Overleveled Games
Overleveled Games
Overleveled Games
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How to Play Kingdom Hearts in 2024
21 день назад
CRYMACHINA [PS5] Review - Overleveled Games
9 месяцев назад
SOULVARS [PS5] Review - Overleveled Games
11 месяцев назад
@maydayredd6137 34 минуты назад
eh i prefer dream drop distance and kh 1 tbh magic is so broken in kh1 n its really fun to just stand n spam fireballs with diamond dust n watch everything die
@Ashamedofmypast Час назад
As a fan of atlus I always find it hard to recommend games to people. But for me if you liked nocturn Digital Devil Saga is a great one to try. For smt over all I feel 4 is by far the best option to try out first its Interface is stellar story is strong and it exudes style in its art and audio direction. Similarly P4 is the best starting point imo for person. And devil survivor remains a standout. Many of smt games archaic elements can be big detractors particularly when unfamiliar with the franchise at large.
@dedmeds9845 2 часа назад
Kh2 was my first. It was what got me into the series as a kid.
@Darkrising1993 2 часа назад
Okay I don't care what anyone says, after Chain of Memories, it should be KH2 next and THEN 358/2 Days. They released in that order and KH2 gives you the tease of mystery of Roxas that is ruined if you play (or watch) Days before Kh2.
@overleveledgames 2 часа назад
Fully agree!
@abiean222 4 часа назад
i think so many people find the story of KH to be confusing, because they don't play the games in release order. cause like, yeah, i think harry potter would be confusing if i just started reading it at book 3, then read book 7 next, then finally went and read book 1.
@nifftbatuff676 5 часов назад
SMT3 > SMT4 > SMT5
@realDJAlistar 6 часов назад
bro what took u so long?? This came out late feb
@overleveledgames 3 часа назад
2 kids, 3 jobs
@EmC_PlusR 6 часов назад
I’m a massive Megaten fan. I always recommend SMT3 on pcsx2 over the hd remaster but if it’s not possible I’d still recommend nocturne as the best way to start megaten. In an ideal world I’d tell people to play smt2 but due to its “outdated” gameplay and horrible balance, it’s just not possible LOL. 3/IV are my favorite mainline megaten games, but VV is very good. Definitely don’t play smt1 though, unless you’re a hardcore jrpg fan willing to play through a ton of jank for a great story. Aside from mainline megaten, there’s an abundance of amazing spin-offs, with my personal favorite being the DDS duology and Strange Journey.
@EmC_PlusR 6 часов назад
And I also just think the hdremaster is a massive disappointment, but it makes nocturne more accessible ig Great video by the way, def subbing
@LastKing111 6 часов назад
Great Video. I personally thought the compressed music was intended that way. It really fits the games aesthetic.
@overleveledgames 3 часа назад
It's interesting because not every song in the remaster is compressed. Sometimes during certain cutscenes and stuff, the music will sound perfect
@MrLegatoblue 7 часов назад
I havent played kh2 since i was younger but i hated the beginning lol you run around doing side quests for such a long time in the beginning and playing chatacters you dont know.
@amazingkool 8 часов назад
I figure you'll be very confused by the organization either way if you play COM or KH2 first and you'll never understand everything without all of them AND days under your belt, so imo they're interchangeable in play order as far as the story's concerned. For that reason I'd say play KH2 if you're right off of KH1 because they're much more similar as games, whereas COM is a completely different game and feel. -- Said another way, if you're looking for more KH1, then KH2 is a much better choice than COM
@abiean222 4 часа назад
i never played COM, and honestly, i think it works very well, because you are right there with roxas wondering who these guys in black cloaks are and what the hell is going on.
@BearsDenGaming 9 часов назад
Funny you mentioned the compressed music. I've had SMT 3 on my PC for a while but still haven't played it, but the soundtrack is on Spotify and it sounds way better than at 15:40 Also, I definitely recommend plaything through Persona 5 Royal and Persona 4 Golden. I recently finished Royal after previously only playing the base version back in 2017 and its great. Just started SMT 5 after that because Vengeance just came out, then I gotta pick 3 Reload or Nocturne next if Metaphor isn't out by then.
@___WARLOCK___ 9 часов назад
I'll always recommend Persona games as a starting point to the series. Then the Devil Survivor games, which are kinda halfway between mainline SMT games and Persona. But I might be biased here as I dont care about graphics of a game as much as I care about the story, narrative and the world building I nearly gave up on SMT 3 Nocturne twice on the normal difficulty, but I still cherish that experience (might be stockholm syndrome XD). Great video, would like to see you play more games in the SMT series, especially Shin Megami Tensei 1 or 2 P.S. - Watch MarshSMT's videos if you dont wanna play it but still want to experience it
@overleveledgames 3 часа назад
I'll definitely go back to the originals at some point!
@villainreacts936 9 часов назад
probably just wat for fantasio since every game takes time and with the childrens doesn't seem feasible ahah
@villainreacts936 9 часов назад
i'd say the digital devil saga 1 and 2 are pretty balanced for the combat and encounters compared to smt 3, it doesn't have demons to swap and you can experiment with skills builds since you can switch skills a bit easier. i started with smt 3 at the time cause there was the featuring dante in the cover, me and friends found a copy at gamestop a long time ago ahah. but honestly if you have just a bit of time to dedicate to the games, any of them are pretty good. in smt 3 the strenght build is the easiest one to start.
@nanachilover7289 9 часов назад
For me i believe in playing kingdom hearts in the order of games i have access to and in the canonical order so for me it's starting from birth by sleep, next kh1,kh 0.8 birth by sleep, kh re-chain of memories, 358/2 days,kh2, re:coded (cutscenes only) then dream drop distance and finally kh3
@misterfinnster3562 10 часов назад
I've been fully disabled since 2018. I played the hell out of Rebirth. I mastered everything, and earned the platinum trophy. As I sunk so much time into the game, slogging through tedious mini-games, conquering the ridiculously difficult challenges in Chadley's simulator, earning every single item and materia, and mastering every weapon, I couldn't help but think: who is this game for? I have the time to do all that, and I still thought it was far too much. When I was working full-time, there's no way that I could be able to play this game. How are people with careers, families, college, responsibilities, appointments, and everything involved with life finding the time to play it? I have the luxury of having more flexible time to play, and I still felt overwhelmed. Length of a game does not qualify it as a satisfactory game. Half of the mini-games and side content needed to be dropped entirely, and the difficulty level on the absurdly cheap, rigged boss fights and simulator battles on hard mode needed to be reduced. Yeah, there's easy mode, but that's mindless and dull. I just don't get how people can platinum this game in so little time with all the responsibilities and commitments everyone has every day. The balance of fun, length, and challenge are all out of whack here. It could have been the greatest game ever made, but I think it falls short. One moment, I'm having the time of my life. The next, I'm bored. The next moment, I'm far too frustrated. The next moment, I'm having fun again. The next moment, I resent how much time SE expects me to invest into it. For me, it was a schizophrenic experience of either having a blast, or wanting to set it down and never touch it again. It could have been a 10/10 with better balancing and reduced content. Instead, it ends up a 7/10 for me. A good game, yes, but I don't think I'll ever play hard mode again. There's a good a chance that I never play the game again at all. I went back to the Pixel Remasters. Maybe it's because I'm old and I've been playing Final Fantasy games since the SNES days, but I'm enjoying the classic games far more.
@overleveledgames 10 часов назад
Man, thank you so much for sharing!
@ng6635 11 часов назад
You should also play 358/2 days before kh2
@jetsetewalk7618 6 часов назад
Definitely not
@alecpheonix0761 12 часов назад
I started the series playing Dream Drop distance, and I asked my sister who the fuck Ansem was, I never got past Xemnas who I actually knew, I had no fucking idea who Ansem was, watched a walkthrough on every game that wasn’t DDD, replayed the game, and I enjoyed it a lot more, now that I am no long a kid, and I have played the entire series, I have to say I enjoyed DDD a lot more knowing what the fuck was happening, and Ansem somehow became one of my favorite characters, also I read the days manga fully before I knew the plot of Chain of memories, it’s why I actually like Dymex
@WhiteSupreme 12 часов назад
Can't remember if IV or Mystic Quest was the first Final Fantasy I played but I know that VI is the best. I used to sit with my mom when she would play games like Shining Force, Sword of Vermillion, Phantasy Star and such. We would draw maps on graph paper. I would always remind her what to do since I was watching the whole time. When she passed away ten years ago I took her PS3 and her copy of XIII and I finished her file and got the platinum.
@overleveledgames 12 часов назад
Beautiful, thank you for sharing!
@ty4ler416 14 часов назад
Kh2fm will forever be in my top 5 games …. Combat , story , visuals , music where overall incredible and I still tear up sometimes when I play certain themes on my iPhone …. (I’m 28 year old athletic male btw)
@tristanjordan2709 7 часов назад
I also consider it in my top five and I'm also a 28 year old autistic male.😂 small world 😅
@RoninOwin1738 15 часов назад
I knew someone who played BBS first and then dropped 1 cause they thought it was boring
@carloaB14 15 часов назад
Or start with Final Fantasy 15 for the boys
@overleveledgames 15 часов назад
@ggregg2667 15 часов назад
Aint no way you're making it past the prologue if KH2 is your first experience of the series.
@NinjapowerMS 16 часов назад
You either start with SMT V or SMT III. There's really no choice unless you can tolerate the DS graphics or just 1990s graphics from the other SMT titles lol.
@overleveledgames 15 часов назад
Like I mentioned in the video, graphics are veeeery low on my list as far as what draws me into a game. Artistic direction and world design all DAY!
@GrandTemplarVigilant 7 часов назад
Barring graphics those two are just the most accessible SMT games with ports to modern consoles and PC ports.
@Ashamedofmypast 2 часа назад
I'd argue 4 or 4 apocalypse he'll even SJ are better starting points. But I also think V kinda sucks. Hear VV is better but haven't checked it out. For the megaten over all I think P4 and DDS1+2 are the best places to get a taste
@loope9421 Час назад
Nah smt4 better than both
@LesbianSetzer 17 часов назад
ff6 is tha best one
@cameronmerrill_ 17 часов назад
@binglesnort 19 часов назад
What is the difference between 1 and COM? I’ve heard people say it’s the same game but just replacing heart with memory, but is there anything beyond that? Different dialogue or worlds?
@domonchief 19 часов назад
Different story altogether, although you hit the same disney worlds minus Deep Jungle (Tarzan) The combat system is also changed completely. So no, it is a sequel to the first game and it's its own thing.
@binglesnort 18 часов назад
@@domonchief that’s good to know. I’ll have to retry it. I didn’t get very far the first time I tried it because I thought it was all the same
@Kyfelos 20 часов назад
Sorry your game had too much game.
@overleveledgames 20 часов назад
Truly a shame
@TheRavenofSin 21 час назад
I couldn't stand the gameplay of chain and re:chain. Kh1 was my first game, though, and while flawed, it was fun.
@mmin298 21 час назад
gilgamesh is rooted to almost every game and connects a few of them. Like the crystals connect alot if not all games. Cid is in every game. Ff7 remake made a nod to ffx2 by having Shinra in one of the pictures. There is alot to connect if you look. And a few things have even been told to us by the creators and story writers.
@eddiespaghetti7878 23 часа назад
Just beat the first game for the first time ever. I don’t understand why people say to start with 3. Im sure it’s timeline related but I’d rather be as confused about the story as people were when these games were coming out.
@johnnytaylor4676 23 часа назад
I’m ready for 4 and ong I wish they would add more to ff16
@EddiePReacts День назад
I bought this and realized i just dont want to commit to the grind in front of the tv anymore. Handhelds are a godsend and in waiting on it to come to pc so i can beat it on my legion go or rog ally in bed during my down time
@archwingdragon9411 День назад
Counterpoint: play them in story order. Birth by sleep, 1, (re)chain of memories, 358/2 days, 2, Dream drop distance, then 3. I'd look up the story for the mobile games if you really want the whole story, mainly cause union x isn't running anymore 😅
@jetsetewalk7618 6 часов назад
Playing in story order ruins foreshadowing and big reveals
@abiean222 4 часа назад
hey! don't forget kingdom hearts 0.2: birth by sleep - a fragmentary passage!
@JsquaredAU День назад
Im loving it so far. Im 25 hours in, at Casa del sol. I love the side content too. But i empathize with you. Im 29 and life is so much busier. Working a lot in regards to my career, and my first child in October. Dont know how many 100 hour games ill be doing in the future.
@godfatherkyu3276 День назад
I played the numbered series first then I got to play the in betweens and I was really satisfied feeling in the holes and learning about the characters I've seen but didn't know much about
@Jinjukei День назад
For me FF 8 is best.
@christocanoid День назад
I do love KH2, but i just love Birth by Sleep more. But I've played KH1 the most number of times. At least thrice a year
@mattkramer8426 День назад
I put 178 hours in the game and got the platinum. I did most of the side content stuff in my first play through. It was on dynamic and it took me 80 hours. The 88 awards for Johnny hotel and the chadley br battles and all that just getting ready for them and getting everything I needed took me another close to 100 hours. But I also went back and did everything on the play log too except for the assess enemies. I’m at 225/230 and one is the cavestalker. Apparently if you don’t assess it during the protorelic side quest in chapter 11 you can’t ever see and assess them again. Other than the last 5 assessing enemies the rest of the game is 100% done. But when I was done good god. I was done with it. The game was the epitome of a grind for certain things.
@jacksonpizzolato-yl2py День назад
Great video man! I tried downloading final fantasy 15, but the download time was 8 hours. So Im trying to attempt to download it today becaus of you! Thanks!
@overleveledgames День назад
I'm glad you found it helpful!
@CozieGhosty День назад
COM was my first Kingdom Hearts game, and both COM and 2 are my absolutely favorite in the franchise.
@bashdeasy День назад
When I came to cosmo canyon and the girl and her chocobo trauma side quest came I was like 'Aaaaalright. Main Story only' to prevent this burnout exactly. Idk what it was about her specific quest but she fried my last braincell able to do side stuff 🥲
@Conoido День назад
If you unsure if Kingdom Hearts is for you, I am going to tell you to start with 2, just the tutorial part, the prologue, after that prologue is done, decide if that game is for you, if it is, start KH1, that is how I make everyone loves this series, worked every time.
@perochialjoe День назад
If FF14 was my first game in the series I would never even touch the series again. It is physically painful it's so boring, especially if you've ever played another MMORPG before.
@randomuseroftheday362 День назад
Back then, when I was a wee lad of 4. I jumped straight into kh2 and had a fun time. Then I played, days, went to kh1, played com, then recom, bbs, ddd, kh3. The correct order is release order and I stand by that, but itd also be slightly hypocritical of me to say that because I jumped in at 2.
@themissingsamurai День назад
and fighting with the world ends with you characters
@0rderSol День назад
Nah, jump into 2. KH1 is pretty much non-canon and the recap of KH2 is more than enough and Chain is just bad.
@overleveledgames День назад
Hottest take I've ever seen, lol
@randomuseroftheday362 День назад
Non canon is crazy.
@heavyisthecost5264 День назад
Абсолютно прав! Вы и вполовину не проникнитесь кингдом хартс 2, если не загляните в кингдом хартс 1 и кингдом хартс замок забвения Сюжет там слишком важен И очень вас прошу, обязательно, ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО, посмотрите 358/2 после кингдом хартс 2. Это ещё важнее, чем первые две игры
@overleveledgames День назад
@N3TSLVM День назад
This saga is intended to be experienced in release order: KHI, CoM, KHII, Coded, 358/2, BBS, DDD, 0.2 BBS, χ Back Cover [which is a movie], KHIII, and MoM (I didn't include χ[chi], Unchained χ, and Union χ[Cross]/Dark Road because these games are presently unplayable) Square intended for Kingdom Hearts to be played in release order not only for the purpose of grasping and putting together the narrative (learning about the root of the story), but from a gameplay standpoint too. KHI set the rules and every entry followed them. It's important to remember that WE are Sora, and being put into a story that's being told long before Sora gives us not only perspective, but a more cohesive narrative. George Lucas did the same thing, starting the theatrical narrative of Star Wars on Episode IV It's more important to establish the rules of the universe and understand their evolution in relation to the chronology of the story, rather than experiencing the story in chronological order.