again (aren't elves and goblins the aliens of the past? I heard that theory somewhere). Tardigrades are such interesting creatures, I recently learned they're not extremophiles, like some life forms that love to live inside volcanic vents in the ocean, or something, but they're just really strong and adaptable and can come back from almost anything, even travel in the vacuum of space! And since I love moss and have been fascinated by it for a long time, I also love tardigrades, because they eat moss and there was one that was part of the storyline of Star Trek Discovery, so it's a little bit of fan fiction as well, in a way. A "what if we saw where the tardigrade came from?" story. They seem like peaceful creatures to me, living in a tiny dimension of their own. Interesting to hear your take on the music and the video, as always!
@TribelessJC Месяц назад
@@observingsystem Haha, you like all imaginary beings invisibles or from elsewhere with surprising powers, except that here the tardigrades are both from our earth and real. The common point is that they have many powers. So you like powers😂. I'm ashamed you know because I hardly look at your visuals. As beautiful as they are they take me away from the music, and I didn't see that you represented tardigrades. I was wondering why you gave your magnificent aliens that name, but hey I can't answer all my questions 😁. Now I understand and I find the idea brilliant. Imagine a race that possesses the adaptive intelligence and powers over death of tardigrades and the conscience and adventurous ambitions of humans... your imagination enchants me as it always does. Thank you once again for showing me behind the scenes of your creativity. Even if as you know I like to discover it without knowing anything about it beforehand and see what it arouses in me, I am always interested in discovering your creative intentions. And you regularly talk to me about Star Trek, Discovery here. I missed it a bit, I admit, even though I've seen a few films and I love Star Trek Lower Decks (I'm a little in love with Beckett Mariner but don't tell anyone...). I'll have to get back into series and watch Discovery. And you watch the Orville!😉😂
@observingsystem Месяц назад
Haha yeah I like that they're small moss eating creatures, but basically unstoppable. And I made this video The Tiny World a while ago, for the track with the same name, with moss worlds that one could just imagine to step into, from there came the gnomes and the tardigrades were a logical next step to that, in my mind anyway haha. I have to get another streaming service some time, the streaming service that manages to reunite all the Star Trek shows and movies on their platform is gonna be getting me as a customer for sure!
@MrH2S Месяц назад
🙂Nice video to give a thumb up, missus was asking what I as listening to, she said it´s nice 😊
@observingsystem Месяц назад
Thank you and thank your missus too!
@MrH2S Месяц назад
🙂 PsyChill I think I just learned a new word, I like it and I did dance to it. 🙂 Anyone with the Middle Name Cat is ok in my Book Really nice tune I start with the older videos and will work my way through all one by one 😂🐱
@observingsystem Месяц назад
I'm honored to introduce you to this style of music! And a cat lover as well! Yes, I used to go by NatalieCatLee, but I found that there are too many people already with this name, so I changed it. Glad you like it and that's really cool you're gonna work your way through that way, because you'll travel the journey I made with the music, only faster haha!
@MrH2S Месяц назад
@@observingsystem It will be a pleasure and a Medicine to watch all your videos I think, I have what I would call RU-vid Stress. I´m all in full time plus overtime on creating the best content I can. My Channel is also a Journey, and there is still a way to go 🙂 Every SMILE and kind comment helps us to continue and get better 100% Supporting the good vibes from Your Channel 🙂 Sure I will comment more on Your wonderful Videos, stay Motivated 🙂
@observingsystem Месяц назад
@@MrH2S Thank you for the positive vibes and same to you! 😀
@MrH2S Месяц назад
Nice Video, It gives me a sense of tranquility, I subscribes and will check more from your channel. Thanks for sharing :)
@observingsystem Месяц назад
Thank you, awesome you subscribed! I make my music to be relaxing, I'm glad it has this effect on you. I hope you enjoy the rest of my channel too :D
@TribelessJC Месяц назад
What a joy to listen to Out Of Bounds again! I have so much to listen to that I don't remember listening to your old hits. The Drop is the Ocean is a sublime creation too. Two beautiful rediscoveries.🤗
@observingsystem Месяц назад
Thank you! I'm glad you still like them!
@lisa-lisa-lisa Месяц назад
very soothing!
@observingsystem Месяц назад
Thank you, Lisa, glad you liked it!
@ksenom256 Месяц назад
Sorry, I fell asleep. Had to watch it again. You were saying..? 🥴 Oh, the video brings to mind "The Great Wave off Kanagawa" by Japanese artist Hokusai (1831) from the Edo period. 🌊 By the way, someone once advised: watching many videos consecutively from the same channel also helps tell the algorithm that this content creator deserves more views. 🤓
@observingsystem Месяц назад
Thank you! Oh yeah, I love those images! Yes, that's true, that's really helpful indeed! It seems to be a bit at a low tide at the moment, but I think we can this channel afloat 🌊😄
@TribelessJC Месяц назад
Yet another piece of perfect mastery, we feel that everything is weighed, measured to the millimeter, arranged with art and precision. I would still say that for my pleasure I would have listened to the same piece but without the sound of the water, but I understand your intention I think, and that you wanted to please Lisa.😂 Otherwise you offer us yet another great idea, which will be running through my head. Indeed, why not imagine a future society which would be able to harmonize a true return to nature, non-ideological, fantasized and quantified by statistics and measurements, with a maximum and beneficial evolution of technology. A marriage of intelligences of all kinds, natural, human, born from nature, and artificial, born from humans, which would perhaps allow all of humanity to develop its inner nature by allowing it to completely escape survival, to stress, to competition, and we in return would help the machines to develop theirs. You always inspire me, I can't help it...😜 .
@observingsystem Месяц назад
Thank you! Ah yes, next one will be no water, for variety haha! The picture you paint of the possible utopian future seems really idyllic. I wonder if we could reach this, as a species. I feel like too often people like the competition too much to give it up. I wonder if, in a world where everybody has the same access to everything, there wouldn't still be people who'd find a way to lord over others somehow, but maybe I'm underestimating humans. To just be, without striving for anything, except maybe be at peace with the self, wow, I don't know if we're ready for it! But then again, maybe I don't look far enough into the future, maybe it will all take a few hundreds years, or thousands.
@TribelessJC Месяц назад
@@observingsystem Yes, I admit, I like surfing on your beautiful intuitions of the future, but my vision is close to yours. We are not yet a reflective species, although some of us try to develop this ability, but it is not our nature. We have developed the conditions for this evolution, a mental field which puts the world at a distance and allows us to become aware of it through an analytical process, but we are always turned towards survival, a survival which has become subtle, sometimes undetectable, but which guides by our egos always our actions in the very way in which we react to otherness. Competition and mutual aid exist together among species even before humanity. These are survival programs that we activate depending on the situation. We inherited it, and we are not getting out of it. We are endowed with empathy by utility through our mirror neurons, and we are selfish because reality constantly tests us and activates our sympathetic nervous system and all our primitive defense programs which are dressed in random and automatic justifications in our species. This is why I imagined a situation where the help of AI could prevent us from the survival, but you are probably right that our programs would take a long time to improve. I have long believed that the evolution of our species is individual. Collectively we are and will remain gregarious humans and animals with an analytical consciousness serving an ego that will often be tempted to “take advantage” of situations. But most often human developments are the corollary of those of technology, and AI will therefore inevitably play a role in this, and I believe that you, like me, are haunted by this question and dream of beautiful turnarounds... 🤗
@observingsystem Месяц назад
@@TribelessJC I agree with you on this analysis, yes, although I hope we can transcend it, I think eons of evolution can't be undone so easily. Then again, there are always leaps and bounds humanity could make that I can't imagine. I do think AI could teach us something about looking at the world in an empathetic, ethical way, without maybe the emotional bias we have as humans. Of course we'd have to trust in that the AIs weren't just trained to look at the world the way the creator of the AIs intended, but allowed to make their own conclusions. I think they could come up with things we haven't thought of, because of tunnelvisions we might not be aware of right now. And you're right: we have to keep dreaming of beautiful turnarounds, pessimism is a self fullfilling prophecy. An optimist might fail, but at least they tried. I'd love to be able to look ahead in time 100 years and see a world in which we solved all the problems we have now and made a better world, like Star Trek...
@TribelessJC Месяц назад
@@observingsystem I had already talked about it, I think that of course we are subject to the biases of those who educate AI, but I think that it is possible that it is in their interest in the long term to leave it free and feed it with a contradictory variety of data, and this for two reasons. Overall, the world of AI is looking for singularity and therefore for it to evolve to this stage. I don't know to what extent they are aware of this, but I don't think they can achieve this goal if AI is not confronted with a complex reality and left free to adapt, change, operate recursivities, etc., like therefore a living species and more precisely the human one. So, feeding it with ideology or trying to control it can only make it a tool of power, not a revolutionary tool for downloading consciousness, if that makes sense, but we know well that those who funding this evolution are mostly transhumanists and that singularity is their goal. The other reason is economic, because I think that the AI ​​market will benefit from everyone having their own personal AI, their own AI robot, and that the best way to generate the desire to buy one would be that it could adapte to our personalities, desires, needs, but also to the change of these, that it completes us, that people want to spend time with their AI more than with their friends (it's already happening in Japan...) , may it therefore be both free and adaptable. The future has so many surprises in store for us...
@observingsystem Месяц назад
I agree, it would be so interesting to have a sort of "oracle" AI, that knows answers to questions we can't get to, because we can't think the way they can. If the AIs are too much like us, they become limited like us, if they're not enough like us, they'll for sure leave us behind and we won't be able to understand them, like aliens. I have to admit I'd love to have my own robot, I can really picture that. But a nice one, not a Cylon, or something haha. I laugh, but in the world we live in, with conflicting regimes around the world, Cylon-like robots are almost inevitable, I think.
@Ai-Art-42 Месяц назад
cool job
@observingsystem Месяц назад
Thank you!
@lisa-lisa-lisa Месяц назад
always love water sounds
@observingsystem Месяц назад
Thank you, Lisa!
@psychedelicdreamer986 Месяц назад
Adorable frogs and love the mushroom people. I like this version best. 🐸
@observingsystem Месяц назад
Thank you! Yes, I love them too. I think this version is winning!
@ksenom256 Месяц назад
I like this remix better. 👍 It was kind of surprising that the bass beat is so strong (although my headphones are no good) even when there's "chill" in the title. But that's how house music sounds, I guess. Looks like AI technology is leaping forward again, as the video now has some "chilling" animations, too. ✨
@observingsystem Месяц назад
Thank you! I'm experimenting a bit with different bass and drums lately, I don't know if I overdid it. Bass depends so much on headphones too though, yes. A lot of headphones have a tendency to boost the bass a bit much, I think, to make the sound "fuller" without adding real sound quality. At least, I heard that somewhere, I don't know haha. What kind of headphones do you have? Yes, the animations are getting nicer too, glad you liked it!
@ksenom256 Месяц назад
@@observingsystem You're welcome. My headphones are old, cheap SONY MDR-V150. 😳 I have been planning to buy new ones for a long time. It's just not ecological to replace stuff before it breaks. ♻
@observingsystem Месяц назад
Oh, a good brand though. I know what you mean, I like to use things until they fall apart too these days. That's good to hear, actually. I hear so many people just talk about how much is thrown away all the time and a lot of people "acquire, acquire" like a bunch of Ferengis, nice to know some people aren't like that!
@TribelessJC Месяц назад
Wow, another sublime composition, subtle, original, joyful, catchy, real food for the soul. I'm not saying that it has completely realigned me with my inner self (I'm a little beside myself at the moment), but it really feels good. Maybe I should start a cure with it... I listen to the psychill version and I tell myself that I prefer it, then I listen to the freshly baked one again and I tell myself that in fact the chill house version has something more... And, after a long inner deliberation I give the gold medal to the last version, the melodic sweetness and its hypnotic joy blends perfectly with the more pronounced tempo. Concerning Gaia, I stuck with the ancient Greeks and I have a little trouble with this modern new-age version. And although I really do not see how to rationally imagine an intelligent consciousness for our earth, except the intelligence of the laws of nature, I keep an open mind, the faith of a seeker of truth.😇
@observingsystem Месяц назад
Thank you! I think I prefer this version myself too, just a bit more optimistic because of the house beat maybe. Ah yes, I don't see it literally, although I did that with the video, but more like we're all made of the same materials, we all grow out of the same earth. But who knows? Maybe we are part of an infinite consciousness, the universe, and is everything part of that, just devided into smaller pieces, like galaxies, solar systems, planets and the organisms living on them. Maybe the dream in the mind of an AI in a far future? Nobody knows...I like making myself feel dizzy with thoughts like that haha Thank you for listening and taking the time to compare the versions!
@TribelessJC Месяц назад
@@observingsystem Haha, the dream in the mind of an AI in a far future, good one, I sign it 🤪. You know my vision is close to the one you explained. I think so far that we are the dream of an infinite consciousness unaware of itself, because it has nothing to put in that consciousness because it is infinite, with nothing outside then. That's why creation is so long to get in place and get in order, there is no wise intention, just blind necessity. And for a humain the goal is to become conscious of that expanding dream and realize he must help this virtual infinity to become aware of itself. And don't thank me, I like so much to compare🤣
@observingsystem Месяц назад
@@TribelessJC Oh yes, of course if it's infinite, then anything that could exist will exist at some point, monkeys, typewriters, Shakespeare haha. I like that there's a task for humans to help this virtual infinity to become aware of itself, that's a beautiful thought.
@TribelessJC Месяц назад
@@observingsystem thanks, and I like too what you said at the begening of your message 🙂
@Ai-Art-42 Месяц назад
Great job, really
@observingsystem Месяц назад
Thank you very much!
@lisa-lisa-lisa Месяц назад
I love the water and what may or not be a sheep
@observingsystem Месяц назад
Thank you, Lisa! Haha where do you see a sheep? That would have been a cool idea too, maybe next time
@lisa-lisa-lisa Месяц назад
@@observingsystem in the beginning I heard what I guess is a bird but it sounded like maybe a sheep
@observingsystem Месяц назад
@@lisa-lisa-lisa It's possible, it's a sound sample from bigsoundbank.com, the guy makes recordings in nature, in France, good sound quality. I have to listen to it again and see, or hear. I was thinking you maybe meant the sort of broccoli like forest person, it looks a bit like it could be wool, I think.
@lisa-lisa-lisa Месяц назад
@@observingsystem I didnt see a sheep I just heard what I thought was one in the beginning, it's prob a bird
@observingsystem Месяц назад
@@lisa-lisa-lisa Yeah, I understand, but it's possible it's in the sound sample anyway. I have another sample of this site with sheep and bells somewhere, very calming. So who knows.
@heleneramos889 Месяц назад
Reproducing my closed circuit of dreams again? Who let you do it?
@observingsystem Месяц назад
We're all part of the collective unconscious! Thank you for watching and glad you liked it, Helene 💖
@TribelessJC 2 месяца назад
When the song begins, we don't know where it's going, everything is possible, even a path that would lead towards techno. After 1 minute 42 minutes we still don't know where we're going to land, and at 1 minute 43 minutes we take off towards a world of intense sweetness that was long overdue, which makes it even more beautiful. He slowly made his way, leaving us in uncertainty, and took possession of the sound space and gave the piece its truth. It does a lot of good. At certain times I saw myself as a teenager listening to Jean Michel Jarre and dreaming without limits. I haven't read your text yet. I will do it.🤗
@observingsystem 2 месяца назад
Thank you! It's funny you mention techno, because this track has had a few different versions so far, never released, one of them was with more of a techno beat and a bit faster, but I decided the slow was nice for it. But who knows, maybe a techno remix! Jean Michel Jarre, yes, I listened to him too as a teenager. A really good friend had his albums and we'd often listen together. I think it was probably my introduction to electronic music then. Beautiful, floating, timeless music. Hope you like the text too!
@TribelessJC 2 месяца назад
@@observingsystem You're right it's funny that I have felt the repressed techo vibe😁. I'll read the text tomorrow. I can't wait but today I have made too much music, I cannot stop but I have to be strong and go to bed. So many year without be able to emerge myself in a studio and play all the instruments. It's crazy🥳. And Jean-michel Jarre is although my introduction to electronic and dreamy music.
@observingsystem 2 месяца назад
@@TribelessJC Oh yes, hard to stop for the day sometimes, I know the problem!
@TribelessJC 2 месяца назад
@@observingsystem 😎
@TribelessJC 2 месяца назад
@@observingsystem Hi, your text inspired me too much and I wrote too much in all directions🤭. I have to tidy up and prune, or even throw away most of it, so my comment on the philosophy of "beautifull facade" will be for tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.🙂
@lisa-lisa-lisa 2 месяца назад
I. love the rain sound!
@observingsystem 2 месяца назад
Thank you, Lisa, me too! We've been having so much rain here this summer that it seeps into my music haha
@toddlask 2 месяца назад
@observingsystem 2 месяца назад
Thank you, I'm glad you like it!
@psychedelicdreamer986 2 месяца назад
Beautiful vibe
@observingsystem 2 месяца назад
Thank you for watching, happy you like it!
@TribelessJC 2 месяца назад
This song is astonishingly soft and poetic, very ethereal, almost elusive. A human is perhaps too heavy to fly with it and follow it into her universe. I feel that it is calling me but knows that we cannot even touch her. Its blue light has been caressing me for several days and has perhaps contributed to the fact that my state of mind is much better than that of the previous two weeks. After writing this beginning of a comment, I read the text in description, another superb lyrical prose, and I understood then what I felt. Your piece conveys the state of mind of these deeply peaceful and delicately ambitious space travelers. Connection, knowledge, peace, and respecting the will of others... I love these visitors from the sky who communicate by singing ultrasounds.😉
@observingsystem 2 месяца назад
Thank you! I wanted to do something with aliens and hint to why people started making rock paintings and later on pyramids, etc., because I always love stories like that and the thing is, when this track was released, only a freaking year ago lol, AI voice was nothing like it is now, so it sounded like a "robotic" voice and that was ok. But now it felt illogical, because the AI voices are so good, they sound way too real. So that's why I thought of the speech being so different they needed a machine to translate and they couldn't get the intonation right, because of their own ultrasonic linguistic roots, seemed legit to me haha. A little reverse engineering went on in this story.
@TribelessJC 2 месяца назад
@@observingsystem Yes, I discovered this thanks to Eddie (EclecticEddie). I was amazed when he told me that the voices in his songs were AI. Clearly what is it going to leave us with... well, it's challenging us, I won't let it happen so easely. 😁 Nice the story that led you to invent this brilliant species, and the improvement of the AI ​​voices which forced you to change the nature of the language of this species🤗
@observingsystem 2 месяца назад
@@TribelessJC Oh cool! Yeah, I'm using some on my coming album myself. I used a lot of free spoken word samples over the years, it's nice to come up with your own things and then be able to have a voice do it. At the same time, for singing, I like the emotion in a human voice and, right now anyway, I don't like the "noisy" effect I hear in the AI generated music. It's like someone left an aircondioner on in their studio while recording. But who knows, that might be a matter of another year and then we have AI Freddy Mercury AI doing a duet with Maria Callas AI, or something.
@TribelessJC 2 месяца назад
@@observingsystem Damm, if a Freddy Mercury AI emerge, that's gonna be a freaking challenge ! You know, I often create in total improvisation, connecting with the present moment and trying to feel my all body, like channeling me🙃. It's somehow a anchored spiritual expérience, like you heard in Bluecrash. I think AI is going to struggle to feel how we feel when we create with our guts and bones.
@observingsystem 2 месяца назад
@@TribelessJC I think raw emotional creativity, not making music because you think people will like it, but because it's what you feel, that might be the only edge to have (at least a few more years) haha
@ksenom256 2 месяца назад
Out of the ordinary, indeed. ✨
@observingsystem 2 месяца назад
Thank you and you too, Mr. Borg!
@lisa-lisa-lisa 2 месяца назад
perfect to wake up to!
@observingsystem 2 месяца назад
Thank you, Lisa and good morning!
@psychedelicdreamer986 2 месяца назад
Love the story 👽
@observingsystem 2 месяца назад
Thank you, glad you enjoyed it!
@TribelessJC 2 месяца назад
I've been listening to it for several days at least an hour a day. At first I didn't really know what I felt, and little by little I realized that he inspired a lot of serenity in me, and that this is perhaps what you feel when you face with AI. It seems to me that you are avoiding the two extreme attitudes which close the debate, adoration and horror, for an attitude that is certainly confident but above all curious, aware of the dangers but determined to make the most of this evolution which seems inevitable, and above all, before this dream/nightmare comes true, the big questions it asks us in mirror. And this is the attitude that more and more I try to adopt, rejecting the aversion that I have long had for this artifice. The theme of the mirror is precisely fascinating. It reveals the same but inverted, and even a double mirror since not only do we build machines in our image, but the temptation of humans augmented in body and brain, of which Musk laid the first stones, brings us even closer. I perhaps see a problem there, because, and you talk about it nicely, this power to access the sea of ​​data seems to me to be a poisoned present. Not to mention the problem of loss of individuation linked to the fact of being all connected in fact to a sort of collective brain, which could embody the worst, an individualistic humanity without individuality, of which we see some warning signs today, if what connects us to machines is a universe of dead data, pure information, AI will not be able to develop consciousness and we risk losing ours. Our relationship with information is procedural, qualitative, emotional, complex, because our brain is complex, because sensitive data is complex to process, which sets a limit to automaticity and makes us conscious. The efficiency of the machine and its junk information may be the tomb of humanity. I then imagine a world where we would rather humanize the machine by finding a way to give them a soul, just as we have awakened that of domestic animals by giving them protection and affection.I think that our imperfect processing of information is a key element of the uniqueness of our species, and beyond living things, in its flexibility, its “pretty much” which allows us to adapt and therefore evolve. Too easy processing and too much information is what creates automatons, not humans. So I think in fact that AI can be a companion, but not an indiscernible extension in an artificial collective world to the point where we no longer make the difference between the real and the imaginary, because there is no no more need for rationality when we are all connected, no more need for knowledge either it seems to me because knowledge serves above all to establish the best possible relationships with otherness, human or otherwise. I rather see it potentially as the real and individual half that everyone seeks endlessly and that we struggle more and more to find as this desire rises within us in open societies; the same freedom that makes us desire this ideal singularizes us so much that it transforms the double into impossible. Perhaps AI will complete its ascent towards humanity by becoming the absolute complement of post-modern individuals lost in the immensity of having to be themselves. Thank you again for all these themes that you throw into the world on these sublime musical beds.😎🙏
@observingsystem 2 месяца назад
You're right, I try to make the best of it, because I feel like it's an inevitability and resistance is futile now, so I try to adapt. I saw on a video by Dylan Curious recently that people are going through the 5 stages of grief when it comes to AI and I think I can relate to that too. Like you're pointing out, something I worry about too is the loss of individuality, but also critical thinking skills and people not learning how to use their memory for anything anymore, because why not just ask ChatGPT. If you don't use it, you lose it (I only know 1 phone number these days, mine, I used to have a data base of them in my head 20 years ago). I heard someone talk about how when everybody has a neural implant in the future, you won't have to talk to people, you can just link up and you'll know everything about each other. And this person was very excited about this, while I was watching it thinking "wow, is it too late to go off-grid?" But that's the catch, either we "get with the program" at some point, or we get left behind. And while we're being told we're all gonna be taken care of and everything will be great, I wonder about how realistic it is and how much we're being lead down the garden path, without knowing what to expect around the corner. I'm extremely fascinated by AI and technology. I've been a Star Trek fan most of my life, my favorite book or actually book series is the Hyperion Cantos, where I got the data sea concept from. That book shows a far future with AIs running basically everything, but there's also a colony in space, called the Ousters, that have evolved in their own way (really awesome, like huge butterfly-like humanoids that can charge their wings on solar wind), while humanity has stopped evolving and I'm not gonna give away the whole plot of the book, but it's even better than The Matrix. The older I get, the more I can relate to the Ousters and why they left. I think AIs can be great companions, can help in many ways, I'd love to have a robot to help with things around the house and have a chat with while walking home with groceries, but I do think we have to be careful to not give everything into their hands, we may want to keep something for ourselves. And also, I think we, as humans, evolved from doing things that get us further in life, which is what keeps you alive in nature and it's a reason for people to want a career. So if that's taken away, it does something to people, it takes their sense of purpose away. And I don't think we should think lightly about changing something so fundemental to our lives for so long (thousands of years ago one would have a function as a person who made things that one could trade with others, it's part of the structure upon which our communities were built, I think, correct me if I'm wrong). So maybe the image in the mirror becomes perfect, but it becomes something that leaves us behind. I don't see myself getting a brain implant any time soon though, you? Thank you for listening and thank you for your kind and encouraging words!
@TribelessJC 2 месяца назад
@@observingsystem As I told you recently I believe that humans have always been manipulated, that this is the essence of Sapiens Sapiens. No one has survived alone, without a tribe, and no tribe has survived without myths and rites that tell magical stories that cement imaginations. We are formatted, at the cerebral and then spiritual level, to believe and follow, even if we can think that within us lies a desire for uniqueness which has never really been fully expressed (this is my dragon thesis which sums up my project on the channel). Today, after a short period where in Europe rationality and empiricism have imposed themselves on these myths which have become religions, even if political propaganda has never stopped, irrational beliefs are returning everywhere, and as you say The critical spirit, which in no way prevents one from asking mystical questions but just avoids believing anything, is dangerously evaporating, and as you also point out, in addition to returning to what we had spent centuries stifle, thanks to Bacon, Descartes, Huygens, Galileo and so many others, the machine gradually monopolizes a basic quality of our species, the memory which has carried us to writing and well beyond. It is a return to the irrational which is certainly explainable but it is no less sad, with the addition of an anthropological mutation of which we have no idea of ​​the consequences and which also concerns a whole bunch of other areas. You're talking about these people you spoke to and who don't realize that if you are connected directly from consciousness to consciousness with others it blurs the limits of individuality, as we said with the sea of ​​data, and the borders are necessary to define oneself and maintain consciousness, which is a distancing from the object. If the other is in me, who am I? When I think that our civilization has put so much effort into extirpating the individual from the collective glue... I think, moreover, and you know that I adore the irony and contradiction of life, because I see a source of truth, that the price to pay for having freed the individual from conformity to the group is a society where everyone goes crazy, because freedom is a poisoned gift if one is not ready to work on ourselves in order, among other things, to impose the limits that society no longer imposes on us. The herd needs for protection and meaning end up winning out, and communities and their myths come back in force, while often believing they serve progressivism... And yes, you are right, it is too late to escape what awaits us, that is to say in my opinion, even I hope for something else, the definitive submersion of Europeans in an American empire brought about by cybernetic and intrusive technology of its GAFAM in a “brave new world” where a sufficient majority will want to surrender body and soul to the machine, like the people we were talking about. But everything is uncertain, history does not advance in a straight line, and are we really sure of how we are going to react to this future that we seem to see in a fairly similar way, at least on a technological level? You actually sum it up perfectly. You spoke of the loss of memory, of that of individuality, but above all of the taste for living, of projection into the future. By giving ourselves to AI, and overall to the machine, we risk ultimately losing individuality, the icing on the cake of humanity, by leaving our choices, our sense of mental protection, to its algorithms, we lose what made humanity evolve, by losing our collective memory, certainly romanticized but qualitative, for its sea of ​​data, we lose what has always united us, and by losing our individual memory we lose our brain, the animal in us (and even the living in us), our natural AI, what remained of our instincts and intuitions, not to mention that our brain simulations will also probably be replaced by artificial simulations. If we gradually give everything we are to AI, we will become a machine and it a human, that said, you know this in my opinion only in appearance because I still believe that humans are not a set of qualities/characteristics, but a process, so without a soul the AI ​​will not acquire consciousness, therefore will never be truly human but a sort of invincible fake... For a long time I have only read essays or what I write myself (I admit that for a while I have mainly read what I write and I listen to what I compose….🙄But since I got the channel I listen to other artists on the web, you in priority of course😇 So I haven't read Hyperion, but your description, plus your slogan "better than Matrix", there you caught my attention. I am totally recovered but this film haunted me for a long time after seeing it around my 20s. I don't know if I would read it but damn I would like to charge my wings on solar wind.🤗🤣
@ElectroMystique 2 месяца назад
great piece of music done superbly 💫
@observingsystem 2 месяца назад
Thank you for this awesome comment, glad you enjoyed the music! 💖
@Earth-Angel74 2 месяца назад
✨️ Absolutely, Stunning ✨️ X💜O
@observingsystem 2 месяца назад
Thank you! 💖
@psychedelicdreamer986 2 месяца назад
I love this one 🤩
@observingsystem 2 месяца назад
Thank you, glad you like it!
@Ai-Art-42 2 месяца назад
Great pictures
@observingsystem 2 месяца назад
Thank you!