- ` Mara [Nickname.] • 3-30 • Video Editor • Bisexual.}
"It's A Name. One That Will Soon Be Forgotten."
13 лет назад
Sad Shiki Scene.
13 лет назад
13 лет назад
Elfen Lied - Ultranumb
13 лет назад
13 лет назад
@Nyctorn 3 месяца назад
Ritsuko and Tohru 💔
@conmilktea 3 месяца назад
I greatly enjoy tatsumi showing up in increasingly more ridiculous outfits at the most inappropriate times possible
@rikkiescobedo475 5 месяцев назад
I remember when I was 10 years old I had crush on sunako
@UrahAnam 7 месяцев назад
How awful!! This anime shows peoples mentality here.. whoever thinks shiki deserves to live is psycho!.. yeah everyone needs food for survival human hunts animals and animals hunt insects..the new village people who is turning into shiki among them some maybe innocent but what about those who was responsible for taking their humanity away .. being a few number of people trying to turn the whole human kind into shiki..they live for hundreds of years if they wanted they could make a deal with humans for blood in secret or openly as they are small in numbers,,there should be no shortage of blood!! Surely if the humans broke the rules of the contract they would have the right to kill them!! instead they want everyone to become shiki..we farm animals for food but do you think they can farm humans too?? no cause everyone who gets bitten by shiki will lose humanity.. means in their society,,a common fact is they will never age.. the number of shiki will increase faster than their food ..which means at the end of the day they will all die out of starving anyway.. Question is then why exactly they are trying to increase their population!? Because they don't care about Normal shikis..infect they can even kill normal one's when their mission is done.. and the mission is to create some special kind of shikis like natsumi yuki who can consume human foods.. Clearly there is no reason to show sympathy towards them.. instead humans are more powerful as they are huge in numbers and yet the had to give up on their life unwillingly to become a nasty blood sucker..so humans have full right to kill them.. Humans did nothing wrong but shiki did..so don't let any fucking anime destroy your ideology of justice!!!
@Yui.Hirasawa. Месяц назад
they could have easily got blood from the blood banks by hypnotizing a person without any need to stuck their blood to death
@thatquietasianguy9582 7 месяцев назад
Idkw but i missed these kinds of anime
@RKESLS 7 месяцев назад
@アニメと映画漫画好き 9 месяцев назад
@1d1sp2 10 месяцев назад
1:22 when she cries, i think she is a leader for other shikis, she really cares about her compatriots. Though it's a bad idea for deciding on fighting everyone, without distinguish who might become their companion, and who chooses to fight til death. Anyway, Sunako is cute. That's more important than good or bad for me.
@Shadow_Sonata Год назад
Anyone know where to get a copy of this series?
@ashantiwalker3775 Год назад
Poor Sunako. 😟
@CyberWarezz05 Год назад
Tbf I think it's kinda hard to side with the shiki simply because of the lack of details:it is never fully explained why shiki have to kill humans.They just say"we have an unbearable hunger that makes us kill" and "humans kill animals so how is killing humans different then?".Ok but these things don't really explain anything...
@TheApostelicPrincess Год назад
It's fun to read the comments This show was so hamfisted that no one would revive the whole concept until 2011
@Al0SC Год назад
After knowing her past and watching this creepy but interesting anime, I consider Sunako as my favorite character and villain from Shiki.
@johnnywantyoudead5113 Год назад
To me she felt like side vilain
@despaversailles Год назад
My favourite anime, but it has some huge logical flaws. I never really got the idea that they're two totally different race. Everybody acts like a true human, because that's what they were: humans and former humans. Before the Kirishikis they lived together as family/friends/neighbours, so the "it's like humans and pigs" example from Tohru felt so false and untrue. At first i sided more with the villagers at the end i thought both crews are screwed, maybe the villagers were more reasonable a little. On the other hand i don't know what Sunako thought through the whole time: constantly attacking the villagers, destroying families and friendships, and truly assuming after they rise they want to be friends with her and Tatsumi? WTF? It's like somebody sees me as an enemy, tries to eliminate or force a change on me, and after the change is "successful" she truly waiting for i would change my mind immediately and consider her and the others as a family / friends. Girl, you're delusional. :D I remember even Natsuno found this mentality an absurd BS and told this to Tatsumi.
@8888ani 2 года назад
I hate the monk, at first I think he gonna make some solution, but at the end of the series he prove himself as a coward , and saved a mass murder, and sukano is selfish, in some where the anime she says we done this for our survival but when it comes to her she then justify herself, but humans also does this for their survival, I think they both are selfish and coword
@Hatak_ekakashi15 Год назад
The humans were minding their own business it was the shiki who started also the monk deserves a more painfull death not only he helped the girl he also refused to help his friend
@johnnywantyoudead5113 Год назад
@@Hatak_ekakashi15 he was dumbass
@shawnbenjamin9636 Год назад
@@johnnywantyoudead5113 You guys really don't know anything. The reason Seishin made his choice was because he saw Sunako as a friend he could open up to, he also secretly hated the village population for pressuring him into becoming the village's next head priest against his will through tradition and expectations since he's the only next of kin when his father passes away. Seishin pretty much declared his friendship with Toshio over after he saw the aftermath of him killing his own wife.
@johnnywantyoudead5113 Год назад
@@shawnbenjamin9636 ok
@raymondbenaiah533 2 года назад
Subtitles know what's up.
@Nuke_Gunray 2 года назад
The fact that Sunako has the same voice actress as Madoka makes this anime even better.
@tmgabil Год назад
She sounds more like Tanya than Madoka, though... 😂
@Michiru_Chan10 10 месяцев назад
Also Futaba and Diane
@ltraltier6009 4 месяца назад
I didn’t get a madoka impression out of this. She actually sounds like a completely different character.
@futurehero2704 Месяц назад
Don't forget tatsumaki, hibiki and the giant waifu
@ibrahimihsan2090 Месяц назад
​@@ltraltier6009That's sort of a testament to how good the voice actress is. She's also in Gosick as Victorique de Blois and I've seen a couple of her roles in summer and autumn 2024 anime. As for the Madoka similarity, this video does sort of make her sound a bit similar for a few seconds. Especially when talking about Ozaki.
@Acesahn 2 года назад
Vampire loli: All I wanted to do was murder all the humans without mercy or diplomacy so I can make my village of bloodsuckers. What did I do to deserve this? :( Me: Everything
@johnnywantyoudead5113 2 года назад
Bruh *she regret later
@Hatak_ekakashi15 Год назад
@@johnnywantyoudead5113 doesn't matter she deserved more painfull death and that monk too
@danielandres1879 Год назад
Shut up sucker
@katerinaaqu Год назад
@@johnnywantyoudead5113 Well technically she still throws the blame elewhere (which is an amazingly realistic reaction). First she was like "I killed because I was hungry" (understandable since they do not have control over the hunger) but that didn't go nearly as close as to what she did now. Then she goes like "Why! I didn't do anything wrong. I only wanted a place for us to belong" (which is again understandable as a feeling but she still was willing to sacrifice people -since she had no idea how many of those people would rise- and she even manipulated people around her to kill without remorse) Last but not least upon the face of her doom even if she saw her wrongdoings, she spoke to god like "why didn't you stop me?!" again she takes responsibility from herself. I am not sure if that counts as 100% regret but still very realistic character
@johnnywantyoudead5113 Год назад
@@katerinaaqu love how you replied to my 5 months comment
@yura-kn9gk 2 года назад
sad 0/20 MDR qu'ils brulent tous.
@ghsvideosreviews5499 2 года назад
This whole anime is an sad scene honestly.
@hallow_returners 2 года назад
Seishin does the sins in the name of God
@johnnywantyoudead5113 2 года назад
*he basically pull sins for just loil*
@meeramalhotra33 2 года назад
I thought about this and this is how I'd try to maintain my moral compass if I became a Shiki. The biggest problem would be finding comrades/friends and feeding without losing your conscience. I wouldn't starve like Ritsuko - that is practically impossible because you need blood for survival. So the ideas I came up with are: I'd feed on people who DESPERATELY want to extend their lifespans somehow - people suffering from terminal illnesses, etc who want to live longer to be with their families or take care of unfinished business. Of course, this would be consensual. And they may not have a chance to rise, so it has to be explained to them. Another method of feeding I'd rather enjoy is killing people who torment others - like thugs or criminals-people with no remorse who continue to live as parasites to society. Now this may quickly develop into a Death Note situation so you'll have to have control over your rage and impulses. As cruel as it is, some people only know how to live by robbing others of happiness and their victims will have to go through hell to get justice, if that's even possible. Humans can't live on without feeling sinful or guilty if they kill their tormentors, but Shiki can; since that's how they thrive. If I wanted friends, I'd try to establish relationships with pre-existing Shiki or those whom I consensually created. Then make our own "village" so that our kind can live supporting each other, instead of robbing human settlements.
@impulseelectrobrine1259 3 месяца назад
Drink from a blood bag
@lemuriano2650 2 года назад
Obito é você?
@johnnywantyoudead5113 2 года назад
@espergarfield 2 года назад
You know, it kinda makes me sad seeing people say both sides were evil, when the humans kill each other, and have little to no emotion-
@calmgoodfire4662 2 года назад
Sad how? They are sad about being rejected but in the same sentence want to kill the entire village and turn them without consent like seriously they could’ve paid the villagers to Donate blood or done anything rather than going into there homes and murdering there family then expecting the villagers to be like “it’s alright homie”
@shawnbenjamin9636 Год назад
What a laughable suggestion. If humanity is so unstable that its population is ready to tear itself apart over the slightest differences between them, especially cultural and tribal differences, why would they show any better behavior towards anything that isn't human? Especially if that being is perceived as a predator.
@proteamize3672 8 месяцев назад
@@shawnbenjamin9636 Pfft, then stay away from such enclosed villages or whatnot, mhm? She could have tried better for all we care and that is my final opinion even after trying to look at it from Sunako's point of view years later because I managed to understand Seishin on a separate basis after reading through manga 2-3 times and became more careful after each reading session too. P.S.: We probably have argued at least once or twice some years ago and I know how much of a fanatic you are, so do not bother responding to this post as it was mostly settled that there was no rational argument to be said or created when you got to defend a village's total slaughter and only a bunch of poorly-crafted, radicalized and fanatical type of argument or arguments can be presented in this story since its never actually trying to be *morally gray* until the Shiki-Human "war" arc itself...
@eli_sonj 2 года назад
Nah I've never felt sad for her, ofc I understand her but she was the VILLAIN It's like if I'd have leprosy and I would have been banished by my people, I'd feel so alone, sad and angry that I would start infecting everyone in order to they be able of understand me and not feeling sad and alone anymore. What kind of logic is that? SUFFER LIKE ME TO UNDERSTAND ME that's so egoistic. I mean, she knew how terrible was to be a shiki and what she does? Yes transform people into shiki (and crossfingers bc some of them didn't came back to life) And that's exactly why Natsuno claimed, "YOU DIDN'T GIVE THEM A CHOICE", yeah bc she pushed all the new shikis to become assassins. And that's why I loved the nurse character she was so strong and even when she was so hungry she didn't try anything, and tried to save her friend instead. In the end, Sunako is not a misunderstood character she is a villain that doesn't want to recognize what she is, and the same goes to the monk. 2 hypocrites that deserved "a Berserk death"
@johnnywantyoudead5113 2 года назад
the monk was hypocrite
@PlayfulFruitLPer 2 года назад
There was no light and dark side, no good or bad, only grey. It all depended on who you sympathized with more. The Shiki did what they did to survive and so did the humans. What’s interesting however, is that in the end only one side actually enjoyed and killed for fun and cruelly and that was the humans. The shiki never enjoyed killing, they wanted everyone they fed from to possibly live.
@tuevang4101 2 года назад
True but if I was a human and I know that if there turning my friends or anyone that dear to me I will fight back.
@五城さ 2 года назад
@theHedgex1 2 года назад
It's only natural that both sides would try to survive. It's nature of course but I still say the vampires had it coming more. They both murdered but who started it? The shiki. They'll get no sympathy for me.
@elizabethpink721 2 года назад
Just throwing my two cents out there: I think the humans were justified in killing the Shiki because it was for survival, I think the Shiki are justified in attacking humans because it is for survival, the only people not justified are specifically Sukano, and the other Shiki that moved to the village, because they attacked people not out of necessity but selfishness. In the end I think all the villagers were victims of the original Shiki that moved to the village, sukano and the Shiki that moved to the village are the villains and no one else. I get frustrated seeing people lump all the Shiki together when there is clearly a distinct difference between those who kill to live and those who kill out of selfishness
@KyleGD 2 года назад
i agree, the villagers were the victims. The shiki drove them to insanity and survival. The villagers may have been too violent and paranoid but like i said, who drove them to be like that in the first place???? exactly. I wish every mf who caused all of this mess died before they started the greatest tragedy.
@mysticalspace2596 Год назад
I’m glad someone gets it
@Secret_Moon Год назад
Sukano had her reason. It was her intention to turn this village into the only safe haven for the Shiki, where they can live free among each other without having to hide, to be scared. To do that they had to make a substaintial amount of Shiki by killing the villagers to take over the village, after that they could go outside to feed just enough without having to kill anyone. Then their society would become a sustainable and free one. It was a life running and hiding for hundred of years, being rejected and chased, that drived her to that decision, as her words implied "Chizuru... it must have hurt... to be hated, to be rejected." From her perspective, it's totally understandable.
@Ripsawman0 3 года назад
Saddest scene was the huge old guy dying
@ibm30rpg 3 года назад
Goes to show people will abandon all humanity and throw away any ounce of mercy just to bandwagon for one team. I guess it only matters that you are on the winning side, since everybody just chooses to be shitty instead of trying to be actually decent people. It's just shit vs shit. Who cares at that point?
@dautr1che 3 года назад
entire final of this anime is sad.
@chairs3815 3 года назад
Sunako should've died bro fuck seinshin
@devonpearson3321 3 года назад
During this show I had so many emotions creepiness sadness happiness and made me question who are the real monsters here us or them
@kraken615 3 года назад
How can i watch this to high quality?
@ashantifassitt5443 3 года назад
0:03, 0:10, 0:17, 0:40, 1:05, 1:07, 1:10, 1:23, 1:25, 1:33, 1:41, 1:48, and 1:51. 😞
@silviajacinto8349 3 года назад
@maximnietokramskoi5728 3 года назад
Some bloodsucker losers trying to fight on the most terrible predator on the planet - humans. Pathetic.
@DarkAdonisVyers 3 года назад
Sunako's coterie isn't exactly trained properly. A Kindred who's fully mastered their disciplines can end 1000 kine like putting down cattle with mad cow disease.
@gil2644 3 года назад
Always coming back to this makes me remember how much I hate her. She's one of those characters who are "I have a sad past, please feel sorry for me, please, please, even though I've done so many things that are wrong, it's because I have a sad past"
@DarkAdonisVyers 3 года назад
Except she did nothing wrong, just haphazard.
@gil2644 3 года назад
@@DarkAdonisVyers She did everything wrong lmao I don't think what she did haphazard is gonna do shit, since what she did was HER GOALS. It wasn't a lack of plan, since that was her true plan. To take over a village and create a safe space of shikis that they can take control of If that's the case, then the humans did nothing wrong. But I'm 100% sure the reason why people despise what the humans did because unlike the Shiki, they did everything smoothly, while humans did it bloodily. Both still stupid, but I hate the shiki's actions more.
@DarkAdonisVyers 3 года назад
@@gil2644 Nothing wrong with siring a coterie, but there's usually a better system to do so.
@katerinaaqu Год назад
@@DarkAdonisVyers Well...remove the killing aside since she is a vampire so maybe it wouldn't be avoided. Let's start with the fact that instead of building a new town somwehre, she decided to take over a human town (obviously she also had plenty of spite inside her due to her past so she wanted to remove humans like humans tried to remove her), she was willing to sacrfice many lives (since not all humans rise as vampires) She manipulated people to kill either family members (with the hope they would live together forever) or people they hated (to take revenge) and she even used her own grey morals to manipulate other people to kill with less remorse (which could still be "sweet" in an essence she didn't want people around her to feel bad but still...a bit messed up...) Last but not least, she never truly recognized what she did was wrong. She initially shifted the blame to her hunger, then to her need for a place to belong and finally to god for not stopping her. In modern day world she could do so much with her wealth and experience but she chose mayhem. Of course one can understand where she comes from but still...her methods are not exactly the best to say the very least
@DarkAdonisVyers Год назад
@@katerinaaqu What she tried to do or how she went about it? I did say that she was being haphazard... Or do you know not what that word means?
@be_luna 3 года назад
I binged watched shiki and i cried a lot
@akkeynii9001 3 года назад
Fun fact : Tatsumi has the same voice actor as the Obito from Naruto Series and Takagi from Detective Conan
@weirdcorequipo2942 3 года назад
Can we all just agree that Tatsumi rocks all those weird outfits he wore across the anime
@FEAROWNAGE 3 года назад
I want Sunako to whisper into my left ear gently.
@futsurepolaris6304 3 года назад
Tatsumi wears the weirdest outfits throughout the whole anime. My favorite was his spiky biker looking outfit.
@thecat2098 4 года назад
Turned the captions on to remove the sadness
@mohdamiruddinsulaiman1383 4 года назад
They brought this upon themselves
@DarkAdonisVyers 3 года назад
By not training up disciplines.
@murayame2251 4 года назад
@nadia_supremacy3767 4 года назад
EVer thought, Instead of killing them.. IF their Vampires and they feed on blood, can't you just donate your blood to them instead of killing them off in such brutal ways?? but NOOoOOOooOooOoOOo. Everybody had to die And Sunako still lived. *So now, this will happen all over again.*
@libertylemonz7145 4 года назад
The Shiki were deliberately killing the people they fed on in order to create more Shiki They could have rotated who they fed on or simply not fed to the point they killed their host the way Tooru fed on but didn't kill Natsuno To be fair most of the new Shiki were being pushed to kill by the original ones sort of like a cult and were threatened with death if they didn't obey, but the original ones were absolutely in the wrong My point is that Tooru proved the Shiki COULD have lived alongside the humans but actively chose to murder the humans instead, they deserve death for that
@DarkAdonisVyers 3 года назад
Well, Sunako was never taught properly by her sire, so this is just her learning by trial and error. A backwater village is of little consequence.
@DarkAdonisVyers 3 года назад
@@libertylemonz7145 No, there is nothing wrong with creating a coterie, when there are none available.
@sachamarzullo 4 года назад
Tatsumi has Obito's voice 😎