Jess Chandler
Jess Chandler
Jess Chandler
Hello! My name is Jess! I'm 23 years old, Autistic and I also have ADHD 🌈

🧠 I am an advocator and activist in the Neurodivergent and Disabled Community.

✨ I received my diagnosis of Autism and ADHD in 2020, at the age of 19 which had been the inspiration for me to start this journey, as a method of being able to help others out there.

🤍 I also spread awareness about a rare genetic illness called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, having been diagnosed with Type 3 I am now making it my mission to be "Proud to be Disabled" and educating others on the impact that invisible illnesses carry.
The UK National ADHD Shortage | Jess Chandler
11 месяцев назад
A New Start | Jess Chandler
Год назад
@thatoneramdomautistic009 2 дня назад
Haha. As an autistic, real.
@rachelevans6711 5 дней назад
I completely agree with you and share your frustration ❤ I'm also so thankful and glad that you didn't take your own life as you are helping so many people ❤ My son has undiagnosed ADHD, and he has just been rejected by the school educatiion system, which shows how broken it is. We are now pursuing the NHS Right To Choose pathway. I was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 45. My undiagnosed ADHD brain has caused so much destruction in more ways than one, so much so that I almost turned down chemotherapy for stage 4 blood cancer!! I'm interested in raising the profile of undiagnosed ADHD in women. Thank you for your video ❤
@hopelessoptimistic9163 11 дней назад
Omg i aways wondered why i could eat the same things repeatedly
@danluedert1558 14 дней назад
I get emotional , too when I see these stories, understanding my own diagnosis better. Thank you
@John_Falcon 18 дней назад
If you hate it, it's because you are doing it wrong. <3
@tunatoonzz Месяц назад
mine are literally anthills and ant farms
@jesscooper7239 Месяц назад
Thank you so much for this video, as an autistic with extreem anxiety, this really helped me to know what to expect. It would be great to hear about your experience when you landed at your destination ❤
@qualitycontent8244 Месяц назад
So proud of you, stay strong ❤️‍🩹
@Reed5016 Месяц назад
This is me too. Once I began to unmask, it became impossible for me to go back. I don’t know why that is exactly. Though to be fair, my attempts at masking usually failed anyway before I began to unmask actively. For me, masking was mostly subconscious. I didn’t even know I was doing it until I became aware that I’m AuDHD (the ADHD hasn’t been confirmed yet). But once I became aware, it was like I became mentally and emotionally unable to do it.
@50SH4DESOFF41LURE Месяц назад
i’m struggling because i suspect i may have autism , i experience i believe everything you’ve mentioned although my mind is telling me that some of those things may just be a stretch or that it’s normal. on the other hand , the way i go about most everyday things that people do is having it all be to a very heightened extent if that makes sense ? i can’t ever have an interest in something and have it not be an obsession that i don’t stop talking about , i do have hobbies that i find not many people share like practicing wicca, crochet, reading, and novel writing. also this maybe plays into my ADD but i have times when i will make the most random sounds and phrases , very loudly and it’s almost like i can control it but it’s better that i don’t. one thing i immediately related to was the term “masking” ? i experience little space and for me it’s a trauma response that i often can’t control, although i sometimes will slip when i know it’s safe because only a few friends know about it , not even my parents - therefore i have a ton of built up tension when having to hide it from people and so i think both transitioning into little space but also my typical self could be considered a form of masking idk if i’m right about that though .
@morbiuscrowley8536 Месяц назад
You're so pretty
@Reed5016 2 месяца назад
@Reed5016 2 месяца назад
@foljs5858 2 месяца назад
Autistic they mean Rainman style or "their nephew" with ASD 3. Someone that's not like that wouldn't look autistic to them, mask or not
@BriceScott-kg2no 2 месяца назад
They diagnosed me with it I don't like the title I just call myself weird. I didn't let that stop me😂😂
@Franziska-yk8fp 2 месяца назад
thank you very much for that video
@TheYakisobas 2 месяца назад
This is why I wanna get diagnosed instead of being undiagnosed with anything, and within that, calling myself allistic only to end up with horrible self esteem and pushing myself to the limits and maybe further and telling myself that my problems don't matter because "I'm allistic and I can handle everything so I should deal with it because people have it worse than me" and calling myself a useless attention seeker every single day while not being diagnosed as neurotypical or neurodivergent, so I don't know if I'm ND or NT but the way things are going I just assume I'm allistic which brings my self esteem down because "allistic people can handle it" and telling myslef I don't deserve any attention and I should be ashamed of being allistic because neurodivergents are much more important than me
@vivi-ws9yl 2 месяца назад
The fact that you think this way about yourself but can't change anything is probably proof enough that you maybe aren't neurotypical. I hope you're able to get that diagnosis. I'm trying aswell but it's so hard to find a therapist
@nose_toes 2 месяца назад
A few of mine is customs/border control, tsa, and roller coasters ofc!
@ParticleLarry 3 месяца назад
I'm sorry but I'm I the only one who finds the music distracting?
@wendysandwell9838 3 месяца назад
Hi anyone can park in a disabled bay on private land if you are disabled . Eg supermarket or hospital etc They don’t even have to have a blue badge as it to do with the equality act . You can still be disabled or disadvantaged without a badge. Hence why you may see cars with no badge in disabled bays at supermarkets. They carnt discriminate against you . Yes it’s crazy but law . However if you do get a fine it’s long winded and you will need to appeal and it can takes a long while to prove your case if caught. . So it’s best if you have one to display the badge. All street parking requires a blue badge to be displayed ❤
@MonstaMunch101 Месяц назад
You're completely wrong. Requiring a blue badge to park in disabled parking spaces is absolutely not against the equality act, and many private landowners do choose to have this rule in place. Asda is a nationwide example. They have clear signs stating that you have to display a blue badge in order to use their disabled parking spaces.
@wendysandwell9838 Месяц назад
You clearly did not read my message correctly. I did not say requiring a blue badge to park in disabled parking spaces is against the equality act . You misunderstood my message completely.
@MonstaMunch101 Месяц назад
@@wendysandwell9838 Not at all. You said no blue badge is required to park in disabled bays on private land. I informed you that you're wrong and gave an example of a British supermarket chain which categorically requires blue badges for its disabled parking spaces.
@Flabbergastingperson 3 месяца назад
just eat it you austistic spoilet brat😊
@JessChandler 3 месяца назад
People like you are truly the highlight of my day. Thank you for essentially paying me by leaving a comment though! It means everything ❤️
@GingerKiwiDev 4 месяца назад
It's so exciting and freeing! I'm in the process to get my first custom titanium wheelchair here in Toronto, Canada (hEDS + Othrostatic Intolerance + MCAS ... and all the other EDS stuff). I started trying to figure it out in January 2023. While there's theoretically 100% coverage through the Assistive Devices Program (ADP - like wheelchair services on the NHS) if you're on ODSP (the equivalent of PIP here in Ontario) I still have to pay $1448 out of pocket to get my prescribed combination. Grants for ambulatory adults with EDS are non-existent in Ontario - so cobbling the funds together. Apparently side guards are just thought of as "clothing guards" - not something essential to stability and positioning (and therefore safety). So they only cover $99 - but side guards start at $307 for metal and over $350 for carbon fibre (winter + metal against legs = issues - so carbon fibre it is.) It's amazing that you got the fendered pink side guards. That must be amazing in rainy England! Just $99 of that is the purple anodized accents - because design is so important for mental health. I'm putting off the specialized hand rims (NaturalFit LT) for a few months so I can just get my wheelchair. They're essential for long term use - because EDS skin.
@richardjones5255 4 месяца назад
You have had a basket full of issues. At nearly one quarter my age, I sympathize with your trials and suffering. I had a sort of shared use of a blue badge while my late wife was with me, I only had access while taking her about, but that was abut the only time I went out. Hospital visits are a terrible experience, a blue badge made than slightly better. Now I find life is catching up with me, two spinal operations helped in the past but the nerve damage and peripheral neuropathy mean my feet do not always know their relation with the ground. I have heart failure and sundry other 'minor' issues. I use a walking stick but prefer to avoid going out, uneven pavements are traps for all the unwary.. My daughters have been nagging me for years about my mobility, The circulation in my feet causes chilblains, but seeing a vascular surgeon is unlikely before next year, another reason not to walk about. I recently applied for a blue badge and I am now waiting developments with 'a degree of interest.'. For someone your age or anyone else to face your issues is beyond rough, the dog I dog sit sends her sympathy, I can no longer walk her, even though she is well over 15, she feels let down. I understand the experience of auras, I had them a few years back, yes you can lose vision for a while, mine started with disappearing central vision then the jiggly, or jaggy lines started dancing about in a crescent. I was stuck in a hospital waiting room for the first one. I had enough time for the experience to fade before I was called in about another issue.
@asrimaeking 4 месяца назад
‘i’m going to get copyrighted’ 😭😭
@asrimaeking 4 месяца назад
this is so exciting!! cant wait till ur a famous author
@JessChandler 4 месяца назад
Manifesting 🤝
@asrimaeking 4 месяца назад
yesss i am so so proud of you!!
@JessChandler 4 месяца назад
Love youuuu
@luismanuelvalenciapacheco8555 4 месяца назад
I want to be your friend , I have exactly the same.
@Floofyflouf 5 месяцев назад
@mrpath99 5 месяцев назад
If you suffer from temporary paralysis you I take it you are not the driver ? I personally think people with disabilities should receive a set sum every week for a taxi to go shopping doctors etc.
@Scarygothgirl 6 месяцев назад
Your video has made me feel less alone. I discovered that I am autistic last year, aged 31. That was after my fourth attempt to take my life. Life had been so confusing before understanding that I'm autistic. I was clearly depressed because I kept wanting to die, yet every time I spoke to a therapist I felt calm and in control and they told me that I seemed perfectly fine and didn't need therapy. But I can go between fine and overwhelmed so quickly.
@Lionfaces 6 месяцев назад
Hi Jess, thanks for the great work you do. Keep it up, never give up and remember you have great followers and family who love you dearly ❤❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@evagracee_ 6 месяцев назад
This is such a beautiful video! I went to the ball on the Friday and it was honestly the best night of my life💓
@lazaro9501 7 месяцев назад
Hi jess chandler
@VIPERRED229 7 месяцев назад
hi jess. i literally applied for a BB, from the sound of what you're saying it seems unlikely. Thank you anyway.
@FlyAudit 7 месяцев назад
@HopefulEz 7 месяцев назад
Where did you get these ear defenders from? They're so cute!
@Therionlover 7 месяцев назад
😊I feel you
@asrimaeking 7 месяцев назад
but this is the cutest thing ever i LOVE how all our trips have vlogs so i can watch our days back it’s so cute
@asrimaeking 7 месяцев назад
the number of clips in here i didn’t even notice u film 😭
@thisgirlsawaywiththefairies 7 месяцев назад
u guys r the most superior online couple 💪💪💪💪
@thisgirlsawaywiththefairies 7 месяцев назад
the way you added all the songs every fantasy loved are obsessed with 😭, this is so amazing im glad it was so good 💫💫
@deleteduser121 7 месяцев назад
Your hot
@grahametindale8292 7 месяцев назад
Do you drive with a heart condition?
@willow_fae 8 месяцев назад
Thankyou so much for recording my music and including me in your video!! I hope you enjoyed your time at the festival, I look forward to connecting with you again soon ❤😊
@WelderEatz 8 месяцев назад
PREACH WOMAN, PREACH! don't even worry about those people dude. Keep it up🤟
@emunahohr9734 8 месяцев назад
One of my experiences maybe people could relate to is often initially making friends but then losing them quickly OR (and this is a big one) becoming super close to people, even to the point of being their best friends, for years even and the relationships end up just complety end up falling apart, So basically me, as a teen currently has had about a dozen best friends but all of the friendships complety fall apart and usually i can barely understood why. If anyone could relate to this, I'm so sorry, it really sucks.
@emunahohr9734 8 месяцев назад
Omg different not less is amazinggggg
@CrankyB1tsch 8 месяцев назад
you can start workung at 12, autistic or not. no wonder why you had mental issues over it
@JessChandler 8 месяцев назад
I had my first job at 12… worked up until I was 19 in corporate jobs when I hit a massive bump
@CrankyB1tsch 8 месяцев назад
@@JessChandler i made a typo. i meant you CANNOT start working at that age. it's not sane
@JessChandler 7 месяцев назад
I definitely agree with you. I don’t think it should be allowed however, little autistic me saw the fact I was finally a “big person” by being able to get a job so I jumped into it but I 100% agree with you, I should’ve been told that it wasn’t a good idea. Also I did get this sense of pride from others for having a job at such a young age so I also feel like I was attached to that feeling of people being proud of me almost?? I’m not sure if that makes sense but I feel there needs to be more education out there surrounding the right age to start working and how to go into working on a much more gentle aspect for young young people (under 16/16-18) ☺️
@gristlevonraben 8 месяцев назад
i wrote a book of etiquette for my fellow autistics, on wordpress, gristle von raben's book of etiquette, its posted in chapters, i don't sell or advertise anything
@asrimaeking 8 месяцев назад
my tbr just got wayyyyy longer