Kelly does her thing
Kelly does her thing
Kelly does her thing
I love hiking, I love traveling, I love breakfast tacos and for whatever reason, I feel the urge to make silly videos. I was born in Colorado but raised in the deep woods of Pennsyltucky (that means rural Pennsylvania for all of you non-Pennsyltuckians) and have since traveled back and forth across the US a few times (that's a lot of miles!) while stopping long enough to live in states like Texas and Washington. I ventured overseas and lived in both Turkey and Germany, and am now currently in DC. I won't categorize my content because I just want to do my thing! Sometimes that means eating a ton of snacks, other times that means showing you around my apartment, but most importantly, it means giving you guys a glimpse into my life and hopefully making you smile :) at least once.

Kelly Does Her Thing
712 H St NE
Unit #800
Washington, DC 20002
EU Gets a Military
3 года назад
How To Be More Productive
3 года назад
German Words Americans Use WRONG!
3 года назад
I Got A German Roommate
3 года назад
My First German Lesson
3 года назад
America Bans TikTok
3 года назад
Germany Gives America Advice
3 года назад
Preparing for Germany
3 года назад
German Kevin Meets American Karen
4 года назад
Germany Bans America
4 года назад
Top Comments on My YouTube Channel
4 года назад
8 Things You Should Know About YouTube
4 года назад
I Learned German By Drinking Beer
4 года назад
12 MORE German Words Americans Use!!
4 года назад
Sundays in Germany are....weird
4 года назад
7 US Jobs Missing from Germany!!
4 года назад
15 Adorable Things About Germany
4 года назад
@Allthings-Tiwonge День назад
😂😂😂 actually have my first date with a German man tomorrow and watching this is making me question if I should go or not. I will be back to give my opinion. 😂
@donharrison706 2 дня назад
I've noticed in the last few years a few people who don't know the ground from the floor. If you're indoors, you can't put something on the ground unless you throw it out the window. If you're indoors you put it on the floor. Don't know how that ever got changed!!
@stevet19600609 4 дня назад
I ate min. 200 mettbroetchen in my life. Totally tasty- with salt, pepper and a lot of onions.
@lorasantiago4717 7 дней назад
American here: I take off my shoes and expect everyone to remove their shoes. I love my carpets and go to great lengths to keep all my floors not just visibly clean but microscopically clean as well. In my view, respectful is helping keep my house clean. Rude is tracking in yuck and making me and my family live with it or cause me to clean more. That said, at least half of people coming into my home don't think about microbiology and this is an uphill battle culturally here with family, neighbors, and contractors - likely due to a lack of education about microbes. I agree this whole "remove your shoes business" would be a lot easier in Europe and Asia.
@DaveMcIroy 9 дней назад
It's "groceries", not grosheries.
@DaveMcIroy 9 дней назад
1:50 - no public trans in the US? Oh, from what I say every trans is public there.
@jamesgooper5474 10 дней назад
I don't care how regulated your raw meat is good your food.
@Oh-ou4lp 10 дней назад
to slow talk better
@udobruhe9943 10 дней назад
Du laberst zuviel!
@davepetro5676 10 дней назад
Market Basket I think is the best grocery stores. A cash run business has no det and pay there suppliers as soon as they drop off there products and keep prices lower and fresh fruits and vegetables. Unlike other companies will pay there suppliers a month later.
@andreadee1567 11 дней назад
These jokes or film scenes translate well because everybody knows how walls, toilets, and all those things are built differently in America. Don’t know, what you mean. And nerds in Highschool in Germany end sitting in the waste bin. :)
@horsthampelmann6802 12 дней назад
Mistake! "Schlepp" is not a word. The correct word is "schlapp"
@grajewamandorin8545 12 дней назад
A liitle cheap ,what a nice Phrase, i adoreyou
@dn3087 13 дней назад
US American "creativity" in using questionable ingredients while producing food and drinks are well known worldwide. This is probably the reason for the many bans rather than the large variety of different flavors.
@dn3087 13 дней назад
10:52 "... mostly everyone in Germany strictly adheres to the rules ..." Hey, is there another Germany than that I live in? Did you ever really drive on a German Autobahn?
@dn3087 13 дней назад
Viel zu wenig Zwiebeln!
@dn3087 13 дней назад
Einverstanden. Let's kill that cows. Ein Tempolimit von 120 km/h auf Autobahnen ist schon lange überfällig! Die Ballerei an Silvester ist auch schon lange aus der Zeit gefallen. Döner ist mir wurscht. Ich esse lieber Gyros. Und zwar mit Besteck von einem Teller und nicht aus einer Brottasche, wo mir beim Abbeissen rechts und links Zaziki am Kinn heruntertrieft.
@dn3087 13 дней назад
12:57 ... country in a civil war and a president gone mad ? 5 years ago? Clearly the USA.
@dn3087 13 дней назад
9:40 Welcome to the free world!
@dn3087 13 дней назад
8:20 Similar to distances in Europe Berlin - Catania 2317 km / 25h Trondheim Faro 4350 km / 47h
@dn3087 13 дней назад
90°C is Sauna. I can't stand much longer than 15 minutes.
@dn3087 13 дней назад
The "gun culture" as it is lived in the USA has only a remote connection with the 2nd Amendment: "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms , shall not be infringed." I can't see anything of a "well regulated militia" in the USA, not even remotely. In contrast to Switzerland.
@dn3087 14 дней назад
14:00 What's new with this? If it had good food, beer and trees for shadow, it would be a Biergarten.
@dn3087 14 дней назад
14:00 There are toll roads in Germany. No highways, but small scenic roads in the Alps, privately owned.
@marcom7873 15 дней назад
All german guys look like that 🙏🏻🇩🇪
@65Tedybear 15 дней назад
John Deere: 1956 John Deere took over the german Heinrich Lanz AG, a famous tractor factory. Their Lanz Bulldog is still one of the most iconic vintage farm tractors.
@dudoklasovity2093 23 дня назад
American 'friendliness' is hell, when you are introverted person. They are in your business constantly. And the worst part is, thay don't even care. They just wanna talk talk talk. An utter waste of time....
@thecableguyx3558 26 дней назад
Blows my mind how Americans are shocked by the quarter for a cart. Been seeing that for years. In the UK. now the cats already have a coin in carts so you don't need to bring one.
@martinhuhn7813 26 дней назад
Well, the cleaning issue about german toiletts is not that ubiquitious. A good toilet with high quality smooth ceramics and an optimized shape and a properly installed flushing system is perfectly self cleaning. Counterinuitively, shelf toilets are not as easily affected, if one of theese aspects is a little off. In shelf toilets, the poop does not fall deep, therefore there is the least possible backsplash, but it lands in a very shallow pool of water on the shelf and therefore it cannot stick at all under normal circumstances. When you flush, the water current is then strong enough to take everything away easily. Regarding public toiletts: It is not entirely accurate to say, that they are generally cleaner in Germany. Especially along the Autobahn, you find two entirely different situations. There are resting places ("Rastplatz" = Parking space with gas station and unually some kind of restaurant). There you will have to pay to use the toilet and those will usually be very clean. On the other hand there are parking places with public toilets ("Parkplatz" = also parking places and even though they are not called resting place, they are usually the nicer spots for a rest. The difference is, that there is no gas station and allmost never any gastronomy). The toilets there can be used for free. But you do not want to breathe through your nose there and in some cases you want to be carefull not to touch anything.
@Rifsha-emareld Месяц назад
Are you a baby
@burlhorse61 Месяц назад
Lidl has named brands though-but i normally go to asda to complete my shopping
@burlhorse61 Месяц назад
didn't realise they dont do reusable bags in the US??
@horstkollmeyer6654 Месяц назад
Was Hunde an geht, ist der Hund in Deutschland als Familienmitglied angesehen. Auch haben gut erzogene Hunde mehr Benehmen als mancher Mensch. Ein Hotel Augmentierte einmal in der Werbung folgendermaßen : Bei uns sind Hunde erlaubt und gern gesehen, denn Hunde nehmen kein Hoteleigentum mit, Hunde putzen nicht ihre Schuhe mit dem Vorhangstoff………
@MaxiSkinner-vc3ts Месяц назад
The problem is that you can realy esaly get iligal Fireworks and the Pollution isent rith they are lying because the BAM said that IT IS more Like 1%
@student6590-cz6ts Месяц назад
So let me see if I understand this right: you do not like to clean the toilet by simply pouring a dissolving solution in the toilet such as domestos, after you use it, because you are lazy, so rather accept being splashed on you a$$ with pee water each time you go use it. Not to mention american showers which do not detach from the wall so you can actually clean your a$$ after you go to the toilet. but that is how u like it....dirty and lazy.
@3.m58 Месяц назад
Wir Deutsche sollten auf unsere Kultur, Dialekte, Geschichte, unser Land stolz sein, mit allem identifizieren!
@wolfgangharden61 Месяц назад
I am german and think after two weeks I get used to P- Dutch .
@boraonline7036 Месяц назад
For noz understanding it, the chain grows pretty fast, in the US! 😂
@michaelwilkinson2928 Месяц назад
Wet on wet painting has been around since before the Renaissance, Bill Alexander and Bob Ross both popularised the technique but their presenatations and paintings were different to each others with a degree of overlap.
@user-hc2lr4cn8f 2 месяца назад
I do not want to brag, but I wanted to mention that it is quite possible that your ancestors were involved in the construction of our monuments. In that sense, they're your monuments, too. I love to have them around, keeping old things means honoring the cultural heritage.
@thorstenkettler-thiel1198 2 месяца назад
Smoking weed is now legal since April 1st, 2024
@lisasmith2065 2 месяца назад
It’s a very good store .it has everything you need. Here in America we got spoiled with ginormous stores with thousands of products. We don’t need all of that.thats why the food prices have become so outrageous. We need to get back to smaller stores with better prices like ALDIs. The employees work very hard in the store. When they get to do cash out it’s their only time to catch a little break, that’s why they get to sit. The quarter for a cart thing is to cut costs for better prices for you. They have quality products. Change you grocery habits just a tiny bit and enjoy the prices. A quarter , that you get back ,is a small price to pay.
@MartinBeerbom 2 месяца назад
As a native German speaker fluent in English, I have a deep seated hate-love relationship with dubbing. I like the proficiency of the voice over actors, and I admire dialog scripts that achieve something amazing, but there's a whole slew of mediocrity and annoyances connected with it. Some of it is getting better in recent years. For instance, for decades German dubbers would not/could not acknowledge that the characters are supposed to speak a different language than what comes out of the speakers. Instead of saying "English", characters would say "our language". It ruined Samuel L. Jackson's "English, MF! Do you speak it?" in Pulp Fiction. So I was enormously amazed and positively surprised when I watched a recent movie where a character said "Kannse kein Deutsch?", when in the original it was "Can't you speak English?".
@MartinBeerbom 2 месяца назад
"Family Guy"'s dubbing is fucking amazing. It's very very good. Yes, it's not the same as the English original, because the best dubbing is not just a translation or a word replacement, but an adaptation to a different culture. German Family Guy is not the Original Family Guy, but it can stand VERY well on its own. If you want to hear how it can fail spectacularly, watch Futurama. It's painful in German. Despite the fact that it uses correct translations.
@jeanfrancoisdetaille 2 месяца назад
Always be careful from men who hide behind a beard
@jeanfrancoisdetaille 2 месяца назад
Bill was the real thing, great personality and creator! Ross was a knock off
@maikgiese1883 2 месяца назад
Wer es richtig lecker möchte, macht noch etwas Senf drauf
@robertburns7670 2 месяца назад
fortunately fame and fortune isn't everything ... thieves are every where looking to steal your intellectual property. It happens in music it happens in art ... where does it not happen ?? Godliness with contentment is great gain saith the Lord !!
@kaistegmaier1592 2 месяца назад
Mettbrötchen ist mit das leckerste zum Frühstück was es gibt
@JaneRobinson-dc6pn 2 месяца назад
I remember painting with Bill Alexander on TV years ago. My grandson kept talking about Bob Ross and the “happy trees”… I told my grandson there was any other artist that started this style!!!! Thanks so much for tying this all together👍🏻