
Is Your Salvation Really Secure? Find Out the Truth! - Episode 1 

Jerry Lee Colbert
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Is your salvation truly secure? In this thought-provoking video, we explore the profound and sometimes complex nature of salvation according to Scripture. We'll dive into Ephesians 2:8-9 and discuss the assurance of salvation through faith in Christ. But is it really that simple? While the gift of salvation is secure in Jesus, the Bible also calls us to perseverance and active faith. Join us as we examine the balance between God's grace and our responsibility to maintain a living, vibrant relationship with Him.
In this episode, we answer the big question: "Is Your Salvation Really Secure?" The answer is both yes and no. Be sure to watch until the end and don't miss our upcoming deep dive into the complexity of salvation. In future episodes, we will dive deeper into God's word and explore why the "Once Saved, Always Saved" doctrine is so dangerous for professed Christians.
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Scripture References:
07:44 - Ephesians Chapter 2, Verses 8-9
09:30 - John Chapter 10, Verses 28-29
11:52 - Matthew Chapter 7, Verses 21-23
14:04 - James Chapter 1, Verses 13-15
18:15 - Hebrews Chapter 6, Verses 4-8
25:18 - Hebrews Chapter 3, Verses 12-14
29:07 - James Chapter 5, Verses 19-20
32:46 - Revelation Chapter 2, Verses 1-7
Stay blessed, and remember, God’s grace is always at work in your life. See you in the next video!
#Salvation #ChristianFaith #BibleStudy



4 окт 2024




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@time_2_get_ready 17 дней назад
The title of this video says it all - "Is Your Salvation Really Secure? YES! & NO!" Jesus on the other hand said, "Let your yes be yes and your no, no. All else is from the evil"! .
@jerryleecolbert 17 дней назад
And this is why I don't bother explaining things to you, for you don't truly understand God's word. Repent and come to the knowledge of the Truth.
@time_2_get_ready 17 дней назад
@@jerryleecolbert LOL, that's rich. You can't even provide a legitimate Testimony, are not born again and arrogantly want to teach those in whom the Spirit of Truth dwells. Save it Jerry, for those who have not received a LOVE of the Truth because God's Word says: "The anointing you received remains in you and *you do not need a MAN to teach you for the SPIRIT will be your Teacher and what He teaches is true and not false* ." The RISEN Jesus is anathema to human pride - pretty evident here. I'm not going to persist here then, since you clearly do not have a LOVE of the Truth and know only parts YOU want to believe - where YOU are "god" - you want DEATH and not life therefore have no fellowship with those IN Christ.
@vee_emm_jay_ess 29 дней назад
I agree, there is an abundance of passages that refute OSAS. Many are hidden in plain sight but this one below is the most obvious. And for someone to say "you have 300 subs and this pastor has a million" just reveals that they are hearing what their "itching ears" want to hear. Ezekiel 18:24 “But if a righteous person turns from their righteousness and commits sin and does the same detestable things the wicked person does, will they live? None of the righteous things that person has done will be remembered. Because of the unfaithfulness they are guilty of and because of the sins they have committed, they will die. Malachi 3:6 For I am the Lord, I do not change
@time_2_get_ready 20 дней назад
What are those Scriptures? If the blood of the Lamb of God, His life, death, resurrection and indwelling of His people by the Spirit is NOT sufficient to save anyone for eternity, even when Hebrews 7:25 says: "Wherefore *he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him* , seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them" then HOW can depraved flesh (carnal nature) which is by default, at enmity with God now going to CHOOSE obey God and work to 'keep' one saved and NOT rather live in it's preferred REBELLION and sin? 🤔 If, the FLESH which is by default at enmity with God and is DEAD in trespass and sin totally incapable of saving one in the first place, HOW can this same evil flesh 'KEEP' one saved AFTER receiving Christ? Certainly, "I the LORD do not change" but His COVENANTS do and so if you insult the Everlasting Covenant in Jesus' blood, then of COURSE you can fall away because you were never saved in the first place. Therefore, I remind you that in the NEW Covenant in Jesus' Blood, He SAVES, He does not LOSE and even told you when He said, "I shall lose NONE of those the Father has given Me." HOW MANY will He lose? Tell me again?
@vee_emm_jay_ess 20 дней назад
@@time_2_get_ready No He doesn't change, but we can. This is why Jesus said "I am the vine, you are the branches, you can do nothing without me, remain in me". Certainly you know the inverse to that quote. He also says "at that time, many will fall away, but He who endures to the end will be saved". Peter says "if they escape the corruption of the world, by knowing our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, and yet are entagled in it, they are worse off in the end than in the beginning". Then he quotes the proverbs "a dog returns to it's vomit, and a sow that is washed goes back to wallowing in the mud". I can go on and on but I'll let Jesus finish with this one when He said "if the Master's servant says in his heart "my Master is delaying" then he goes off to beat his servants and drink with the drunkards. The Master will come at a time when he does not know and beat His servant and assign him with the unbelievers. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth".
@time_2_get_ready 20 дней назад
@@vee_emm_jay_ess JESUS said, "I shall lose NONE of those the FATHER has given Me." Now, as back then there are FALSE christs, false jesuses and false gospels, so if you put your trust in any of those, you are certainly not saved. But don't you go telling the risen Jesus that HE is the liar for "Not all who call Lord, Lord will be saved but those who do the will of the FATHER" and what IS His will? "To believe in the One Whom He sent" "Let God be true and all men be liars" - go ahead then, follow men instead and see how far it gets you. Already you teach that there is no hope for mankind, putting yourself above God.🙄 Out of the overflow of YOUR heart, you speak"
@vee_emm_jay_ess 19 дней назад
@@time_2_get_ready I'm not speaking it, I didn't write the Bible, I'm just pointing out what it says. I'm not teaching that there is no hope, I'm simply pointing out that a person can walk away. Why do you think Jesus said in Revelation "hold fast what you've received and heard, watch therefore, otherwise I will come like a thief". That quote was for a believing church, as you well know. Peter says "there will be false teachers among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Soverign Lord who bought them", bringing swift destruction on themselves". Teachers? are Biblical teachers unbelievers? because Peter just said these teachers will receive destruction for their heresies. Jeremiah 7:9-11 “‘Will you steal and murder, commit adultery and perjury, burn incense to Baal and follow other gods you have not known, and then come and stand before me in this house, which bears my Name, and say, “We are safe”-safe to do all these detestable things? Has this house, which bears my Name, become a den of robbers to you? But I have been watching! declares the Lord.
@time_2_get_ready 17 дней назад
HUH? How about the abundance of passages that SECURE one's salvation in and through Jesus Christ? Are you under the OLD Covenant or the NEW Covenant in Jesus' Blood - the Everlasting Covenant, the LAST WORD?
@time_2_get_ready 20 дней назад
How did you enter the sheepfold, Jerry Lee Colbert?
@jerryleecolbert 20 дней назад
I came to the knowledge of the truth.
@time_2_get_ready 20 дней назад
@@jerryleecolbert What does "I came to the knowledge of the Truth" mean?
@jerryleecolbert 17 дней назад
It means what it means.
@time_2_get_ready 20 дней назад
The fact that Jerry constantly refers to 'YOUR PASTOR'(teaching you wrong things) reveals that HE thinks he is the pastor of all pastors and you should be listening to him instead. However, the Word says, "The anointing you received remains in you and *you do not need a man to teach you for the SPIRIT will be your Teacher and what HE teaches is true and not false* ." "Free will" is a false doctrine too, Jerry. Pray tell, how can "YOU" have 'free will' when 'the devil has blinded the minds of unbelievers..." (and how can they save themselves by choosing God, in that case?) when, "We have the mind of Christ", when if we receive not a love of the Truth, God Himself will send a strong delusion that people believe a lie? When, we are "dead to the world but alive to Christ" and we are conformed to the likeness of Christ?
@time_2_get_ready 17 дней назад
COME ON all you naysayers! Why won't you address the many questions I have for you? Such as: If the blood of the Lamb of God, His life, death, resurrection and indwelling of His people by the Spirit is NOT sufficient to save anyone for eternity, even when Hebrews 7:25 says: "Wherefore *he is able also to save them to the UTTERMOST that come unto God by him* , seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them" then HOW can depraved flesh (carnal nature) which is by default, at enmity with God now going to CHOOSE obey God and work to 'keep' one saved and NOT rather live in it's preferred REBELLION and sin? If, the FLESH which is by default at enmity with God and is DEAD in trespass and sin totally incapable of saving one in the first place, HOW can this same evil flesh 'KEEP' one saved AFTER receiving Christ? Certainly, "I the LORD do not change" but His COVENANTS do and so if you insult the Everlasting Covenant in Jesus' blood, then of COURSE you can fall away because you were never saved in the first place. Therefore, I remind you that in the NEW Covenant in Jesus' Blood, He SAVES, He does not LOSE and even told you when He said, "I shall lose NONE of those the Father has given Me." HOW MANY will He lose? Tell me again?
@jerryleecolbert 17 дней назад
You don't understand scripture or the power of the sacrifice on calvary. Many times God warns us, and yet, we still choose to believe preachers instead of God.
@time_2_get_ready 17 дней назад
@@jerryleecolbert SURELY you jest! >> *I*
@time_2_get_ready 20 дней назад
Hogwash. "YOU" cannot "walk away from the faith" 😳 It is somewhat alarming that you really believe that, "YOU" can UNDO what Jesus has done and "YOU" are more powerful than God (even the devil and all the demons in hell 😳) Wow, just Who/What do you think the Lord Jesus Christ is? Doesn't HE tell us, "If a man owns an hundred sheep and one of them wanders away, *will he not leave the ninety nine in the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off?* *And WHEN he finds it, I tell you the TRUTH, he is HAPPIER ABOUT THAT ONE SHEEP than about the ninety nine that did not wander off."* In the same way, *Your Father in Heaven is NOT WILLING that any of these little ones should be lost* ." So, The Father DOESN'T get what He wants now? Jesus SEEKS and does not find?? Some of us are DEAD to the world but alive to Christ. If Jesus is IN US, how/why would HE deny Himself and "walk away from the faith"? We read also that when Lazarus was taken up to Abraham's side and the rich man went down to hell that there is a CHASM between them which NEITHER one of them can cross to go to the other. My "pastor" doesn't "brainwash" me with these things but My RISEN Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ has wonderfully blessed me with the Spirit of Truth and I know God is SOVEREIGN, so that counts "YOU" out.
@jerryleecolbert 20 дней назад
None of what you said, has any bearing on anything. This is why I am putting out these videos, because of what you just stated, which does not prove anything, and is a complete misunderstanding of who Jesus is and what scripture truly says. If your pastor is teaching you these things, I would run, and find a church that teaches you the truth. There are so many scriptures in the Bible that show that one can indeed walk away from the faith that if I were to write it all down here, you would spend hours trying to read it all.
@time_2_get_ready 20 дней назад
@@jerryleecolbert So, "Out of the overflow of the HEART come the words that men shall speak", therefore, let's see what is in your heart then: 1. *"None of what you said, has any bearing on anything"* Ridiculous superlatives and a straight out *lie* 😨. Most of what I have just said is the Word of God and your shocking disregard and contradiction of such is alarming. Rather than agreeing WITH the Word of God and then counter-arguing WITH the Word, you simply right it off as nothing. HOWEVER, any issue you can name and any standpoint a person wants to take, can be 'proven' by Scripture (even the devil USES the Word to try and lead people astray) - there are Scriptures that will support ANYTHING and so once again, GOD is Sovereign, not man at the end of the day and He knows those who are HIS. As it is written in Hebrews 7:25 *"Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them."* "If God be for us, who can be against us?" 2. *"This is why I am putting out these videos, because of what you just stated, which does not prove anything"* And who are you, Jerry? So you need hours of your own productions to 'prove' that you are privy to some extraordinary knowledge to teach that Jesus is not powerful enough to SAVE to the utmost those who come to Him, proving that you promote DEATH, not life since, "NO good thing dwells in the FLESH" yet you keep appealing to the FLESH to "keep" one saved, AFTER they have RECEIVED Christ. Thus giving more power and authority to YOURSELF than the atoning sacrifice of Jesus. 3. *"is a complete misunderstanding of who Jesus is"* a) The Jesus of the Bible (YHWH in the flesh - the only begotten Son of God) baptised me in the Spirit, 32 years ago. b) I bear the Testimony of Jesus c) Have been born again not of corruptible Seed but IN corruptible seed. d) Confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh e) "They overcame the accuser of the brethren by the Word of their Testimony and by the blood of the Lamb. 4) *"If your pastor is teaching you these things, I would run, and find a church that teaches you the truth."* a) I have already told you, I do not have a "pastor" but am taught by the risen Jesus alone and His Spirit of Truth. Jesus is NOT part of a 'denomination' or 'church' but is the Way, the Truth and the Life and it is written, "THIS is eternal life - to have an (experiential) knowledge of the One True God and Jesus Christ Whom He has sent." Are you suggesting then, that I join YOUR 'church' and believe every word you say as a little 'pastor' of your own? 5) *"There are so many scriptures in the Bible that show that one can indeed walk away from the faith that if I were to write it all down here, you would spend hours trying to read it all."* So why didn't you POST just a few of these, instead of ranting on about your own opinions and directing others to your OWN laborious videos? However, those who can walk away from the faith were NEVER known by God to begin with. Jesus told us when He said, "Depart from Me you workers of lawlessness for I NEVER knew you" - He didn't say I once knew you then, discarded you! 6) Please EXPLAIN Jesus words: "I shall lose NONE of those the FATHER has given Me."? 7) If you are a parent of children, with your outlook, I truly pity the children for if they had ever left home/gone astray, you would not have gone to look for them and even killed them if you did find them! 😲
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