Видите ли кукери да хлопат с чанове, нестинари да пристъпват по жарава, коледари да благославят, лазарки да пеят, кушии да се вихрят, мартеници да се засмеят помнете, че в тях е духът на дедите, Българите!
Вивалди - Пролет.
6 лет назад
Fiery ordeal in Strandzha
10 лет назад
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14 лет назад
14 лет назад
14 лет назад
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15 лет назад
SURVA  - The Sons of Fire!
15 лет назад
Surva 2008
16 лет назад
@David_Sirovsky 17 дней назад
In my opinion, you are confusing the Bulgar Turkic language with the modern Bulgarian language. Try to compare the words of the Chuvash language (a descendant of the Bulgar language) with Avestan and you will not find anything in common. And the similarity of the modern Bulgarian language with Avestan is not surprising, since the Proto-Iranian and Indo-European languages come from the same ancestor
@petertodorov1792 13 дней назад
The Chuvash are the ancient Suvars NOT Bulgarians They are two distinct people
@ParthianSpirit Месяц назад
Bulgarians are off shoots of the turkic bulgars. Bulgarians migrated to the balkans, because they got expelled by the Khazars. There they got slavized
@stefaniivanova8465 6 месяцев назад
Браво,мерси,супер си. От зороастризма: Зртущ( заратустра)- зрящ,озъртащ А'УРА МАЗДА- светлина мъжди Откъде идва паленето на свещи и камбанен звън? Кой е сина на Аура Мазда който е сътворил целия свят?
@ceckataceckata5357 7 месяцев назад
Both slavic and avestan are in the same Indo-European language group. This comparison is interesting but does not prove anything that's suggested in the video description. Bulgarian is a slavic language and there are many cognates with the rest Indo-European languages like Iranian and Sanskrit, just like all other Indo-European languages have them too. I am a bulgarian.
@opushead 8 месяцев назад
I'm suggesting to ppl to compare the writings of Magura Cave (dated to 38,000 years), the Danube/Vincha script, linear A and B, the bulgarian runes the glagolic, the old bulgarian and the bulgarilic(cyrillic) alphabets. You'll see how much all of them are connected.
@thecatsari 8 месяцев назад
Българите са арийци от Балх, Бактрия. Тюрките са българите наричали себе си tröki. По-късно европейците ще го произнесат кат турьоки и накрая само турки. От трьоки идва траки, а самото трьок означава дракон, символ на България тогава. Тоест сме се наричали пред другите народи като дракони. Също сурва е тракийски бог,но е доста вероятно да е използван и другаде. Една от теориите е че тракийците са дошли точно от Иранските земи през 2000г пр хр, но е възможно да са се смесили с предтракийското население, оцеляло от великия потоп.
@paul1der 9 месяцев назад
the gagauz of moldova are called yeski bulgar which means old bulgar. they have a turkic language
@igorjee 10 месяцев назад
You must be a genius for showing that a Slavic language is similar to an Indo-Iranian one. No shit. Have you ever heard of the Indo-European language family?
@Scythian_nomad 10 месяцев назад
The Bulgars were Sarmatians by origin, and Turkic by language Kazanly and Mishar are their descendants, although their language is Kipchak, but the pronunciation of words, as well as genetics, are almost the same
@yazovgaming 10 месяцев назад
@yazovgaming 10 месяцев назад
There it is, Our Proud Iranic Origins that the turks try to disprove the whole time, and have sadly fooled many people in the world. Thank you for presenting the origins of the Bulgars and of the Bulgarian Language! Добра презентация! Благодаря, че направи това видео. 👍
@gerganazlatkova4987 11 месяцев назад
Хипотезата Ви може и да е вярна, но този малоазийски звуков фон в първата половина на клипа е ужасен. И сте допуснали доста граматични и правописни грешки. Гайдата на финала е най-добрият избор за звуков фон.
@Ak-sel74 11 месяцев назад
Na hindi sharam = na bulgarski sram na angliski shame same thing 🤣
@ds-on4sm Год назад
The reason they are so similar is because the Thracians also called Arians or Bulgarians went to India and Iran and brought language and religion there. This you will not read on wikipedia. But it is the only truth.
@majstter7420 Год назад
Similarities like between modern Hungarian and Mansi/Khanty, almost nothing can be understood after so many years.
Искате да ни искарате някакъв народ кой знае от къде мошенниици на кого слугувате
@opushead Год назад
We are not Turks or what ever. Our (the Bulgarian) civiliziation is older than 8000 years and we are direct descendants of Atlantis. We created Elam, Mohenjo-Daro, Harappa, the Hun-nu, Sumerian and the Aryan , the Creto-Minoan culture and Egypt of the pharaohs. Vedas, the Mahabharata, the Zend Avesta, the canonical Buddhist texts and many other sacred books were Bulgarian work. Orpheus, Buddha, Zarathustra, Zalmoxis, Decenaeus, Burebista, Gilgamesh and many other ancient great initiates had Bulgarian roots.
@erdemozcan5435 2 месяца назад
@settenovetre 2 месяца назад
Dude, chill
@josephbelov6212 Год назад
Ибн Хаукал е арабски географ от Х в. сл. Хр., който пътешества в периода 943 - 969 г. Той отново потвърждава, че "езикът на българите наподобява езика на хазарите".
@josephbelov6212 Год назад
В обширните пътеписи на ал Истахри от Х в. сл. Хр. се сравнява прабългарския език на Волжка България с езиците на съседните народи: "...езикът на българите прилича на езика на хазарите, а буртасите имат различен език, така както езикът на русите не е същият като езика на хазарите и буртасите."
@atillaturk2130 Год назад
BULGARs are OGUR TÜRKs.............ON OGUR , SAR OGUR , UTRİGUR , KUTRİGURs..............Please read the books of AGATHİAS , EBU L FİDA , GIRNATİ , MESUDİ , İBN FADLAN , CAFER HİSTORY , KAŞGARLI MAHMUT , ŞİKARİ , GEZA FEHER , Prof STOYAN DİNKOV etc............................+++ My RU-vid comments about BULGARs , of course............................Note : in Türkiye, we are OGUZ TÜRKs....................İt doesnt matter OGUR or OGUZ....................but , TÜRKs............................
@petertodorov1792 Год назад
ASPARUKH IS AN IRANIAN NAME Asparukh Gender Male Origin Word/name Iranian Meaning Possessor of Shining Horses (aspa + rauk) Asparukh is a Middle Iranian male name,[1] attested in ancient Georgia and early medieval Bulgaria. It is a compound with the two elements: "aspa" (horse) and "rauk" (shine), meaning "he who has shining horses".[2] Some other researchers claim that the name is derived from "aspa" (horse) [3] The two historically attested persons bearing this name are: Asparukh of Iberia, a viceroy of Armazi in Iberia (Georgia), contemporary of the Roman emperor Hadrian (117-138 AD). Asparukh of Bulgaria, founder of the First Bulgarian Empire in the 680s. References Hyun Jin Kim (2013). The Huns, Rome and the Birth of Europe. Cambridge University Press. p. 168. ISBN 9781107009066. Encyclopedia Iranica online: Asparukh a Middle Iranian proper name attested in ancient Georgia and early medieval Bulgaria. Bŭlgarski etimologichen rechnik, tom 1, Institut za bŭlgarski ezik (Bŭlgarska akademia na naukite) Vladimir Ivanov Georgiev, 1962, p.18.
@Ac-pq1rn Год назад
The Bulgars (also Bulghars, Bulgari, Bolgars, Bolghars, Bolgari,[1] Proto-Bulgarians[2]) were Turkic semi-nomadic warrior tribes that flourished in the Pontic-Caspian steppe and the Volga region during the 7th century. They became known as nomadic equestrians in the Volga-Ural region, but some researchers say that their ethnic roots can be traced to Central Asia.[3] During their westward migration across the Eurasian steppe, the Bulgar tribes absorbed other tribal groups and cultural influences in a process of ethnogenesis, including Finnic and Hunnic tribes.[4][5][6][7][8][9] Modern genetic research on Central Asian Turkic people and ethnic groups related to the Bulgars points to an affiliation with Western Eurasian populations.[9][10] The Bulgars spoke a Turkic language, i.e. Bulgar language of Oghuric branch. They preserved the military titles, organization and customs of Eurasian steppes, as well as pagan shamanism and belief in the sky deity Tangra The Bulgars became semi-sedentary during the 7th century in the Pontic-Caspian steppe, establishing the polity of Old Great Bulgaria c. 630-635, which was defeated by the Khazar Empire in 668 AD. In c. 679, Khan Asparukh conquered Scythia Minor, opening access to Moesia, and established the Danubian Bulgaria - the First Bulgarian Empire, where the Bulgars became a political and military elite. They merged subsequently with established Byzantine populations, as well as with previously settled Slavic tribes, and were eventually Slavicized, thus forming the ancestors of modern Bulgarians. The remaining Pontic Bulgars migrated in the 7th century to the Volga River, where they founded the Volga Bulgaria; they preserved their identity well into the 13th century. The modern Volga Tatars and Chuvash people claim to have originated from the Volga Bulgars.
@petertodorov1792 Год назад
NONSENSE 1. Give PRIMARY SOURCES that show the name Bulgarian comes from bulgamak? 2.Give PRIMARY SOURCES that show tengrinism in Bulgaria?
@OrthodoxBulgaria Год назад
Кикерите са грях и не трябва да се празнува такава традиция
@festerbutt Год назад
Тази теория сам си я измислих преди няколко седмици, днес я оформих и сега намирам това видео за езика и книгата в описанието! Велик си!!!
@transpocalypseishere Год назад
tarsil si dosta mai ... nameril si pak trohi4ki zlatni ... raazglejdam kanala da vidq ima li i drugo zlato ... !=]
@transpocalypseishere Год назад
imash hubava informaciq ... malko e ama ... vsi4ko e iztrito i prenapisano 100 pati pone !!! mislete ei hora ... koito moje da misli !!!
@bgbest5790 Год назад
Bulgarians say kuche for dog not pes, what is a pes
езика на Аспарух и неговия народ в момента го говорат в Чувашката република в РФ.И -Болкарците.в Република Кабардино -Болкария в Кавказ РФ
@ridvanmehmed4970 Год назад
Трябва ми преводач на старобългарски ако може да ми помогнете .благодаря предварително
@lone_cowboy3332 Год назад
the music is truly magnificent and magical
@awd4505 Год назад
The reason why they are similar is because they are both from the indo europian family
@vasilgerov4064 Год назад
Докато търсят откъде произлиза български език никога няма да намерят защото български език е първият и от него произлизат другите
@radobrum7259 2 года назад
truth will seth you free ...
@zalmorxis4736 2 года назад
Ha... ha... 😂🤣🤣 This clip was made with the aim of defaming and propagandizes the Bulgarians!!! Words like, honey, god and dead and much more 500 years are attested before Persian in Thrace. Maedi, Βαγαίος (Bagaios - Phrygia), Mor (Mare - Thrace), and so on... The one who uploaded the clip he must be looked for judicial liability and court! 👈😎
@nadiaandreeva2099 2 года назад
@miroljubstojanovic1129 2 года назад
Где је поређење са србским јер то је језик који 80 посто користите?
@Gotse.Delchev.Reborn 8 месяцев назад
Бъркаш ни със северните македонци, югославино. Вашият език е диалект на прабългарския.
@alexnikolov-5825 2 года назад
μούτρο ( mutra) lice na grycki?
@shakhzaev687 2 года назад
Maybe you have to add the data of the other slavic languages. Since the words you presented mostly are used or have the cognates in western slavic languages as well. This maybe caused by the reason that protoslavic language has the same origin as avestan. And another funny fact, that if you compare ancient greek and sanskrit you will find some similarities not presented in avestan
@ilija_Duniczew 2 года назад
Ако езика ни не е славянски то как и защо другите "славянски" езици са толкова подобни на нашия?
@anshumanchauhan5536 2 года назад
Much closeness with Sanskrit
@kalkata69 2 года назад
As a Bulgarian person, i understood nothing
@liliivanova6391 2 года назад
Супер е
@petertodorov1792 2 года назад
IYI BULGARIAN AND IRANIAN SYMBOL ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-7olDbAM4LWM.html
@atillaturk2130 2 года назад
The word BULGAR means : MİXER....... in TÜRKİC language.......++++++ BULGAR tribes names : ON OGUR : 10 OGURs , KUTRİGUR : BALD or RABİD OGURs , UTRİGUR : 30 OGURs , SAROGUR : Yellow OGURs........in TÜRKİC language........++++++ The name KUBRAT means TO COMPİLE on ORHUN İNSCRİPTİONS left from GÖKTÜRKs at 735 a.c. I mean , the name of KHAN KUBRAT of MAGNA BULGARİA was GÖKTÜRKİSH...... IYI was the symbol of KAYI tribe of OGUZ TÜRKs......I mean OTTOMAN DYNASTY......One of 24 OGUZ TÜRK tribes.......All OGUZ TÜRK tribes printed these symbols on their animals to DİSTİNGUİSH them from other tribe s animals.........+++ IYI symbol was also found in the grave of Bulgar KUBRAT KHAN in UKRAİNE........ because, he was pure blood TÜRK, too........but, OGUR TÜRK.........anyway........İt doesnt matter , OGUZ or OGUR.........Both are TÜRKs.........so, We always say BULGAR TÜRKs........our TÜRK BLOOD BROTHERs.........
@petertodorov1792 2 года назад
PANTURK LIES AND PROPAGANDA 1. Ibn Fadlan NEVER calls the Bulgarians Turks 2.Ibn Fadlan calls the Bulgarians Saqaliba which means Sakas 3. Ibn Fadlan calls the Pechenegs , Bashkirs , and Oghuz Turks BUT NEVER calls Bulgarians Turks
@pavelselimov8107 2 года назад
Всички тия думи, които давате за български са чисто славянски даже и в английския има някои сходства...авестийски и персийски къде се ровите и изследвате като истината ще ви извади очите, срамувате се от славянския ли, ами славянските народи имат такива светила....срамувате се да сте руски славяни ли, ами с руснак свободно можеш да се разбереш, а с иранец едва ли ,просто се инатите на ганьовската си простотия.... да продължавайте с измишльотините си и да видим докъде ще стигнете....
@petertodorov9540 2 года назад
Beautiful People, God Bless Bulgaria
@alirezabms7261 2 года назад
Im a west iranian(persian)😊..hello to my east iranian brothers..There are many stories about Sarmatians in Shahnameh, which is a book of Iranian mythology. Now I realize that the Bulgarians and Ossetians remain the same...Take care of your beautiful culture and originality
@petertodorov1792 2 года назад
Hello Persian Brother, You are absolutely right. Bulgarians are related to the Ossetians
@petertodorov1792 2 года назад
Brother, You mentioned Shahnameh, DId you know that Bulgarians used to worship Siavash . Siavash is a hero in the great epic Shahnameh But he used to be a god. Bulgarians like the Alans and the Persians used to worship Siavash. When Bulgaria became Christian , Siva , as we called him became St. Basil and his worship was Christianized
@ashkansoleymani3138 2 года назад
@@petertodorov1792 wow! Amazing!
@Avestan69 Год назад
I am an eastern Iranic (Pashtuns)
@Orthosaur7532 Год назад
YES! Hello Iranian brother!!! :D
@egelisk4943 2 года назад
What is this? The question what the proto Bulgar language was is not controversial. The Bulgars were a Turkic tribe who were speaking a Turkic language in the Bulgar branch. The only surviving example of that branch being Chuvash. The Bulgars have adopted the Slavic language almost completely and the original Bulgar language was lost. That's it. That is the truth. The some you're talking about are probably racists that just don't like the idea of having Turkic roots of any kind. Sad people, really.
@petertodorov1792 2 года назад
Nonsense You have no Proof of Turkic origin of Bulgarians Not one shred of evidence
@denkachilikova3188 2 года назад
Толкова бързо се сменят думите,че е невъзможно да се анализира и не е валидно като доказателство!Спорът остава неразрешен,въпреки всички аргументи!Нужни са по-солидни факти!
@ionbrad6753 2 года назад
The language of the 7th century migrators was a Turkic one - all major historians agree on this, there is almost impossible to interpret the history in another way. After the destruction of Old Great Bulgaria by Khazars (668), the Bulgars split and some formed Volga Bulgaria, while the rest went South-West and formed Danubian Bulgaria. The Danubian Bulgars were dominating the Slavs and the Vlachs they found there but gradually they adopted the Slavic language & Christianity. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-1U3Pq0YZNEY.html
@petertodorov1792 2 года назад
Absolutely not, You have no primary sources calling the ancient Bulgarians Turkic On the contrary, Arabic and Persian sources such as Ibn Fadlan clearly distinguish between Turkic people like the Bashkirs and Oghuz and the Bulgarians who are referred to as " Saqaliba" or Sakas
@ionbrad6753 2 года назад
@@petertodorov1792 True, but this is most probably because Ibn Fadlan called only the ruler of Volga Bulgaria the "King of the Saqaliba". He did not extend the name to the entire population! As most historians agree, Volga Bulgaria was a multi-ethnic state, including East-Slavic populations. So yes, Volga Bulgaria's king was a king of Slavs, too. On the other hand, the Volga Bulgaria language is well documented, there are inscriptions left and the language is decipherable; it is clearly Turkic: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-1U3Pq0YZNEY.html
@petertodorov1792 2 года назад
@@ionbrad6753 You do realize that the Volga Bulgarians were Kipchakized during the Mongol conquest So any inscriptions from that period cannot be claimed to be the original Bulgarian language
@ionbrad6753 2 года назад
@@petertodorov1792 Kipchakization of Volga Bulgars is only a hipothesys, a very low probability one, having in mind that most arguments point elsewhere. For example: a) Turkic names of Bulghar khans (before Kipchakss); b) Turkic inscriptions in Danube Bulgaria, too (Turkic old runes, around 8th century - Pliska); c) Greek inscriptions made by Danubian Bulgars, noting they fought the Greeks and the Slavs (Chatalar inscription); d) Tengrism of the Danubian Bulgars, before Czar Boris.
@petertodorov1792 2 года назад
@@ionbrad6753 Nope , Absolutely wrong 1. No evidence of Tengrianism in Danubian Bulgaria 2. All names of Danubian Rulers were Iranian 3. Chatalar inscriptions do not show anything Turkic