
Full Muslim prayer (with English subtitles) 

Ahmed Deeyath
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Muslim prayer with English subtitle translation.
A Muslim is obliged to pray at least five times a day: once before sunrise; at noon; once in the afternoon; at sunset and once at night. During prayer he or she is to focus and meditate on God by reciting these words in order to reaffirm and strengthen the bond between creator and creation. This has the effect of guiding the soul to peace and truth. Such meditation is intended to help maintain a feeling of spiritual peace, in the face of whatever challenges work, social or family life may present.
The five daily acts of peaceful prayer are to serve as a template and inspiration for conduct during the rest of the day, transforming it, ideally, into one single and sustained meditation: even sleep is to be regarded as but another phase of that sustained meditation.
"Salat is the key to Paradise"
- Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him)



15 сен 2024




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@bmt102 17 лет назад
By the way, I am a Christian that has nothing but respect for my Muslim brothers. We are all human and that's a truth we cannot deny!
@cook89us 17 лет назад
God was the one who created the universe as we see it today. He also had a son named jesus christ whom died for our sins so praise the lord jesus christ
@BleedingBeauty13 16 лет назад
I love the sound of Muslim prayer.
@khalid97899789 14 лет назад
i love prophet muhammed (PBUH)...
@shotfiredmandown 12 лет назад
I love Islam-3 it really changed my life ..... I LOVE ALLAH!!!!!!
@Nadrealis 16 лет назад
A compulsion in religion implies compulsion without reason. Prayer most certainly has a reason.
@MizzGabby2U 14 лет назад
i said my Shahada a month ago. i went to the local Islamic center about 2 weeks later and found someone to help me learn how to pray. my understanding is that once you say shahada, you are Muslim. anyone correct me if i am wrong! and welcome to Islam! Allahu Akbar
@fivex5 17 лет назад
Okay, We'll leave it at that and agree to differ there. I believe that God is only one. You believe he is three in one. You have your beliefs and I'll have mine - but rather than debate endlessly I'll respect that you have faith in God. May Allah reward you for your faith.
@mariotorio 13 лет назад
Thank you so much brother for sharing this video. I am a new revert to Islam. This video is a very great help for me in learning how to praise ALLAH in the proper prayer acceptable to OUR ONE GOD. Ahsalamu Alaekum.
@love2blovable 17 лет назад
its sooooooo nice to see these kinda videos on here i was worrin if there was any namaz vids on here now i can save it to show my lil sis....thnx
@cook89us 17 лет назад
Your right the lord jesus christ is the master and the only god of all creations
@lc3289 15 лет назад
'muslim' means 'total submission to god's will' we have to love our allah wif our mind, body and soul... to gave allah our full attention and love him wif all our heart~
@bronxchyna 17 лет назад
hello im irine and i wanted to convert ive been ashing god to forgive and gulde and show me signs, i work with muslims from yemen and this is the prayer that i have been doing and its been good thanks god
@Runawayslave2023 17 лет назад
I pray that Muslims will have a full revelation of the true God and His loving character.I pray against the fear that influences many Muslims and that Muslims will also understand that God desires for everyone to know Him as children and not as slaves. I pray for Muslim's to get saved.I also pray that they will experience God's total forgiveness and thus be able to forgive others. Finally I pray that they would know the assurance of salvation through Jesus, something Islam can never offer them.
@panilala123 14 лет назад
This is the best video I've seen, it has both English and Arabic words, which for me is easy to learn the proper pronouncation of the prayer. I just wish there is the five prayers done in the same way. If anyone can help I would be so grateful
@Fahameho 14 лет назад
thank you to teach muslims how really to pray allah keep you safe السلام عليكم
@SouljaAli810Flint 13 лет назад
The Holy Quran Will never be Manipulated Mashallah
@bodunchar 15 лет назад
I have heard this so many times and its nice to read what it actually means. Thanks for helping me to understand the muslim faith so much more.
@zunathanzu 12 лет назад
I'm a christian and I agree with most of this prayer
@NihilNominis 17 лет назад
If only most Christians were so dedicated to daily prayer. Only amongst the Orthodox will you find such devotion to prayers as you find in Moslems.
@umsami 15 лет назад
This is the ritual prayers... that every Muslim does (well, should do ;)) five times per day. Think of it as saying the rosary, Lord's prayer, or shema (if Jewish).. it doesn't change. After the ritual prayers...or anytime at all.. a Muslim can make what's called du'a (do-ah)...which translates as supplication. That can be in any language....and is the typical..."Oh God, please help me with this... help me with that type thing."
@fatjoejr2001 16 лет назад
May Allah praise you with thanks for spreading the word spoken through prayer.
@mayishi 16 лет назад
That is correct. Intention should not even be verbal. All prayers must be in Arabic so as not to lose meaning in translation. This is why as a Muslim, learning Arabic is of great importance. You must at least learn the meaning of prayers whether you are able to fluently understand spoken Arabic and read the text or not.
@fivex5 17 лет назад
Surely, those who believe and the Jews and the Christians and the Sabians - whichever party from among these truly believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good deeds, shall have their reward with their Lord, and no fear shall come upon them, nor shall they grieve. [Quran 2:63]
@sshahid14 16 лет назад
your right!! peace be to your
@panilala123 14 лет назад
@muslimadowman This is great. Its nice that the prayer is in arabic/english. Be nice if they did this with all the d'ua's
@nystagmus 15 лет назад
thank you for this. i need to view it a few more times but i will memorize it.
@ProudTBeMuslim 16 лет назад
MashaAllah wonderful video thank you fivex5 so much
@fivex5 16 лет назад
Thank you for your kind words. Peace be on you and the Blessings of Allah
@fivex5 17 лет назад
Salat Prayer goes for all. Men & women are equal in spirit.
@keanbeanlove 15 лет назад
Hi, The recitation at the beginning was the Adhan or call to prayer and it is made 5 times a day before every prayer. The surah's(chapters of Qur'an) that are recited during the actual prayer vary. The only constant surah that is recited every prayer is Al-Fatiha (the opening) which is the first surah in the Qur'an. Other than that people may recite whichever surah they chose. I hope this answers your question.
@ShiftStyle 17 лет назад
thank you allahu akbar
@panilala123 14 лет назад
very nice
@vivalaverve2822 17 лет назад
Allah hu Akbar...
@shoheeb1 16 лет назад
Jesus is a creation Budha is a creation Satan is a creation Fire is a creation Animals are creations Prophets are creations God is the CREATOR."
@marctoro96 14 лет назад
great translation
@savita115 15 лет назад
Yeah but don't forget to do good deeds and help the less fortunate tooeh!
@Abkree 14 лет назад
Thanks very much god bless u
@shoheeb1 16 лет назад
the bible was given to hazrat isa (peace be upon him) also known to cristions as jesus, bet it has changed so much that it is no longer anything like the original, but many of the stories in it are also in the quran
@wo0ozie 16 лет назад
the answer simly is the first name of Allah is alrahman and the second name is alraheem these are first two names of 99 names of Allah (Allah is the 100 and the Last) and they means that he's the most merciful the most Compassionate.. then The Third name is The King sobhan Allah..And when you just intend to be a real muslim and leave ur mountains of sins u've done may Allah forgive u and show u the right path.. he is really merciful honeslty
@BALROGtheDRAGON 15 лет назад
Thank you so much!
@AbdulSawari 16 лет назад
Bless you for making this.
@aggintad 16 лет назад
I'm not a pure person by NO MEANS, I drink constantly, swear all day, smoke and barely stop eating pork. However, I want to turn my life over to Allah. Will he accept me as I gradually give these hard habits up, or do I have to give them up before Allah will accept me? By the way, I'm currently standing outside a mosque smoking and about to hed inside... pleasw help me fore real... sincerly, aggin.
@fivex5 16 лет назад
How many sequences for a Muslim prayer varies depending on which prayer is offered: Fajr (morning) = 2 rakku, Zohr (mid day) = 4 rakku, Asr (sunset) = 4 rakku, Maghrib (evening) = 3 rakku Isha (night) = 4 rakku
@tink58bell 16 лет назад
each and every day. 5 times a day.
@InugamiTheHound 17 лет назад
i agree brother
@wolfatnight 13 лет назад
Why dont more "peace-loving muslims" stand up and speak out against the extremists? Ever since 9-11, every time I've heard any Muslims interviewed in the media, they will never decisively speak out against the extremists... it's always "what they did was terrible.... BUT......." If the TRUE meaning of Islam = peace.... it seems that those who truly believed would stand up and defend it against those who seek to compromise it's true meaning.....
@mayma108 16 лет назад
I have sarat alfatiha on my myspace!
@darkKyrios13 13 лет назад
I may be a Wiccan, but I do believe that Islam has been given a bad reputation, lately, because of those extremeists who distort and twist the message that Islam has. I admit I have participated in the prayer, and find it not only an eye opening thing, on this peaceful religion, but a calming experience. I own a Quran, am reading it, and getting to understand it's message. I say this to all Assalamalikum (peace be with you) no matter your beliefs.
@brewdog11 17 лет назад
Allah Akbar!
@SnaccHBG 17 лет назад
Hm, thanks for the video. I didn't know what to say between the 2 Sajdats. Thank good there's an Arabic voice because I keep hearing different things.
@panilala123 14 лет назад
Great video, easy to learn. I just wish all 5 prayers are available
@edthewave 14 лет назад
ARABIC SUBTITLES PLEASE. It would help for us non Arabic speakers trying to learn! Keep the English phonetics. Peace and Blessings
@jone11cena 15 лет назад
@sshahid14 16 лет назад
no this is to be performed numerous times... 5 times a day. Muslims are very God loving people, i appreciate your peaceful curiosity... peace to you
@fivex5 17 лет назад
They indeed have disbelieved who say, 'Surely God is Jesus, son of Mary.' Say, 'Who then has any power against God, if He desired to destroy the Messiah, son of Mary, and his mother and all those that are in the earth?' And to God belongs the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth and what is between them. He creates what He pleases and God has power over all things. [Quran 5:18]
@hotlex 16 лет назад
Salam brother just wanted to fix something so people won't get confused Asr (After-noon) and Maghrib is (Sunset) and so Isha is (night) thank you and Al Salam Alaikom
@adamrce 13 лет назад
@heisjustmine Thank you bro for you lovely presentation. The problem is that the western media makes such a big deal of these radical extremest. It's easy to criticize anything, and people take Quranic scripture out of order and use it for their personal benefit. Bless you!!!
@hans1jz 17 лет назад
Please read the Tafsir Of Quran, you will your answers there.
@drakekhan3 13 лет назад
yo heisjustmine thank you!!! No one likes to admit that!!!
@scouseland1 15 лет назад
Do you have to pray this prayer or you can change the words? Can you make your own prayer different from the one here? Thanks
@Indrayavam 15 лет назад
I am a Hindu.I am not attracted to any other religion or so coz I feel one is greater than the other.But I feel Islam is most misinterpreted faith and just a 2% of extremists destroy the real message of Islam.May God pour mercy up on the real Muslim and bring it back to glory.
@multiplestabwounds4u 14 лет назад
i said my shahada 1 day ago at home i dont know how too pray yet does this make me still non muslim im not sure ?
@ThatsMyimage 14 лет назад
Asalamu Alaikum ALLAH IS GREATEST.
@saadhansari 13 лет назад
If you want a sheet to print out to help you learn the meanings, go the the SCRIBD website and type in "Meaning of Islam's Daily Prayers, Salat" - download, print!
@merwanhm1 14 лет назад
I just want to mention one thing for anybody feeling complicated feeling about his/her religion . READ MORE AND CAREFULLY ABOUT ISLAM
@hmwaklove 15 лет назад
SALAM BROTHERS Is there any sura in Koran which is about memory improvement? Hope someone will answer my query.
@Dhaqancelis 17 лет назад
@gori_ki_rasoi 15 лет назад
Is there a reason for the tones in the voice? like half talking/singing?
@maressaz 17 лет назад
bmt102, you've a very kind spirit :)
@yamamaya 17 лет назад
Islam is with no doubt the younger branch of Christianity. While missing some of Christianity's bad points, it however has some of its own. Those two are two of the three World Religions. Even if you do not believ in Allahu or God, you should treat both religions with respect.
@PhillysCLOWN215 13 лет назад
I really dont know my prayers very well. Im 14.. What shuld i do.. I feel like a bad muslim for some reason
@KBT_Productions 17 лет назад
asalamu alaykum
@asdsad123213 12 лет назад
it means someone similar or like him in anyway
@Marwaaden 17 лет назад
Elarab13: Do you respect idol worshippers as well?
@irooni100 14 лет назад
Salah, can only be performed in ARABIC , no other language is accepted .Those who Know how , will be committing Shirk. those who do not know how , Can continue , BUT MUST try to learn in ARABIC .And If he Makes Mistakes , Allah will Correct their Salah,Providing the person tries his BEST.
@pulman7 14 лет назад
@hannahr77 kuffu ahad mean no one is equal him ( God )
@02Anton300 15 лет назад
salam yes there is a dua for memory there is a dua for everything alhamdulilah i will give you my email ad an email me yours an ill send over all the duas i have got. salam
@OmmahTV 15 лет назад
have u read Quran brother
@bmt102 17 лет назад
Everything becomes irrelevant when we die. The real truth that "hurts", however, is that your atheism is no different from Islam or Christianity; in that you seek converts because you believe your faith in science, metaphysics, and the absence of God is the superior belief. Ironically this is the same motivation that causes wars between other religions. Only difference between the traditional religions and your atheism is that our belief of God offers a sense of hope, yours does not.
@tictac82 17 лет назад
99 names meaning 99 qualities of God. We Muslims worship only one God. There are many great qualities of Allah(God)...the great qualities of our Lord are referring to the 99 names of Allah.
@NightSurgeon09 14 лет назад
@irooni100 Im not sure about that. Does Allah care what language you use so long as you bow in submission? Though I know that muslims much prefer to pray in Arabic I don't think it's universaly mandetory.
@TheTruePatriot01 16 лет назад
I thought there was no compulsion in islam? Then why do u people repeat the samething over and over in ur prayers?
@YumZag 13 лет назад
@axeloflight I'm also Arab and a Muslim and although I don't agree with some of the things these "extremists" do, you and I and everybody else has absolutely NO right to say that they are not Muslim. Only Allah knows such a thing and He will grant them paradise if He sees fit. Salam
@umair2311 16 лет назад
no it has to be fully arabic.
@Ccvalti 16 лет назад
exactly God is the "creator" and Allah means "who creates". "self suficient being". "almighty being". only God" and i can give u 99 names extra if you wish Allahu Akbar
@umair2311 16 лет назад
thats not true it was first said in arabic from prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
@imahmud 16 лет назад
The current bible isnt the bible the muslims believe that it is from Allah.. because it is has been changed or edited/currepted. Though the orgiginal/unchanged bible/Injiil was there approx 2000 years ago
@fivex5 17 лет назад
EvertonFan, before you put forward claims of 'illogical errors', I recommend you logically answer some of these questions: 1. Why did Jesus cry to God when he was placed up on the cross if he was God himself? 2. Why would he let a bunch of backward Romans kill him if he had supreme power over them. 3. Why do you believe God is three when there are 28 Biblical passages which explicitly teach there is only ONE God?
@fdcmix1000 14 лет назад
what is this?
@fivex5 17 лет назад
Jesus(as) did come from God, but he was not God himself. Never did he claim divinity. He humbly prayed to the same God of Moses, Adam and Muhammed(pbuh). He prayed to the one God, the Creator of the Heavens and Earth. I would suggest you read the Quran to learn the truth of Jesus(as).
@pkbrawla 16 лет назад
The bible is not from Jesus Christ himself.. The bible is from scholars several generations after Christ.
@AllPraise2theMostHigh 17 лет назад
@bmt102 17 лет назад
To cbrgreg and all other atheist: I must point out the flaw in your reasoning. You say you live "peacefully in society and disrespect no one" however you posted disrespectful comments to a religious video that is representing a faith that makes up a large part of the world's society. If you were a true atheist you would not care to comment on religion because it should not matter to you who believes in what, due to the fact you believe that once "we pass away we are gone...".
@cook89us 16 лет назад
One more thing iamcruz72 The one and only Holy Bible the book mentions in order to enter the gates of heaven you must go through the lord jesus christ which is gods son, something that you people dont believe in.
@SEACofCALIFORNIA 12 лет назад
Not true at all, in fact without understanding of the prayer is is much less accepted then if it is said with understanding. Certainly all are encouraged to know and understand Arabic. Without this you must have faith in what your are told about your prayers and following of Islam. If you understand Arabic you can read for yourself. In summary if you do your best, it doesn't matter, but always try to gain greater understanding for that is also sincerity.
@creakylol 13 лет назад
@irooni100 You're mistaken buddy. And I'm guessing you're a Desi. Anywho, Turks have been doing Salah in Turkish for years. Get your stuff right
@fdcmix1000 14 лет назад
and this is supposed to be what?
@cook89us 16 лет назад
first of all how would you define noble as mentioned above. Now there is only one bible that deserves noble reconition and that is the holy bible. I will not put a qur'an into my hands or even touch one.
@ogunitracy 13 лет назад
@hannahr77 an unbeliever
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