Arrow Season 3 Episode 15 Reaction
2 года назад
Arrow Season 3 Episode 14 Reaction
2 года назад
Arrow Season 3 Episode 9 Reaction
3 года назад
Death By Furnace
3 года назад
@nomadman5288 День назад
"Oh no, he's gonna put on the leather jacket."
@nomadman5288 День назад
Oliver didn't know that he was going to have "business" until they had the data from Lex's facility.
@dynaguy3 День назад
I’m glad they addressed that newspaper is a dying industry instead of pretending it’s still the 50s. There was actually a point in the comics where Clark became a news anchor so this was a cool reference. Also glad that they closed the book on Oliver and Lois so Clark and Lois could really succeed. Fantastic end to the episode
@nomadman5288 2 дня назад
I think they should have kept Raya around for a few episodes. It would have been a great opportunity to give some backstory about Krypton and Clark's biological parents. Clark could have gotten some lovin' too and instead of killing her off, they could have had Jor-El give her some sort of mission of her own and have her be torn between staying with Clark and leaving, but she chooses to leave and fulfill her own destiny, which gives Clark inspiration to start moving more towards his own. But nah, let's just kill off characters just because...
@dynaguy3 3 дня назад
It’s bad enough that Oliver has dated Clark’s future wife, but Oliver and Lois also have to be close friends with clear romantic tension? And Chloe is psycho. I also really enjoyed the final scene with Clark and Oliver on the rooftop. Looked really cool
@nomadman5288 3 дня назад
As you watch the series, you realize how selfish Lana actually is. It's always about her, what she wants, or what she believes she deserves, like knowing about Clark. Both she and Lex act like Clark owes them personal and private information, his secrets, whatever they might be. It's never really considered the other person's boundaries or how they feel about it.
@dynaguy3 4 дня назад
Loved the opening scene with the hostages. So Superman
@robyn90703 4 дня назад
This episode is very important because it's all about slavery in America. We had an episode in season 2 Skinwalkers which is about Native Americans and the lore of shapeshifters. Another important episode to note. Smallville do a lot of these episodes too. Especially when there's other families or relatives involved.
@dynaguy3 6 дней назад
I didn’t totally understand that scene with Clark and Lois where she confessesed she’s in love with the red blue blur. There was a lot of tension between them but she was talking about another man as far as she knew
@dynaguy3 7 дней назад
I love that Lois falls in love with both sides of Clark. Unlike the classic version where Lois falls for Superman only. And it’s also better than newer versions where she falls for Clark and not Superman. This version shows how perfect Clark and Lois are for each other. And the Metallo fight was great
@doranicolaou9173 7 дней назад
Leo kissed the siren because if he didn't he would have to kill piper from the mind control
@nomadman5288 8 дней назад
I don't know why anyone wouldn't trust Chloe when it comes to Clark given the fact that she deeply cares for him and loves him.
@ImLegend000 10 дней назад
this dude talks too much just let us WATCH THE DANG VIDEO
@dynaguy3 10 дней назад
I actually don’t have a problem with Davis turning full evil. Obviously very sad about Jimmy, but Davis’s turn wasn’t completely out of no where. At first, Davis was willing to make the noble sacrifice, but when Clark tried sending him to the Phantom Zone he was being selfish and wanted to stay with Chloe. They showed his obsession with Chloe grow, so it makes sense he would go crazy when she chooses Jimmy. Chloe had her own problems this season though. She is infuriating when she always thinks she’s right and being a hero. The fight with Doomsday was short, but I didn’t need it to match the comic book fight because that isn’t supposed to happen until Clark is Superman.
@Onthebrink5 12 дней назад
Immature emotional and possessing no reasoning leads to bad reaction channels
@dynaguy3 13 дней назад
I loved Clark’s response to Oliver at the end. Very Superman
@nomadman5288 15 дней назад
I actually think they should have had Clark tell her at the end, but she still decides to go to Paris for the experience and for some time to let the truth sink in. In a rewrite of the show, I would have it go that way to open more options for Lana's character.
@dynaguy3 15 дней назад
The Phantom Zone was a great solution. Superman uses it all the time in the comics to get rid of criminals too dangerous to keep on earth. Chloe is right that it’s basically a living hell, but that’s why only the worst are sent there. And sometimes even good people have to be sent there if it’s the only way to keep them alive, like Mon El. Chloe let her feelings get in the way. And Davis is turning more evil. Before he was willing to take the noble path by ending himself, but now he’s being selfish by staying with Chloe instead of going to the Phantom Zone
@dynaguy3 15 дней назад
Good introduction of Bruno Mannheim at the start of his criminal career
@dynaguy3 16 дней назад
The drawings in the book were definitely over the top
@nomadman5288 18 дней назад
This was the very first episode I ever watched. I happened to be going through the channels and came across this and I had no idea what it was. Then I saw the bald guy and when he called him Clark, I was like "Wait, is like a Superman when he's younger?" I had no idea the show even existed. After watching again the next week, I started going back and watching the other episodes to catch up. The rest is history and I didn't miss an episode from then on. It was quite the journey.
@nomadman5288 18 дней назад
Why didn't Clark just grab Lex instead of pushing him and then stopping the car? It doesn't really make sense. I mean, I know it's because the script says so, but logically speaking, he should have just grabbed him like he did Pete when he saved him from the bus.
@nomadman5288 19 дней назад
Clark should have told Lana about the dream. Plant the seeds and get her thinking about it... In real life, pretending that you're not thinking about sex or that you don't want her in that way is a weak move. They see right through it. They know, so there's no sense in hiding it. Don't be afraid to tell the truth. You don't have to be crude or graphic, just honest so that they can see that you're not afraid of them or to say what you feel and think.
@nomadman5288 20 дней назад
Honestly, Mrs Small is a grade A cunt. Like, that's his daughter and she's all jealous that her husband, Lana's father, is excited about having her in his life and wants to share that with her. Henry should have just divorced her. Sorry bitch, but my daughter comes before you, even if you are my wife.
@nomadman5288 21 день назад
It's funny when someone uses a weapon like a metal pole against Clark because the physics is all wrong. It wouldn't send him across the room flying, it would just break. It doesn't matter if the person using it is super powered because the tensile strength of the object still wouldn't change. It's not just the invulnerability, but also the muscle resistance he would be exerting against the object.
@nomadman5288 21 день назад
I like Lana's and Choe's look of disappointment after Clark tells both of them to their face that he wants to be friends. You can tell that they did not want to hear that.
@dynaguy3 22 дня назад
Lana is so toxic. She only wanted to be with Clark again once she had powers and was his equal. She’s way too powerful btw
@vikibunalesnavarlaz6062 22 дня назад
Como le importaba todo lo que tenia que ver con lois i esta acostumbrada a ella asi empezarba a amarla es inegable lo muxo que ella le importa ❤❤❤
@lukastace3154 25 дней назад
WHOOOOOOOO- please come back
@deeppurplefan9648 29 дней назад
Brainiac is my second favorite role by James Marsters after Spike. People mostly talks about Michael Rosenbaum's and Callum Blue's performance among the villains in the show but I think James potrayal of Brainiac deserves a recognition in the show.
@deeppurplefan9648 Месяц назад
This Daily Planet boss makes Jameson from Spiderman look like your average sweet grandpa.
@MLGaming330 Месяц назад
Can anyone please tell me when this dude is going to come back to react to shows again
@EliteSte00 Месяц назад
Hey man I loved your reactions, I’m sad you abandoned the channel😢. I think you could have really made it, you are funny and a awesome person. I hope you are doing great in life
@danieldaulie8980 Месяц назад
Shout out to you man. Wishing you the best in life.
@danieldaulie8980 Месяц назад
Chloe killed Jimmy. One of my top 3 favourite characters but I’ll always hold her responsible for his death.
@Maatjuhhh Месяц назад
3 years later, but aight: Fun fact: The suit that was presented at Fortress of Solitude is the same suit that Brandon James Routh wore in Superman Returns.
@danieldaulie8980 Месяц назад
I knew you didn't know Lex but the fact that you couldn't believe he did that is next level. You really think this guy is good cause he’s nice to the Kents 😂
@colinmack93 Месяц назад
Did you see what happened to LuthorCorp turned into LX CORP
@crazyman7671 Месяц назад
If you get stabbed, even accidentally, NEVER pull it out. That can actually speed up the process of bleeding out and dying.
@crazyman7671 Месяц назад
Severe Party foul: You talked over the Superman music
@crazyman7671 Месяц назад
04:15 If only he knew the importance of that crystal right there. Thats where Jor-El imprisons Clark and while Bizarro is masquerading as him.
@dynaguy3 Месяц назад
So many mythology references this episode
@chambatips3619 Месяц назад
This is the episode we all realized he is the best Lex Luthor of them ALL!!
@dynaguy3 Месяц назад
Not a Chloe fan. She seems to regret even saving Lois because it almost killed her. I don’t even understand why she hates her power so much. It doesn’t hinder her everyday life. She clearly doesn’t have a heroic streak in her because she is completely against the idea of giving her life to save someone else’s. Clark’s heroics of constantly putting himself at risk have not rubbed off on her at all.
@tds_god126 Месяц назад
heroes never dies
@Plaguedoctorxx Месяц назад
Did he stop streaming ? Hope everything good ..I like the supernatural he was doing
@agustinhernandez7692 Месяц назад
13:50. Que paso no se ve muy bien
@judybelanger2176 2 месяца назад
Fantastic finale...still should've had Lana though, and where was Aquaman, Bart, Cyborg and Black Canary?
@danieldaulie8980 Месяц назад
Lana? He’s happier with Lois. Every episode with Lana ended in apologies, sadness, and “working things out” 😂 a terrible way to live.
@drewrebeau8933 2 месяца назад
Where is season 5 episode 1??
@robyn90703 2 месяца назад
And Clark chooses the wrong time to wanting to be normal like everybody else. He could get hurt easily just like that. Martha was right in the beginning of the last episode.