Solo Marvel Champion
Solo Marvel Champion
Solo Marvel Champion
Solo Marvel Champion is all about Marvel Champions - the Living Card Game by Fantasy Flight Games - from the perspective of a true-solo player. I organize all of my playthroughs into three playlists: Hero by name, Aspect by name, and Villain by Name. This allows you to easily find to find all of my videos about a specific Hero, Aspect, or Villain.

I also have playlists for Modular Encounter Sets and Expert. There won't be many in the latter playlist because while I enjoy the challenge of Expert, I do NOT think "surge-chain-and-lose" is fun.

Rise of Red Skull Review | Marvel Champions
4 месяца назад
Hawkeye vs Zola | Rise of Red Skull Game 4
5 месяцев назад
Hawkeye vs Taskmaster | Rise of Red Skull Game 3
5 месяцев назад
Next Evolution Review | Marvel Champions
5 месяцев назад
X-23 vs Stryfe | Next Evolution Game 5
5 месяцев назад
@fracture4047 3 дня назад
I like your list a lot. With my own limited card pool, i have unexpectedly really loved playing Vision more than any other heroes i own. Im not a huge fan of the character but i just really like how he plays. He has a nice slew of thwarts and attack events, some more specialized like removing attachments, a really strong ally, and his forms both feel pretty effective. I will say, i always thought his "cannot defend" in intangible form meant cannot exhaust to defend, so i had been playing protection defend events with him since they were in his precon. However, you can still make protection work with cards like Subdue which dont have the defense keyword. Also, i like his form changing better than the others i have tried simply because you get to choose when to switch. I like Spectrum as well, but her events dictate what form you are in; Vision is the other way around. Anyways, he is fun, strong in all aspects, and great in multiplayer
@solomarvelchampion 2 дня назад
Vision is pretty fun, I just don't play him a lot. I LOVE Phase Disruption and yeah his ally is crazy good. I haven't built a Sidekick deck with him yet, but I bet it would be pretty good!
@OresteGamba 4 дня назад
On one side I want scenarios with special situations like Mysterio, on the other side I prefer linear villains... What a paradox... Awesome battle, thanks for the video!
@solomarvelchampion 4 дня назад
I kind of feel the same way. Give me something to make the villain unique, but at the same time make them simple to play against. Can't get everything we want LOL
@OresteGamba 4 дня назад
@@solomarvelchampion 😂 exactly!
@chadhostetter1632 4 дня назад
Mysterio annoys the crap out of me haha. I never have fun playing him!
@solomarvelchampion 4 дня назад
As always, there were a few minor mistakes. I didn't notice until I uploaded that I did Deepest Fear wrong every time (made it worse for myself)!
@OresteGamba 5 дней назад
Happy 4th of July! Greetings from Italy! So happy to see that followed my suggestion (but any other set would have been the same.) Awesome gameplay! Thanks for the video!
@solomarvelchampion 5 дней назад
Thanks! I like that set though because all of the Side Schemes have a When Revealed ability, plus the treacheries in the set make you do the When Revealed again!
@OresteGamba 5 дней назад
@@solomarvelchampion so thematic... Waiting your future videos!
@chadhostetter1632 5 дней назад
GG Happy 4th of July man! I've done that too (forgetting that the "encounter card" was actually just the boost LOL I think you missed the damage from the attack too, but the game was over at that point.
@solomarvelchampion 5 дней назад
Oh shoot, I think you're right. LOL thanks for catching that! Happy 4th!
@solomarvelchampion 5 дней назад
Happy 4th of July! Here's the deck I used: marvelcdb.com/decklist/view/40044/captain-red-white-and-blue-1.0 I didn't deal myself an encounter card on the last villain phase. I think I was thinking boost card was my encounter card :( I ALSO didn't take damage from that attack, but that didn't affect the game because I won on the next turn.
@underthewronghat.0101 8 дней назад
Oh I love playing Green Goblin Mutagen Formula --it's a very well-rounded scenario. Whatever you build your hero to do, it'll play well here. I only play multi-player, and I build out all the decks for game night, so everyone can grab a hero, pick a villain, and play. Playing vs GGMF, you've got a tiered main scheme, minions, side-schemes, attachments, and fewer stuns, so the players can just play. GG's power triggers if he does damage, so Protection aspects can really shine. No one's going to feel superfluous. It's more about just picking a good hero team, and less about tailoring all the decks to fit some edge-case villain strategy.
@solomarvelchampion 7 дней назад
Nice! I only play solo, but have been thinking about trying MF two-handed!
@underthewronghat.0101 7 дней назад
@@solomarvelchampion I love playing full 4-player MC, but I tend to agree that 2-player is the sweet spot. It's fast, and the sense of taking a cooperative role is really high. I test all my decks in two-handed play. Lots of fun decisions in 2-player: if someone picks Iron Man, you might want to pick a Protection or Leadership hero who is strong in the early game like Spider Man or Captain America. If someone plays Star Lord, you might want to play a control deck, like Black Widow. Pairing Justice and Aggression decks is powerful, but you're going to have to flip more. Pairing is so interesting.
@monoludico6166 10 дней назад
Spiderwoman would be in my top 5 least played heroes list 😅
@solomarvelchampion 9 дней назад
What is it about her that keeps you from playing her? The first time I played her I thought she was clunky, but that's probably because of how I was building her. It wasn't until right at the end of 2022 that I tried her again and started to really enjoy her!
@OresteGamba 11 дней назад
Awesome gameplay! I love SP//dr so much! She contend the "favourite build armor hero" in my personal tierlist to Ironheart. Thanks for the video!
@solomarvelchampion 11 дней назад
Thanks for watching! SP//dr has really grown on me. I didn't play her for a long time because she looked too complicated, but once you get to know her she's a ton of fun.
@OresteGamba 10 дней назад
@@solomarvelchampion Strangely, I synced with her near immediately... On the other side, I still need to get in touch with Ms Marvel kit...
@neojaw2192 11 дней назад
I started playing Gamora and she is fun. My personal top 5: Hulk, Thor, Sp//dr, Spiderman, Captain America 👍
@solomarvelchampion 11 дней назад
Good list! I'm playing SP//dr through Sinister Motives right now, and if I make this list again next year she'll probably be on it! I'd only played her a few times before. Next Thursday (4th of July) I have a Captain America versus Red Skull game scheduled. He's really fun too, I just hadn't played him much in the past.
@alberttaco3668 11 дней назад
Another thing I found interesting in Hawkeye cards is its obligation. Unlike most characters of this era/wave, you better just flip to alter ego without exhausting when it is reveal. You will lose your bow, for sure, but you will get it back for one card as soon as the hero phase begin. His obligation is like "0 cost event, exhaut n heal for 3". And if you have down time in play, and I surely do, it is now "0 cost event, exhaust and heal for 5". And if you have Ready to Rumble from wave 4, you can also ready. It is like the designer knew he was squishy, and gave him an obligation that is fully benefitial for the player.
@solomarvelchampion 11 дней назад
Great point about his obligation! I didn't think about not exhausting him and discarding his bow. I'm just used to flipping and exhausting LOL.
@jonathanpickles2946 11 дней назад
Spider man PP works the friendly way, rr1.5 Consequential damage is dealt to an ally after resolving abilities that are triggered by the ally attacking or thwarting. The turn you flipped back to hero without healing from 7 hp had me cringing. Venom is firmly in the category of villains where you want to burn down the last stage in a turn!
@solomarvelchampion 11 дней назад
Good to know about Peter! I've played it both ways in the past but wasn't sure and didn't want to look it up, so I went Grim LOL. When I was watching it back this morning at first I wondered "Why didn't I recover again?" but then I saw that it was because I wanted to play Ven#m for max. I always struggle with Venom LOL
@chadhostetter1632 11 дней назад
Noice! Yeah I think every time you stunned him he got an "extra" attack from an encounter card haha. Brutal!
@solomarvelchampion 11 дней назад
I missed at least two boost cards on Venom. I also made a timing mistake which should have resulted in me taking 3 damage rather than only 1, which in turn would have defeated me later in the game. I only caught that during my second editing pass though, and with about 2 hours invested at that point, I decided not to re-record. Venom is my bane, I always have a hard time recording games against him!
@chadhostetter1632 11 дней назад
Don't worry man! It's ok!
@johnwaynemcclung8056 12 дней назад
I completely agree with you with regard to Wasp's Alter Ego ability. It's a very powerful ability, and there are so many great mental cards! And you're right about using Side-Kick on Quicksilver in Scarlet Witch's deck. I just used that combination yesterday! Overall, I really liked your choices for favorite cards for each hero in Wave 2.
@solomarvelchampion 12 дней назад
Thanks! I have every wave through 5 recorded and will stop at Wave 7 until all of Wave 8 is out. G.I.R.L. is a blast! I've only played one deck with her but I need to build for her again. I didn't have as much fun with her as Ant-Man, but I had JUST played him and thought I needed to be constantly changing hero form LOL. I'll definitely build Scarlet Witch in Leadership next time to Sidekick Quicksilver!
@Adz1Chief 12 дней назад
Have you played much of Cyclops? With the deck I play, which doesn't lean super heavy into Allies, I find that there are quite a lot of card-sequencing puzzles to work out. He has cards that pull from deck and discard etc you might enjoy him
@solomarvelchampion 12 дней назад
I played one deck with him a lot but haven't gone back to him since. I was playing a Phoenix recursion deck which was a lot of fun. Play Phoenix and grab Tactical Brilliance. Play that and grab Rapid Response. Use up Phoenix and Rapid Response her back in to grab Tactical Brilliance... Yeah he has some fun sequencing, I just haven't played him as much as some other heroes! marvelcdb.com/decklist/view/31349/a-baker-s-dozen-of-recursion-1.0 Do you have a link to yours?
@Adz1Chief 17 дней назад
Conpletely agree with you on The Collector, first time I played through the campaign i really enjoyed how it made me play differently, and then subsequently how to deckbuild to mitigate the collection
@solomarvelchampion 17 дней назад
Awesome! Pretty much everyone hates Collector 1, so I'm glad I found a kindred spirit LOL
@OresteGamba 18 дней назад
Awesome battle! Loving this hero! Thanks for the video!
@solomarvelchampion 17 дней назад
Sandman is a lot more fun than I remember, and SP//dr can hit and thwart hard! Thanks for watching!
@OresteGamba 17 дней назад
@@solomarvelchampion Sandman is really thematic, and not too much punitive, even with his main mechanic.
@solomarvelchampion 17 дней назад
@@OresteGamba agreed!
@alberttaco3668 18 дней назад
We did complete this campaign several times, one being recently. And everytime we had access to propulsion gauntlet, we picked it and it payed off. The key "thing/trick", is that it is indirect damage. So If you land nick fury, or prof X, you can activate them, deal 1 indirect damage to him, then one to your hero , and ready your hero. This is like extremly cheap readying + boost. Once it was Captaim America. Once it was Ghost Spider. Really makes difference.
@solomarvelchampion 18 дней назад
Yeah the fact that it's Indirect is huge, especially in Web-Warrior because if you have Web of Life and Destiny out you can set up your allies to leave "when you want them to" for the card draw.
@ZiggyZ55Z 18 дней назад
Thanks for the shout out my guy! Appreciate it!! Finally catching back up on your videos since you restarted
@solomarvelchampion 18 дней назад
No problem! This series wouldn't even exist if I hadn't watched your Black Widow ranking video! (I already have through Wave 3 recorded) I enjoy the process of making video again, but I REALLY enjoy only working 40 hours a week again! 60's were wearing me out!!
@chadhostetter1632 18 дней назад
Wolverine to shovel sand AND soak your access Indirect Damage is cool! I've always just used Hulk to shovel haha.
@solomarvelchampion 18 дней назад
Wolverine is more expensive than Hulk for sure, but with Speed Metal Alloy you can defend for 4, so very little "splash" damage will hit Wolverine (one damage a few times in this game, which he healed at the start of turn)
@solomarvelchampion 18 дней назад
As is my custom lately, I had some sloppy plays and made a (pretty impactful) mistake!
@alberttaco3668 18 дней назад
I love She Hulk and Black Widow for the same reasons as you ! And I dislike strange for the same reason, boringness/auto pilot is not fun to me. Now, just like you, again, I never do Netdecking, because deckbuilding is what I like a lot in this game. So let me tell you that you can build Hulk how you feel. You do not have to go the SHIELD route, it is one possible route. Just think to density of fist resource. I have built three different Hulk decks, and they are neither shield, nor justice. :p
@solomarvelchampion 18 дней назад
I think I might try protection. IDK, Hulk seems daunting to me LOL
@titomontalvo2880 19 дней назад
Most played is klaw and rhino, but my favorite would have to be juggernaut
@solomarvelchampion 19 дней назад
Juggernaut is a lot of fun!
@jonathanpickles2946 19 дней назад
Backflip, Energy Absorption, Gamma Slam, Wakanda Forever, ?, I can do this all day, Big Hands, Defender of the Nine realms, ?. I don't like ? Heroes and haven't got favourite cards. Steve was a bit of a stretch as he's super dull. I do NOT really like readies but his are well costed. I dint use to like Black widow but I have been playing her for the last week with SHIELD. She is best IMO as a flipper not in AE as such because her preparations are really strong. So before this week I liked Covert Op best but most satisfying is to use Attacrobatics to prevent 3 damage, inflict 4 and ready.
@solomarvelchampion 19 дней назад
I like to stay down with Black Widow and build until I have an Upside the Head in hand or an Attacrobatics (2 against Klaw), Widow's Bite, and Grappling Hook in play. I didn't play her until last year when I was in my "finish all the heroes" frenzy lol
@solomarvelchampion 19 дней назад
Check out ZiggyZ55's Black Widow video here: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-riLG497Vrz0.html
@johnwaynemcclung8056 24 дня назад
This is a great list of heroes. I'll curious what you think of Bishop when you try him. I was surprised at how much I ended up liking him. I personally play every hero pretty much equally because I track my plays on a spreadsheet and play each hero twice (standard and expert) against each villain in each aspect. It gives it a "season" feel that somehow motivates me to play. Thanks for the video!
@solomarvelchampion 24 дня назад
I need to finish recording SP//dr Suit through Sinister Motives and then I'll start working on Bishop! He looks like a lot of fun, but I already had some builds in mind when Magik was spoiled, so I've been tweaking and iterating on her almost non-stop since AoA released! I like your "season" idea, and was just telling Rey today that I was thinking about running Magik through every villain!
@johnwaynemcclung8056 24 дня назад
@@solomarvelchampion Nice! She should be a lot of fun with that kind of variety of plays.
@jonathanpickles2946 25 дней назад
I think for me it's Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Captain America. After those old ones, who I go back to still, some of Venom, Scarlet Witch, Peter Porker and Rocket. X23 and now Bishop got a ton of play but they're years behind.
@solomarvelchampion 24 дня назад
I was surprise that I played Magik so many times already! I LOVE her ability!!!!!
@jonathanpickles2946 25 дней назад
I played an Illyana the Grey deck a bit too! I didn't really get on with it or her (I like Scarlet Witch in basic though). I'm waiting to try her in protection as I've got a bit of green fatigue. That was impressively destructive. When you played Magic Barrier Magick became the defender, which means the ally couldn't which would've made her dead, or you take a different line of play.
@solomarvelchampion 24 дня назад
I like her in Green! All those 1-Cost Defense events for free?!?! Yeah I blocked with Forge after playing Magic Barrier but couldn't have. Great catch!
@jonathanpickles2946 25 дней назад
I played the core and Mutagen Formula so many times before the Rise of Red skull was released, that nothing will catch them. After that it's probably Hela. Currently by box it's Redskull, Zola (Gmw doesn't get one) Venom, Magneto, Juggernaut and all of AOA - newness but I like them all.
@solomarvelchampion 24 дня назад
Mutagen Formula would have been number 6 for me :)
@billlavine3429 25 дней назад
What a sexist list!! j/k recently played both Magik and Domino for the first time and really enjoyed them. I don't remember thinking much of Gamora so I'll have to get her back out
@solomarvelchampion 25 дней назад
I almost clipped a few seconds of "Single Ladies" (Beyonce) to play over the video in several places but didn't want to get a copyright strike LOL. Gamora can be a lot of fun because she doesn't need a lot of building to be good since she gets a little extra "oomph" out of attack and thwart events. When you can play a cheap thwart event followed by Decisive Blow... chef's kiss!
@alberttaco3668 25 дней назад
Totally share your opinion on Spider Woman and Gamora. I love them for solo play especially. I don't own the others 3, but I'm really interested in Storm for Multiplayer !
@solomarvelchampion 25 дней назад
Gamora was the first hero I played a lot of games with. I didn't get into MC until right before The Mad Titan's Shadow came out, so I had a lot of heroes to play to "catch up" lol. But when I first played Gamora I thought she might be my forever hero LOL. Then down the line I thought Storm might become my forever hero. Now, IF I had to pick a forever hero it would be Magik! I haven't played any Multiplayer games, but I'd say Storm would be a lot of fun in multi.
@alberttaco3668 25 дней назад
Very funny we have lots in common, and I also played a lot Journey along the Anduin lol. Here is my top. Solo expert, no specific order of preference: 5/ Klaw, for the same reasons as you. I lke to switch modular with Kree Militants or Sinister Syndicate or Crossfire Crew 4/ Crossbones, but I don't switch Weapon Master modset, it feels essential for him to work, imo. I swap the others 3/ Zola. Typical swarm for minion slaying heroes, not that much customizable, but still 2/ Ebony Maw. Very customizable, and very fun with random spells at the start. 1/ Mutagen formula. Classic, fit any hero, wether stun/confuse, minion slaying, voltron or whatever idea you can cook. Great "bland" design. Multiplayer. I love playing 2 players and some villains need to be mention because they shine there: Drang: while too easy in solo, at 2 player, he feels like a more fast pace Mutagen Formula, and the milano does not feel as powerful. It felt just right, with the recommanded badoon modular. Kang: very similar to LOTR foundations of Stone, is my most played scenario in LOTR 2 player, and Kang is just the "arcade" variant of that. Very good at 2 player, much more boring solo. And that's it, that is my list. PS: I like Taskmaster from time to time but his gimmick feel too punishing for form changing heroes, and Venom which I got recently is grewing on me.
@solomarvelchampion 25 дней назад
Mutagen Formula could have easily made my list, but since the Mutant waves started I've played Project Wideawake WAY more. Ebony Maw is fun because you can see which spells are about to pop off. With Crossbones I feel like Experimental Weapons is more needed than Weapon Master, so it does feel strange when I swap it out, but it changes him up quite a bit LOL.
@Rey_Plays_Games 25 дней назад
You've inspired me to stick to one hero more, to really get go know them... there's so much variety in the game i tend to play one hero a few times and then move on to the next one.... I'll try sticking to one hero, and really work to understand them and master them.... only question now is...which one? Haha...
@solomarvelchampion 25 дней назад
I did that a lot when I still had a bunch of unplayed heroes. Now that I've played them all I can take more time with the new ones as they come out. Magik has been so much fun! I've played her well over 50 times now but am still learning how to play her optimally!
@Rey_Plays_Games 24 дня назад
@solomarvelchampion slept on it...and thinking on focusing on Cyclops and getting him to hum!...excited to really get into his kit and play him a huge number of times!
@solomarvelchampion 24 дня назад
@@Rey_Plays_Games Cyclops is a great one to focus on for sure! There are a lot of fun thins you can do with him because of his ally mix!
@solomarvelchampion 24 дня назад
@@Rey_Plays_Games I think after I've had all the fun I'm going to have with Magik I'm going to go back and give Hulk a fair chance. I've only played 2 or 3 games with him because I gave up too easily!
@Rey_Plays_Games 24 дня назад
@solomarvelchampion He's definitely worth it!!...especially now with some of the newer cards...I love playing him with the SHIELD archetype...!:p ...also....Standard II SUCKS!!!...Just recorded a playtrhrough with Cyclops v Sandman...Dark Dealings got me again...should have put Stepford Cuckoos in play earlier :p
@Rey_Plays_Games 25 дней назад
I really want to play Gamora more!! She is so much fun but I've not mastered her yet...Jessica Drew I absolutely love! In no particular order, my 5 most played would be - Wolverine, Hulk, Quicksilver and Thor!:p not necessarily my favourites...but at some point I was obsessed with playing then, which racked up the plays....I think with Hulk I was trying to find ways to make him work, hence the high play count (I.e love the character, so I WANTED it to work lol)
@solomarvelchampion 25 дней назад
I played Quicksilver a LOT when I first got him! I've not had a lot of success with Hulk, but I know that's because I gave up on him too quickly. I need to play him some more!
@chadhostetter1632 25 дней назад
Are you a "real" Green Bay Packers fan, or just like them when they beat up on my Cowboys? HAHA
@solomarvelchampion 25 дней назад
I've been a Packers fan since 1992 :) But it always feels good to knock the Cowboys out of the playoffs. I went into that game thinking they couldn't cover Ceedee Lamb though. I'm a pessimist when it comes to the Packers!
@chadhostetter1632 26 дней назад
Rhino for me. Super swingy in solo but still ok haha. I play every new hero precon against him a couple times to learn their kit.
@solomarvelchampion 26 дней назад
Yeah he's swingy for sure lol.