SweepOUT - Politics
SweepOUT - Politics
SweepOUT - Politics
Bill Clinton VS John McCain Simulator
3 года назад
@Qspjsgpuwthpvjsvpu 3 дня назад
I love liberal republicans
@TyTyisgettingpaid 9 дней назад
You know it’s bad when Indiana goes blue
@Wellch Месяц назад
Now Kaka Harris will receive just 4/states.
@RonDiani Месяц назад
Lol I would not support any of both
@IronSharpensIronOfficial Месяц назад
This is a weird request but, Teddy Roosevelt Vs Reagan next?
@EuropeanQoheleth 5 месяцев назад
Not seeing what the point of the video is.
@Kingston019 5 месяцев назад
Delusion from the mentally ill seen here
@sweepout-politics2008 9 месяцев назад
TWITCH: www.twitch.tv/Sweepout This was an AI vs AI on the game The Political Machine.
@beh802 Год назад
The south wasn’t really solidly republican until the early 2000’s, and wasn’t as republican as today until about 10 years ago.
@beh802 Год назад
This is probably as accurate as this thing is ever gonna get
@GamingBickle Год назад
Connecticut would not go red
@danmiller6674 Год назад
Nobody wants this little smoker for prez Pete butt plug are you kidding the demaphiles thinks he is golden
@nina_7464 Год назад
Eduardo de Souza
@nina_7464 Год назад
Tá bom então
@gipsiwow6238 Год назад
That's based on votes, not representatives beliefs it's also completely ignoring gerrymandering which makes it an even BIGGER issue PARTIES divid citizens because the rich & the evangelicals & the white supremacists are trying to exhaust our minds bodies and souls so they can keep working everyone to death, making MORE profit to accomplish their goals. They are waging war on ALL of us & arguing the very issues that THEY created is what THEY want. THAT is the REAL issue here.
@borisgoykhman5547 Год назад
What happens if you get a tie in political machine 2020
@krishnaobrien3394 Год назад
Arizona will likely vote to the left of New Mexico.
@mikeryan7213 Год назад
Pence hasn't a snowballs chance in hell of winning the Republican nomination. And pete nobody hasn't a snowballs chance in hell of winning the presidency, should the Democrats be foolish enough to nominate him
@robinclifton4728 2 года назад
Neither one has a chance in hades!!! Ones a traitor to the American people and we'll when the other one gets on his hands and knees it ain't to pray 🙏!!
@raytyre750 2 года назад
Believing there will be a fair election is like believing in the tooth fairy except instead of getting change under your pillow you get a pile of dog poop.
@ryanferensic4122 2 года назад
Everything seems good although surprised Cruz would get Washington
@ryanferensic4122 2 года назад
I think Trump May Get Nevada and Bloomberg Minnesota
@Fixing2snap 2 года назад
I will never vote for that woman!!!
@Fixing2snap 2 года назад
I don’t like either of them but if I had a choice, I guess it would be Haley.
@reebootcloudx9839 2 года назад
Tulsi 2024!! Country over party!!
@marioncheatwood6723 2 года назад
With so many illiterate slow brained brainwashed Biden supporters that can be controlled by the Nazi left , but that's the thing there never really was that many or even close to enough to vote in Joe Biden , this has been the most obvious real insurrection by the Democratic party and the people have to worry about actually getting kidnapped by police that use us as slaves for slave labor the state can collect money off owning you , which is slavery no matter how you look at it , they rape kids on islands and use them to basically film their political associates and agents to have leverage and be able to be dictating criminals and have a pedophile agency like fbi CIA to be their lapdogs and go after whoever fights for freedom or whoever they want to enslave so they can pay the scum cops that do their slaveherding on their own people , hopefully so many cops die this year and I prey they just start to get the karma for signing up to enslave people for the scum government or the slaveowners in Washington while they break every law and do things that would have one of us slaves be executed by a pedophile that likes to sniff kids and has a crackhead son going all over the country smoking crack and screwing crackwhores with the slaves/people's tax money
@jot8000 2 года назад
Also take in consideration on how much the NewsMedia will lie about a candidate.
@chrisgordon3774 2 года назад
Dems have no chance. They did this to themselves
@starryrz9783 2 года назад
269-269 tie with Maine's second going to Pence, congress would decide
@igotthis8427 2 года назад
Are you old enough to vote?
@carlh4279 2 года назад
You have not accounted for the "cheat" factor have you?
@deborahasher176 2 года назад
Pence? Pence is finished in politics after he hamstringed President Trump.
@thehow2s 2 года назад
They will cheat like usual
@Abalonehorse 2 года назад
Tulsi for president!!! She speaks for independents!!!!
@Troollls 2 года назад
I don’t know why you think AOC would win New Hampshire everyone here freaking hates her
@georgemecek2760 2 года назад
Fake , AOC = Accidentally Ocasionally Coherent this chicken is as dense as the iceberg that sank the Titanic and has the IQ of cake frosting
@matthewfielden6900 2 года назад
U should do 1 for who the American people would choose
@rusthand7110 2 года назад
How would AOC score that high?
@derikdannatt7233 2 года назад
Let’s go Brandon
@sotired3957 2 года назад
Hillary is a crook!
@docholiday7758 2 года назад
The parties never switched. The democrats have been promoting racial division and group identity politics my entire life.
@DeezNuts-sx9jd 2 года назад
After the NJ and VA elections this year, I'd throw in Virginia and New Mexico
@herschelcranford5632 2 года назад
Yea Donald j Trump bitchs
@alkarvelaitis3822 2 года назад
She should be in jail
@alkarvelaitis3822 2 года назад
I give Hillary a jail cell
@ericsampedrohernandez8093 2 года назад
It'll go to the GOP by a narrow margin. Less than half a percent.
@elroythegreat1590 2 года назад
Minnesota will be the California it has rigged elections for years.
@andrewjones6583 2 года назад
Honestly Wisconsin Michigan Pennsylvania and Nevada could go either way, I see them as the only purple states currently when it comes to national politics, CT going red is unlikely, however it can also be argued that it could eventually happen because every state eventually experiences trends from both sides of the aisle, Georgia currently is trending left meanwhile Virginia is potentially trending right, other states are also going to be determined by winning over enough support from independents and Moderates, two states for example are Maine and New Hampshire, both states hold strong Moderate voter bases and were very close to flipping red in 2016
@isaacwojo3273 2 года назад
New Mexico and Virginia would flip before Colorado
@future8796 2 года назад
This is a blind idiot puppet