Jerry Lee Colbert
Jerry Lee Colbert
Jerry Lee Colbert
Welcome to my blog, where I discuss on a daily basis a dramatic shift in my life in relation to diet and wellbeing. Come along for the ride as I explore my desire to live a more healthy lifestyle and live a life that is pleasing to God.
The Word "Keep" in Revelation 3:10
4 часа назад
The End Times Revealed
4 часа назад
The Chosen TV Series Cast Sing Bon Jovi
12 часов назад
The Chosen Deception Exposed: Episode 1
12 часов назад
Don't Be Afraid: Redemption is Near!
Месяц назад
@elliott9139 Минуту назад
Itll be peaceful when Jesus returns. It wont be in a time of war.
@Ezekiel33-345 17 минут назад
The Bible reveals Jesus is returning in 2030. View: Messiah2030
@stevedeoss1214 22 минуты назад
If you want to vote for Kamalatadingdong vote for it Trump still has mine.
@jbackus9662 35 минут назад
If u knew the truth you'd know there's no such thing as a rapture NOT EVEN IN THE BIBLE
@ozzyvasil1688 50 минут назад
you should study the bible
@ozzyvasil1688 52 минуты назад
1Th 5:5 Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. 416 children of darkens only ?
@johnnychcr Час назад
You've changed my mind, I'm voting for Kamala now...
@thetennessean1589 2 часа назад
THANK YOU SO MUCH BROTHER! This is the inspiration i need. For the past 2 1/2 years since Christ has found me, I have been struggling so much. I I know I'm not supposed to talk about it, and I'm not bragging I promise, but I just started fasting again after a long time not doing it, and i can alryfeel god reaching out to me again, and i didnt even do it to get closer to god, but it did help. You are just what I was looking for, the sign i needed but was to scared to ask for. God is amazing and i hope anyone reading this will come to know christ and love him as he loves them. God bless you brother.
@mikeservon4456 2 часа назад
Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world to test those who live on the earth. Revelation.. What hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world is He keeping us from then? Secondly its called jacobs trouble, jacob referring to the remnant of jews God will be focusing on during this period of time. Why would he put born again believers through the tribulation? It makes literally no sense. The whole point of the apocalypse ( to reveal) is to reveal the truth to those who were either ignorant of it , were unsure and never really care to look into it and for those who were brought up in false religion or false belief systems. That is why many are saved during this time. The pre trib rapture also makes the most sense when you considee the fact it is the event that will initiate all the remaining things. It will also provoke the jews to jealousy additionally it will serve as a testament to all the people that knew about Christ but never believed, especially to family and friends of believers that never believed they are going to ve faced with the shock of a lifetime and at the same time be given irrefutable proof the gospel is true and Jesus is Lord and all they heard over the years yet didnt believe was and is true. So when presented with the soon coming mark of the beast they will all refuse and happily go to the guillotines knowing personally family that was rapture and disappeared in front of them confirming all tht was preached.. lastly we are saved by grace through faith, He made it simple so if a person is born again and confesses Jesus is Lord why would the Lord need or desire to put believers ( in this specific instance the gentile bride ) through all that nonsense.. remember we are not appointed to wrath.... Hope this helped however if you want to be here for that all power to ya and im sure the Lord will oblige however for me and my house we shall be at the wedding supper...much love...
@AS-mm3wi 4 часа назад
Politics, at least when there are only two choices that have a chance of winning, is the lesser of two evils. Someone looking for a perfect candidate is as deluded as a Marxist thinking mankind will create a utopia on earth. So you can sit at home and not vote because you're looking for perfection or you can choose the lesser of two evils. If that lesser of two evils keeps one child from being butchered by a public school system that supports and enables "changing genders", it was the best of the two choices. If the lesser of two evils leaves you with more of your own hard earned money to support missions and missionary work or provide for your family, it was the best of the two choices. If the lesser of two evils deters wars that slaughter tens of thousands of innocents, it was the best of the two choices. And I would remind the content creator that if God were as insistent on perfection as he seems to be, we wouldn't have needed a savior. Thankfully God isn't insistent because not one of us would make the cut, would we?
@franko2224 4 часа назад
This looks like another mixed up video. The time of the tribulation is known in the Bible as Jacob's trouble. Who's jacob? Israel. in that time. God deals with the nation of Israel and the unbelieving world the church is home in heaven. remember Jesus said because you have kept the word of my patience I will keep you from the hour of tribulation that will come on all the world. From not through.
@PraiseTheKing77 4 часа назад
@lindsay-ontario 5 часов назад
Firstly I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. He died for my sins and by His most precious blood they are washed away. I do believe in a pre-tribulation rapture of the church, the body of believers because it lines up with all scripture. My life right now is do do His will, reaching out to the lost and perishing with the gospel message, the good news about Jesus. You don't have to wait till the 7 year tribulation to do His work, the time is now while we still have time. When the first seal is opened by Jesus after receiving the scroll from His Father, the anti-christ is revealed. This one world dictator is who God allows to rule over the whole world to all who have rejected Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Read just the opening of the first 4 seals and you will find so much death and destruction that 1/4 of the world's population is killed (Rev 6:1-8). Luke 17, Matthew 24, is not talking about the rapture at all as the Apostle Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 15: 51 that he is revealing a mystery. This means Jesus did not discuss the rapture in the Olivet discourse. Please read and understand your Bible. The Apostle Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 15:50-58 and again in 1 Thes 4:13-18 that there is a generation that will not see death. We are transformed in an instant in the twinkling of an eye to meet our Lord and Saviour Jesus in the air. This is not the same event as Jesus' second coming to the earth, when every eye will see him (Rev 1:7) as He returns to the Mount of Olives (Zechariah 14:4) and it spits in two. Still to happen in the future as the Mount of Olives is still together. I am a brother in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I am not an enemy of the gospel because I believe His return is soon to gather His church, the body of believers.
@virusx3techno 5 часов назад
Some people were meant to be post tribulation saints: if that’s in your heart that’s what will happen. God doesn’t punish those who always loved him.
@twinsrider1 6 часов назад
Federal laws don't change the heart of citizens, Jesus does.
@jerryleecolbert 6 часов назад
@prophetbradley5048 7 часов назад
@scottbee6638 8 часов назад
There are too many verses that point to it. You’re wrong homie, but hey… we’ll all laugh about it in heaven while we watch the tribulation. :)
@jerryleecolbert 6 часов назад
So what are the verse that point to it?
@scottbee6638 5 часов назад
Also… you are misrepresenting the “last trumpet” …. the Rev 11 trumpet (7th/last of the tribulation trumpets) is mid-tribulation. After the 7 trumpets is the 7 bowls of wrath. Matthew 24:29-31 is after the tribulation…. How do you rectify this?
@brotherinchrist72 Час назад
@@jerryleecolbert You already know them, because you seem very determined to put down and prove wrong those who trust in God's word. There are others here commenting in a hostile manner towards other Christians who do believe in it, and you seem to support those positions with your little heart replies, such as the one above whom declared that those of us who trust in God's word are believing in a lie and are deceived. So I will encourage you like I did the others, which is to earnestly ask God every day from this day forth, that you are left behind in the pre-trib rapture, because you do not believe in His word, and you believe we are being lied to and deceived. I honestly would not want to see anyone do this, but with the amount of animosity I see coming from those who do not agree with those who believe in the pre-trib to openly rebuke them in the manner they are, I have no other choice but to wish them the best and encourage them to ask God to leave them behind, since they want nothing to do with the pre-trib rapture and want to actually experience the literal hell on earth that will happen during the tribulation.
@dustinpotter8312 8 часов назад
Appearing versus coming is a good point. Partial first resurrection rapture teaching is that they will serve with the Lord when they come back to earth with him. Revelation 20:4-6 totally debunks that false teaching. Those who serve with Jesus during the millennium are all martyrs. There is no second half resurrection within 3 1/2 or 7 years. Verse 5 of the Rev 20:4-6 passage says the rest of the dead are not raised until the thousand years i ended. Rapturist's are not the only ones getting the resurrections wrong though. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 uses a term "in" (as asleep "in" Jesus" and dead "in" Christ. Matthew 10:32-33 is a statement in the judgment (as in last day resurrection/second death and white throne judgment) how Jesus will confess to his Father in heaven those that confessed him and reject and not confess to his Father in heaven those who would not confess him. Jesus will not resurrect those who will be rejected to wait for a thousand years in the presence of God the Father and Christ in his "glory." Verse 6 of the Revelation 20:4-6 passage says those who are resurrected in the first resurrection are holy and blessed as if they have already been judged. In actuality the blessing of Revelation 20:6 is announced in Revelation 14:13. In the Revelation 14:13 passage 'a voice from heaven' says "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from henceforth" signifying those who are killed for their testimony and the word of God they defended to the death. Continuing on in that verse the Spirit states "their works will follow them. (Strong's [Gr] #190> means accompany them, as travel companions on a journey). In defense of him self Paul states in Acts 24:14-15 that there will be a resurrection of the just and the unjust. When Jesus returns he will reign for a thousand years. Zechariah 14:16-19 and Isaiah 65:17-25 are glimpses of the world in Jesus millennial reign. People will live and die and be born and some will sin and some will be righteous. They will also be judged on that "last day of the just and unjust." That last day comes after the devil is released from the bottomless pit and raises his final army to fight against Jesus and the saints. That happens in Revelation 20:7-10. Immediately after that Revelation 20:11-15 is the white throne judgment also called the second death in Revelation 21:8. But those who were in the first resurrection will not be judged then because their works are not in the books everybody else is judged by. Revelation 20:12. For further proof there is a difference between the saints of the first resurrection and those who will become confessed by the Lord read Revelation 3:1-6. Some who thought they were going to make it will not.
@anselpronk8779 9 часов назад
Love the simple clarity you bring.
@MaleBMW 9 часов назад
I am beginning to think this is the apostasy of the end times. People get violent if you are not pre trrib rapture. It is arrogance of the Church
@jerryleecolbert 5 часов назад
Yeah, I agree.
@MC-iw6nv 13 часов назад
The Scofield Bible written by Zionist Rev. Cyrus Ingerson Scofield is not a bible. The Pre-tribulation eschatological view is a satanic zionist Masonry heretical lie.. Matt 24:29 " Immediately after the tribulation of those days"..
@robertknox7050 15 часов назад
Pre tribers want to hold on to the lie is because they have been deceived into believing the lie to be true. They have disobeyed Christ’s command to “let no one deceive you”, thus becoming unrighteous because of disobedience and now falling back into the bondage of sin they have separated themselves from Christ and are now grieving the Holy Spirit and are in need of repentance.
@brotherinchrist72 Час назад
Not sure why any true born again Christian would want to put down other Christians for believing in the scriptures that support the rapture before the tribulation begins. The only thing I would encourage you and others like you who seem so adamant about the pre-trib rapture being a lie and deception, is to pray and ask God every day, that you be left behind, so that when it does happen, you can believe the great delusion that comes over the world that explains away the pre-trib rapture.
@paultimson6674 20 часов назад
rosh Hashana is always Libra day one. its a moving feast day. HIDDEN. by the nature of space-time, it was at Oct 30 120yrs ago, oct29 240 yrs ago. this year its at Oct 31st. Halloween. TRICK or TREAT? well for me, its a treat. bye bye plonkers. Lets see if you make it through to the other side?
@corymccutchan5098 23 часа назад
It is the fruit of the Calvary Chapel movement, with Greg Laurie leading the charge. The sad thing is; as the years have gone by the crazy Squirrels are come out everywhere looking for more nuts. Hebrews 9:28 And unto them that look for him shall he appear a second time without sin unto salvation. The writer wasn't lying to the people back then. Many saw his appearing and rejoiced. Rapture Squirrels look for an event, and not Jesus Christ.
@the_jeremiah_16_19_project 23 часа назад
You are right, sir. As it says in Matthew 24:29-31 "Immediateltely AFTER the tribulation of those days...the angels will gather the elect. Pre-tribbers will then claim that 'the elect' means Israel. It does, but if we are not grafted into Israel, we are not partakers of the new covenant. Jeremiah 31:31 and Hebrews 8:8 say the new covenant is with Israel and Judah. No Gentiles are there. Every time the word 'elect' is used in the NT, it is referring to those who believe in Jesus. EVERY TIME. Thank you for your message. Stay strong and prepare.
@corymccutchan5098 День назад
One of the things we miss, when we do not walk in the spirit; is where Martha says of Lazarus being dead; is when Jesus says: he will rise again. She says that she knows he will rise again on the "last day". Jesus expounded on something that we just bypass with a faint acknowledgement, when he says "I Am the Resurrection and the life". Well to put it bluntly; if you want to know about the last day; you might want to be raised now by his word!
@jerryleecolbert День назад
@@corymccutchan5098 Amen
@alanlierz3745 День назад
Why do they hold onto the lie? The love to have their ears tickled
@brotherinchrist72 Час назад
Why are you so aggressive against Christians who believe in the pre-trib rapture? We love to have our ears tickled?? This saying applies to those who follow a false gospel, who want to live in sin and thus, surround themselves with false teachers that bend and twist and pervert the word of God. I hope you are not implying that those who believe in the pre-trib rapture and the passages that support this, are some how believing in a false gospel that will lead them to hell, are you? If you truly believe the pre-trib belief is evil and corrupted and a lie and deception, then I would encourage you to pray to our Lord God every day, from this day forth, asking him for guidance and ask him to let you stay behind when the pre-trib rapture takes place, because you want no part in the "lie and deception".
@alanlierz3745 54 минуты назад
@@brotherinchrist72 just preachers who pervert the text reading false ideas into the Bible, leads to all kinds of calamity. They fail to teach people how to read the word and they learn to love the tickle. The pretrib teaching is a distraction to the gospel.
@brotherinchrist72 23 минуты назад
​@@alanlierz3745 I will respectfully disagree, as we have a lot of evidence in the scripture that support the rapture. All I can do is encourage folks to spend time researching the word and the passages that support the rapture, which anyone can google today and find many God fearing pastors talk on this very thing.
@alanlierz3745 5 минут назад
@@brotherinchrist72 that’s my point exactly, you pointed me to google not the scripture. God fearing pastors that wrongly teach the Bible need to quit googling and start reading
@pretribtruth День назад
Here is another way to show it The ones taken were the ones who were destroyed. You definitely don't want to part of the taken. Mat 24:38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, Mat 24:39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Luk 17:27 They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. Luke 17:27 combines Matt 24:38-39 making it clear the ones taken were the ones destroyed. Peace, PTT
@shaunclarkson7131 6 часов назад
"The ones taken were the ones who were destroyed." Naw, that doesn't make sense. If the context is the return of Christ, then the return of Christ is clearly covered in Matt 24 Matthew 24:31 And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. The lord comes, sends his angels to "gather together His elect from the four winds", thus the rapture. 38 is talking about the Wrath those who are not taken are going to suffer. Fortunately for all unbelieving humanity, they also have Joel 2 pointing to the day of the lord 31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, And the moon into blood, Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord. 32 And it shall come to pass That whoever calls on the name of the Lord Shall be saved. All who call on the name of the lord, even for the first time, and even on the day of the lord which is clear from the context, shall be saved. Those who call after they see him and the wrath is starting, will be saved. Who else but those could possibly be those who fulfill the restored land prophesies in Isiah etc. Isaiah 11:6 “The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, The leopard shall lie down with the young goat, The calf and the young lion and the fatling together; And a little child shall lead them. Or Zechariah 12:10 “And I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication; then they will look on Me whom they pierced. Yes, they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for Him as one grieves for a firstborn. Revelation 1:7 Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen.
@pretribtruth 6 часов назад
@@shaunclarkson7131 Mat 24:39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. This is Matthew 24. Luke 17 is another version of the same story. Luk 17:27 They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. Luke 17 is a parallel account of Matt 24. The only difference in the luke account is that he says destroyed rather than taken. Otherwise the facts are the same. Both are talking about the return of Jesus being compared to the days of Noah and Lot. Neither Noah or Lot left this earth. They both experienced the wrath of God but yet were not subject to that same wrath. Noah floated on the very waters of wrath and Lot was so close to the wrath that when his wife turned to look back at the destruction she was turned to a pillar of salt. Luk 17:27 They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. Luk 17:29 But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Luk 17:30 Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed. The wrath was poured out on the very same day that Noah entered the ark and the very same day that Lot was led away from the wrath poured out behind him. They didn't leave 7 years early they left the same day the wrath was poured out. Rev 16:15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. Rev 16:16 And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. Just as Rev 16 lays out. Rapture followed by wrath near the end of the bowl judgments. Peace, PTT
@kmcdonne71 День назад
You can’t even pronounce it right. Sorry, no credibility. Zero.
@terijean6351 День назад
Chapter and verse? 2 Corinthians 13:1 “By the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established.” At least 2 verses that back that up.
@jerryleecolbert День назад
Well, there is a lot of scripture, but if 2 is all you need, so be it. 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4 & Matthew 24:29-31
@psalmistdavy5626 День назад
This is a topic that takes more heat than most. You are spot on though. Yahushua said "Father, I pray you do not take them out of the world but that you give them all they need to overcome it." We are here till the end and I would want it no other way! How else could I possibly get the crown of life which is the best out of the 5 we can get! There is only one other topic that gets more heat and that is that His Commandments still stand as valid as at creation and all will be judged by them. Yahushua said to those who did miracles in His Name to depart as He never knew them. Obviously, they knew Him but did not do His Will which is to walk in His Commandments.
@annamariarosas4583 День назад
Quit lying your obviously a unbeliever
@ellengidman5123 День назад
And your evidence???
@jerryleecolbert День назад
The Word of God.
@ClintonBrownell День назад
The 5th & 6th SEALS are an approximation BUT VERY CLOSE. The Six Seals of Revelation 6 may help some, so here are the 6 Seals. Seal 1 - 1066 William the Conqueror (1066 means chosen one, secret society) --this is a “pin” in the timeline, the start of Gadreel’s “reign”. --Now we move on to End Days. Seal 2 - 1914 Beginning of World Wars (WWI & WWII) (nation will fight nation) Seal 3 - 1948 Formation of Israel (Land) This is a joke to the Lord. Israel is the body of Christ not a piece of land Seal 4 - 2001 Opening of the bottomless pit in NYC. The pit was opened releasing Death and Hell. Death is the False Prophet and Hell is Apollyon Seal 5 - 2024 The 1st Resurrection (Rev 20).. Seal 6 - 2027-2028 The 2nd Death or Judgement (Rev 20). This happens 3 1/2 years after the 1st Resurrection. Mystery "Babylon" is Washington DC "Sodom" is Las Vegas "Gomorrah" is Salt Lake City "bottomless pit" is in NYC where the Twin Towers once stood, opened in 2001 (911) "ALL KINGS" of Rev 17:10-11 are American "ANTICHRIST" is American (TRUMP) "chosen root" are Americans Hope this will help some, Enoch (PROPHET) (Watchman for this LAST GENERATION)
@realEmoSedillo День назад
Rapture is a myth. Its a Protestant myth. No Protestant believed that before the 1800s.
@realEmoSedillo День назад
The real Sister Lucia of Fatima said we are living in the Last Days.
@CrisCasanovast9vx День назад
To think God would let his own son go through the worst torture imaginable,….just to save some sinning Christians? Nah, the test will be how we handle tribulation. The good will find each other and hopefully do Gods work to help others.
@jerryleecolbert День назад
@CrisCasanovast9vx День назад
“The Rise of the Little Horn” Jonathan Dane
@ChristopherAntiDumbass День назад
Day 116 on GOD's calendar, of 153 day count spring/summer Pentecost rapture. Sunday is the REAL sabbath day. Get In the Ark NOW!
@ClintonBrownell День назад
Saturday is the SABBATH not Sunday. It's the 7th Day of the week, period. Get to the ARK? The LORD said he would NEVER flood the Earth again. "Rapture" is NOT in an English Bible. There is only a 1st Resurrection & 2nd Death. The "word" Rapture is used to "confuse" discernment. You seem to be lost on all accounts. Enoch (PROPHET)
@Starwarra День назад
Notice Jesus’s audience!!! He is speaking to the Jews his disciples!! That passage is for the Jews. The whole passage is about Israel and Jerusalem and the Jews and telling them to flee!! Jesus himself said he only came for the lost house of Israel and when the Samaritan woman came to him asking to heal her demon possessed daughter, what did Jesus say??? The Rapture is not for the Jews even though there are some believing Jews that will go in the Rapture but most all Jews will be left behind. It’s the Time of Jacob’s Trouble and Daniel’s last 70th week!!! Please rightly divide the scriptures!! God Bless you!!! Go watch SoothKeeper RU-vid Channel about historians and past believers and what they write in the dead sea scrolls about the Rapture!!!
@jerryleecolbert День назад
I have watched Lee Brainard's RU-vid channel, and it is quite disheartening, as he is deceiving a lot of Christians with his non-sense.
@Starwarra День назад
@@jerryleecolbertsorry you feel that way!! I have a ton a verses from Old and New Testament to prove a pre- trib rapture! I believe in pre-trib rapture because I read the Bible on my own and see it clearly through scripture. So just like you can’t change my mind because I am planted, it sounds like you are the same in your ways. I guess we will just all wait and see!! God says to not fear over and over but if we are here during tribulation there will be much to fear no matter how much faith we have plus it says in Book of Revelation that Christians will be beheaded for their testimony. Again we will see! God Bless you!
@kettlemotofilms1497 День назад
Jesus saying that we’ll be handed over to be persecuted and put to death is pretty clear.. I feel as if all of those people who either don’t believe we’re living in the end or the ones who think they’ll be raptured before Gods wrath is poured out on the earth will be the ones to fall away. I’ve heard people use the verse of no weapon formed against me shall prosper… and it’s just frustrating cause how can you even say you believe when you aren’t even willing to be put to death for him? Some people think that “God would never put me thru something like that…” well why did all of the disciples get brutally killed then? Christians during the time of Rome were being burned at the stake and mauled by lions for entertainment.. and you think you won’t have to go thru anything? What a faith.
@perma45ACP День назад
RU-vid has been throwing end times videos at me for the past 2 days like its going out of style. The Lord may be returning very soon. Heads up, Satan Loses
@the_jeremiah_16_19_project 23 часа назад
He is not coming until the end of the great tribulation. When the beast is identified by sitting in the Temple of YHVH, we have 3 and a half years left.
@perma45ACP 21 час назад
@PETERJOHN101 20 часов назад
​@@the_jeremiah_16_19_project The final temple is the Messianic temple in Ezekiel, it cannot be desecrated by the Antichrist because Jesus must occupy it when he returns. Daniel 9:27 is about the cutting off of Messiah which brought the oblation to an end at the middle of the 70th Week. That is why John does not describe the Abomination of Desolation in Chapter 11 where the temple is discussed. He sees no altar defilement, no Antichrist standing in the temple, and no animal sacrifice. The AOD was abominations (plural) and happened in 70 AD and in 135 AD when the foundation stones were pulled from beneath the city and the temple, exactly as Jesus said.
@perma45ACP 20 часов назад
@@the_jeremiah_16_19_project ❤️❤️❤️
@perma45ACP 20 часов назад
@@PETERJOHN101 Thank you for sharing the direct word brother
@cyndilawhorn17 День назад
Believing u won't be here for the tribulation only makes u fail to prepare yourself emotionally, spiritually, and physically. We're we not going to be here, Jesus would've had no cause to tell of of the signs and give us warnings. ❤
@Jahson70 9 часов назад
_"Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man."_ *Luke 21 v 36* _"Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth."_ *Revelation 3 v 10*
@BWV88 День назад
I used to think the rapture was going to happen before the tribulations and part of me still hopes it will, but I've already made peace with the possibility that since Jesus died for us the first time, perhaps it may be our turn to die for him this time. . Also, not a popular theory, but just like you, i don't care what others think because i feel the truth of this in my heart. Either way, my eyes are focused on heaven and I pray for God's will to be done. . May God bless you for making this video. I pray it reaches those who need it most.
@thedoctorkellyshow5252 День назад
Pre trib is silly, when it doesn't happen many will fall away from the faith.
@kettlemotofilms1497 День назад
@DianaSzucs-jv7yo День назад
1)Those in Jerusalem must flee because the Abomination is set up IN JERUSALEM! Only the ones within hearing of the Image have to bow to it! Nobody in Montana will be able to hear the (MINARET?) call to prayer to a false god. 2) Will the AC claim to BE YHVH? I know the passage reads, "Showing himself that he is God." BUT the phrase, "Showing himself that he is God" can also mean to blaspheme, rebel, or insult God. This seems more likely as in Daniel we see that the Beast will speak terrible blasphemies against the Most High. So, would he say YHVH is terrible, and then claim to BE that God? Joel Richardson has put forth the idea that the because the first thing armies did when they won a victory over another land/nation the first thing they did was to either destroy or take over the temple(s) in order to show the people that their god(s) was/were superior to the god(s) of the conquered people. So, perhaps the Beast will sit in the Temple to show Himself (or his "God of Fortresses/war) Superior to YHVH.
@markblevins2435 День назад
Dont just say it back up why
@jerryleecolbert День назад
There are several reasons that would be too long for a RU-vid Short. However, I will be creating some long form content that will dive into the reasons why.
@mftatvop День назад
HalleluYah Amein. It’s incredibly difficult to find any teaching that doesn’t promote rapture
@arthurfleck42 День назад
Which verse says the GT is not God’s wrath?
@jerryleecolbert День назад
Unbelievable. Does God have to spell out everything for you? You are truly deceived.
@arthurfleck42 День назад
@@jerryleecolbert when is God's wrath?
@jerryleecolbert День назад
@@arthurfleck42 If you are speaking about 1 Thessalonians 5:9, then God's wrath is on the unbelievers in the Lake of Fire at the end.
@revelationminister1910 День назад
One thing I believe the Holy Spirit was showing me in regards to Revelation 3:10 is when pretribulation teachers uses that verse for proof, it is taken out of context from Revelation 3:9 which depicts that the trial coming upon the whole world will be at a time after the millennial reign when Satan is released to deceive once more (the trial). Then the Judgement follows with the opening of the books. The millennial reign would be the only time ever when the Lord would have those who claim to be Jews and are not "worship at our feet"; it would be when we rule as priests and kings over them with Jesus. All who rule with Jesus will already have incorruptible bodies and cannot be deceived; so therefore are kept from the hour of trial.