@Boetianoffical День назад
Really missed when this guy did rome 2 , since theres nothing that intresting,im gonna unsub
@Boetianoffical День назад
Romans got clapped
@SonofKiernan 2 дня назад
Bone giant blows so bad. He needs some love from devs
@NotlostMcTwitchyrat 2 дня назад
Honestly was just a little surprised by this one. Don’t usually see spawn catching Ws.
@crukih7527 2 дня назад
Who woulda thought a whip is a terrible weapon for war…
@Indian_Tovarisch 2 дня назад
Pitchfork supremacy
@pickledgarbage7528 3 дня назад
Well dragon oggres are anti large units so..
@yeetusparakeetus 3 дня назад
Good stuff having the deck gunners use their range advantage 👍
@olonam60 3 дня назад
What mod are you using for the reskin ?
@rowanroberts7140 3 дня назад
Truly a slaughter to make the Ruinous Powers pleased!
@unukthewarrior8077 4 дня назад
Whait what!? Daaaaaaaaaaamn, the forsaken's cant even deal shit againts 40 armor unit i guess it's beceaus is an slaneesh one but...i dont know if the other variants can do much better
@Verg1l0 2 дня назад
I think they can only dish out a lot of damage on unarmoured, no amour piercing damage infantry, but not designed to last long against high melee attack armour piercing infantry. I mean if you look at their frenzy passive which provides them with 10 MA is only active when above 50% leadership. So when something hit the forsakens really hard, their leadership will drop fast and destroy their damage potential.
@lukeingle5587 4 дня назад
Slannesh ran after getting the 69. Nice
@bellmaster4088 4 дня назад
Chosen halberds doing their jobs, man eaters were losing a bit with their antilarge though
@donkarnage6986 4 дня назад
Shadow warriors would run away... maybe redo this?
@richyshin6010 3 дня назад
then bombardiers would never win😅
@owenc1627 4 дня назад
Its a shame how bad all of VC's coasts gunpowder roster feel. Why do gatling gunners designed to destroy armor/shields with such a larger range get absolutely trashed by archers with a fourth of the missile power? The couple volleys they got off before the elves got in range should have evened out the entities but it did like nothing. The first volley the elves did matched the gunners first 3
@emperorlokire7648 3 дня назад
Most of it is because the elves are have silver shields.
@evildumdum7 3 дня назад
That and the fact they have very different roles. Archers are meant mostly for thinning out low armour monsters and infantry. They directly counter the gunners. The gunners are meant for taking out high armour infantry or even better cavalry / monsters. Had they been up against say, ushabati bows or medusa the story would have been very different.
@owenc1627 4 дня назад
Ogres should be at a level of strength that it feels borderline impossible to win a straight melee 1v1 against most units that aren't just as monstrous (minotaurs, animated hulks, etc)
@Nickelback8469 4 дня назад
Why? A lot of races don't have monstrous infantry, Chosen w/ Halberds are some of the best anti large infantry in the game, and Maneater Great Weapons are specialized for anti large. Everything about this matchup is in favor of the Chosen and they should win it. If you take 1 Maneater model vs 1 Chosen model the Maneater would probably win
@rubric-eo5yj 4 дня назад
bro have you read warhammer fantasy lore,if you have then you must know how strong chosen are and infact most chosen would probably win against ogre just by skill and the blessing provided by the chaos gods
@ArlitFromSaphery 5 дней назад
as always, asur is top
@Herlss 5 дней назад
Dude I am running an ASUS 3090 with 64gb of DDR4 and an AMD Ryzen 7000x3D processor and I can't get my game to look this good what in God's name do you have for hardware?
@Vincentorix 4 дня назад
What’s your monitor setting? Try adjusting it for a better resolution.
@looming_ 3 дня назад
Who said this is raw gameplay, might be edited to high he’ll to look this good.
@thenightqueen0 5 дней назад
Cygor getting hit: *dramatically falls over* Bone giant getting hit: *slightly shifted at worst/on average brushes off dust*
@bjack1547 5 дней назад
Rangers seem pretty underrated
@doggod100 5 дней назад
That did not go as I expected, did not think it was going to be that big of a health gap. Ty algorithm for showing me this ❤
@piratesbay6426 5 дней назад
I did not expect that lol
@bigbadbob7070 5 дней назад
Same, was totally expecting the rats to scatter but they held out for much longer than I expected
@andyvanmuilekom7390 4 дня назад
Damn thought the rats were cooked cause poison
@kaze987 5 дней назад
@walk2146 5 дней назад
Your going in the book for this one
@7337simi 5 дней назад
These matchups you do are so stupid. Grave Guard GW are ap ant-I, Slayers have no armour. They are non-ap anti-L, Grave guard have armour and are inf. Whats the point of the matchup?!
@imp173 4 дня назад
The cost of units is the point
@marthvader14 5 дней назад
Lol the one Elf who broke the Ogres' last charge xD
@Overlord99762 6 дней назад
What are Tzeench Marauders like? Big swole nerds?
@unukthewarrior8077 4 дня назад
@kaze987 6 дней назад
Super close
@danibear3558 6 дней назад
Amazing, please ogre bulls (ironfist) vs common ogre bulls
@orale_ 6 дней назад
I mean delete this
@alexcebollero 6 дней назад
This is just bullying Tzeentch brought to you by Khorne
@kizurir8816 6 дней назад
No way a cow can throw a rock further than a skeletton with bow and arrow
@willfrancescofini 6 дней назад
anyone know why the Mutalith loses health when it attacks? Like it registers as an attack animation for the Sphinx. Super weird and I hope it’s not an inconsistency across all SEMs in this patch
@sera6680 5 дней назад
I feel the same but the way he moves camera worth a dislike. what a stupid content maker lol
@jlee545 6 дней назад
I mean,
@jaredkronk4614 6 дней назад
Every Time I see Kislev win these I hit my child. The ball is in your court, CA
@thewheatness 6 дней назад
morale seems very odd in this game
@SunlessSage 5 дней назад
Highly depends on the faction. Dwarfs are very high leadership and will often fight to almost the last dwarf. Tomb Kings are Undead and will never rout.
@warrior_3732 6 дней назад
I mean, for what dragon guards should be doing they did pretty well when outside of their preferred role
@grimalkin8082 6 дней назад
Who would win? Well trained, agile, Immortal dark elves on purebred stallions wielding well-crafted weapons of elvish make - or - elderly, sick, malnourished peasants riding sick, malnourished horses armed with crude, pointy sticks?
@thenightqueen0 5 дней назад
I mean are they really purebred in Naggarond? They always looked so sickly and pale.
@hercules2606hd 6 дней назад
Anti large vs anti infantry. Makes sense why the Vortex Beast lost
@Cesta_Leruth 6 дней назад
I think we all knew who would win this fight. But still a fun fight to watch!
@abbas-aliibnmohammadal-nam929 6 дней назад
What are these test??? Why one unit is allowed to charge when the other is not? You have to either make them both charge or do charge/defence for both units!! It makes a huge difference
@justin_isaac_rada44 7 дней назад
Some Bretonnia players didn’t appreciate the usefulness of the Mounted Yeomen(and bow variant) that these light cavalry are good at scouting, kiting fleeing enemies, and flanking weaker enemies.
@thenightqueen0 5 дней назад
Having zose English peaSAUNTS, playing as if zey are knights?! Ha! As if zat would ever happen. No! Zey will either be spear frontline, archers or trebuchet handlers. Ze noble way of ze knight and cavalry belongs to ze brave and honorable French nobility! As it should be. *bites into my baguette and washes it down with wine*
@Brother_O4TS 7 дней назад
Why is everyone starting their comments with "I mean," lol?
@Kiesl_LK 6 дней назад
i mean..... nah jk idk why
@Smarackto 7 дней назад
I legit dont get why sky lanterns dont come in 4 4 units per squad. its by far one of the worst units in game
@lordcatpotato 7 дней назад
I mean jade warriors is insanely strong and cheap but celestial dragon guard meh.
@Withered_Knight 7 дней назад
Man im first for once
@endlessthunder6161 7 дней назад
I mean dragon guard are for holding off large units while the tzar is anti infantry unit
@striker1382 6 дней назад
This one is not anti infantry. Tzar guard greatsword is anti infantry, this one is just good shielded infantry
@ShadowAimai 7 дней назад
It was more of a contest of which one of these breaks morale faster.
@srcaju5916 7 дней назад
I mean, the dragon guard dint have the balance bonus
@maciejodziomek5408 7 дней назад
Hot take: Bone Giant should have anti-large. Cygor does the same job(unreliable splash damage good against blobs) but at a greater range and with the better impact width. That fits its theme quite well... apart from the fact that it constantly de-aggros(not fixed since WT:WH1 btw unless it's a feature XD). Bone Giant's semi-homing missile should just loose splash and instead become a monster hunting tool. TK and Beastmen are my two fav factions yet these units are legit crap and should be updated.