Vtuber Collection
Vtuber Collection
Vtuber Collection
This channel posts Hololive clips with translated subtitles.

I'm not a native English speaker so there may be incorrect translations.
If you find any translation errors, please let me know in the comments.

@SamusV4 День назад
She's just driving the boat like a good captain.
@MintyPolaroid 2 дня назад
If we say she looks pretty, she turns away If we say she looks rough, she turns away If we say she looks the same as always, she turns away There's no winning against her 😆
@cuddlebug9699 2 дня назад
"Its not a lewd use" *Press X to doubt*
@isdere 2 дня назад
Real life bocchi chan..
@gazardガザード 2 дня назад
@Reikotsu 4 дня назад
Kids really are dumbasses
@RedZap 5 дней назад
You know, I can understand now more of why she is the mother of aqua... I mean look at her hair...
@dylanbailey8464 5 дней назад
"Did your arms get bigger" Absolutely brutal
@kaua6023 6 дней назад
Esse n sou eu, é uma ia toda fūdld@
@N2Deep00 7 дней назад
Thumbnail looking like she had a "I do not wish to be horny. I just want to be happy" moment
@Virjunior01 7 дней назад
I DO feel like i _have_ to kiss her, but it's been like this for a couple of years now...
@pikobsaorawa1211 7 дней назад
With that BGM ? Nice try. 👵
@MythStaff 7 дней назад
i need her ngl
@Ratciclefan 8 дней назад
She looks so defeated
@SyamuNekoSan 8 дней назад
I want to have her like that but camera must be lower to appreciate her bakery
@intorsusvolo7834 8 дней назад
Fitting Nintendo music.
@Aizen_Sosuke999 9 дней назад
Don't worry, Fauna is hag too wo you can have a new friend :))
@EganCraft 9 дней назад
When Luigi grabs you at 0, you pray
@Mister_Kevin 9 дней назад
Like captain, like crew.
@JosueC730 10 дней назад
Uh oh, so does that mean eventually the fact she's aging could harm her voice? Wouldn't she have trouble because of that? That's quite sad.
@AleksandrPodyachev 11 дней назад
(In a robotic voice)From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me
@grgspunk 11 дней назад
*HSM Tries It™: Bugged Reality Mechanics (COPD Edition)*
@JJMomoida 12 дней назад
As a doctor, generally speaking, I always advise people take care of themselves. While this is obviously something that can be followed at any age, I do find that your late 20s/early 30s are a critical time for it. You really... *really* want to look after yourself entering that time bracket, or you're in for some rocky 40s and on. It's always interesting to put things in perspective for people because they tend to see the gestalt, and not the individual parts. If I'm talking with an older patient, they're sometimes taken aback when I say "understand that your coronaries are 68 years old" and so on and so forth. Apologies for the mini rant!
@JJMomoida 12 дней назад
lmao the way she turns around again towards the end makes it look like she's using a crank to do it
@FloatingSunfish 12 дней назад
If a doctor said it, it must be true.
@CJODell12 12 дней назад
Marine is actually the most subscribed Japanese VTuber of all time (Gura is from America so that doesn’t count), with 3.29 million subscribers, beating Kizuna Ai’s peak count of 3.08 million subscribers.
@HentaiSpirit 13 дней назад
@halfbee7886 13 дней назад
Good painting tho.
@meapyboy12345 15 дней назад
Doctor used Face Reality. It was very effective.
@dravenmaster7859 15 дней назад
When I realize I am 27 ............. Oh, umm 17
@otterbp003 16 дней назад
i dont know if alot of the " top comment subscribers " that pay to comment, have felt breasts before. there is some serious muscle covering like 50 % of the lower half ( its diagonal shaped, kinda like the bodies own personal micro-bikini for under-boob )...
@noble_wine 17 дней назад
Rest your voice Marine but dont let the doc upset you. Age brings wisdom.
@TrojanSalesmen1 17 дней назад
I am still older than her so she is forever young in my heart and eyes ahha
@Terrakinetic 17 дней назад
17 Season 3
@bigbakaboon 17 дней назад
It's one thing about kawaii culture that i can't stand, it's that these ladies are physically hurting themselves, which could lead to permanently being mute, just to sound young and cute. Whereas if you did that shit in america, people would just assume you were molested at a young age and wonder if you're okay or not.
@CBRN-115 18 дней назад
The back of her head looks like an onion
@YellowBunny 20 дней назад
The end cards block the subtitles at the end of the video.
@FloatingSunfish 20 дней назад
Of course the Captain would have the best booty.
@doctorreed_ 20 дней назад
i like marine BECAUSE she isnt young. surely she knows that there are countless of us that prefer her that way
@Destilight 20 дней назад
To be fair two months ago was the first time someone called me señor and it hit me like a truck.
@user-mo4gc6zx9w 20 дней назад
I never found it necessary to study for exams either back in school. Just paying attention well enough during classes would give me top results on the subjects I was interested in and good enough grades on my average subjects. My weak subjects were only barely passing admittedly, but that was just Swedish and religion, classes I as an atheistic Finnish person didn't value at all.
@SasquatchTrevor 20 дней назад
Marine needs an AARP membership.
@Village_Iliad 20 дней назад
For some reason I suddenly crave to take a bite right out of a red onion...🤤*Hamph*
@Cuacky_RK 20 дней назад
Her voice really has changed
@CJODell12 20 дней назад
This was from way back in November 2019.
@thefinalday5858 19 дней назад
I was about to say This version of her model looks ancient ASF
@piotr004 20 дней назад
Thanks for the clip. Going to karaoke with friends after school? Literally like in anime.
@cej3940 20 дней назад
Fuck I wish I was good at taking assessments to where I wouldn't need to study before exams I remember having to spend almost every second of one of my semesters focused on chemistry, even doing it in other classes to where everybody in class joked that I did more chem than bio, I would study a day out from a bio test and the period before Ended up going from 59% to 69% in chem, for a shit grade it was still the proudest 10% I earned (also so I wouldn't have to live off of 5 energy drinks a day lol)
@magnitudefallout3944 20 дней назад
Sorry Marine, but you have spelled your own defeat by chasing your youth and libido appeal.
@captainthunderbolt7541 20 дней назад
She to the doctor to be healed, but instead received critical damage!
@stam_ehad 21 день назад
30 is young senchou... Your doctor is an idiot.