The second channel of AJ3 is AJ3Plays, here I will be doing a Fifa RTG, and maybe even just playing lots of other random games!
@d3l343 День назад
Honestly spot on Andy. I think the dropping ratings thing is a great idea. It makes evos more accessible as well as the rating longevity increases which (in theory) encourages retention as people are able to take their 65 rated players and make them 90 by tots as the evos are less restrictive as the curve starts lower
@niyintelsesylvestre3061 День назад
The Rumors of it was done on purpose makes most sense they wanted more attention on their Game. Stop trying to to defend them🤦🏾‍♂️
@cameronburnett8138 День назад
How about fix the constant disconnections in menus. Or the delayed gameplay and disconnections during champs which makes getting these good players pointless because you could have every player with 99 stats and it makes no difference because the only competitive mode there is has shit gameplay where you can’t even dribble properly. And in the most respectful way possible, you’re sat here taking about making fucking player ratings go down by 10. Again, in the nicest way possible, surely you aren’t that naive that that is your only problem with the game.
@brandonhinks3560 День назад
The fact you’re calling people “no lifers” just because they were on the game at 8pm? Maybe it’s the only chance people like myself get to actually play the game and be able to concentrate?
@georgeayres6022 День назад
I think EA do it on purpose to get people talking about the game. They dont care if its negative media cause people will continue to buy fc points and theyll continue to make these mistakes
@TheAlmightyJoseph День назад
andy this discussion could have been 2 mins long
@Jadihno66. День назад
Fair play to Aaron Hunt, man went from chilling with luke Bennett and Simple Simon to kicking ball with Wayne Rooney round his gaff, proper sound geezer aswell
@treydill4099 День назад
11:40 the NHL franchise has been doing this for awhile and it makes the early game a lot more enjoyable of a grind. People can still pay to win for juiced teams right away, however the highest rated cards when the game starts sit around 86/87 to start the year, and things slowly progress throughout the year with incredibly few cards getting higher than 91/92 before TOTY and the TOTYs are 96 rated and nothing really gets higher than that until the the summer hits. And getting stupidly high rated cards are achieved through grinding away objectives or dumping an obscene amount of money into packs to complete card sets (EA NHL’s version of SBCs). Lowering starting overalls can easy fix the power curve problems in FUT, I have no clue why they don’t do it.
@owenspence6253 День назад
I understand what your saying about the World Cup mode mode but for me when I played the World Cup mode and I had good team I didn’t stop playing even though everybody was better than me I’d still play it because I didn’t have a great team on normal ultimate team but fifa sort of feels like gta now once you’ve got money/goodteam it just feels like you’ve completed the game because this game just isn’t good enough to keep playing after something like this although I have benefited in the past I feel this is probably the end unless they start listening or even just trying with this game
@lucastepedino1985 День назад
I agree mate, but I also feel like people should also learn how to have fun in different ways, like for me is going to elite division with the Flamengo past and present. I don’t even care about the meta anymore, just having fun with players I actually like
@organiccrocodile День назад
moment of true is max 84 andy carefull
@staticfx903 День назад
I personally would try and quick sell Calvert-Lewin. I like the idea of having a unique card more than i dislike the idea of not being able to have any version of that card. That's how I would weigh it up in my head. If you think having an okay version is more important than having the chance at a better version then you should do the SBC trick to start over.
@GG-fh8rb День назад
If I ran my company like Ea I'd be homeless!!
@CFCEDITS24 2 дня назад
For the gold downgrade idea I feel it’s not great like u wanna be playing with fun cards like what Vini would be like and stuff so having those ratings would just frustrate me. When I play with like 80 rated cards for an Evo or obj even if it’s in squad battles it can get annoying with them just not turning properly, I see where ur coming from but a no for me
@jcclips9180 2 дня назад
I just try to build the funnest team with my favourite players
@christaps5126 2 дня назад
The World Cup icon argument doesn’t really work because of a few reasons 1. The gamemode wasn’t as competitive as ultimate team 2. It’s only 1 player, you’ll still want to upgrade your other cards 3. Everybody had the chance to get the good teams
@rustygreaves8201 2 дня назад
Is it cause Everton don’t have any special cards bro, cause I guarantee you if there was an Everton tots card that was decent and you could evo it to make it better you’d want the evo
@davidquinteros346 2 дня назад
The thing is EA EASILY CAN MAKE LIKE TESTER ACCOUNTS LIKE I STILL REMEMBER AROUND FIFA 14 how they’d invite creators n load up account and packs etc I remember mattHD KSI and others being invited to pre launch the game
@jamesarmstrong2077 2 дня назад
U look like Vince McMahon
@danbruce2470 2 дня назад
I say risk quick selling DCL
@AlexisGonzalez-ou3ef 2 дня назад
EA ultimate team could do what madden ultimate team does. Players have very high ratings and low ratings for regular kick off/ career modes. But the ultimate team everyone is way way lower making the grind longer. Even if they are 99 on regular they will be I think it is 81 to start ultimate team before receiving special cards
@owstersearle6930 2 дня назад
I think the "fairest" solutions would be to give all the players who finished champs post fix an extra pick. The same as their rank gives (1 of 3/4/5). Everyone who finished before the fix gets an end game card and everyone else gets 1 more chance for it with the fixed rewards. Its not perfect but just leaving it as is can be very demotivating to those who miss out
@josemariatrujillo-cruz9812 2 дня назад
If everyone including myslef had Mbappe, I’d still play, cause it’s fair game
@christianhammild7177 2 дня назад
Ea should have a test server just like league of legends have the pbe server Where some who hot accepted to be a tester, are testing all champs and new skins. But ea could have the same Where they test rewards and new content
@stuart1862 2 дня назад
I love the rumours that it was done on purpose, just like the TOTY Messi, Eusebio and other pack issues (language errors), by EA employees to cause issues, same as employees selling icon moments last year.
@jamiereid7572 2 дня назад
Ea would never do it but imo there should only be base cards totw toty and tots cards in the game bc the game was so much better in fifa 14 when it was like that but ea are to greedy to do it
@jclark_-rq4gk 2 дня назад
If I had red mbappe it would make me want to play MORE. Playing 20 games to get unusable players every time makes me want to play LESS.
@john44cze 2 дня назад
In ea fc mobile they have done the ratings same but, the raitings are all not to 99 but to 150. So mbappe starts as 91 but his tots is like 113 and it has like 140 pace
@georgeford2919 2 дня назад
surely u have to start 4 everyone atleast
@georgeford2919 2 дня назад
where’s the everton players at
@mattydun 2 дня назад
Fully agree with the reduce starting ratings. What is the point in having the lowest rating like 45. Why not make it 1-50 for starting cards
@josemariatrujillo-cruz9812 2 дня назад
First ea need to fix the gameplay, because trust me, if you try playing with a 80 rated team in this gameplay, you’re gonna uninstall after one game
@ZishaTV 2 дня назад
WAIT so the took away TOTS Mbappe and let TOTY MESSI stay that's the reason I quit I went up against like 5 messis in arow in futchamps and I was like I'm out THEY SHOULD HAVE TAKEN MESSI AWAY
@rolfdirkenstein 2 дня назад
I totally agree with your point about the ratings miscalibration and the "journey." This issue is what I think has been the biggest factor in evolutions being poor, which is that Evos and evo players have not scaled up with the power curve. I have done every single evo that has been released this year and have a few different Evo teams. Some are better than others, but since double ps+ were introduced at TOTY, my evo teams have struggled. The problem is that as with everything else, EA is trying to reach a Goldilocks point to capture a wide range of viewpoints: evos should be good enough so you'll participate, but not better (or even comparable too) the upper quartile of cards available, evos should cover a broad range of cards but should also cover popular players so people will be enticed to do them, etc. And so we're here in May with evos capped at 84 rated cards (just like in October) that bump to 90s but which only give you 1 playstyle. I have maybe three or four half decent evos that I've babied through the season, but none of them is good enough anymore to play in my main team, and my evo teams cannot keep up at all. I think the biggest problem with all of this and why a recalibration is necessary is that unlike other ultimate team type games that hand out 99 rated players like ice cream (MLB the Show being example #1), this game is far too competitive; EA has chased this by increasing ratings and introducing the crazy store packs and the crazy amounts of untradeable objective reward packs this year (presence of guaranteed Icon/Hero/TOTS packs and huge rating fodder packs means EA nerfed 50k, 100k, 125k packs to keep the overall weight around where it should be, but also if you open 1k 83+ packs like many people who no life this game have done, you will end up with enough good players and especially enough SBC fodder to have a great team even without money), and people will keep running that hamster wheel of packs for the dopamine hit. Not sure where we all go from here, but I think a recalibration is a great idea to put everything back into a manageable perspective.
@iv5345 2 дня назад
True but toty need to be better than everyone else at that point in time, meaning they need that extra PS+, or it kinda begs the question what's the point when I can make a better card or one that is on par with toty using evos and chem styles
@11wins4life 2 дня назад
totally agree with your thoughts on mbappe
@zsutton6687 2 дня назад
EA just stinks man this is ridiculous. It shows how good rewards should be as opposed to what they are. You should get the best chances based off of what you earn. The weight to pull rate is absurd and just shows how greedy EA is. Andy that is bs man people dont stop playing because the chase is over, their not playing because game play sucks. The power curve crap doesnt matter man, because the best cards are still impossible to pull regardless of the month.
@lawsonlightfoot8010 2 дня назад
please do another rtg next year
@fncarx4692 2 дня назад
I think ea should give people who didn’t receive a player pick that contain mbappe double the player picks they received in their rewards but that just me
@olivercawrey405 2 дня назад
Its an absolute pisstake. Ive grinded hard on two accounts over TOTS and got rank 1 6 of 8 weekends, not a single red player over a mil, not a single tradeable over 300k, then EA pull something like this. My best red this weekend was Golovin 😂
@silentbob640 2 дня назад
Wait, I have just done the new sbc for 90+ tots pack, and when I went to open it, it said the pack is no longer available and they just took it off me WTF EA
@maxiperson 2 дня назад
Why not go even lower than 10 ratings? The lowest rated player is like 50, you could go down like 30 Ratings? Or is that stupid?
@josemariatrujillo-cruz9812 2 дня назад
In this gameplay, you’d wanna uninstall after one game because of how bad the players are, along with how bad the gameplay is
@user-ic9nk9sh7n 2 дня назад
So glad I didn't bother buying this game 😅
@JJTurner1812 2 дня назад
I finished champs 2 mins after the 'fix'. This is the last FIFA/FC game ill ever own
@PhantomGamerMinecraft 2 дня назад
Bro just uploaded a near 30 min video on a glitch that was fixed (not condoning) on his RTG channel with no impact on his RTG whatsoever
@ianheymans9078 2 дня назад
My 'journey' every year is to have the best Bundesliga team possible. So by the time the game is almost at an end I will have a full TOTS team with a TOTY. I can't buy packs because I live in Belgium so I can never afford one earlier. So the grind to have the best possible players is what keeps me playing. The problem this year is that by the time I can afford TOTY Frimpong he will be absolete. There is already a better version of him and I imagine with the euro's more cards will be even better. In previous years, even if you were a casual player, you could have the best Bundesliga (or whatever league) possible by the end of the game. Because TOTY would be the best cards until Futties. Now you can never have the best cards possible even in august. I really think ps+ are the real problem here because it makes cards even worse over time. In previous years you could have older cards in your team and still feel like you can perform. Now you need to have the cards with the most ps+.
@semdriesen3759 2 дня назад
I have a full evo team from my local club (evos are insane btw) and there's only like 4 of them with a singular ps+)
@Jake-nm9kp 2 дня назад
i would try the sbc method for calvert lewin and if it doesn't work then it doesn't really matter because u already have better players than him
@Jameskn1 2 дня назад
As far as I’m aware the game straight up doesn’t allow you to quick sell in progress evos James avoided discards with this issue it has to be finished to go into an sbc or to be quick sold so seems EA have already blocked that method for you sadly
@Madmystics 2 дня назад
Who Else does not qualify for champs (personly i haven’t qualifyed in all of ea fc 24)
@robotwars123wiki 2 дня назад
I rarely play rivals/champs unless I need to for evos, tried for the second time this year after being 1 point off last time and managed to get qualification but honestly can't find the motivation to actually play champs, don't feel the stress is worth it
@msdhaliwal1312 День назад
​@@robotwars123wiki i am a 11-14 wins player bro and trust me the stress really isnt worth it. Its good u prioritise ur mental health.
@Madmystics 2 дня назад
But what you say about that everyone sould be 10 ratings lower would destroy career mode
@tylercady3985 2 дня назад
Why does this always happen while I'm at work. I missed it, then had to play against everyone's Mbappe and Dembele in qualifying because the sweats that got them decided to go again and ruin everyone else's day
@spums1509 2 дня назад
I love the idea of a lower starting rating! Whats the point of having 0-99 rating when the lowest rated cards are around high 30 to low 40