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Hi ! I'm Yusuke, from Japan.
My channel is for people who are learning Japanese.
This channel has 3 types of Videos for Learning.
"Monologue" Series
I walk down the streets and talk by myself.
You can listen to my slower spoken Japanese while enjoying the scenery of Japan. I never read scripts.
"Conversation" Series
I talk to someone who can speak Japanese.
These will help you focus on listening to Japanese. We never read scripts.
"File" Series
I walk down the streets and talk to the people there. These will help you listen to real Japanese as it is actually used by the Japanese. Of course, we never read scripts.
I hope you enjoy here !
現在 僕の日本語レッスンは 日本時間の 日曜日が中心となっています。
Currently, my Japanese lessons are mainly held on Sundays (Japan time).
詳しくは 下のURLから応募フォームを入力して下さい。
For more information,
please fill out the application form at the URL below.
I will send you a reply email.
check out ↓ [ ゆうすけの日本語教室 ] ↓
@rodrigocosta5338 3 дня назад
Im starting to learn and this helped me alot, i learned hiragana so now i'm starting to know some words and this helped so much thank you a lot❤
@quokkaloveshugs00 5 дней назад
i love these monologue videos !!
@Uchutanjyo 9 дней назад
An amazing learning resource for understanding natural Japanese speech. こういう動画もっと作ってください:)
@Uchutanjyo 9 дней назад
Just realized you have tons of videos uploaded.. please ignore the Japanese part of my comment 😅
@moshimoshi.yusuke 8 дней назад
@@Uchutanjyo   Thanks for your comment😊 I only make one video a month, but this channel has a lot of videos that are useful for learning Japanese, so please come check it out from time to time!
@purepistachio 9 дней назад
hello i love this video but i have a question, if you plan on moving to the osaka region but you are learning standard Japanese and already know too much to start learning Japanese spoken in the osaka region, what do i do? Will they still understand me if i use standard Japanese?
@moshimoshi.yusuke 8 дней назад
Standard Japanese is understood by people from all regions.
@purepistachio 8 дней назад
@@moshimoshi.yusuke ah ok thank you for the clarification.
@Rairosu 9 дней назад
Today I had a Japanese native person on a Virtual World called Second Life talking to me twice. Yesterday saying good morning to me and I said it back but the other responses left me confused if they was talking directly to me or not. They left after. Then I believe the same person came to me and asked about something relating to the komono, I miss understood what they meant but they was referring to if my avatar used a komono body (Anime Body). I had to translate a bit of it as it was new to me it somehow translated it wrong which resulted in the miscommunication but told them it was a Cruxアバター gave them a link to that avatar and they thanked me in Japanese which I can understand at least. I felt so bad I am so glad the person did not notice my mistake or misunderstanding! I felt so sorry to a point I wanted to just politely bow (You can't unless you have an animation, sad.) for feeling rather dumb. So embarrassing. She did clarify me though at least. But the upside I will take it as lesson to keep learning and improving. I truly wish to have Japanese as my primary way to communicate and make English take a back seat. Just got to keep pushing forward to get better. Can't let that encounter bring me down! I certainly came along way, I just wish me and my parents stayed in Japan longer until I was old enough, I wanted to feel integrated into Japan, Lost that chance. I guess my parents did not want me to integrate too heavily into Japanese society that be hard to separate from or there was other reasons. I was so young so who know what the reason was for leaving. Aside from language learning and living in japan at one point, You're culture in politeness and apologizing side of things is so infectious in a good way ^ ^. It has such a large impact on my life and behavior regardless of where I am in the world. It changes the way I interact with others. You don't need to be in japan to be greatly effected by it it really sticks to you! Heh Even I started to use Chopsticks for all it's used for. I prefer it more over the using a fork. Can't go back to using a fork at all. Getting off topic. Learning has been on and off as I am tackling other stuff. Sometimes I end up lost when learning. Not in terms of difficulty but just generally lost in direction. Hopefully to get back on track. You don't know how bad and how I so wish to speak Japanese sense I have to learn quite a lot of words and stuff, I often feel I learned quite a lot but know so little. Heh But it will take time it is a lot of words to acquire so I will be patient. My passion to learn Japanese stims from my failure to take learning seriously as a kid. I want to write that wrong and make things right. I failed as a student and I failed the teachers. This is what drives me to learn it stims from. If I had just taken it seriously I would not be here. But it's never to late. No matter how tough it will get, I will succeed. I have too. Learning Japanese will allow me to have a stronger connection it will feel like I am apart of something. That is how I see things. ^ ^ I also asked my dad if it was possible we can try to get a native to help me out directly through a video call. Despite having to help a sick family member is why learning has been so difficult as of late due to this stress. Which gets in my way of learning. My dad suggested maybe get a native to teach me when Japan is still day light and then do my learnings at night on the other side of the world. We will have to look into things more before getting to ahead of it. It will be awkward to say I self teach myself so I may not need to re-learn anything I already know towards a native who is there to guide me XD Wish me luck! I do want it but a little nervous as well hehe
@zukiyama 10 дней назад
nice video, nice information, btw what app you using for auto blur face?
@moshimoshi.yusuke 9 дней назад
Thank you😊 I use PowerDirector as my editing software. But there are better, more convenient editing software out there.
@user-lc3rv7wj7h 11 дней назад
I've learned so much from your video today.I pray that you will always be in good health so that you can post more knowledgeable videos in the future🙏
@moshimoshi.yusuke 10 дней назад
@kaceycolecello 12 дней назад
Such a great video.
@user-lp5pg8en5y 12 дней назад
@micheall1127 13 дней назад
@teal396 14 дней назад
thank you very much! This is what exactly I was looking for!
@LeoVital 16 дней назад
I started watching your videos quite some time ago, when I was living in Brazil, and they have always been very useful for my level of Japanese understanding! I’m now living and working in Japan, and your videos remain my favorite! Keep up the great work!
@moshimoshi.yusuke 15 дней назад
\(◎o◎)/Oh! You live in Japan now!? Good!!👍️
@Miidadu 17 дней назад
The last part was very inspiring!! thank you!
@baturaykumbaroglu6066 18 дней назад
@moshimoshi.yusuke 17 дней назад
@nataliesoutlet 19 дней назад
Thank you for these videos! 🙏🏽✨
@steesy-loly 19 дней назад
ありがとう!!! I’m still learning buut thank you a lot for these videos :D
@kai5703 19 дней назад
@moshimoshi.yusuke 19 дней назад
Thank you, too (^o^)v
@quokkaloveshugs00 19 дней назад
i love monologues ! ありがとう先生
@camibarn 20 дней назад
@Booomzz 20 дней назад
Yusuke-san, you have no idea how my Japanese improved watching your vidoes! Thank you so much and please never stop doing these.
@moshimoshi.yusuke 20 дней назад
@raizen_u 21 день назад
thank you for posting videos like this please continue uploading!!!
@moshimoshi.yusuke 20 дней назад
@test-pk4sx 21 день назад
I like this style
@moshimoshi.yusuke 21 день назад
@testerofthelight5789 21 день назад
I just dicovered the channel, thank you so much this is SO MUCH helpful for people learning, and that are particularly tired of all podcast light talks podcast with the same vocabulary ^^'
@moshimoshi.yusuke 21 день назад
@quokkaloveshugs00 21 день назад
@quokkaloveshugs00 21 день назад
@quokkaloveshugs00 21 день назад
@quokkaloveshugs00 21 день назад
@DragoOsu 21 день назад
I wish I could understand this without english but I'm not quite there yet... But I think as soon as I feel like I'm kinda able to understand your Videos they will help me a lot with learning Japanese so thank you in advance I guess!
@moshimoshi.yusuke 21 день назад
I'm waiting for you to understand the content of this video with Japanese subtitles only or without subtitles! I'm rooting for you😊👍️ [ If you don't understand my Japanese, press the RU-vidCC button and English subtitles appear on the screen. ]
@eeeeeek 21 день назад
this version of sub is perfect..
@moshimoshi.yusuke 21 день назад
Oh, thanks😊
@Slewenski 21 день назад
wee another video. I went and didn't read the english at all this time and well....i didn't understand a lot lol but I did understand what you were talking about so I'm still happy XD wee
@moshimoshi.yusuke 21 день назад
( ´∀`)wee~ If you turn on RU-vidCC, you'll get English subtitles.
@Slewenski 20 дней назад
@@moshimoshi.yusuke I know ^_^ but I wanted to try doing it without :D
@Arc_Noir 21 день назад
@moshimoshi.yusuke 21 день назад
英語の字幕をCCにするのは それを求めてる人が多いようなので やってみました。字幕を読んでる人たちが これで問題ないと思えるなら続けますね。
@user-lc3rv7wj7h 21 день назад
I really love your monologue ang I've been missing to watch them.I hope you can create monologue at least once a week.Thanks a lot!😊
@moshimoshi.yusuke 21 день назад
Thank you😊 I wish I could do it once a week...
@pierrebutaeye 22 дня назад
タバコを吸い続けましょう! 笑  喫煙以外に他の肺がんが抱えられる理由は何ですか? ストレスとか?
@moshimoshi.yusuke 22 дня назад
いや… それはオススメしません。タバコを吸うと肺がんにかかるリスクが4倍に増加するそうです。 喫煙してる年数が長いこと 吸う本数が多いことでリスクが高くなって、何十年間も後になってガンになるらしいです。 タバコ以外では 大気汚染、遺伝 の影響が大きいようです。
@pierrebutaeye 22 дня назад
@@moshimoshi.yusuke 15年前に禁煙しました。ゆうすけさん、時々タバコを止めることを考えますか?
@moshimoshi.yusuke 21 день назад
@@pierrebutaeye 時々 考えますよ。今 タバコを吸ってる人たちは 時代遅れですからね。タバコは昔の娯楽だと思います。
@pierrebutaeye 21 день назад
​@@moshimoshi.yusuke ですから人達はタバコを吸っている代わりに何をしていますか?電気タバコ? 私は葉巻が好きです!
@orimotoizumi 22 дня назад
Thank you! I enjoyed you speaking on this sort of specialized topic. Helped me pick up a lot of vocabulary that I don't normally hear for other casual talk.
@moshimoshi.yusuke 21 день назад
Thank you, too😊
@jaquaviuspeterson8785 22 дня назад
@moshimoshi.yusuke 22 дня назад
久麗さん😊 コメントありがとう~
@snappycattimesten 22 дня назад
Wow. Practically no one wears shorts in summer. Good to know before I visit. Thank you for the video.
@moshimoshi.yusuke 22 дня назад
That's because right now it's still a little before summer. You can wear shorts, no problem😊
@Life-tq1ko 22 дня назад
確かに不思議ですね。 喫煙者は少なくなったのに
@moshimoshi.yusuke 22 дня назад
そうそう、不思議。 ちなみに 僕は喫煙者です (-.-)y-~
@davidbreezy5190 22 дня назад
@moshimoshi.yusuke 22 дня назад
@kensanokaeri 22 дня назад
お! ゆうすけさんのモノローグ、来た~!!😊👍
@moshimoshi.yusuke 22 дня назад
来たよ~! Shunさんがモノローグを作ったんで 僕もやらないと!って思って 久しぶりにアップロードしました。字幕職人のこだわりを見せるために今回はRU-vidCCを使って字幕が出るタイミングを合わせました。
@moshimoshi.yusuke 22 дня назад
↓ Monologue [20] Jpn and Eng transcript drive.google.com/file/d/1XHi6haCvmcDeqa8zNdbVL0p2Q9F8fAmK/view?usp=drivesdk ↑ 英語と日本語の文もありますが、 Transcript in English and Japanese is also available, but 英語はユーチューブ字幕にしました。 English subtitle is made with youtubeCC. RU-vidCC と 翻訳文 どっちがいいですか? Which do you prefer, RU-vidCC or transcripts? 多くの人がRU-vidCCで良いと思えば これを続けます。 If many people feel RU-vidCC is better, I'll continue this way. 意見があれば コメントしてください。 Comment what you think about it.
@suryaputra20 22 дня назад
@Rairosu 23 дня назад
Thought I make a short list of what I learned (Even a few names too!) keep in mind this is not everything but as much as I can cram into a comment. Don't have all day typing in 日本語. These was all written by my own hands, I can read each word perfectly without needing a translator whatsoever. Though do often even in 英語 make errors. Some of these words I learn just from hearing 日本語 Natives in Live Action. Not Anime. The only Anime I even watch is デジモン and ポケットモンスターココ (Movie). Any anime I watch in the past was always in 英語 so there is little reason to watch them in 日本語 as I already understand the story, Anyways. Moving on. Here is my list! Enjoy! (Compared to all I listed in the past this list is BIGGER than what I know in the past. I know so much more 日本語 then I have before!), I may have missed a few. Oh and Also I don't fear Kanji in Japanese, Kanji Fears ME! Muahahaha! ここは、東京。 こんにちは、ライロスです おはよございます おはよ こばんは ありがとございます ありがと シロン 日本語 仮面ライダー 食べる? 食べるの? チョコレート食べる? ファイター ホーム はい いいえ そうだね そうだな いくぞ いくぜ そろそろ そろそろシンクロじゃねが? さあ まて 兄貴 ごめんなさい 石田ヤマト 石田の日本語 今何時ですか? グルスガンマモン 言語 恒等式 なんで? あのー キック Bonus:ダダ・ザルード:もし誰かが。。。 強すぎて絶対に勝てない人が現れたら。。。私はどんな犠牲を払ってもあなたを守る。 Also! Playing 真・女神転生Ⅴ Vengeance in Full 日本語 both audio and Text. (Got released today! 6月14 日 )
@azzamfs 24 дня назад
9:17 これは一番大事な事です! 祐介さんは総理大臣になりてください 😂😂
@moshimoshi.yusuke 24 дня назад
@everythinginacube.7960 25 дней назад
5:52 the cashier spoke fast! i couldn’t catch what he said 😮
@moshimoshi.yusuke 24 дня назад
They all talk too fast😞
@test-pk4sx 26 дней назад
At last some real conversation not the surface ogenki desu ka type of video. Thank you Ken n yusuke san
@test-pk4sx 26 дней назад
It's a word topic for a morning but thank you... The apple tree analogy is a good one. I go with a peach tree too BTW.. 😊
@moshimoshi.yusuke 26 дней назад
@eeeeeek 26 дней назад
@moshimoshi.yusuke 26 дней назад
えー、じゃあ… ↓ Transcriptを読んでね Jpn and Eng transcript drive.google.com/file/d/1Mf2aFy5TGcz-WxCBCoHtDScJooxOl2Av/view?usp=sharing
@eeeeeek 26 дней назад
@@moshimoshi.yusuke i'll definitely need video without subtitles when i'm getting better at japanese.. subtitle is a distraction for some people but necessary for other people
@ctteabrix7553 26 дней назад
こんにちわ ゆうすけさん。この フォーマット が すきです。わたしは にほんごをはなすことが ならいますから、英語の字幕は日本語のじまくはほどよいない とおもいます。ありがとう!
@moshimoshi.yusuke 26 дней назад
こちらこそ ありがとう!
@brianridings853 28 дней назад
@moshimoshi.yusuke 28 дней назад
凄いです😊 とても便利ですね!