HCSS | The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies
HCSS | The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies
HCSS | The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies
Transforming global challenges of today into solutions for tomorrow.

HCSS conducts its activities independently and in collaboration with its large network of affiliated experts. Our products are diverse: full-fledged reports, issue briefs, quick topic reports, and commentaries in the media. These products often consist of strategic surveys, innovative policy recommendations, trend and scenario analyses, risk assessments, geopolitical and regional security analyses, conflict analyses, operational evaluations and identifications of lessons learned. HCSS is also a platform for the exchange of ideas and development of new concepts and strategic insights. We create models and monitors for public and private organizations to improve their situational awareness and provide them with a better understanding of their strategic environment.
Beyond Ukraine: Debating the Future of War
3 месяца назад
The Cyber Arms Watch Monitor
3 месяца назад
NOS Stories met Tim Sweijs NAVO WO III
5 месяцев назад
Olie en gas tijdens de energietransitie
5 месяцев назад
South Africa Cyber Security School 2024 V6
7 месяцев назад
Challenge 3 Group 6
7 месяцев назад
IDCSS23 Challenge 4 Group 5
7 месяцев назад
IDCSS23 Challenge 3 Group 9
7 месяцев назад
IDCSS23 Challenge 5  Group 2
7 месяцев назад
IDCSS23 Challenge 5  Group 5
7 месяцев назад
IDCSS23 Challenge 5  Group 6
7 месяцев назад
IDCSS23 Challenge 5  Group 1
7 месяцев назад
IDCSS26 Challenge 4 Group 8
7 месяцев назад
IDCSS23 Challenge 4  Group 4
7 месяцев назад
IDCSS23 Challenge 4 Group 3
7 месяцев назад
@asmeekens2942 24 дня назад
Toch lachen met die seniele ouwe Russen! Je zou er bijna medelijden met krijgen 😂😂😂
@Invading-Specious 26 дней назад
Dat een probleem van Michel Rademaker door ons betaald moet gaan worden.
@wilvanveen3290 26 дней назад
de oorlogshitsers in de usa en eu hebben duidelijk niet goed nagedacht voordat ze het conflict met Rusland provoceerden.
@mutawi3i 27 дней назад
Europa, de losers van de 21ste eeuw
@leobakker1728 27 дней назад
Maar goed dat ze niet aan de grondstoffen kunnen komen , want er worden geen verstandige dingen mee gedaan.
@edwinbruckner4752 27 дней назад
Lekker blijven stoken met Rusland, 1 van de grootste ruwe grondstoffen leverancier ter wereld. We gaan echt niet zonder kunnen. Dan heb je ook nog Afrika waar as we speak de Fransen min of meer uitgetrapt worden en Rusland en China heel hard vriendjes aan het maken zijn. Europa heeft een heel groot probleem, meer wapengekletter gaat dit niet oplossen, integendeel zelfs. Wat een visie, man man man.
@johndevries6962 27 дней назад
Nou dat word stoppen met de oorlog ...vredesbesprekingen dat is het beste
@rudilambert1065 27 дней назад
Nitrocellulose... Hoeveel stikstof komt er eigenlijk vrij bij zo'n granaat?
@Intel-i7-9700k 28 дней назад
Europa heeft dan ook amper tot geen grondstoffen. Dat was ook een van de drijfveren van de handel en kolonialisme. En vandaag de dag zijn we braaf Amerika aan het volgen in het ruziemaken met China en Rusland. Maar er wordt zelden tot nooit besproken of dit wel zo'n goed idee is.
@me1939 28 дней назад
We praten alleen
@Invading-Specious 26 дней назад
onzin verkopen, net zoals met mondkapjes.
@peterjanvanbijnen226 28 дней назад
tja zolang we politici gebben die linkse woke en groen belangrijk vinden kunnen we het gewoon vergeten.
@rudilambert1065 27 дней назад
Probleem met politici is dat ze nergens verstand van hebben, behalve uit hun nek lullen.
@Invading-Specious 26 дней назад
JIJ kan het vergeten ,Ja?
@weareallenemyofthestate9883 28 дней назад
Misschien stoppen met oorlog voeren? Is er überhaupt een ambtenaar te vinden die zo denkt? Wat is dit voor zieke poppenkast?
@fryskbloed 28 дней назад
Als andere landen zich daar niet aan houden is het nogal moeilijk.
@buddy1155 28 дней назад
Ik denk dat er héél weinig regeringsleiders zijn in de EU die een oorlog willen voeren. Iedereen in de westerse landen heeft 'landje pik' al opgegeven en accepteert huidige grenzen. Helaas denken niet alle leiders in de wereld er zo over, Putin en Xi zijn hier een mooi voorbeeld van.
@rudilambert1065 27 дней назад
​@@fryskbloedals het westen stopt met provoceren en regime change operaties zijn de meeste oorlogen verdwenen.
@johndevries6962 27 дней назад
​@@fryskbloedhumm dat meen jij serieus ? In het geval van Oekraïne is rusland niet de agressor maar de nato Amerika
@Invading-Specious 26 дней назад
@merkeet 28 дней назад
Ah de reacties worden alweer verwijderd. Hoe toevallig.
@buddy1155 28 дней назад
De meeste posts die verwijderd worden, word vol geautomatiseerd gedaan door RU-vid.
@volkiruski1221 29 дней назад
Vol met Nato mannetjes en natuurlijk Rob de Wijs, de grote leugenaar!!
@DCRlive 29 дней назад
De doorglegging door de BRICS & Africa gaat zijn vruchten af werpen.......ze leveren geen grondstoffen meer zodat ze geen bommen & granaten kunnen maken...The Collective East VS EU & US
@geert-janvreeburg4573 29 дней назад
Wat een ongelooflijke idioten in de regering. De oorlogspropaganda . Wat een ongelooflijke ENERGIE VERSPILLING DEZE OORLOG /EN EN wat een C02 productie deze wapen industrie. En je schiet eerst alles in puin en vervolgens bouw je alles weer op . Wat een CO2 productie moet dat zijn . ZIJN DE POPPETJES IN DE REGERING WERKELIJK KOMPLEET ZIEK IN HUN BOVENKAMER GEWORDEN . EGO is strijd oorlog ( het ouwe bekende ) De ZIEL is EENHEID , SAMENWERKING , OVERLEG , PRATEN EENHEID . WIJZE MENSEN WILLEN DE MENSHEID NAAR EEN HOGERE SPIRAAL VAN LEVEN VOEREN . WE zien nu duidelijk wat de oude bedeling ons opdringt............... MENSEN DOE HIER NIET AAN MEE !!!!!!! HET ZINLOZE AFSLACHTEN VAN MENSEN . De Russische burgers als ook de Oekraïnse burgers als ook de Europese burgers zitten daar niet op te wachten .
@Rinusjoosen 29 дней назад
De idioten zijn aan de macht gekomen. En de uilskuikens, die ook wel burgers worden genoemd, staan erbij kijken er naar en weten zich geen raad met wat ze horen en zien.
@user-gi5uk1ln4s Месяц назад
Processing what else
@efghggdxlmfn33 Месяц назад
BRICS - the future
@PerriBelcourt Месяц назад
Hitler regeme in the Media and screw your self puppet of the American and the American economy is going down
@rsjmail Месяц назад
Can’t hear Europeans meandering along and saying nothing. What a surprise
@niklasnorberg5071 Месяц назад
Studying war in UK😂 given the analysing capability we have sqen from them we should not be so hopefull, or is was we se mostly psyops?
@faithvirtue6524 Месяц назад
Ukraine is a terrorist state
@faithvirtue6524 Месяц назад
The warmongers in the West are the biggest threat to humanity. The idea that Russia is a threat is comical. The West started a Hitlerite proxy war against Russia.
@qake2021 Месяц назад
@lassel1344 Месяц назад
NATO has created this conflict that started with the coup d'état in 2014 which the US/NATO participated in with Victoria Nuland as the organizer. Victoria also appointed the new government 3 weeks before the coup d'état. Available on YT. Do we want the EU and NATO to make more coups in the future and how can we stop it?? The 2015 Minsk Agreement was a fraud intended only to deceive Russia. How do these low IQ people think it will facilitate future negotiations when they have destroyed trust in all types of agreements? Why did NATO not want to accept the peace draft in Istanbul in the spring of 2022? The peace brokers judged the agreement to have given a high probability of a peace agreement between the countries. I don't understand NATO, which was once a defense organization and has now become a war organization.
@felipefrutoramirezsj5342 Месяц назад
Military strength does not prevent future wars. This symposium of war freaks is going nowhere as long as all it proposes is military escalation. / It should focus more on how to build peace by promoting social justice and common prosperity for all nations, and advancing a multipolar and multicultural world. Build mutual understanding between peoples, avoid military blocks and exporting ideologies. / The "west" needs to discuss with the "rest" of the world and not presume it knows the solution to the problem of wars. / The "west" needs to accept the fact that the expansion of NATO provoked Russia to invade Ukraine. It scuttled various attempts to forge peace agreements with Russia (e.g., Minsk Agreement, etc.). It must also recognize the role of its military-industrial complex in instigating military conflicts for profit. Without such honest-to-goodness reflection on its culpability, the west is deluded... it is imprisoned by it own psyche. .
@amunra5330 Месяц назад
Praying for Russia 🙏🏻
@paularnold1930 Месяц назад
The outcome will be determined by the RF
@PerriBelcourt Месяц назад
Best ground defense in the world's is Russia and China and America and Europe Union can't stop a weather ballooon and Russia flags is a Christian Nation and Russia flags flying in Berlin Germany after the war and 😢😮Ukraine people with Hitler regeme against Russia and people with history know this
@PerriBelcourt Месяц назад
Best ground defense in the world's is Russia and China and America and Europe Union can't stop a weather ballooon and Russia flags is a Christian Nation and Russia flags flying in Berlin Germany after the war and 😢😮Ukraine people with Hitler regeme against Russia and people with history know this
@mhenkelmann11 Месяц назад
Complete disappointment with these Dutch experts on the origins of the war and underestimation of Russian capabilities and psyche. Russia never wanted to conquered Ukraine. An escalation of restraint on the part of the West is really not true.
@Owl350 Месяц назад
There is no future climate changes killing everything very fast !
@user-wb9bw1zx7z Месяц назад
Two hours of overpaid hacks talking about nothing and purposefully avoiding saying anything. The U.S. zigged when it should have zagged and it did it repeatedly. The final mistake was depleting our reserves and testing the limits of the already limited appetite for war spending in the name of protracting a local police action in Ukraine which would never have been necessary it if it weren't for years of clandestine arms shipments. If you're China, the time is right to deal with Taiwan while the focus of the U.S. is elsewhere. The U.S. focus on Ukraine makes it more difficult for the U.S. politicians to justify a robust intervention to save Taiwan, particularly if China opts for a slow strangulation in the form of a blockade lasting months. With the blockade option, which may come as soon as July, a political capitulation may be secured. If Taiwan lashes out, treating the blockade as an act of war (which it would be within its rights to do,) China would argue that Taiwan's firing of the first shots justifies their inevitable invasion. There are definite parallels with the Cuban Missile Crisis with regard to both Ukraine and Taiwan, but in this case, in both cases, it is abundantly clear that both sides are making decisions that will lead to war rather than peace. If you're China, you couldn't have asked for better circumstances under which to achieve your objectives. The best part, from their perspective, is that the U.S. decided all on its own to take this insane course of wasting resources in the Ukraine it may well need later to deal with China. The most important resource is manpower and the industrial base, which is non-existent in the U.S.. Very much like Germany in the Second World War, the U.S. is picking fights with countries which have larger economies and which have ambitious plans to match and exceed any lingering technological advantage we may have. At the outset of WWII, Germany had a reputation for high technology and had done much of the theoretical work necessary for making the atomic bomb. They had superior jet engine and rocket technology, pioneered the flying wing design, had better vacuum tube computers and had a system of cryptography that was competitive with the American system. None of this saved them because their policies were quite irrational, as was their decision to declare a war on two fronts. We now live in 1939 Germany, like it or not. The only question is whether we will win or lose. If we win, the world would forever be subject to our current system, which is based upon the collusion of government with corporations. There is a term for this and you can look it up in the dictionary. If we lose, we will have to hope that our conquerors will be as kind to us as we were to the Germans and Japanese. In 1945, we gave our enemies better than we gave our own people by granting to them universal education and healthcare. Not unlike the boy who cried wolf, the United States has simply lied to too many consecutive generations in order to secure public support for wars which have been proven time and again to be unjust. Even if a war were justified in this case (and it certainly is not,) the vast majority of Americans will refuse service for one reason or another. That is what lying to your people for 100 years will do. The American people do not have principles, morals, or even intact families to defend. Most American children are b******s who are raised in government run daycare centers. Perhaps it was a mistake to allow corporate America to brainwash the American people into downloading mobile applications the express purpose of which is to facilitate adultery. Perhaps if they hadn't done that (and many things akin to that starting in the 1960s) there would be a few stably married people left in the country. When regimes lose the popular support of their people, they fall like dominoes. When all of the major political parties, the government and all institutions are utterly reviled as they now are, people will support any alternative, including a new forms of government, even if that new government is imposed from without. I hate to break it to my fellow Americans, but the Russians and Chinese do not have to deal with problems like having every news report being a thinly veiled advertisement for a fast food restaurant or for some other business concern. That sort of corruption is simply not tolerated in those countries. In those countries, they actually only televise news on the news. Immoral behavior is not encouraged by corporations and by the state in literally any other country. It is utterly sick and disgraceful what has been done to a formerly great nation. Americans are unlikely to find much sympathy from the world at large as their power wanes and as they are increasingly held accountable for their crimes. Robert McNamara confessed on his death bed that the Gulf of Tonkin incident never happened, but we never got an apology for the Vietnam War, for the demolition of our Twin Towers, or for any number of other crimes perpetrated against our people.
@dimitrioskantakouzinos8590 Месяц назад
HCSS: Your Dutch tax dollars at work.
@luminyam6145 Месяц назад
That was good, thank you. I understand each person had to take a short time, it could have gone on for another hour or two and I would have been enthralled.
@555usher Месяц назад
And what did you take out from this?
@luminyam6145 Месяц назад
@@555usher I just like to hear all these different ideas. It all gives me things to think about.
@yttean98 Месяц назад
This supposed to be an intelligent discussion, they did not start discussing this first: war starts with behaviours of human beings influenced by its surroundings including their supposed " enemies" discuss this first and the rest are TOOLS of war.
@hazelwray4184 Месяц назад
@yttean98 Месяц назад
@@hazelwray4184 if you cannot understand what I wrote I cannot help you eh?
@kayt9627 Месяц назад
@@yttean98 we cant understand cause its a runon sentence
@The_O.G_Cyber_bully_24Hr_Ban Месяц назад
@@hazelwray4184 Wars happen for a reason that the reason for stating them is usually hidden (behaviours of human beings) lies. Ten Commandments of War Propaganda We do not want war. The opposite party alone is guilty of war. The enemy is the face of the devil. We defend a noble cause, not our own interest. The enemy systematically commits cruelties; our mishaps are involuntary. The enemy uses forbidden weapons. We suffer small losses, those of the enemy are enormous. Artists and intellectuals back our cause. Our cause is sacred. All who doubt our propaganda, are traitors. In August 1914, when an almost unanimous German parliament voted yes to war, it was presented to the German public as a defensive Schutzkrieg against conniving enemies. The perception presented to the public during the first few years of fighting, was of a Germany fighting a defensive war for survival, not a scheme for imperial aggrandizement. But in reality, already in September 1914, in the first few weeks of the war, a secret plan for an extensive redrawing of Europe’s borders was prepared for the ""Septemberprogramm"" sound familiar? it should do a countries hedge ummm onny is going down the shhhhhter
@larrysherk Месяц назад
I see the end of war coming from the models of SCO and BRICS+. U.S. has to wake up and smell the coffee.
@sergevtorino Месяц назад
@harmbreek3337 3 месяца назад
Oekraïne is al verdeeld aan blackrock en consorten en rusland had al in mei 22 gestopt kunnen zijn ,cia nato en engeland wilde oirlog ,geld verdienen over de ruggen van jonge mensen ,deze man is dus een oorloghitzeren moordenaar van Oekraïne se bevolking europa en amirika pompen het op dat hoor je van deze man schandelijk en verdrietig ,bouwend naar een 3e verniegende oorlog tot beeindiging van onze landen ,waarschijnlijk zijn deze mensen dan gevlogen naar veilige oorden ,de laffaarts er was vrede mogelijkmaar door eu cia omzeep geholpen
@bartdevries904 3 месяца назад
IDIOTERIE,die 'steun' aan Oekraïne,praat over vrede,maar de Westerse belangen zullen wel te groot zijn om nu op te geven!???
@ronverbrugghe3163 3 месяца назад
Stop de steun aan ukraine, is water naar de zee brengen. Voor ukraine is het game over. Zelensky 😂😂😂😂hier om bedankt Europa voor het geld.
@jeejkee6471 3 месяца назад
Dit soort stropdassen gaat al huilen van een te hete kroket in de kantine 😂
@classesanytime 3 месяца назад
Lijkt meer op een afgeronde tafel!!
@LeoT-de3ti 3 месяца назад
Ik steun deze dwaze steun Niet !!!! Rot zelf op naar Oekraïne en laat daar de poten onder jezelf weg schieten !!!
@borgiobesieger2806 3 месяца назад
Dus Rusland heeft niet de manschappen of de midellen om ons aan te vallen. ✌️
@jorgruikers758 3 месяца назад
Goed dat Pepijn is weg gebleven in de tweede helft (engels gesproken) van deze oorlogshitsers..
@strange4you 3 месяца назад
hahahaha tuurlijk onze fvd nsbers hahahahahaha Hij heeft geen zak te vertellen hahahahaha
@mariopopma7164 3 месяца назад
​@@strange4youNSB-ers steunen Nazi's. Verdiep je eens in de publicaties over het Nazi probleem in Oekraïne, vd mainstream, voor 2022..
@dimitrioskantakouzinos8590 3 месяца назад
HCSS krijgt geld van de Nederlandse overheid, correct?
@555usher 3 месяца назад
Goed dat jullie dit gesprek houden, echter ik hoor alleen maar wensdenken en onrealistische beeld van de experts (Beetje aan het fantaseren zeg maar).
@waterman17 3 месяца назад
I am sorry David for your wishful thinking about the actions of Maoist China, I guess you also think about a green Russian future. Totalitarians are just interested in their own power and not the welfare of their own people let alone the world. The sad reality is that political change is necessary before environmental concerns are made. If the CCP members breathe toxic air in Beijing and have lung nodules, then there is nothing the West can do to convince them. to change. There is nothing strategic about your studies, just an excuse for Chinese propaganda.
@bjorndebakker 3 месяца назад
Statler en Waldorf ten top en als ik wordt geblokkeerd om ene goede discussie aan te gaan vind ik dat jammer. Ben het eens op punten van beide zeker na vandaag , 09/03.2024, te meer om familie geschiedenis maar als ik wordt geblokkeerd vind ik dat jammer en wetenschappelijk moet je open staan voor discusie. Dat Rob de wijk nederlanders dom noemt vind ik dat jammer want dat ben ik niet en weet best wat geschiedenis inhoudt met familie aan twee kanten .