The 7th Rule
The 7th Rule
The 7th Rule
"The 7th Rule" is a Star Trek podcast, co-hosted by Deep Space Nine's Cirroc Lofton ("Jake Sisko") and producer, Ryan T. Husk.
We review all Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episodes as well as all episodes from new Star Trek series -- DSC, PIC, LDS, PRO, and SNW.

Also featuring tons of legendary guests from DS9 and all new Star Trek series.
@annmarie6985 21 минуту назад
Lwaxana!!!! 🤩😍😍😍😍😍
@opaopri_aka_LostLenore 21 час назад
"It wasn't a mountain but Faith Hill" That's hilarious, Ryan! I keep cackling at your amazing puns! They're just my thing. And reading the live chats is always so fun too, even though they happened years ago. I love getting to enjoy all this extra entertaining stuff, in addition to the great reviews. Thank you guys!
@starwolven День назад
Oh thank God Star Trek: Burnham is over! It won't be missed (although Voyager-J was kinda cool...)
@marcobaker1475 4 часа назад
Yes it will
@cloeye32 День назад
The actors weren’t available that’s why they weren’t around for the majority of the season
@opaopri_aka_LostLenore День назад
Thank you guys so, so much for this review! Very interesting discussions. I can see most points that people shared, but given how many trans friends I have, my main focus was on 'how would a trans person feel about this episode?' I understand things were very different back then and I myself didn't even know what being trans means when this episode aired. But watching it in 2024, I can't help it. It makes mockery of being trans. Even though I did enjoy the fact that Quark had to become someone he exploits. Thank you Tim for sharing that you have a trans kid. You did a great job being a good parent of a trans kid, I was very happy to see that. I wish every trans person had a supportive parent like you! ♥🏳‍⚧
@opaopri_aka_LostLenore 2 дня назад
I love this episode! And oh my goodness, William Sadler was in the live chat, that's so cool and awesome!
@opaopri_aka_LostLenore 2 дня назад
Phew what an episode. I wonder, did people rate this one so low because they felt so uncomfortable about what happened in it? It's a very important episode though and I really appreciate that they could make one like this. About Kira trying to kill her mom, I think she knew she wasn't really in the past, but it was just an Orb experience thingy. Or at least that's how I always saw it. And I'm very prone to thinking that the importance of people in my life isn't measured by whether they're blood relatives or not. I understand trying to kill the person who gave birth to you is a very extreme idea to most people, but I don't think it's impossible in Kira's situation, given her history. Also, thank you Tierney for talking about how this kind of stuff still happens today! I very much appreciated everything she said! A lot of thoughts and a lot of emotions! Thank you guys, once again!
@cheryal2809 2 дня назад
This show is over?! Nooooooooo!!!! It always takes me a few seasons to get on board with new Star Trek series. And even some of the movies. I have just been buying the DVD or BLU-Ray when they come out for years! I *will* have all of the Star Trek series and movies before all is said and done with! It tasks me! I will chase them 'round the moons of Antares and Perdition's Flame!! It *tasks* me!!! (I'm loving Strange New Worlds.) [I LOVE Deep Space 9 and I LOVE Lower Decks, too! Great chat guys, thanks❣🖖]
@daveagreg 2 дня назад
Great review and sendoff for the ending of DIS. It was a rough ride at points, but a satisfying finale. I really enjoyed seeing Michael and Book's life (and her son, Leto) but I totally understand folks wanting to see more of a verbal, extended good byes from the crew. I felt I wanted more there too 🙂. Overall, a solid episode making TNG and ENT connections and leaving open possibilities for continuing stories with some of the crew! Thanks @The7thRule ! ❤💛💙🤓🖖🏾
@montanawardog 2 дня назад
Gonna miss this show, it was definitely too short for me. Yes, we get cinematic quality shows, but we never get those sweet little fillers that often outshine the regular line in the end. So it goes. I am going to miss no more episodes of this show, that it too me more than a minute to get on board with, but ultimately, I sponsored this review. Much love to our hosts and in the LIVE Chat, #ChatPack, The Next Generation of #ChatFam!!
@TheRealSnowCat 2 дня назад
Thanks to T7R for another fantastic review! Discovery as a whole had some flaws, but this season was mostly fantastic, and I'll be forever grateful that it re-launched Star Trek on the small screen!
@NickBusbeeFunkSchoolRadio 2 дня назад
Ten shows per season was not enough content for me to develop a liking for most of the characters on this show. Except for the female captain at the beginning of the series. I don't remember the actor's name, but she had a twin opposite in the other universe. I genuinely liked her character. The rest of them seemed to be role players in comparison to her character. lol Even though I don't remember her real name or her character's name right now. But the special effects on this series was off the chain. Overall I thought this series didn't reflect the "military" tradition of Star Fleet. The airhead / genius character that stuttered whenever every nano second supposedly counts seemed silly, for a character who is supposed to have military training. I mostly watched because at least it wasn't a cartoon, and for the special effects. The story lines were okay. But the dialog was often silly and interjected at times that seemed totally out of sync with many of the situations they were in.
@starwolven День назад
Sonequa Martin-Green is a bad actress - and a Walking Dead extra who didn't last too long on that series. As a captain she had the tendency to yelp or bark orders like a dog.
@annmarie6985 2 дня назад
@opaopri_aka_LostLenore 2 дня назад
"Because you're Worf it" That would so make me buy whatever it was they were selling!
@opaopri_aka_LostLenore 2 дня назад
How interesting to hear from David Livingston! I'm binging these episodes years later but I'm enjoying them so much. At the risk of sounding like a broken record; thank you guys so much for doing this!
@section9ishikawa 2 дня назад
"You are still fat K'mpec"
@jitmancanth6698 3 дня назад
Not surprised at the 7.1 on the IMDB scale; traditionally comedies fare worse than drama/action when it comes to criticism. But agreed that this was TNG's take on Indiana Jones, with Picard's Indy bouncing off well against Vash's Marion. All it needed was someone whip-snatching a Horgon!
@opaopri_aka_LostLenore 4 дня назад
This was so much fun, thank you again guys!
@mythdusterds 4 дня назад
I had absolutely no idea Michael Dorn appeared in this episode out of his makeup as an extra or that an Andorian appeared at Risa.
@nightdragon8364 4 дня назад
Ryan, Ryan, Ryan. When are you going to learn to write hard-to-pronounce words down phonetically, so you can at least pronounce it correctly during the broadcast? I still love the show despite your shortcomings. ❤
@awilliams1701 4 дня назад
speaking of destroying the Tox Uhtat, he said 2 second delay. That wasn't even 1 second when it blew up. lol
@awilliams1701 4 дня назад
I'm pretty sure the tox utat is new. However......Generations had trilithium bombs that do the same thing. lol
@awilliams1701 4 дня назад
"Too often" was something new I missed in previous viewings. It got a laugh out of me for sure. lol
@awilliams1701 4 дня назад
yeah patrick stewart specifically asked "get the captain laid"
@awilliams1701 4 дня назад
whoever is rating this a 7.2 needs to get some jamaheron. lol
@opaopri_aka_LostLenore 4 дня назад
Fascinating and fantastic! Both the episode and the podcast, I mean. I enjoyed this so much!
@awilliams1701 4 дня назад
It might have been a dvd extra or something I don't recall, but there was a scene where her prop wasn't working anymore. She told picard in character "I think the batteries are dead". "CUT!!!!!!!!!!! They don't have batteries!!!" LMAO
@awilliams1701 4 дня назад
I had a crush on Vash as a kid. I was excited to see her again in Buffy as one of Buffy's teachers.
@awilliams1701 4 дня назад
Chip was a great guest, but once I saw the vorgons I'm like.....dammit we just had westmore on last week I think this would have been an awesome alien to talk about.
@susanscott8653 5 дней назад
A fun episode this one. One odd thing I noticed - Vash said taking the Ferengi's gold (latinum?) was the only way she could afford to get to Risa. I know the Ferengi still use currency, but does Risa? Is it only the transport that costs? I have questions. I liked the design of the Vorgons. The makeup was wonderful. The costumes in this episode were...interesting. The way PS arranged himself in that chair was hilarious. 😆 Catch you next week.
@cherylannratcliffe2269 5 дней назад
Enjoy revisiting episode with numerous perspectives.🤣
@daveagreg 5 дней назад
Super guest Chip Chalmers graced us with his presence for this episode! Certainly memorable and fun! Thanks @The7thRule ! ❤💛💙🤓🖖🏾
@montanawardog 5 дней назад
A great review to enjoy with #ChatPack in the Live Chat, although I only showed up at the end, still an epic time! I always find this one to be very fun, in spite of Ryan's obsession with Picard's attire. I too enjoy a book of paper along with a fine Nicaraguan cigar and a Dr Pepper.
@johndavis6119 5 дней назад
Great episode
@annmarie6985 5 дней назад
Amazing guest!!!!
@3fatlobsters 5 дней назад
Yay, Risa!
@DanielFXStaal_The_Black_Doors 5 дней назад
best son in startrek Jake <3 you
@opaopri_aka_LostLenore 5 дней назад
I think this is an important episode and I personally like it. You guys brought up some really good points, thank you for that. I'm one of those people that most people would label as different, or at least that's what I would assume. I suffer from several mental illnesses and I'm queer, so I have been othered a lot and I'm always interested in seeing depictions of so called different people, and how they are being treated.
@opaopri_aka_LostLenore 5 дней назад
That was so interesting, thanks guys!
@hangontravellers2584 6 дней назад
I literally just watched this episode today. weird how the universe works.
@GRIZZLYSGEAR 6 дней назад
I know I have seen this episode before, watched all the Star Trek Series as a kid, teenager and adult, but I didn't remember this episode when I rewatched it; literally a couple of days ago. I know it's fictional, but I was shocked by the actions of these people, knowingly keeping others addicted to a false medicine, just to make a profit. Maybe I erased it from my mind, because of how the subject makes me feel. I keep on thinking about the Prime Directive and how it is tested during the series. Picard saved Wesley Crusher despite of it, but decided to try and do a balancing act by denying the supply of the coils so that the victims of the drug, could no longer pay for or have it supplied. The big problem with the Prime Directive, is it's interpretation. The point is to not cause a detriment to pre-warp civilizations, by supplying new technology they aren't ready for, or greatly interrupting their evolution through socialization and introduction of non-native concepts. Yet in a situation like this, one could argue, that they have a responsibility to help the victims here by at the very least, letting them know they are being sold a drug that they do not need, allowing them to decide for themselves; if they wanted to continue down this path. Yet, what if figuring this out for themselves and conquering the addiction strengthens them as society, allowing them to achieve more through pride of facing adversity with strength and brotherhood. Thinking too hard about this can make you dizzy. In the end, Picard made the right decision and you would hate to be in the captains chair when a situation just as challenging comes your way...
@johndavis6119 6 дней назад
Excellent review @The 7th Rule
@opaopri_aka_LostLenore 6 дней назад
@opaopri_aka_LostLenore 6 дней назад
@robmaher42 6 дней назад
I think what makes Sarek cry is hearing a piece of music by Brahms being played at a Mozart night.Or it might be a piece for a sextet being played by a quartet 😁 Great review.
@montanawardog 6 дней назад
I am very proud to have sponsored this #SundayTeaser review of this awesome TNG episode. Mark Lenard's portrayal of Sarek truly embodies the Paragon of Vulcan Logic and Thought, even if it wasn't logical to ignore health issues (hat tip to @Mark Zutikoff). Ciroc's growth as a Trekkie has been and awesome thing to watch, just another gift from our Aron Eisenberg #CNF! Great time hanging out in the Live Chat today with #ChatPack, The Next Generation of #ChatFam!!
@annmarie6985 6 дней назад
Thank YOU!!!!!!❤
@mayborello1461 6 дней назад
Great review!! ThanksThe 7th Rule!!
@daveagreg 6 дней назад
I feel like a broken record (or data recorder) at this point but...FANTASTIC episode and start of the review! Mark Lenard is a legend and the scenes with Patrick Stewart are incredible. I remember being so emotionally taken in with this episode, even on so many repeat viewings. Thanks @the7thRule ! ❤💛💙🤓🖖🏾
@louisea966 6 дней назад
awesome and logical episode. thanks all