Ahmed Deeyath
Ahmed Deeyath
Ahmed Deeyath
The message of true islam peace love and goodwill for Allah and all mankind.
@vipulshirsat3644 4 года назад
We are closer to Nuclear War
@DELJ.OFFICIAL 4 года назад
Brother i see you everywhere...and i just saw your comment on sheikh imran hosein's nuclear war explaination video.
@truthseeker7027 4 года назад
are you a muslim?
@hayyanmintgreen8561 4 года назад
Al-ilah is similar to the word Allah but it’s NOT the same... both contains the quality of “ilahiyyah”(Divinity) but the only difference is that “ilah”(god) is a generic term whilst “Allah” is a proper noun... it is the standard name of God in Arabic... Allah has NO plural form & is genderless While “ilah” may reffer to any god or to God could be made into feminine “ilahah”(goddess) or plural “Alihah”(gods). Allah is the Proper name of Al-ilah(the God).
@MutianiShawolMVP 5 лет назад
Who is the reciter?
isnt Hotamah one of the names of hell ?
@gasadi3 9 лет назад
Clearer mention is verse 2:266 which speaks of a weak offspring being struck by a strong wind that has fire in it that burns them all. The implication of the verse is a message to us that do not expect to enter His paradise if you leave nukes in the hands of your descendants who will be weaker in faith and resolve than you.
@CGJUGO80 11 лет назад
well that depends on how youre in the mood to Englishize it..there is no separate word for diety and god in arabic..literally "the one to be worshipped"
@DrXoz 12 лет назад
Quran [14:46] "They schemed their schemes, and GOD is fully aware of their schemes. Indeed, their schemes were sufficient to ERASE MOUNTAINS.".. Allah knows best but this seems like a bomb that can erase mountains, and we all know what sort of a bomb can do that.
@zakariyehassan7706 12 лет назад
This is why Iran is so crazy with nuclear.
@zakariyehassan7706 12 лет назад
Surat At-Tawbah 9:111 (The Repentance). You atheist wacko's are completely insane. You are lying fucks.
@zakariyehassan7706 12 лет назад
Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah , so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur'an. And who is truer to his covenant than Allah ? So rejoice in your transaction which you have contracted. And it is that which is the great attainment.
@zakariyehassan7706 12 лет назад
Your Bible is ridiculed with errors and contradictions. You are hilarious!
@asdsad123213 12 лет назад
it means someone similar or like him in anyway
@jeremyIfisher 12 лет назад
The Abrahamic God, whether in the form of Allah, Yahweh, Jehova, Jesus Christ or any other manifestation, is always a Megalomaniac. It speaks volumes about him that an almighty, all knowing being would care so much about being worshiped and glorified. Seems reminiscent of the cults of personalities of the likes of Stalin and Mao...
@shotfiredmandown 12 лет назад
I love Islam-3 it really changed my life ..... I LOVE ALLAH!!!!!!
@SEACofCALIFORNIA 12 лет назад
Not true at all, in fact without understanding of the prayer is is much less accepted then if it is said with understanding. Certainly all are encouraged to know and understand Arabic. Without this you must have faith in what your are told about your prayers and following of Islam. If you understand Arabic you can read for yourself. In summary if you do your best, it doesn't matter, but always try to gain greater understanding for that is also sincerity.
@tiziouzou2000 12 лет назад
subhallah allahu akbar
@zunathanzu 12 лет назад
I'm a christian and I agree with most of this prayer
@PhillysCLOWN215 13 лет назад
I really dont know my prayers very well. Im 14.. What shuld i do.. I feel like a bad muslim for some reason
@drakekhan3 13 лет назад
yo heisjustmine thank you!!! No one likes to admit that!!!
@creakylol 13 лет назад
@irooni100 You're mistaken buddy. And I'm guessing you're a Desi. Anywho, Turks have been doing Salah in Turkish for years. Get your stuff right
@mariotorio 13 лет назад
Thank you so much brother for sharing this video. I am a new revert to Islam. This video is a very great help for me in learning how to praise ALLAH in the proper prayer acceptable to OUR ONE GOD. Ahsalamu Alaekum.
@wolfatnight 13 лет назад
Why dont more "peace-loving muslims" stand up and speak out against the extremists? Ever since 9-11, every time I've heard any Muslims interviewed in the media, they will never decisively speak out against the extremists... it's always "what they did was terrible.... BUT......." If the TRUE meaning of Islam = peace.... it seems that those who truly believed would stand up and defend it against those who seek to compromise it's true meaning.....
@YumZag 13 лет назад
@axeloflight I'm also Arab and a Muslim and although I don't agree with some of the things these "extremists" do, you and I and everybody else has absolutely NO right to say that they are not Muslim. Only Allah knows such a thing and He will grant them paradise if He sees fit. Salam
@ogunitracy 13 лет назад
@hannahr77 an unbeliever
@saadhansari 13 лет назад
If you want a sheet to print out to help you learn the meanings, go the the SCRIBD website and type in "Meaning of Islam's Daily Prayers, Salat" - download, print!
@adamrce 13 лет назад
@heisjustmine Thank you bro for you lovely presentation. The problem is that the western media makes such a big deal of these radical extremest. It's easy to criticize anything, and people take Quranic scripture out of order and use it for their personal benefit. Bless you!!!
@terrybrookman 13 лет назад
Everyone knows this is coming and you don't need the Quran to see this. These things are in the Bible written years before.
@SouljaAli810Flint 13 лет назад
The Holy Quran Will never be Manipulated Mashallah
@darkKyrios13 13 лет назад
I may be a Wiccan, but I do believe that Islam has been given a bad reputation, lately, because of those extremeists who distort and twist the message that Islam has. I admit I have participated in the prayer, and find it not only an eye opening thing, on this peaceful religion, but a calming experience. I own a Quran, am reading it, and getting to understand it's message. I say this to all Assalamalikum (peace be with you) no matter your beliefs.
@fdcmix1000 14 лет назад
what is this?
@fdcmix1000 14 лет назад
and this is supposed to be what?
@suzettedk 14 лет назад
Islam has been targetted in order to start and keep going world wars led by the U.S.A. and Israel. Full and total control of The Middle East is planned. Hamidi
@ThatsMyimage 14 лет назад
Asalamu Alaikum ALLAH IS GREATEST.
@axeloflight 14 лет назад
@jeffersons3 finally.... i used to get made fun of every day for being Arab, cause extremists give Muslims a bad name. extremists aren't even Muslim, they just manipulate it and make people think they're Muslim when they're not.
@danieldemol 14 лет назад
Awesome video :) I think it is sad that people with deeply indoctrinated racial bigotry may miss the point, but pray that we will all be empowered to keep an open mind :)
@anetgadway Год назад
What you talking about 🤔
@merwanhm1 14 лет назад
I just want to mention one thing for anybody feeling complicated feeling about his/her religion . READ MORE AND CAREFULLY ABOUT ISLAM
@pulman7 14 лет назад
@hannahr77 kuffu ahad mean no one is equal him ( God )
@mahmoodahmadtoronto 14 лет назад
This is excellent except that the music is not appropriate with the Nazm.
@TheRationalizer 14 лет назад
Quran 3:76 - Why would god love us to fear him? PS: It's 3:76 not 3:77
@TheRationalizer 14 лет назад
@Technicaldeathstrike Don't be scared, it's bullshit.
@TheRationalizer 14 лет назад
The ability of the human mind to delude itself will never cease to amaze me! 1: It's HUTAMATU or at best HUTAMAH and sounds NOTHING like "atom". 2: The word simply means "to break into little pieces". Look in 39:21, 56:65, and 57:20 where this root is used to describe vegetation rotting. It's nothing to do with nuclear fission/fusion.
4 года назад
Maxallah mufasir here xd
@Fahameho 14 лет назад
@nearthepoisonstream pllz talk to me on my e-mail thelastdragoo@yahoo.com to say to how to pray if still not understand how {السلام عليكم Peace be upon you}
@Fahameho 14 лет назад
thank you to teach muslims how really to pray allah keep you safe السلام عليكم
@Coreyspr89 14 лет назад
@irooni100 How can you make a statement like that? Where in the Holy Quran does it say that in order for Allah/God to accept ones prayer that it has to be in Arabic? Where..Where..Where?? It is this type of nonsensical rhetoric that is injected into ALL Religions that take away from the TRUE meaning which is total submission to God. Your nonsense is in line with the fools that don't understand that when one says Allah he/she is referencing the ONE true GOD and Creator. Islam belongs to ALL!
@Coreyspr89 14 лет назад
@Irroni..Your comments that a prayer can only be recited in Arabic is absolutely ludicrous!!! Where in the Quran does it say that? It is this type of MAN MADE NONSENSICAL RHETORIC that is injected in ALL Religions and does more harm to society than GOOD!! Islam does not belong to Arabs or any one ethnic group.....but rather to ANY human who submits to ALLAH/GOD. Your archaic views are NO MORE different than when people say that Allah isn't God.
@NightSurgeon09 14 лет назад
@irooni100 Im not sure about that. Does Allah care what language you use so long as you bow in submission? Though I know that muslims much prefer to pray in Arabic I don't think it's universaly mandetory.
@irooni100 14 лет назад
Salah, can only be performed in ARABIC , no other language is accepted .Those who Know how , will be committing Shirk. those who do not know how , Can continue , BUT MUST try to learn in ARABIC .And If he Makes Mistakes , Allah will Correct their Salah,Providing the person tries his BEST.
@panilala123 14 лет назад
Great video, easy to learn. I just wish all 5 prayers are available
@panilala123 14 лет назад
This is the best video I've seen, it has both English and Arabic words, which for me is easy to learn the proper pronouncation of the prayer. I just wish there is the five prayers done in the same way. If anyone can help I would be so grateful
@panilala123 14 лет назад
This is the best video I've seen, it has both English and Arabic words, which for me is easy to learn the proper pronouncation of the prayer. I just wish there is the five prayers done in the same way. If anyone can help I would be so grateful